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1、小站教育GMATOG语法重点汇总GMAT_OG 语法重点汇总OG 语法第三遍终于做完了,随手整理了一些 OG 中的重点(结合 OG 题后解释 和 XDF 课堂的讲解),希望对大家有用,有错误的地方也请大家批评,哈哈。 下面的编号是与 OG 的题号一致的。1.现在分词强调重复性;定语从句强调一次性2.A of B 结构中,A 是中心词,谓语动词与 A 一致the size of Colorados 错of 用于没生命的对象(如国家 United States of America)s 用于有生命的对象(树没有生命)3. to do A, to do B, and to do C 对to do A

2、, do B, and do C 对情态动词可否省,亦看第二个肯定句用 and,否定句用 or仅有 no/not 代表否定句5. 句中出现 any,要判断是否为语气词(强烈语气),若是,则要保留。6. 主语作 宾语 优先使用名词(在名词与 Ving 之间)所有格结构的宾语 介词结构的宾语try to do/try doing 对try that/try and do 错7. n+that+be+adj 错 人+that+be+adj 错9. believe that believe sb/sth to bethat 引导宾从不可省,引导定从可省the infinitive “to be” is

3、 more appropriate that the limited present-tense “is” in referring to an event that occurred long ago but have been discovered only recently.10. however 表强烈语气,不能忽略there be 表自然存在状态语气词不能省11. 分词结构(doing/done,介词+分词,连词+分词)的省略结构的逻辑主语 是后面主句的主语base/compare 只用于被动语态12. 同一句话中,相同的代词(可能不同格)必须指代相同的对象代词先于主句出现,一般指主

4、句主语,但在下句中则指代不清:New small business are not subject to the applicability of formulas for cashflow and the ratio of debt to equity in the same way as established big business, because they are growing and are seldom in equilibrium.13. soar, rise, raise, increase, grow 出现两个则语义重复动词优于抽象名词when rates means

5、“prices charged”, it should be followed bu for.14.estimated to be15. 原文中的情态动词要尽量保留(may)without doing/sthdistinguish A from Bdistinguish between A and Bwhich 引导的非限制性定语从句不是不能用,但要确保无歧义 A, B do 要求 A、B 性质完全一样17. 不光要判断选项本身的对错,还要把选项放到原文中判断其对错过去完成时(had been)changes the original meaning (were)b

6、y suggesting that the Native Americans had previously ceased to be part of the widespread culture.18. 主谓单复数一致,被修饰成分和修饰成分单复数一致强调整体用 all,强调个体用 each(不能用 every one)all, each 表强调语气,不能忽略19.比较结构中的尽量补出原则不一定是补助动词,只要无歧义就行20. so+adjsuch+抽象名词强调句正确选项往往是 A,倒装句(强调句的一种)不能变为正常语序21. food allergies 食物过敏总称an allergy to

7、 sth 对某物过敏先行词与主句主语要逻辑对称attributes A(an effect)to B(a cause) A is attributed to B22. notbut 结构要求时态、句式对称not butrather thaninstead of24. 介词+名词介词+动名词whether or not 错25.规定仅规定分词与分词相对称,没有说现在分词不能与过去分词对称,判断 的依据是动作的主语是动作发出者还是承受者26. of all 表最高级maybe 错,因为太口语化27. In D, the phrase and published in Harlem is too r

8、emote from theMessenger to modify it effectively.把原文的修饰成分变成主干,一般为错being+n/adj 一般为错28. continue 不能用于进行时态、复合时态(例 have been and will)be to do/be going to do 错,因为表主观色彩的将来to 表趋向,coming 也表示趋向,所以 into the coming month 语义重复29. 句中的 some 若表“大约”,则不能省there be done 错32.在同一句话中,过去和现在的时态不能一起用,除了一般现在时的三种特 例(客观事实、政府行

9、为法令法规、科研成果或统计资料)一般过去时改成过去完成时主要看是否出现表过去的过去的时间标志时间状语的摆放要遵从愿意36. be native to somewhere不同时态并不是一定不能在同一个句子中出现,关键是要符合句子的愿意、清楚地表达作者的意思。37.only, last, first 的修饰对象不能变38.若考前文对划线部分的影响,则正确答案的标志是新名词或 doing,错误 答案的标志为 to do 或 which。39. C 选项中,分词充当状语表结果动词不定式一定要有明确的动作发出者42. 过去分词主要用来强调状态和结果(优先选) 现在分词主要用来强调动作和过程concern

10、ing 错误的标志worried about is preferable when describing a condition rather than an action.47. enough 出现在选项中必错用 sothat, soas to 表 enough 的意思48.on account of/because ofknown as doing在 GMAT 中,which 不能指代整个前文,因为产生歧义。51.not unlike 表强调语气52. 作主语优先用名词because 应引导一个句子,而不是其他54.the sameas(as 前后要对称)55.用现在完成时的几种情况:si

11、nce; 大段的时间概念(last, past*年);the world has ever seen/than ever before possible57.the extent to which/to the extent 或名词短语as+句子(包含助动词,助动词位置可前可后)61. require sb to do; require that; require of sb that(后两个用虚拟语气)特指、泛指the A 特指 the A 泛指A 泛指 his A 特指 in danger of doing65.depict/represent/beg

12、in/regard/see/perceive/think of/be prized/be acclaimed+asconsider sth sth66.所有格结构宾语优先用名词67.A so as to B 要求 A、B 逻辑主语一致、用于简单的句子结构so A that B 可以不一致70. it is likely/liable that likely/liable toan a severe disadvantage 处在一个非常不利的境地severely disadvantaged 没有社会地位71. Mike comes and sits here.时间上有先后顺序Coming in

13、, Mike sits here.错Sitting here, Mike comes in.错V1,V2 要判断是否有先后顺序,还是一个是另一个的伴随状态and 前后动词要对称72.double 作动词时是主动语态74.A as an instance of B76. n+of 表限定;n+that 表解释need/importance/necessity ofe(to)/become/remain 表动态过程,在原文中出现不能去掉或变成 be 动 词 和 one 不能混合使用 to do 错85.something/anything/nothing/things/sb/a

14、nybody/someone/no one 要求形 容词后置86.have sth done87. can/be able toability of sb to dobe capable of doing90.allow sb to do 允许allow that 承认91.D 选项中的 just 是弱语气词,不能添加或删除92.asas 肯定语气not so as 否定语气93.原文中的情态动词(如 can)要保留94.not onlybut also 对称结构95. seem 和 like 语义重复原文中的 like 不能变成 seem原文中的 as 不能变成 as if96.过去分词表状

15、态和结果99.动作性名词对称于动作性名词100. prohibit sb from doing 不能加 that forbid to do 不能加 thating 表重复性,that 非限制性重句表一次性101.lower 往往是错误答案,除了指人(fewer)外,都用 less102. except 连接前后性质相同的对象;except for 连接前后性质不同的对象with: I withit 错II 跳跃修饰 the diet of the ordinary Greek in classical times was largely vegetarian-vegetables, fresh

16、 cheese, oatmeal, and meal cakes, with meat as a rarity.103.suchas to 错105.asas; so that 含义不同106.出现特指,其指代对象在前文中一定要出现过,否则不能用特指。107. A with B/along with /together with/as well as/integral to 后面的动词与A 一致A and B 后面的动词用复数not onlybut also/eitheror/neithernor/or 与 B 一致108.过去时变成过去完成时一般为错 regarded as/be

17、 credited with doing/be believed to do/be given creditfor doing112. to do sthfor doing sth主动、被动都可以用的时候,主动优于被动more+adj+n 错n+more+adj 对116.this, that, these, those 单独出现在句中必错,应用 such+n117.the ability of sb to do119.fair 公平的,公正的 fairly 相当地significant 重要的 significantly 相当地121.A order B to do C124.after w

18、hen 错132.equivalent to /the equivalent of/equal to have too broad a range of meanings to be used precisely here: that is, they can suggest more than merely numerical equality. Also, as quantitative expressions, equivalent and equal often modify nouns referring to uncountable things.135.the inclusion

19、 of it requires a comma after classics to set off the new independent clause.145.mandate that A be balanced150.mistake A for B172.not A, but rather B175.due to :to 是介词,后面不能跟句子;比起 because/because of 不简洁177.In D, the sentence form X is why is unidiomatic (X is the reason why would be idiomatic but nee

20、dlessly wordy and awkward).178.政府法令用 Ving 表重复183. avoid 带主观色彩in order to wordy189. like 不能用来举例子不定式一定要有明确的动作发出者190.manifestation 与 show 语义重复192.and 与 in addition 语义重复196.originally 是用一般过去时的标志 well as 要求前后对称e(to)/go/become/remain 要保留208. in thatbecause (of)两者都可用的情况下,同位语优于定语从句或宾语从句省略结构217.order that 用虚拟语气order sb to sth/order sth to be done222.在表达含义相同时,介词由于分词 with having had sth236. can 强调可能性;be able to 强调能力;be able to be done 错help(to) do; help sth to do; helpful in doing sth

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