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1、听力1315Unit131. M: This machine has so many buttons. I cant figure out which one makes it run. W: Youd better read the insturctions first. Pressing the button randomly may cause the machine to break down. Q: According to the woman, what should the man do first?2. M: Has todays mail arrived? Im anxiou

2、s to know about the result of my application. W: Ive checked the mail-box. There is nothing in it, but a postcard from our daughter. Q: What do we learn from this conversation?3. M: Was Robert elected to the committee? W: Yes, in fact he was made chairman. But he only agreed to take the job if they

3、let him have the final say. Q: What does Robert intend to do?4. M: Could you help me, Sir? My flight got in fifteen minutes ago. Everyone else has picked up their luggage, but mine hasnt come through. W: Im sorry, Madam. But Ill go and find out if there is any more to come. Q: Whats the womans probl

4、em?5. M: Could you give me your office phone number or fax number, so that we can contact each other more often? W: But Ive been trying to find a new job in another company. You see, Ive worked here for three years without a raise. Thats really unfiar. Q: Why does the woman complain?6. M: These watc

5、hes are outrageously expensive. W: You think so? You should see the ones in the jewelry store. Q: What can be inferred from the conversation?7. M: What we need is a roommate who is neat and considerate. W: Thats right. Lets write that in the ad: neatness and consideration a must. Q: What do the spea

6、kers hope to do?8. M: Im bored with the same food all the time. Lets try something different Saturday night. W: How about an Italian place? Q: What does the man suggest they do?9. M: I found a perfect book bag but Im about 20 dollars short. W: Dont look for me. I dont get paid for another week. Q: W

7、hat does the man imply?10. M: Here are two seats. W: Dont you think these are too close to the movie screen? Q: What does the woman imply they should do?11. M: Is Louise going to join us for a short break? W: Yes, if she can tear herself away form her studies. Q: What does the woman imply about Loui

8、se?12. M: Hi, Ann. Where are you rushing off to? W: Im on my way to pick up the textbook for American history. Im in shock. Its going to be 65 bucks. Q: What is the womans problem?13. M: Im away behind in my letter writing. Ive got to get started. W: Whos got time to write letters? Exams are coming

9、up, remember? Q: What does the man imply the woman should do?14. M: John, Im sorry. But I forgot to bring your tape player back. W: Well, as long as I get it by Friday. Q: What should the woman do?15. M: I just saw an ad on television that said mens suits were on sale today and tomorrow at Conrads m

10、enswear. W: Great! Thats just what Ive been waiting for. Q: What will the man probably do?Passage 1 A Talk in a National ParkWelcome to Yellowstone National Park. Before we begin our nature walk today, Id like to give you a short history of our National Park Service. The National Park Service began

11、in the late 1800s. A small group of explorers had just completed a month-long exploration of the region that is now Yellowstone. They gathered around the campfire and after hours of discussion, they decided that they should not claim this land for themselves. They felt it should be accessible to eve

12、ryone. So they began a campaign to preserve this land for everyones enjoyment. Two years later, in the late 19th century, an act of Congress, signed by President Ulysses S- Grant, proclaimed the Yellowstone region a public park. It was the first national park in the world. After Yellowstone became a

13、 public park, many other areas of great scenic importance were set aside. And in 1916 the National Park Service was established to manage these parks. Today, there are more than 360 parks in the US National Park System and more than 3,600 areas under similar protection around the globe. National par

14、ks and other public lands shelter well over half of the plant and animal species in North America. And today more than 80 countries have also established several hundred similar reserves specifically to protect biological diversity. As a park ranger, I am an employee of the National Park Service. In

15、 the national park, park rangers are on duty at all times to answer questions and help visitors in any difficulty. Nature walks, guided tours and campfire talks are offered by specially trained staff members. The Park Service also protects the animals and nlants within the parksPassage 2 Plans to Cl

16、one Pandas to Save Them from ExtinctionJust over two years ago, China announced it was going to clone the giant panda, the countrys national symbol. Pandas are extremely endangered; there are only 1,000 left in the wild and a hundred in captivity. The move to begin cloning the animal was prompted by

17、 unsuccessful attempts to increase its population by using artificial insemination.Pandas are widely known for their feeble efforts when it comes to mating. Even in the wile where their sexual drive may be higher, the survival rate of the cubs is very low: more than half of them die shortly after bi

18、rth. Unusually, this summer six panda cubs were born in the Wolong Giant Panda Reserve in the southwest province of Sichuan, in China. However, zoologists were reluctant to join in the celebrations: it is widely held that the panda will become extinct within 10 years.In 1999, Dr. Chen Dayuan, from C

19、hinas Academy of Sciences, began a research program aimed at cloning a panda. He took the nucleus from the cell of an adult panda and inserted it into an egg from a rabbit which had had its nucleus removed, to produce a ball of cells that could become a panda embryo. So far this step has proven succ

20、essful. The difficulty will be growing a panda out of a collection of cells. Dayuan is currently looking for suitable surrogate mothers and is considering black and sloth bears as candidates. He hopes to have a panda cloned within the next five years.Not everyone in China is in favor of trying to cl

21、one the panda. One of the countrys leading panda experts, Dr. Pan Wenshi, has studied them in the wild for two decades. He believes that attempts to clone this rare animal will detract from efforts to preserve the species in the wild. He has also dismissed the widely accepted theory that the pandas

22、threatened extinction is due to its decline in fertility. He argues that the main reason the panda is an endangered species is that humans have destroyed a large part of their habitat. Passage III Indoor Air PollutionAir pollution is a serious problem in many countries. Cars, airplanes, factories an

23、d waste centers are commonly blamed for polluting the air. They release a large amount of tiny black particles into the air. Such pollution is a great threat to people. Scientific studies show that air in homes and other buildings can be seriously polluted. It may be more polluted than the outside,

24、even in the most industrialized cities. United States Environmental Protection Agency publishec a guide to indoor air quality. The guide says that most people spend about 90 percent of their time indoors. So, for many people, indoor air pollution may be a greater health risk than outdoor pollution.

25、Many new homes and office buildings contain a number of pollutants. Some release gases or particles into the air. They include different kinds of fuel, wood, building materials, office equipment, furniture, floor coverings and chemical cleaning products. Bacteria found in plants pets and central hea

26、ting or cooling systems also affect air quality. Reducing the amount of water in the air is one way to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold indoors. Chemical products also should be limited. Experts advise not to use products with strong chemical smells in closed places Buy small amounts of the c

27、hemicals and use them immediately. This will prevent the need to store such products. Health problems from indoor air pollution may be felt soon after entering a building. Immediate effects include a burning feeling in the eyes, nose and throat. People may develop headaches, lose their balance or fe

28、el extremely tired. Such effects generally last for a short time. Other health problems may develop over a longer period of time. These include lung disease, heart disease and cancer. Experts say the best way to improve indoor air quality is to remove materials that cause the air pollution. Another

29、way is to increase the amount of outside air that enters the building. And a third way is to use devices that clean the air.Part D Extensive Listening1.professional 2.shy public 4.old saying 6.middle 7.successful 8.overcome. 9.reminding a party 11.unlimited 13. safe sub

30、ject 14.that way days 16.very warm 17 Obviously 18.home 19.a picture 20. on the wall Unit141. M: My headaches are terrible. Maybe I need more sleep. W: Actually, you need less sun and some aspirin. It would help if you wore a hat. Q: What does the woman think is the cause of the mans heada

31、ches?2. M: Mrs. Winter, I need your advice. I want to buy a dress for my wife. Can you tell me where I can get one at a reasonalbe price? W: Sure. Go to Richards. it has the latest styles and gives a 30% discount to husbands who shop alone. Q: What do we know about the Richards store?3. M: The heada

32、che is killing me. I was hoping it would just go away, but iss getting worse by the minutes. What did you say the name of your doctor was? W: I told you last week to make that appointment. Q: What information does the woman want?4. M: I have a complaint to make, Sir. I waited ten minutes at the table before the waiter showed up and when I finally got served I found it was not what I ordered. W: Im terribly sorry, Madam. Its been unusally busy tonight. As a compensation, your meal will be free. Q: Where does t

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