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1、写作必背资料写作词汇必备作文常用词人类 the human race/ humanity/ man/ humankind/ 在当代 at present/ currently/ in contemporary society 解决 tackle/ address/ resolve / combat 破坏 destroy/ undermine/ jeopardies / devestate影响 impact/ 危险 hazard/ danger 明显的 manifest/ apparent / evident / obvious从事 carry out / conduct / perform /

2、 go about 积极的,好的 beneficial / advantageous 消极的,坏的 detrimental 好处和坏处 strengths and weaknesses 无处不在 prevalent/ pervasive 大量的 a host of / a multitude of / a vast number of + 复数名词 A great deal of / a vast amount of + 不可数名称单数需要 require / call for 增进 enhance/ boost / improve 贫穷的 deprived / poor 保护 preserv

3、e/ protect 富裕的 affluent / wealthy 污染 contamination 采取措施 take measures / take steps/ take actions 强有力的表达首先 first, firstly, in the first place, to begin with其次 second, secondly, in the second place再次 Besides, In addition, Additionally, Moreover, Furthermore最后 Finally, Last but not the least, Above all

4、, Lastly 主要理由举例如下 The main reasons are listed as follows: 总而言之 All in all, To sum up, In summary, In a word, 可以取代“think”的词 believe, claim, maintain, argue, insist, hold the opinion/belief that引起了公众的广泛关注 arouse wide public concern, draw public attention, 人们普遍认为 It is commonly believed/ recognized tha

5、t不可否认 It is undeniable that There is no denying that热烈的讨论 a heated discussion / debate经不起推敲 cannot bear closer analysis, cannot hold water 有争议的问题 a controversial issue 完全不同的观点 a totally different argument 对这一问题持有不同态度 hold different attitudes towards this issue支持前/后观点的人 people/ those in favor of the

6、former / latter opinion 有/提供如下理由/证据 have / provide the following reasons / evidence 在一定程度上 to some extent / degree, in some way 对。的观点因人而异 views on vary from person to person有直接/间接关系 be directly / indirectly related to 一些人。,而另一些人。 Some people, while others就我而言/就我个人而言 As far as I am concerned, persona

7、lly,就。达成绝对的一致 reach an absolute consensus on 有充分的理由支持 be supported by sound reasons双方的论点 argument on both sides利远远大于弊 the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages有利有弊 Every coin has its two sides导致,引起 lead to, give rise to, contribute to , result in 在。方面发挥着日益重要的作用 play an increasingly important rol

8、e in 对。必不可少 be indispensable to 正如谚语所说,。 As the proverb goes也不例外 be no exception 毫无疑问 Undoubtedly, there is no doubt that 考虑到诸多因素 take many factors into account/ consideration从另一个角度 from another perspective 与。比较 compared with, in comparison with 相反 in contrast, on the contrary 代替 replace, substitute

9、, take the place of 应当承认 Admittedly 无可非议 blameless, beyond reproach 不可推卸的义务 unshakable duty对。有益 be beneficial/ conducive to 为。做贡献 make contribution to 为。打下坚实的基础 lay a solid foundation to 致力于/投身于 be committed/ devoted to满足。的需求 satisfy / meet the needs of 。的必然趋势 an irresistible trend of 有其自身的优缺点 has i

10、ts merits and demerits 对。有害 do harm to, be harmful to, be detrimental to 跟上。的最新发展 keep pace with/ catch up with / keep abreast with the latest development of采取有效措施来做。 take effective measures to do sth 。的健康发展 the healthy development of 重视 attach great importance to 把时间和精力放在。上 focus time and energy on

11、 扩大知识面 expand ones scope of knowledge缓解压力/减轻负担 relieve stress / burden 优先考虑。 give top priority to sth 对。产生有利不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on 充分利用 make full use of , take the advantage of 增进相互了解 enhance/ promote mutual understanding 承受更大的工作压力 suffer from heavier work pressure 保障社会的稳定和繁荣 guar

12、antee the stability and prosperity of our society 更多地强调。 put more emphasis on 提供就业机会 offer job opportunities 适应社会发展 adapt oneself to the development of society 实现梦想 realize ones dream, make ones dream come true. 容易失分的词Benefit from 从中获益Be beneficial to 对有益Lack 直接做动词,接宾语; lack of +名词Affect 影响,做动词discr

13、iminate against sb歧视Modern 注意拼写Research, knowledge, data,information,equipment,progress,garbage, 是不可数名词Staff, 员工的总称。单个员工可表达为 an employee, a staff member be concerned about 关注be concerned with 关于rise 不及物动词,自身提高;raise 及物动词,提高sth或抚养孩子;arise 不及物动词 出现technique 技能方法,可数名称 technology 科技,不可数名词extinct adj bec

14、ome extinct; go extinct; extinction 灭绝outweigh 超过V outweight relative. adj 相对的; be related to 与相关的学会使用抽象词(高分词)Wellbeing 名词,泛指一种良好的状态Job satisfaction is indeed very important to the wellbeing of that person Reality 名词,现实,它的反义词是ideal (adj & n) 理想状态。这个词的形容形式realistic, 反义词 unrealistic It is not unrealis

15、tic to promote more job satisfaction in any job Fulfill 实现,完成(搭配potential, goals, dreams) a sense of fulfilment is also encouraged if a worker feels the job is worth doing.Reflect 反映,体现 some feelings about ones job must reflect how an individual feels about his or her life as a whole Reward 给予回报,它的形

16、容形式rewarding(回报的)也非常常用 there is a sense of progression and purpose that rewards a worker. Justify 让合理/ 证实 的合理性 It often seems that the amount of money they are able to earn in a short time cannot possibly be justified by the amount of work they do.Circumstance 处境,状况others, however, argue that the ci

17、rcumstances of an individual crime, and the motivation for committing it, should always be taken into account when deciding on the punishment Relatively 相对地,比较地(请注意这个词后面是跟形容词的原形,而一定不要跟比较级,很多同学会用错) The majority of entertainers hold their top positions for a relatively short period of time Insecurity

18、不安全感,不安定感Some jobs are repetitive, and labor relations may be poor and lead to insecurity rather than job satisfaction Misery 这个词在地道英文里的所指相当广泛,几乎可以指从unemployment 到poverty 到starvation 的一切让人很心酸的事the misery of unemployment / the misery of poverty Chronic 指某种坏事“持续存在的”,这个抽象形容词用于描述长期存在的坏现象很常用In these coun

19、tries, there has been a chronic shortage of teachers in schools.Mechanism 这个词在写政府类话题时常用,指某种“机制”The government should set up mechanisms to ensure that the tax revenue (税收) can be used properly Incidence 这个抽象名词的意思与rare 接近,但它一般是指某种坏事的发生率There is an increasing incidence of bullying in schools, which has

20、 made both teachers made both teachers and parents very concerned Virtual 虚拟的,这个词在写与互联网有关的话题时很常用Parents must ensure that their children learn to enjoy other kinds of activities and not simply sit at home, learning to live in a virtual world Exposure 这个名词本意是曝光,但它也经常用于媒体类话题,表示接触某类媒体的意思The player is us

21、ually the hero of the game and too much exposure to such games can encourage children to be self-centred and insensitive to others. 不难却拿分的词组On the one hand, on the other hand (强调是对比关系)In terms of (在方面)Regardless of (不管)后面跟名词,动名词或从句For the sake of (为了改善) = for the prupose of helping / improving 写作句子必

22、备正确理解五种句子成分1. 主语是句子要说明的人或事物,可以由名词、代词、动名词(V+ing)、动词不定式(to+v)、what 从句、that从句、 how 从句2. 谓语说明主语的动作、状态或特征。谓语永远只能由动词构成3. 宾语表示动作行为的对象,跟在及物动词之后。能作宾语的有名词、代词、动名词、动词不定式、that从句、 what从句、 how 从句4. 定语修饰名词的成分。最常用的定语就是形容词,还有一种用句子修饰名词的定语,就是定语从句了。5. 状语可修饰动词、形容词或者全句,可以由副词、介词短语、分词短语或者动词不定式构成。有一种难度比较高但是特别拿分的语法现象叫做状语提前分清3

23、种句子简单句:“主语+谓语” 并列句:“主谓宾+主谓宾”, 中间用并列连词串起来复杂句:(连词)+主+谓+宾 + (连词)+主+谓+宾 英文复杂句,本质上不过就是两个(或者两个以上)简单句和连接词的叠加。其中没有连接词引导的那个主谓宾叫做主句,由一个连接词引导的主谓宾叫做从句。主句与从句之间永远只有6种关系因果关系类型单词解释说明原因as因为注意这两个词后面要跟从句而不能只跟一个名词sincedue to因为注意这两组词后面只能跟名词,而不能跟从句owing to结果hence因此用在句首和句中都可以thusthereforeas a consequence作为结果用在句首更常见,后面用逗号a

24、s a resultconsequentlyso that因此用在句中,不能用在句首目的thereby以此达到的目的不能用在句首,而且在正式英语中后面加动名词 举例关系单词解释说明take for example以为例省略号里面只能填名词,不能填句子for instance比如= for exampleSuch as例如后面跟名词,切记不能用在句首This point is best illustrated with the example of 这个观点可以用的例子最有力地证明后面跟名词This point can be confirmed bythe example of 这个观点可以被的

25、例子支持后面跟名词Considerfor example以为例省略号里填入名词或者that从句都可以 is a case in point是一个恰当的例子省略号里填名词对比关系单词说明While用在句首或者句中,表示主句和从句的对比(句内对比)whilstwhereasby/ in contrast用在句首,表示它之前一个句子和它后面引导的句子之间的对比(句间对比)让步关系单词解释说明Despite尽管后面跟名词或者代词In spite ofnotwithstandingnontheless尽管如此后面直接跟完整的句子neverthelessEven though尽管很多时候可以替换altho

26、ugh, 后面跟从句,表示对已经存在的状况让步Even if即使后面跟从句,表示对还没有发生的状况的对比albeit尽管一般用在句子中间,后面跟形容词或介词短语As long as只要用在句子中间,不仅写作,口语中也用,如backstreet boy 歌词里面:I dont care who you are, where youre from or what you did as long as you love me.假设关系单词解释说明Provided that如果后面的结果一般是我们希望看到的If后面的结果也可以是我们不希望看到的On condition that如果条件可以被满足的话这

27、个词组更强调某事发生的条件修饰关系定语从句,标志词:that, who, which, why (它的前面常是reason / reasons )下定义关系是对你的主体段提出的某个概念进行更进一步的描述、细化或者限制它的适用范围。A means A 意味着A refers to A 指的是A suggests that A 显示了A consititues A 构成A is best characterised byA 最重要的特征是A is, essentially, .A 本质上是A reflectA 反映了 写作基础句型前进类(用来论证advantage 好的方面)1. benefir

28、from 从当中获益Many children who suffer from this illness will benefit from the new treatment 2. Invest in 对投资The government should invest a large proportion of its budegt in helping the needy, despite the economic recession 3. Promote the development of 促进的发展Even though the city has invested millions of

29、 pounds in museums and art galleries, it has done little to promote the development of education and medical care.4. Play a vital / crucial / essential role in 在中起关键作用5. enrich ones social / academic / professional / experience 丰富的社会的/学术的/职业 Expand ones outlook / vision limit / restrict ones vision

30、的经历6. have a duty / obligation to do 有责任做7. relax theire bodies and ease their minds 让人放松身心 Children not only need opportunities to acquire knowledge , they need time to relax theire bodies and ease their minds as well 8. be based on 基于disciplin should be based on a positive, loving parent child relationship instead of on force and punishment 9. generate employment oppportunities 创造就业机会International tourism can generate employment oppportunities. On the other hand, it may damage the cultural heritage of a nation. 10. be less time-consuming and more economical 省钱又省

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