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1、中山区九年级上册期末试题 中山区2016九年级上册期末试题第二部分笔试部分(共125分)一、单项填空(本题共7小题,每小题1分,共7分)从各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。16.-Cant you see the_ , kids?Look,“No entry!” -Sory,I didnt notice it.A.signB.billC.toolD.picture17.Iam not going to buy new clothes this year in order to _ the waste.A.recycleB.cleanC.reduce D.acce

2、pt18.Everyone must keep _ in the reading room.A.enjoyableB. humorous C.silent D.busy19.Ipromised to use the camera _, so my dad lentittome.A.simply B. easily C.immediatelyD.properly20._ the new rules,the driver must wait untilthe walkers goacross the road. A. in front of B.Accordingto C. Insead of D

3、. Except for21.-Where is your sister,Anna? -I dont know.She ran out _ she answered a phone call.A.sinceB.untilC.before soon as22.-I will go to London to take a vacation after the exam. - _A.You bet.B.Have a good trip.C.Youre kidding.D.Really?Its news for me.二、完形填空(一)(本题共12小题,每小题1分,共12分)阅读下面短文,理

4、解其大意。然后从各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。We can remember some important times in our lives.Some things have become good _23_. They arealways in the corner ofour mind.When I was in a kindergarten(幼儿园), Ihad many toys and friends.They made me laugh and _24_, and brought me happiness and sadness. The teachers

5、 taught us many songs and games. We played all day. _25_ we did not know what learning was at thattime,we were learning every day.When I was in a primary school,I was excited to learn school subjects.Nearly everysubject _26_ my attention.However,my favourite was science.I remembered on the first day

6、 our science teacher told us the sun was like a big fire ball. It was such a big _27_ andwe kept our mouths open.We _28_ the secret of nature.We want to know _29_ a fishsleeps.Does it stand and close its eyes?Later many other things came to our _30_.We began to learn carefully.When I was ten years o

7、ld,I started to read newspapers,visit museums and make manyfriends.I also attend different courses or clubs, _31_ photography and poem.Every daywas something new, _32_and exciting.Now I am in the middle school.Each day is new to me.Happily,I am still learning. It islikea _33_ tome.I have learned a l

8、ot,but there is _34_ a long way for me to go. I hope to become a learned(有学向的) person some day.23.A.friends B.memoriesC.abilitiesD.opinions24. A. grow B. fail C. jump D. cry25.A.If B.WhileC. AlthoughD.Because26. A. caught B.considered C. recorded D. stopped27. A. surprise B.classC. step D. joke28.A.

9、worried aboutB.look care of C. became interestedin D.suffered from29.A.whenB.why C. where D. how30.A.classrooms B.turnsC. books D.cars31. A.includingB.amongC.besideD.with32.A.simple B. InterestingC.well-knownD.hopeless33.A.war B. journey C. business D. task34.A. notB.nearlyC. stillD.again三、阅读理解(一)(本

10、题共13小题,每小题2分,共26分)A.阅读下列短文,从各题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。Passage 1Great inventions keep the world moving forward and making life easier.Lets take alook at a few of them. Just as email has changed the way we write to each other,e-books arechanging the way we read.We can easily download new e-books from theinter

11、net. It is much easier andquicker to search for passages now,and wecan also write notes in e-books.Whats more,they save a lot of paper.Its common to carry things on bikes,trains and even planes.But doyou know small drones(无人机) can help carry packages(包裹)to yourhome? It is Googles latest invention. P

12、ackages can be sent to buyers bydrone to door.And the time will be greatly cut down.Youll be able toorderonline in the morning.And by noontime,the drone will land your package.Around the world,there are about 663 million people who dont haveclean drinking water.Part of the reason is they cant afford

13、 expensive|filtration(过滤)systems.Scientists developed the Drinkable Book,an easyand affordable filtration systems. It is a book that can kill over 99 percent ofharmful bacteria(细菌)in water.35. Wecan use e-books to_ according tothe passage.A.change our life musicC. write on the

14、 Internet36.Googles latest invention will be a great help in _.A.traveling B.reading C.drinking D. Shopping37.How is the Drinkable Book?A.Powerful B. Affordable C. Harmful.D.Expensive38. Which of the following is TRUE? A. One of the advantages of small drones is to save time. B. Youll have to wait a

15、t the door for drones to land your packages. C. More and more paper will be used if we use e-books to read passages. D. Because of bad filtration systems, people dont have clean drinking water.Passage2LiDan,14,from Sichuan,was watching news on her iPhone when her mother came in. Her mother asked her

16、 to turn itoff,but Lirefused.I was taking a rest.I wont use it for long,said Li.“But she didnt listen.I couldnt understand her!”Many children feel the same as Li.They might feel as if their parents want to control them.The main reason behind this is that children are growing up and want to make thei

17、r own decisions,but parents have their worries, too. Lismother thought she was“too young” to use the iPhone in the right way”. Besides,both children and parents have stresses in their own lives.Children have to study hard,while their parents need to make money for the whole family.“To solve the prob

18、lem,children should walk in their parents shoes,said Liu Zichen,from Hubei.Our parents just show the life experience that we dont have now. And they are often right,she said.“Just calm down and think over why they say so.Zhang Xin,15,from Beijing,advisedthat children find the right time and right wa

19、y to talk to their parents.“Dont argue(争论)with them when theyre very angry. Its taken me many painful lessons to learn that,he laughed.Zhang suggested talking to parents in an easy tone(语气)when doing housework together,during a walk,or, as he usually does, at dinnertime.After all,no one wants to arg

20、ue on an empty stomach!”he said.39.What is Lis problem?A.She spends too much time on her iPhone. B. Her mother doesnt understand her.C.She is too young to use the iPhone.D.She has to make her own decision.40.The underlined word stressprobably means_ in Chinese.A.乐趣B.憧憬C.矛盾D压力41.What is Liu Zichens a

21、dvice to solve the problem? A. Children should think in parentssituation.B.Children should put on their parentsshoes.C.Parents should calm down and think about it.D.Parents should share their experiences with children.42.From the last paragraph.we can infer that _.A.Zhang Xin always follows his pare

22、ntswords B. Its hard for Zhang Xin to choose the right time and right way C. Zhang Xin ever argued with his parents when they were angryD.Talking to parents at dinnertime isthe best way to solve problems43.This passage is mainly about _.A.problems that people to communicate with parentsC.w

23、hy parents want to control childrenD.the relationship between parents and childrenB.阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给的六个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,使短文意思完整、连贯。(有两项为多余选项)Passage3All living things on the earth need other livings to live.Nothing lives alone.Mostanimals must live in a group,and even a plant grows close together wi

24、th others of the samekind.Sometimes one living thing kills another. _44_ Each kind of life eats another kindof life in order to live,and together they form a food chain(链).Some food chains are simple,while others are not.But all food chains begin with the sun,and all food chains becomebroken up if o

25、ne of the links disappears.All life needs sunlight to live on.But only plants can use sunlight directly(直接地).Plants are “factories”. _45_Plants feed all other living things. Animals can only use the suns energy after it hasbeen changed into food by plants.Some animals feed directly on plants.Others

26、eat smalleranimals.Meat-eating animals are only eating plants indirectly. _46_ We are members of many food chains.We eat wheat,rice,vegetables,fruitsand so on. We also eat meat and drink milk.But men often break up the food chains.Theykill wild animals. _47_ When theserivers,lakes and seas are pollu

27、ted,the fish in themcannot be caten.If men cat the fish,they will get strange illnesses.Each form of life is linked to allothers.Breaking the links puts all life in danger.A. What about human beings?B.People shouldnt kill other animals.C. One eats and the other is eaten.D.There are lots of pollution

28、 in our life.E.They make food from sunlight,water and things in the soil and air.F.They also make rivers,lakes and seas dirty.四、情景交际(本题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分)根据对话内容,从框内的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。(有两项为多余选项) Tony: Hi,Danming,who is yourhero? Who have you chosen to talk about?Daming:Deng Yaping!Tony: _48_Daming:I love

29、 table tennis and Deng Yaping is my favouite table tennis player in China.Tony: _49_Daming: As a player, shes won many world competitions. She stopped playing at theage oftwenty four.、Tony: _50_Daming:She attended university abroad.And she completed her doctors degree at Cambridge University. _51_To

30、ny:Thats amazing!Daming:Yes.Deng says that she isntclever than anyone else,but she has a very strong will.Tony:I see. _52_Daming:Yes,shes simply the best!A.What did she do after that?B.Whatever she does,she never gives up!C.Has she got a success?D. Ithink shes a good student as well as a good player

31、.E. Why did you choose her?F.She helped make the Beijing Olympics a victory for world sport.G.What can you tell us about her life?五、完形填空(二)(本题共16小题,每小题2分,共32分)A.用方框内所给词语的适当形式完成下列句子。(每词限用一次,有两个为多余选项) speech natural power four put up writer powerful53.Congratulations to you!This is your _ time to break the city record!54. Its my favorite book,and Im always influenced by the _ ideas.55.Mark Twain gave _ all over the country after his novels came

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