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1、高中英语重点词汇精讲高中英语重点词汇精讲abandon: vt.放弃,遗弃abandon medicineforliterature弃医从文;desert:遗弃,抛弃on adeserted island.ability: n 能力,才能: have the ability to do =be capable of 有doing能力做 able: adj.有能力的: an able leader; be able to 与 can 的区别: can 只有现在 (can)和过去 (could)两种形式,而 be able to 可有各种时态。 (详见情态动词) 。A . could B. was

2、 able to C. can D. must (B)aboard: adv./prep 在船(飞机,车)上 . Aboard=on board; All aboard! 请上船;开船啦。Welcome aboard!请上船(飞机,车)about: pr t./adv.在周围,在身边;关于 (on 更严肃,正式 );大约: be about to do. (=be at/on thepoint of doing.) 即将做。后不能接 soon, at once 等时间状语; How about+doing/ 名词 /代词 /句子等 .=What about. 做 .好吗? I have no

3、money about me. Have you heard of the story about Shakespeare? about two yeas=two years pr so =some two yearsAll the mariners _died except the one who shot the bird left to tell his story to others,which was described in the poem called The Rime of the Ancient Mariner.A. on a board B. on aboard C. o

4、n boards D. aboardabroad: adv. be (go/live/travel) abroad; come (return ) from abroad; both at home and abroad 在国内外; be all abroad 离题,不中肯absence: n. absent: adj. 不在,缺席;不在意的:He will be absent at the meeting from Beijing. (不在北京)He will be absent at the meeting in Beijing. (外出在北京) Absence of mind 心不在焉;

5、反义词: present 出席的,在场的,用法和 absent 一样,但作定语要后置 (n.礼物, atpresent目前 ) _got a present at the party.(A)A. All presentB. Present allC. All presentingabsorb: vt. 吸收(声音,光线,液体等),吸收,理解(知识等);Be absorbed in 全神贯注于。was absorbed in a book and didn t hear you call.Iacademic:学院的,学校的,学业的。 academic levels/challenges:学业水平

6、 /学习中的挑战。accident: 意外 ;incident: 小事件,政治事变或事件 by accident=by chance 偶然accept:承认,接受(主观) , receive: 收到(表客观) ,accept A as B 承认 A 是 B,He was accepted as an excellent teacher at last.Yesterday he did _an invitation, but he refused to _it . (B 、 A)A. accept B. receiveaccess: 进入,接近 (to), have access to: 有权进

7、入 .,能够使用到 .accessible adj. 可以使用(或得到)的。能进入的。 Sth .be accessable to sb. 某人容易使用到 account: account for On account of take account ofaccuse;指控 ,指责。 Accuse sb. Of sth 指控某人犯 ;be accused of 被指控犯 。achieve: 完成 ,取得 ,达到 achieve one s work/success/one achievesgoal;the goal of doing 达 到 . 目标。2achievements:成就,成绩 H

8、e achieved/gained great/brilliant achievementsin writing novels.acquire:学习(一般指天生的习得) ; 而 learn 指课堂学习。 English acquired ability.across: 横穿而过(从物体表面) ; through: 穿过(从物件内部) ; over: 跨过(从物体上方) ;act:past:经过(从物件旁边) ; along:经过(从物体边沿)He went _the river and didn t find a boat to go _ it.A. over, across B. along

9、, across C. along, over D. past, through vi. 行为,演出, Vt. 担当,演 角色 (=play the part of) n.法令as=serve as担当 ,充当,条例act as=workWho will _Shakespeare in the film? A. act B. act as C. play a part pf(A) action. n. 行为 ,行动 ,措施 take actions 采取行动 , take measures 采取措施active: adj. 积极的 ,活跃的 take(an) active part in 积极

10、参加 ,be active in sth./doing sth. 在 方面很积极。live/lead an active life过着活跃的生活。actual: 现实的,实际的(现实存在,不是想象中的) ; real:真实的(不是假的) rue:真实的(不是 in actual life, a real gold ring, a true story actually: adv.实际上,确实=in fact/in reality/ as a matter of fact =reallyadapt:(使适应。 dapt (oneself) to (使适应 . adapt A for B: 把 A

11、 改编 / 改写 /改造成 adapt from 根据 改编。add: vt. 加 add to 把 加到 上Two _to three makes five. A. added B. adding C. is added D. being added (A) add to 增加 , (=increase) The bad weather added to our difficulties. add up 把 加 Please add up all the figures. add up to 合计为 =come to =amount toaddict: vt. 使 沉溺 , be/ get

12、addicted to 对 上瘾address: n 地址 v 寄 .=post he addressed a letter to me.adjust: adjust (oneself) to 使自己适宜于 ; adapt to 适应于 =agree withadmire: admire sb. For (doing) sth. 因 而钦佩某人 ;envy: 妒忌 ,羡慕 envy sb. sth.admit: vi/vt. admit(to) sth. 承认 admission n. 让 , 进入 ,接纳 admit ab. to/int o允许某人进入 be admitted to sch

13、ool/ hospital, 允许进入 , admit doing sth.允许做 承认做 admit+ 从句 admtt of =allow of 容许有 The matteradmits of no delay. 容纳 =hold=seat The room can admit 200 persons.adopt: 采纳 ,接受 (=accept), 收养。 adopt ones suggestion.advance: advance towards a place:向 前进 advance in sth.在 方面有增长 ; advance to aplace: 到达 ;advance o

14、n/upon 逼近 ,进攻 ; in advance:提前 =ahead of time; inadvance of在 之前 ,比 前进。 Advancing=developing: 发展中的, advanced:发达的,高级的,进步的。advantage: 优点,好处 take advantage of 利用 =make use of; have/ take an advantage overothers 对 有优势 。 disadvantage: 不足 ,可数名词。advice: 忠告,劝告(不可数) , tip: 劝告,可数, a piece of advice 一条劝告, give s

15、b. some advice on( how to do) sth 就 给某人提建议 , take/follow one s advice 采纳某人的建议 , ask (sb.) for advice 征询某人的建议 , do sth. on ones advice 按某人的建议做 advise: v.(BE)=advice v.(AE) advise sb. to do sth. 劝某人做 , advise sb. not to do sth=advise sb. against doing sth.劝 /建议某人不要做 , advise doing sth. 建议做 ;但 suggest

16、可用 suggest: (ones/sb.) doing sth, 不用 suggest sb. to do sth.I _the lady go there at once. A. suggested B. advised C. hoped D. wished (A)affair: 泛指 事务 ,事情 ,事件 , affairs: 表重大 事务或事态 ;event: 指有重大意义的历史事件 ;business:生意 ,公事 on/in business, go into business; matter 问题Business before pleasure. There are severa

17、l matters to be dealt with at the meeting.affect :vt. 影响 effevt n. have an effect on =affect 对 有影响 .have no/much/great/little effecton/upon 对什么没有 /有很大 /重大 /很小 ,几乎没有影响 . effective adj. 有效的afford:负担起 ( , 的费用) 可接名词 , 代词或 to do ,常与 can. could, be able to 连用于否定句或问句中 .his poor family can tafford his educa

18、tion.I cantafford to buy a car at present. 抽得出时间 =spare 但 spare 可 spare sb. +时间 He cantafford time for the cinema.Ican spare you two hours. 我能为你抽出两个小时. 提供 afford sb. sth. = offer sb. sth./offer sth. to sb. =supply sth to/for sb./supply sb. With sth.=provide sb. With sth./providesth for/to sb.Failure

19、 afford us experience.afraid: be afraid to do 害怕做 ,be afraid of (doing) sth.担心做 be afraid+ 句子 ,be afraidnot/so 恐怕不行 /恐怕如此 (对句子的省略回答 ). I don twant to be a waitress becauseI m afraid _ dishes frequently.A.on breakingB. to break(A)after: 表过去一段时间以后或将来某个时刻以后, 反义词是 before指从过去算起时间以前或将来某个时刻以前;而指将来一段时间以后,反义

20、词是ago 指从现在算起一段里头以前 . after all毕竟 ,终究 , above all首先 ,最重要的是 (作入语 ),指重要性 ;first of all 首先 ,最重要的是 , 指顺序或重要性 , inall = intotal= altogether总共 ,at all 根本 .we can t blame him for what he did; _ he is a child. A. at allC.after allD.above all(C)agree:agree to sth. 同意 ,成 (plan/arrangement/suggestion/ag

21、ree woth sb.(或 decision,view, opinion, 或某人的话 )同意 ,成;与 一致 ,适合 (天气 ,食物等 )he moved tobiijingbecause he_ the weatherhere.(A)A. didn tagree withB.wasntsuitable forC. wasntfit forD. didn tagree to agree to do sth. 同意 ,成做 agree onsth. 在 .取得一致agree+句子 ,同意 反义词 :disagree,名词 :agreement:契约 ,协议reach/come to/ arr

22、ive at/make an agreementwith on sth. 与 就 .达成协议 .aid: do/ give/ offer first aid to sb =do/give/ offer sb. first aid对某人进行急救; go 援救某人aim: n./v. 目标 ,目的 ,瞄准 take aim at =aim at 瞄准 目的在于 aim sth at sth 用什么瞄准什么东西 , aim your gun at ., 用枪瞄准 aim at旨在 ; aim to do sth 目的在于做 china has long been a leader in the fi

23、eld of genetic research _ atimporoving agriculture. A. aimed B. aiming C. to aim (A)he has aimed at entering a key university.air : in the air 在空中 ,在流传 , 悬而未决 ; on the air 在广播中 ; by air 乘飞机等 (=by plane)lin the open air 在野外 vt.使通风 ,晾干 air your clothesall: all, both, each, every, everybody, everything

24、, complete, completely, always, whole, wholly,entirely, altogether 等是总括含义代词形容词和副词等 ,与否定词 not 连用 ,构成部分否定 ,表示 不都 ,并非都 .而全否定要用 no, none, never, nobody, nothing, neither, noone, nowhere, no more, no long, no way 等,表示否定意义的词与肯定式谓语一起使用构成全部否定 .allow :allow doing允许做 . allow sb. to do .允许某人做Students arentallo

25、wed _in school. A. to smoke B. smoking (A) allow for , 考虑到,体谅,顾及。It takes about an hour to get there, allowing for possible traffic delays. allow of , 容许,容得 the meeting allows of no delay. allow sb. sth. 同意给某人 , .alive: loving, lovely ,lovely, alive, live 的区别 :alive adj. “ 活着的” ,作后置定语 ,表语 ,补足语等 ,不作前

26、置定语 ; kept sth olivelive: 作定语 , “活的 ,有生命的 ,活生生的 ,生机勃勃的 ,燃着的 ,实况转播的” ,还可作动词 , a live fish, live coal 燃着的煤 , a live football match 一场直播的足球 ; a live young man 一个生机勃勃的年轻人 ;living adj. “有生命的 ,活着的” ,作前置定语或表语 (还可作名词 make a living), 修饰人或物 , living beings/things 生物 ;lively: “生动的 ,活跃的 ,充满生气的” a lively and int

27、eresting class; lovely adj. 可爱的 a lovely girl.While a person is asleep, a part of his brain is still _.A. active B. alive C. awake D. aware (A)Language is a _ and continually changing thing.A. live B. alive C. lively D. living (D)almost:“几乎” =nearly,但 almost 不能位于 very 后 ;nearly 不能和 any, no, none, ne

28、ver, nothing等连用 ,not nearly “决不 ,远非” = far from; almost not “几乎不”alone:I am far from _ with what he said. (A)A. satisfied B. satisfying C. being satisfied adj. “单独的” ,作表语或补足语 ,表客观事实 ;lonely:“孤独的,荒凉的,偏僻的”,可带感情色彩 adv.单独地 ,独自.alone=on ones own= by oneself单独地, leave sb. alone别打扰某人,把某人单独下The old man live

29、s alone in a lonely house, but he doesn t feel lonely because he can make a living alone.aloud: 出声 (侧重 ,由无声到有声 ) loud 大声地 (侧重声音由低到高 ).Please speak loud. I can t hear you clearly.although: conj. 虽然 =though,不与 but, so, and 连用 ,可与 yet, still 连用 . Although: 常位于句首 ,不用倒装 ; though: 位于句中或句首 ,可倒可不倒装 ; as 常位于句首 ,要倒装 (即副词 ,形容词 ,省冠词的名词 ,动词原形提前 ),它们都接句子 ; in spiteof=despite 是介词短语 ,接名词或动名词 ._ getting high marks in th

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