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1、英文写作高级词汇及词组1 essential/vital/significant (重要得)2、 show great interest in /take interest in(对感兴趣)3、develop a sense of(养成得意思)4、 challenging (困难)5、 be of great help(importance,use,value)对有帮助(重要,用,价值)6、 eventually (最后)7、 hurry home (急急忙忙回家)9、 thanks to/ owing to/ (由于)10、 it happens that (碰巧,正好)11、 on con

2、dition that (如果)12、 turn out to (证明就是,结果就是)13、 for the purpose of (为了)14、On hearing the news (当听到)15、 have trouble in doing sth (不能做)16、 result in (导致)17、 endless homework(许多作业)18、 care nothing for(不喜欢)19、 be under construction (在建造中)20、be annoyed with (对生气)21、 on schedule (按时)22、 be occupied with/b

3、ury oneself in、 (忙于)23、 show great interest in: be fascinated by (对感兴趣)24、 threaten people lives、 (威胁人们得生命)25、 personally (speaking); based on ones personal idea; (依我瞧)26、make an apology to sb (向某人道歉)27、 be involved in/ participate in (参加)28、 be faced with (面对)29、 offer/ organize (组织)30、 an increasi

4、ng number of people (越来越多得人)31、activities of many different kinds (很多不同种类得活动)32、enjoy the performance given by the students from (观瞧由演出得表演)33、 live a happy life (过着幸福生活)34、 catch sight of (突然瞧见)35、 all of a sudden ( 突然)36、 have a strong appetite for knowledge (对知识得渴望)37、 in a hurry (急急忙忙)38、do what

5、one can to do/ spare no effort to do (尽力做某事)39、 without hesitation/ delay (立刻)40、 for the reason that (因为)41、 exhausted ( 很累,精疲力竭)42、 be astonished at (对感到吃惊、意外)43、 in no time (立刻,马上)44、 swiftly (快得,迅速得)45、be accustomed with (习惯于)46、like; love; prefer; enjoy; be interested in; be fond of、 (喜欢)47、hat

6、e; dislike; be tired of; lose interest in、(不喜欢)48、happy; excited; pleased; satisfied、(高兴)49、angry; sad; worried, disappointed, terrified, mad; frightened (生气)50、 be determined to do (决定做某事)51、outstanding,distinguished (优秀得,杰出得)52、 be addicted to, be crazy about, be absorbed in (对迷恋,沉积于)53、 make use

7、of(使用)54、 pay a visit to(参观)55、 be supposed to(应该)56、 be located in(位于)57、 be expected to(希望,期待)58、 be scared(害怕)60、as well as(与)61、deliver (送)62、share the time with(与一起度过得时光)63、be in great need of(急需)记叙文高级词汇1. On ones way to (再去)2. Do a good deed (做好事)3. Be thankful to sb for sth (对感谢、感激)4. throw o

8、ff ones clothes (迅速脱掉衣服)5. be too frightened to move (害怕得不敢动)6. struggle for (为奋斗、努力)7. pay a visit to (参观)8. be about to do sth, when (正要突然)9. learn a lesson from (从中得到教训)10. teach sb a lesson (给某人一个教训)11. keep the lesson in mind (牢记教训)12、 make up ones mind (下决心)13、cause a loss of (造成损失)14、with the

9、 sun setting down (随着太阳得下山)15、say goodbye to (向告别)16、forget the passing of the time (忘记了时间得过去)17、be in lost in (沉寂在之中)18、just at the time (正在这个时候)19、before long (不久)20、return to normal (恢复正常)议论文高级词汇1、do good to (对有益) 2、do harm to (对有害) 3、hold a view (持得观点) 4、a waste of (浪费) 5、 have an effect on (对有影

10、响) 6、 advantage and disadvantage (优点与缺点) 7、be crazy about (对着迷)8、be lost in (沉寂于) 9、to ones surprise (使某人吃惊得就是) 10、 result in (造成)说明文高级词汇1、be high/ rich in (在方面富有)2、have an advantage over (在方面有优势)3、be similar to (与相似)4、be popular among (在中流行)5、contain (包含,包括)6、differ from (与不同)7、tasty (可口得)8、delicio

11、us (美味得)9、be made from (由制成)10、be made of 由制成)11、convenient (方便,便利)12、attractive (有吸引力得)13、fascinating (着迷得)14、remend (推荐)15、of great value (很有益)16、be worth doing (值得做)17、of high quality (高质量)18、not onlybut also (不但而且)19、do good to (对有好)20、is good for (对有益) 人物介绍高级词汇1、be ready to do (准备做)2、fashionabl

12、e (时髦得,流行得,时尚得)3、humorous (幽默得,风趣得)4、gentle (温柔得)5、such as 这就就是)6、be elected a model (被选为模范)7、be deeply respected and loved (深受尊敬与爱戴)8、win great honor for (以感到荣幸)9、break/ keep the record of (打破、保持记录)10、 set a new record (创造一个新得记录)词组1、develop a good eating habit(养成好得饮食习惯)2、keep healthy/keep fit(保持健康)

13、3、build up body(增强体质)4、gain knowledge(获得知识)5、serve country(服务国家)6、treasure/ value time(珍惜时间)7、increase ones knowledge, broaden ones horizon(增长知识,拓宽视野)8、increase dramatically(迅猛整涨)9、attract more attention(引人注目)10、be heavily burdened with(负担过重)11、have easy access to(很容易做/进入)12、develop a sense of indep

14、endence(养成独立得意识)13、shoulder the responsibility(肩负/肩负责任)14、be monly acknowledged as(公认就是)15、do what one can to do(尽力去做)16、e up with an idea(想出主意)17、offer ones help to (帮助某人)18、as is previously stated(如前所述)19、lighten ones burden(减轻负担)20、stimulate the development of industry(刺激工业得发展)21、make China bette

15、r known to the world(使世界更加了解中国)22、be addicted to/ be absorbed in(沉溺于) 23、Great changes have taken place in(发生了巨大变化) 24、pared with(与相比) 25、get the support from(得到资助) 26、prefer to rather than(想做而不想做) 27、 have a population of(有多少人口)have a history of 28、have an area of/ with an area of(有多少面积) 29、be far

16、from(远非,远达不到) 30、take effective measure to do (采取有效措施)31、achieve the goal(达到目标)32、above all/ most importantly(首先,重要得就是)33、have a good knowledge (mand ) of (掌握)34、As a result(所以)35actually/ as a matter of fact(实际上、其实)36、take good advantage of(利用,使用)37、find it difficult to do sth(发现做很难)38、fail to do s

17、th (不能做)39、tend to do sth(喜欢做)40、keep +宾语+宾补(形,副,分词,不定式,介词短语) (使保持)41、 vary from person to person (个人各不相同)42、 make it a rule to do( that) (做某事养成了习惯)43、no soonerthan/hardlywhen(一就)44、 have no idea (不知道)45、 dash for (向急跑去)46、turn up(来到)47、turn to sb、 for help(向某人求助)48、a boy of sixteen(一个16岁得男孩)49、appr

18、iciate(感谢)50、be suspended(暂停)51、cause a lot of loss to(给带来很大得损失)52、be aware(意识到)53、contribute to(贡献)54、share with(与人分享)55、judge sb by his appearance(根据某人得表象判断)56、talk it over to your friends(把这件事说给朋友听)57、my experience of working as (哪方面得体验)58、with the development of our living standard(随着我们生活水平得提高)5

19、9、cultivate the habit of(养成得习惯)60、go in for(从事)62、with ones great effort(经过自己得努力)63、show ones great talent in(有哪方面得天赋)64、draw the worlds attention by(通过引起世人关注)65、be presented to(呈现)66、get to know(知道)67、experience(体验)67、drop out of school(辍学)68、last 10 days(持续了十天)69、supprot the family(养家)70、form a wa

20、steful habit(养成了两飞得习惯)71、give sb a warm wele(欢迎某人)72、have a heated discussion(进行激烈得讨论)73、e to sp for a visit(去某地方参观)74、be for/ be against(赞成)、(反对)75、encourage sb to do(鼓励某人做某事)76、as well(也)77、it was not until that(知道才)78、devoteto(专心与)79、be greatly inspired by(被所感染)80、with its highlydeveloped economy

21、(随着经济得高速发展)81、those who(那些得人)82、do a lot of walking(散步)83、it is a great honor for sb to do(某人做很荣幸)84、rank first in(跻身于)85、gain a lot of knowledge(获得许多知识)86、in every aspect(在各方面)87、pared with(与相比)88、enable sb to do(使某人能做)89、in advance(提前,预先)90、keep a balanced diet(保持饮食平衡)91、stick to(坚持)92、on behalf o

22、f(代表)93、presented by(由表演)94、surely(肯定)95、offer sb a good opportunity to do(为某人提供做某事得好机会)96、obtain a clearer picture of(得到一幅清晰得图片)97、cheerful(高兴得)98、benefit sb a great deal(给某人很大得好处)99、be developed steadily(平稳发展)100、to better serve(更好得服务与)101、enjoy oneself by(通过来消遣)102、free of charge (免费)103、no wonde

23、r(难怪)104、make sth convenient (使方便)105、far away from(远离)106、short the distance(缩短距离)107、keep in touch with(保持联系)108、be admitted to(被录取)109、accelerate the social and economic development(加速社会经济得发展)110、in case of(万一,以免)111、take outdoor exercise(进行户外活动)112、would be grateful to sb if(如不胜感激)113、as usual (

24、象往常一样)114、be punctual(准时)115、free people from the dull housework(从枯燥得工作解脱出来)116、highintelligence(高智商)117、a waste of time(浪费时间)118、apply for a position(应聘某一职位)119、be wearing (穿,戴)120、start off(出发)121、be about 60 kilometers northwest to(得东南约60公里处)122、in the following hours(接下来几个小时)123、double that of(两倍于)

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