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1、保税监管区域外汇管理办法操作规程保税监管区域外汇管理办法操作规程国家外汇管理局综合司关于印发保税监管区域外汇管理办法操作规程的通知Circular of the Comprehensive Department of State Administration of Foreign Exchange on Printing and Issuing Operating rules of Administrative Measures on Foreign Exchange in Bonded Supervision Area汇综发2007第166号Hui Zong Fa 2007 No. 166国

2、家外汇管理局各省、自治区、直辖市分局、外汇管理部,深圳、大连、青岛、厦门、宁波市分局:The branches and offices of State Administration of Foreign Exchange in all provinces, autonomous region, municipalities, Foreign Exchange Administration Office, in Shenzhen, Dalian, Qingdao, and Ningbo:为贯彻落实保税监管区域外汇管理办法(以下简称办法),国家外汇管理局制定了保税监管区域外汇管理办法操作规程(以

3、下简称操作规程)。The State Administration of Foreign Exchange has formulated the Operating rules of Administrative Measures on Foreign Exchange in the Bonded Supervision Area (hereinafter referred to as Operating rules) for the purpose of implementing the Measures for the Foreign Exchange Control in Bonded

4、Supervision Areas (hereinafter referred to as the Measures. 现将操作规程印发给你们,请遵照执行,并就有关事项通知如下。The Operating Rules are printed and distributed to you. Please observe and implement it. The relevant particulars are notified as follows.一、 自2007年10月1日起,国家外汇管理局各分支机构(以下简称外汇局)不再对保税监管区域内企业核发保税区外汇登记证、出口加工区外汇登记证等各类

5、保税监管区域外汇登记证明及外商投资企业外汇登记证,而只颁发保税监管区域外汇登记证。1. The branches of State Administration of Foreign Exchange (hereinafter referred to as foreign exchange bureau) shall not, other than Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Bonded Supervision Area, verify and issue various registration certificates

6、of foreign exchange such as Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Bonded Supervision Area, Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate in Export Processing Area, and Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange for Foreign-funded Enterprises as of October 1, 2007. 同时收缴已颁发的保税区外汇登记证、出口加工区外汇登记证

7、等各类保税监管区域外汇登记证明及外商投资企业外汇登记证。换证工作应当于2008年1月1日前完成。The Foreign Exchange Bureau shall collect the issued registration certificates of foreign exchange such as Registration Certificates of Foreign Exchange in Bonded Area, Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Export Processing Area, and Registr

8、ation Certificate of Foreign Exchange for Foreign-funded Enterprises. The certificate change shall be completed prior to January 1, 2008.二、 换证期间,原各类保税监管区域外汇登记证明、外商投资企业外汇登记证和新颁发的保税监管区域外汇登记证同时使用。2. During the certificate change period, various foreign exchange registration certificates in bonded area,

9、 Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange of Foreign-funded Enterprises and the newly issued Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Bonded Area shall be used at the same time. 2008年1月1日起,不再使用保税区外汇登记证、出口加工区外汇登记证等各类保税监管区域外汇登记证明及外商投资企业外汇登记证。From January 1, 2008, various registration certif

10、icates of foreign exchange such as Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Bonded Area, Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Export Processing Zone, and Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange for Foreign-funded Enterprises shall not be used. 区内企业凭保税监管区域外汇登记证办理经常和资本项目外汇业务,银行应

11、当按规定做好相应外汇账户管理等信息的收集和报送工作。The enterprises within the area herein shall handle current and capital account foreign exchange by presenting the Registration Certificate in the bonded supervision area, the bank shall do well information collection, report and delivery of foreign exchange account adminis

12、tration in accordance with the relevant regulations.国家外汇管理局各分局、管理部接到本通知后,立即转发辖内支局和保税监管区域管理机构以及银行、企业等,做好宣传及换证准备工作,及时为区内企业换发保税监管区域外汇登记证,并尽快完成相关操作培训。执行中如遇问题,请及时向国家外汇管理局综合司反馈。All branches and offices of State Administration of Foreign Exchange, shall, after having received the Circular, transferred it t

13、o the branches within their respective jurisdiction, administration offices of bonded supervision area, banks and enterprises, promote the publicity and do well the certificate change preparatory work, change the Foreign Exchange Registration Certificate in the Bonded Supervision Area, complete the

14、relevant operation training in time. Please reflect to the Comprehensive Bureau of State Administration of Foreign Exchange the problems in time in the process of implementation.联系人:刘宏玉荆琴Contact Person: Liu Hongyu, Jing Qin电话:6840212968402429传真:68402430Tel.: 68402129 or 68402429 Tax: 68402430国家外汇管理局

15、综合司Comprehensive Department of State Administration of Foreign Exchange保税监管区域外汇管理办法操作规程Operating Rules of Administrative Measures on Foreign Exchange in Bonded Supervision Area第一章外汇登记Chapter I Foreign Exchange Registration第一条 区内企业应当在领取工商营业执照之日起30个工作日内,持工商营业执照、组织机构代码证、经批准的合同(独资企业除外)和章程(外商投资企业还需提供审批机关

16、对设立该企业的批准文件)等有关材料原件及复印件,向注册地国家外汇管理局分支局(以下简称外汇局)申请办理外汇登记手续。Article 1 The enterprises in the bonded supervision area shall, within 30 working days after having withdrawn industrial and commercial license, apply for registration of foreign exchange to the branches and offices of the State Administratio

17、n of Foreign Exchange ( hereinafter referred to as foreign exchange bureau) by presenting industrial and commercial business license, the organization code certificate, the authorized contracts(sole investment enterprises excluded) and the articles of association ( the foreign-funded enterprise shal

18、l also provide the original and copied documents for establishing an enterprises approved by the approval and examination enterprises.外汇局审核区内企业送交的上述材料无误后,向区内企业核发保税监管区域外汇登记证(以下简称登记证)。The foreign exchange bureau shall, after having confirmed the preciseness of the aforesaid documents delivered by the

19、enterprises in the area, verify and issue Registration Certificate of Foreign Exchange in Bonded Supervision Area (hereinafter referred to as Registration Certificate).登记证由国家外汇管理局统一设计,各外汇分局(外汇管理部)自行印制,不得伪造、涂改,不得出租、出借、转让、出卖。The Registration Certificate shall be uniformly designed by the State Adminis

20、tration of Foreign Exchange. The branches or offices of State Administration of Foreign Exchange shall print the Registration Certificate herein by themselves, shall not forge, alter, lend, transfer or sell the Registration Certificate.第二条 在商务主管部门办理对外贸易经营权登记后从事货物贸易经营活动的区内企业,到注册地外汇局办理“对外付汇进口单位名录”和出口核

21、销备案登记手续时,除登记证外,还需提供对外贸易经营者备案登记表、海关注册登记证明书。Article 2 Where such enterprises in the area herein as are engaged in cargo trade operation after the commercial competent authority have handled operation registration for foreign trade hereof handle the Register of Importing Units Making Overseas Foreign E

22、xchange Payments and export verification and cancellation record registration to the registered foreign exchange bureau, the enterprises herein shall submit the Record Registration Form of Foreign Trade Managers and the Customs Registration Certificate besides the Registration Certificate.第三条 区内企业办理

23、外汇登记手续并领取登记证后,有变更名称、地址、经营范围或者发生股权转让、增资、合并及分立等情况的,应当在办理工商登记变更后30个工作日内,将有关材料报注册地外汇局备案,并办理外汇登记变更手续。Article 3 Where such enterprises in the area as have handled foreign exchange registration and withdrawn the Registration Certificate need change the name, address, business scope or have stock option tra

24、nsfer, capital increase, merger or division, the enterprises herein shall, within 30 days after having handled industrial and commercial registration, report the relevant documents to the registered foreign exchange bureau for record and handle the registration change of foreign exchange.第四条 区内企业经营期

25、满或因故导致经营终止,经审批机关批准解散的,应当在审批机关批准之日起30个工作日内到注册地外汇局办理外汇登记注销手续,交回登记证。Article 4 Such enterprises in the area herein as have been approved by the approval authority to be dissolved due to expiration of business period or cession for some reason, the enterprises herein shall, within 30 days after having be

26、en approved by the examination and approval authority, handle the registration and cancellation of foreign exchange to the registered foreign exchange bureau and return the Registration Certificate hereto.第五条 区内企业遗失登记证,应当自知道遗失之日起5日内登报发表遗失声明,并在登报声明后5个工作日内向注册地外汇局报告,注册地外汇局凭遗失声明给予补发。Article 5 Such enter

27、prises in the area herein as have lost its Registration Certificate shall publish the announcement of lost within five days after having known the lost, and shall, within five days after having published the announcement of lost in the newspaper, report it to the registered foreign exchange bureau w

28、hich shall reissue the Registration Certificate on the merit of the announcement of lost herein.第六条 区内企业办理外汇业务时,除按本操作规程提供规定的凭证和商业单据外,还应当出示登记证。Article 6 Such enterprises in the area herein as handle foreign exchange business shall present the Registration Certificate besides the credence and business

29、 documents required to be presented by these Operating Rules herein.外汇局通过外汇年检对登记证每年核证一次,经过核证的登记证有效,期限一年。其中区内外商投资企业还应当同时遵守境内区外外商投资企业验资询证、联合年检等外汇管理规定。The foreign exchange bureau herein shall examine and verify the Registration Certificate having passed the annual examination and the verified Registrat

30、ion Certificate shall be valid for one year. The foreign-funded enterprises in the area herein shall comply with such foreign exchange administrative measures as the capital examination certificate of foreign-funded enterprises in or outside area herein, and the joint annual inspection.第二章外汇账户管理Chap

31、ter II Foreign Exchange Account Management第七条 区内企业开立、变更、关闭经常项目外汇账户,持登记证,按照境内区外经常项目外汇账户管理规定,直接到银行办理相关手续。Article 7 Where the enterprises in the area open, alter, close foreign exchange accounts under current account, the enterprises herein shall, by presenting the Registration Certificate and in accor

32、dance with the regulations on foreign exchange accounts under current account outside the area in the boundary of the Peoples Republic of China, handle the relevant procedures to the designated bank.第八条 区内企业开立、变更、关闭资本项目外汇账户,持登记证,按照境内区外资本项目外汇账户管理规定办理,并按照相应外汇账户管理规定办理外汇收支。Article 8 Where the enterprises in the area open, alter, close foreign exchange accounts under capital account, the enterprises herein shall handle the foreign exchange collection and payment by presenting the Registration Certific

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