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1、雅思真题回忆及解析2017年5月雅思真题回忆及解析信念和斗志宜聚,懈怠和悲观宜散,我们的斗志因信念而燃起,不懈怠、不悲观,落实每一个知识点。无忧考网搜集整理了2017年5月雅思真题回忆及解析,希望对大家有所帮助。2017年5月举行了4场考试,时间分别为5月6日、5月13日、5月20日、5月25日。以下内容仅供参考。5月6日雅思口语真题回忆:Part1Are you working or are you a student?Whats your major?Whats your job?Which city do you live in?Is it an interesting city?Are

2、 you going to continue to live there?How people show politeness in your country?Has the way people show politeness changed?Do you play any musical instrument?Is it easy to learn for little kids?Are music lessons necessary?What kind of shoes do you like?Have you ever bought shoes online?Is it necessa

3、ry to buy lots of shoes?Do you know anyone who owns many pairs of shoes?Do you do any indoor activities?Will you still do it in the future?What do you think about young people playing too much online games?Do you like city or countryside?Have you had any interesting dreams?Do you like housework?Part

4、2&3Describe an activity that you felt excited for the first time.What it wasWhen it took placeWho were at presentWhy you felt excitedDescribe a piece of equipment in your house.What it isHow often you use itWho else in your house use itWhy this piece of equipment is important to youDescribe a cafe y

5、ou have visitedWhat it is likeWhat you do at the cafeWhat you drink or eat at the cafeWhy do you like the cafeDescribe an interesting conversation you had with a strangerWhere it happenedWhat the stranger was likeWhat you talked aboutWhy the conversation was interestingPart 3:Why do you think the so

6、cial networking sites/apps are so popular nowadays?Why do people like to use them?Describe an interesting neighborWho the person isWhere the person livesHow often you see each otherWhy the person is interestingPart 3:How can people better understand their neighbors?Is there any drawback with having

7、neighbors?How can business help your neighborhood?Has technology brought any impact upon your neighborhood5月6日雅思听力真题回忆:Section 1参考答案:1. Camping2. Shoes3. 1504. Paige5. 656. Climbing7. Pizza8. Dancing9. 7510. TransportationSection 2参考答案:11. C12. A13. C14. B15. F16. A17. B18. O19. G20. ISection 3参考答案:

8、21. C. Fill an application form22. A. 450 pounds23. A. The water evaporate faster than rain fall24. B. Marine desert25. B. Birds26. Undergraduate27. Ship28. Journal29. 12,00030. Baked EarthSection 4参考答案:31. Mother32. Layers33. Rape34. Stick35. Brain36. In lack of food37. Bones38. Danger39. Wild40. S

9、ensitive5月6日雅思阅读真题回忆:Passage 1内容简介人类嗅觉题型:判断和选择题1. Primates2. 4003. Drop4. Brain5. Music6. 95%7. FALSE8. TRUE9. TRUE10. NOT GIVEN11. FALSE12. TRUE13. TRUE2017年5月6日雅思阅读真题答案解析Passage 2内容简介左右手题型:判断填空题答案:14. C15. A16. B17. F18. D19. D20. B21. A22. C23. YES24. NO25. NO26. NOT GIVENPassage 3内容简介濒危语言题型:NB、判

10、断和选择题27. A段 - the potential failure of a conservation program28. B段 - benefits of changing languages29. C段 - the value of minority language to researchers30. E段 - success of a conservation program31. F段 - the need for the consistency of research32. G段 - the current status of minority languages33. H段

11、 - the attitude of majority speakers34. A35. D36. C37. 暂缺38. G39. C40. D5月6日雅思写作真题回忆:小作文:题型:柱形图题The chart below gives information about the possession of newer technologies by different age groups in UK in 2009.Summarize important information,and make comparison and contrast.大作文:题目:Some young people

12、 commit serious crimes,such as robbery or violent attacks,some people think they should be punished in the same way as adults.To what extent do you agree or disagree?5月13日雅思口语真题回忆:Part11.What kind of housework do you often do?Sample:Well, when Im at home, I would normally wash clothes and mop the fl

13、oor. Doing housework is a kind of relax to me. I always feel comforting when everything is tidy and clean.2.Do you think men and women should share housework?Sample:Yeah. Definitely. Nowadays a large number of women choose to work outside rather than be a housewife, so men should share housework wit

14、h their wives.3.What kinds of housework do you dislike to do?Sample:I dont like to wash dishes. After lunch all I want to do is to lie on the sofa and watch TV. I hate to wash the greasy dishes.4.Did you help your parents do housework when you were young?Sample:Well, to be honest, I seldom helped th

15、em with housework when I was young. I was under great pressure of study and my parents always tried to relieve my pressure and did all the housework for me5.Do you think that children should do housework?Sample:I think doing housework does children good, so they should do some housework. They shall

16、be more independent. When they grow up, they know how to take care of themselves.Part2&31.P2Describe a time you were not allowed to use your mobile phone. You should say:when and where it was;why you were not allowed to use your phone;what you wanted to use your phone for;and explain how you felt ab

17、out not being able to use your phone.解析:题目要求描述你不被允许用手机的时刻,这种时刻可以时某个重要的场合,比如考试,开会等等。题目中的问题要素都要一一作答。Last Monday, I went to visit a famous grand museum that is located in the center of the city. The administrator said that we are not allowed to use our mobile phones and cameras during the visit because

18、 taking photographs of exhibitions are not allowed. I obeyed the rules, handed in my mobile phone and other personal stuff and enjoyed the visit. Suddenly, it occurred to me that I didnt tell my mom that I would be late for home and I took the only keys of my home. She possibly couldnt get into the

19、rooms if she came home earlier than me. Then I couldnt focus on my visit. I wanted to use my mobile phone to call her. But the workers in the museum told me that they could only return our mobile phones after the visit is over, otherwise they will shoulder the responsibility of any loss of visitorss

20、tuff. I was worried and restless all the time during the following visit.This is the first time that I wanted to use my phone so much. I felt a great sense of unease and danger if I lost the contacts by mobile phones. We often say that we rely too much on our electronic devices, but I have to say th

21、ey are really helpful in all sorts of emergencies.P3How do young people and old people use mobile phones differently?解析:题目问的是年轻人和老年人在使用手机时有什么不同。可以从使用时长、使用功能多少等角度展开。Well, I believe young people and old people use their phones quite differently. To start with, many old people only use their phones to

22、make phone calls and look at time. Many companies even have launched many phones customized for old people. These phones have large keys and loud ring tones. But young people usually use their phones more extensively. They use their phones to play games, take notes and do all sorts of things. Cell p

23、hones play a very important role in young peoples lives. They can hardly leave their phones in their work and study. In a way, they spend more time on their mobile phones then old people do.Whats your attitude towards people using mobile phones in public places?解析:题目问到你是怎么看待那些在公共场合使用手机的人,在答题时需要明确表示自

24、己的态度,或者分情形讨论。如可以接受人们在静音状态下在公众场合使用手机等。Well nowadays mobile phones get so popular that it is not rare to see people use their phones in public places. Im Ok with it as long as it would not disturb other people. Sometimes when I go to the library, I would switch my phone to silent mode. In this way I c

25、ould use my phone to look up the meaning of some words or send messages to my friends without disturbing other people. But under certain circumstances, I think it would be better if people dont use their phones, for example, in the museums or theaters. The light or the noise would greatly disturb ot

26、her people.Is it popular to use mobile phones in your country?解析:题目问的是在你的国家使用手机是否很流行,需要给出明确的回答,并且可以列举什么人群、地区使用手机多或者为什么手机很流行。Yes, it is quite popular to use mobile phones in China. When you are in the subway or on the bus, you can see peoplewhether they are male or female, old or youngthey all use th

27、eir phones to view the news, watch TV or play games. So many people use mobile phones because it is very convenient. As long as you have a mobile phone, you can contact with people anytime you want. You can also surf the Internet and search for the information you need. I usually use my phone to gui

28、de my way since Im terrible with directions. Mobile phones are quite cheap now, so generally everyone can afford one.Is it harmful for children to use mobile phones?解析:题目问到孩子们使用手机是否对他们有害。可以分情况讨论,使用手机的好处是什么,坏处是什么。It depends. Mobile phones can do children good and bad. It depends on how they use the p

29、hones. Many parents are worried about the safety of their children, so they would buy their children mobile phones. Whenever the children are in trouble, they can call their parents immediately. Besides, mobile phones can be a very good tool. There are so many education applications that children co

30、uld use them to improve their learning. But mobile phones can do harm to children, too. Children have a low level of self-control. They may get too devoted to the games or get exposed to some bad information. So I believe they should use the phones under the supervision of their parents or use the phones specialized for children.Describe a foreign food. You should say:Which countryWhat it isHow popular it is in your country

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