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1、初一英语短语初一英语短语Module 1 School Life1、Spring Festival春节2、my first day 我的第一天3、how many 多少4、how much 多少,多少钱5、how long 多长时间6、be the same as 与一样7、be different from 与不同8、What do you think of ?=How do you like?你认为怎么样?9、want sb to do sth =would like sb to do sth想要某人做某事10、every day 、each day 每天;everyday 每天的11、h

2、ave a break =take atest休息12、sometimes 有时,偶尔 sometime 某时some times几次 some time 一段时间20 twenty 30thirty 40 forty 50 fifty 60sixty 70 seventy 80 eighty 90 ninety100 a hundred13、take the train =by train 乘火车14、what time 几点15、around the world 世界各地16、have English lessons 上英语课17、by boat 乘船18、forty five minut

3、es 45分钟19、on foot 步行 20 half an hour半小时Module 2 On the Telephone 1、 speak to sb 和通话2、be afraid to do sth 、be afraid of doing sth/n害怕做3、take a message捎口信4、leave a message留口信5、in the library 在图书馆里6、at home 在家7、her parents 她的父母8、visit my grandparents拜访我的祖父母9、help sb to do/do sth=help sb with sth帮助做某事10

4、、with the help of 在的帮助下11、cant help doing sth禁不住做某事12、help oneself to 随便吃13、Just a moment=Hold on =Wait a minute请稍等,别挂断,等一会14、right now 现在,目前15、walk the dog遛狗 read newspapers读报纸16、talk to sb=talk with sb和谈话 talk about 谈论17、go shopping去购物 go fishing 去钓鱼 go sunbathing去林日光浴18、climb a tree爬树 run afte r追

5、逐 19、draw a picture画画 eat an apple 吃苹果20、play football 踢足球 play basketball 打篮球21、an ice cream 一个冰激凌 keep in touch with 与保持联系 Module 3 My Everyday Life1、have to do=must do 不得不,必须2、stay at home 呆在家里3、do the long jump 跳远 do the high jump跳高4、climb a ladder 爬梯子 play computer games玩电脑游戏5、have a nice time=

6、have fun =enjoy oneself玩得高兴6、be at home =be in 在家7、eat /have breakfast吃早餐 watch TV看电视8、wash dishes 洗碗碟 read a book读书9、All right 好的Thatall right=Thats OK=Not at all=Youare welcome不客气10、make the bed 整理床铺 play with和一起玩11、do ones homework 做某人的家庭作业 12、get ready to do sth =be ready to do 准备好做be ready for为

7、做准备14、wear穿,穿着 put on 穿上15、look for寻找 find 找到16、make some tea 沏茶 wave to sb 向某人挥手17、jump up and down跳上跳下 on the island在岛上18、be popular with 受到的欢迎19、in the sea在海里20、after school放学后21、do morning exercise做晨练Module 4 Come and Play with Us1、clean the flat 打扫公寓 fly a kite放风筝2、Thats a shame =What a pity !真

8、遗憾3、ask sb to do sth 要求某人做某事ask for sth =ask sb for sth向某人要某物4、How about =What about +doing sth做怎么样?5、there be 有 have got =have有6、a lot of =lots of 许多7、go to the beach 去海滩 on the beach 在海滩上8、play tennis打网球 play table tennis打乒乓球play badminton打羽毛球9、sail a boat 划船10、One is ,the other is。一个,另一个。 11、stud

9、y hard 努力学习12、sell vegetables卖蔬菜13、popular singer 流行歌手14、go for a walk 去散步15、my neighbour我的邻居16、write a letter to sb =write to sb 给写信17、fix a bicycle/bike 修自行车18、his best friend他最好的朋友19、a love day一个好天20、see you later 回见21、my favourite TV programmModule 5 Activities1、stand on the hill 站在山上2、walk up t

10、he hill 上山3、carry some young trees and tools 搬运一些小树和工具4、plant trees 植树 water trees浇树5、dig holes 挖坑6、in the ground 在地上7、put into 把放到里8、pourinto 把倒入里9、cut some paper 裁纸10、catch the basketball 接住篮球11、make a card 制作卡片12、write a poem 写一首诗 take photos照相13、draw a picture for为画画14、draw a picture of给画像15、Mot

11、hers Day 母亲节 Fathers Day父亲节 16、tea leaves 茶叶17、wait for 等待18、smell the tea 嗅闻茶香 drink the tea 喝茶19、fall down 从落下,跌倒20、look forward to期待21、fold a piece of paper 折纸Module 6 The Clothes WE Wear1、try on 试穿2、look nice 看起来漂亮 3、Why dont you do?=Why not do?你为什么不?4、a long black coat 一件黑色的长大衣5、go to the offic

12、e 去办公室6、on/at the weekends在周末7、in the afternoon在下午8、on Friday evening 星期五的晚上9、a bottle of 一瓶 eleven bottles of juice 11瓶果汁10、say Hello to 向问好say Goodbye to 向道别11、have a lovely time 过得开心12、during the week 在一周里13、do the washing and cooking洗衣服、做饭14、buy sb sth =buy sth for sb给某人买15、swimming pool游泳池16、wr

13、ite to sb =write a letter to sb给某人写信 17、blue shoes蓝色的鞋18、short black hair黑色短发19、Korea-Korean Spain-Spanish Scotland ScottishJapan-Japanese China- Chinese Australia Australian India-indianModule 7 Lost and Found1、Is that so ?=Really ? 真的吗?2、Whats the matter ?=Whats wrong? 怎么了3、look like 看起来像 school u

14、niform 校服4、a small green bag 一个绿色的小书包 inside the bag书包里5、Liu Hongs pencil-box 刘宏的铅笔盒6、a black and white panda 一只黑白相间的熊猫 7、on the front in the front of in front of 在前面8、in the south in the north in the east in the west 9、turn right右转 turn left 左转 turn red变红10、beside the lake在湖边 belong to属于11、write do

15、wn 写下,记下 write them down 把它们记下12、the name of the beach海滩的名字13、walk to school = go to school on foot 走着去上学14、fill in填空 a green tie 一条绿色的领带15、be glad to do sth很高兴做 be sorry to do sth 很抱歉做多个形容词作定语的顺序:限定描绘大长高;形状年龄新老旧。颜色国籍到材料,作用类别往后靠。 观点形容词:完全表述个人主观对事物的看法的形容词。如:beautiful,lovely,strong,ugly 描绘性形容词:用来描绘事物本

16、身固有特征的形容词,对事物进行客观的表述(颜色red,white,black形状round,square)(观点在前,描绘在后)Module 8 What Shall We Do Frst?1、make a note of 记下,记录2、next week 下周3、miss the test 错过考试4、be worried about焦虑,担心 Dont worry 不要担心5、What day is it today? Its Wednesday.6、Whats the date today? Its August 7th.7、forget to do sth忘记应该做的事 forget

17、doing sth忘记做过的事8、remember to do sth不要忘记以后要做的事 (记得应该去做某事) remember doing sth记得过去曾经做过的事9、Dont do sth=No doing sth 不要做10、ball game 球类运动 an English test 一次英语测验11、Reading Room Rules阅览室规则12、by the side of the pool在游泳池边13、jump into 跳入 14、a pair of scissors 一把剪刀 at first 首先15、Labor Day劳动节 Independence Day 美

18、国独立日16、cut down 砍倒 National Day 国庆节17、cut into pieces 把切成碎片stir together一起搅拌18、a piece of paper 一张纸 two pieces of bread 两片面包 a bowl of rice一碗米饭 drving rules 驾驶规则19、prepare for为准备 make a birthday cake做生日蛋糕Module 9 Customs1、have a party 举行派对2、What a pity !=Thats a shame .真遗憾! 3、accept接受 receive受到4、in

19、England 在英国5、leave for 前往6、on the playground在操场上7、a list of一系列8、September 14th 9月149、use a spoon 使用小勺10、during a meal吃饭的时候11、start doing sth开始做某事 finish doing sth 完成做某事12、in the centre dishes在中间的盘子里13、once 一次 twice 两次 three times三次14、two or three times a week 一周二到三次15、on top of rice在米饭上面16、bring a h

20、at 带上帽子17、table manners餐桌礼仪18、drink soup from the bowl从碗里喝汤12月January February March April May June July Aujust September October November December 星期Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Module 10 Holidays1、on holidays duringthe hodidays 在假期期间 on /at the weekends在周末2、love swimmin

21、g喜爱游泳 in the city 在城市里3、visit museum 拜访博物馆 go to the countryside去乡下4、play sports做运动 have a barbecue去户外烧烤5、go to the restaurant 去饭店 go to the cinema去电影院6、read storybooks 读书 7、go home 回家 of course当然8、on Hainan Island 在海南岛9、stay in a big hotel 呆在一个大旅店10、Forbidden City 紫禁城 Tiananmen Square 天安门广场11、go to

22、 the Great Wall去长城 go to Disneyland去迪斯尼乐园12、all over China 全中国 a lot of places 许多地方13、travel to America 去美国旅行14、my favourite cartoon characters 我最喜欢的卡通人物15、Opera House in Sydney 悉尼歌剧院16、take photographs of koala bears给考拉照相17、try diving 尝试潜水18、try ones best to do = do ones best尽全力做19、be famous for 因为而闻名20、be famous as 作为而闻名

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