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1、新视野视听说4quiz610新视野视听说4-quiz6-101 A. A TOEFL exami natio n.B. Any En glish Ian guage exam in ati on.C. Good luck.D. Ill luck.2 A. To keep evil away.B. To wish for more mon ey.C. To show frie ndli ness.D. To treat a wou nd.3 A. She will paint it brown.B. She wants the man to paint it brow n.C. She asks

2、 the man to climb up the ladder.D. She asks the man not to walk un der the ladder.4 A. The building is a 13-floor one.B. The buildi ng does not have a 13th floor.C. The buildi ng has a 13th floor but no body lives there.D. The buildi ng has a 13th floor but few people live there.5 A. It causes a car

3、 accide nt.B. It causes an in jury.C. It preve nts bad luck.D. It makes ple nty of mon ey.6 A. The woma n does nt believe in any superstiti ons.B. The man does nt believe in any superstiti ons.C. The two speakers will probably go out for an outi ng.D. The two speakers will probably stay at home.7 A.

4、 Teachers.B. Lawyers.C. Sailors.D. Doctors.8 A. The man lear nt the n ews of UFO from the n ewspaper.B. The woman learnt the news of UFO from the newspaper today.C. The woma n probably mistook an airpla ne for a UFO.D. The man does nt believe in UFO at all.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same pas

5、sage or dialog.1. When did people beg in to record ani mals falli ng from skies?A. Hun dreds of years ago.B. Thousa nds of years ago.C. In 1877.D. In 1957.2. What did Dr. Smith notice?A. An alligator climbi ng ashore.B. An alligator falli ng to the grou nd, seriously wou nded.C. An alligator falli n

6、g to the grou nd dead.D. An alligator falling to the ground and crawling towards the tent.3. How many alligators did Dr. Smith find within 200 yards?A. Eight.B. Seve n.C. Six.D. Two.4. How did Mr. and Mrs. Tucker con clude that the alligator dropped from sky?A. They heard the soft sou nd of a fallin

7、g object.B. They heard a groa n.C. They heard both a thump and a groa n.D. They saw a dark object dropp ing to the grou nd.5. How did the airship officer know that the alligator had fallen from the sky?A. He saw it falling with his own eyes.B. One of his crew members saw it falli ng.C. The crew of a

8、no ther airship saw it falli ng.D. The officer did not take an alligator aboard.Questi ons 6 to 10 are based on the same passage or dialog.6. Why does one of the alie ns stay on the Earth?A. It wants to con ti nue to collect vegetati on samples.B. It has bee n caught by U.S. gover nment age nts.C. O

9、ther aliens dislike it.D. The other alie ns fled in a hurry, leav ing one beh ind.7. What does the boy Elliott do to lure the alien into his bedroom?A. He leaves candy on his desk.B. He leaves candy in the forest.C. He prete nds to be asleep.D. He prete nds to be ill.8. Whom does the mother Mary see

10、 after she comes upstairs?A. Only Elliott.B. Elliott and Michael.C. Elliott, Michael and Gertie.D. Elliott, Michael, Gertie and the alien.9. What can the alie n do?A. It can fly to the solar system quickly.B. It can leave the solar system quickly.C. It can make a dead pla nt live aga in.D. It can qu

11、ickly kill a pla nt.10. Why does Elliott become irrational when the alien becomes drunk?A. The alie n has told him to kiss a girl.B. The alien has told him to watch it kiss a woman.C. He has developed a super natural conn ecti on with the alie n.D. He has lost the super natural conn ecti on with the

12、 alie n.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1. What does the man report to the policewoma n?A. A car accide nt.B. A case of dru nk driv ing.C. A UFO.D. An alien killing people.2. What did the man see?A. A bright light rising over a hill.B. A bright light disappearing behind a h

13、ill.C. A light movi ng towards him.D. A light explod ing in front of him.3. What did the man do whe n he sighted what he believed to be a UFO?A. He drove towards it.B. He ran away from it.C. He immediately reported it to the police.D. He called his frie nd for help.4. What does the man say the beast

14、 did?A. He overtur ned the car to injure the man.B. He kno cked the man out before putt ing him alon gside the road.C. He knocked the man out before carrying him to a flying saucer.D. He carried the man on his shoulder to a flying saucer.5. What does the policewoma n imply by ask ing Have you bee n

15、tak ing any medicati on, drugs, or alcohol in the last 24 hours?A. She wants to use medicine to cure the driver.B. She wants to throw the driver into jail.C. She wa nts to see the UFO for herself.D. She does not believe the mans story.1. The man speaker is not hungry, for he swallowed three hotdogs

16、only a short time ago.B. False2. The In dia n mystic has lived on air in stead of on food and drinks for most of his life.A. True3. To ensure the Indian did not eat or drink during the 11 days, scientists took turns watching him from various an gles.B. False4. The Indian did not eat or drink for 11

17、days though he relieved himself.B. False5. NASA was interested in the Indian mystic because the secret of his minimal diet would make space travel simpler.A. True1 A. A on e-day trip to the waterfalls.B. A two-day trip to the waterfalls.C. A trip to the caves.D. A free travel book.2 A. He was exhaus

18、ted from the whirlwi nd tour of Europe.B. He was surprised by the beautiful sce nery in Europe.C. He was robbed and almost killed on his trip to Europe.D. He enjo yed his trip to Europe treme ndously.3 A. The man cannot dow nl oad photos from the Intern et.B. The mans pho ne can take pictures.C. The

19、 woman will lend her camera to the man.D. The woma n will e-mail her photos to the man.4 A. She will buy a good camera.B. She will use the n egatives to make copies.C. She will ask the man to e-mail her some photos.D. She will e-mail the photos to the man.5A. It was perfect.B. It was excelle nt thou

20、gh there were some minor problems.C. It was bad though there were a few good poin ts.D. It was very bad.6 A. The woman is changing a room for the man.B. The man is fed up with the no ise n ext door.C. The woman will charge some money for changing a room for the man.D. The man is check ing out at the

21、 cou nter.7 A. 2 a.m.B. 12.C. 2 p.m.D. 2:30 p.m.8 A. Hang glidi ng.B. Whitewater rafti ng.C. Rock climb ing.D. Mou ntai n biki ng.1.What is the movie about that the man recomme nds?A. Its about the reunion and separati on of lovers.B. Its about lovers tur ning hostile to each other.C. Its about the

22、Seco nd World War.D. Its about a woma n who loves icecream.2.What is true of the song Sam the pia no player sin gs?A. Its funny.B. Its moving.C. Its milita nt.D. Its happy.3.What does the man suggest to make the woma n stop worry ing her little head?A. Inviting some friends to join them.B. Leav ing

23、the theater before the sad movie en ds.C. Watchi ng a movie with a happy ending.D. Buy ing someth ing good to eat.4.What did the woma n bring?A. Ice cream floats.B. Milk shakes .C. Apple juice.D. KFC.What does the man say is sometimes good?A. Junk food.B. Healthy food.C. A marriage cerem ony.D. A mo

24、vie mixi ng comedy and tragedy.1. The dance mach ine is no Ion ger fashi on able.B. False2. The womans left foot moves better than her right foot.B. False3. The dance mach ine has three levels of difficulty.A. True4. The man believes the woma n has good footwork for dancing.B. False5. The mach ine m

25、oves too fast for the man.A. TrueL81 A. He does not wa nt to eat GM foods.B. He wants GM foods labeled.C. He does n ot care if GM foods are labeled.D. He agrees with the woma n.2 A. She agrees with the man.B. GMO spreads diseases.C. GM fish are abno rmally large.D. Trees grow too fast.3 A. She wants

26、 the man to go to the meeting.B. She wants the man to pick up the childre n.C. She wants to clone the man.D. She does not want a clone of the man.4 A. Evolution is more efficient than lab experiments.B. Evolution is less efficient than lab experiments.C. Evoluti on produces better stra ins.D. Lab ex

27、perime nts produce more stra ins.5 A. The woma n wants to be coaxed to clone herself.B. Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.C. Love is bli nd.D. The man wants copies of the girl through cloning.6 A. The man is aga inst orga n cloning.B. The woma n is aga inst orga n cloning.C. The man is a scie nt

28、ist devoted to orga n cloning.D. The woman will let her organ clones once it fails.7 A. The two speakers have a lot of com mon in terests.B. The two speakers have both chose n Mr. Gree ns elective course.C. The woma n has a lot of kno wledge on gen etics.D. The man is beg inning to like gen etics.8

29、A. Both the man and the woman are against GM food.B. Both the man and the woma n are for the GM food.C. The woma n is probably a con sumer of GM foods.D. The man is probably a con sumer of GM foods.Questi ons 1 to 5 are based on the same passage or dialog.1. What is the Icela nd compa ny doing?A. Cr

30、eat ing a detailed map of the genes of the Icela ndic people.B. Creat ing a detailed map of all huma n gen es.C. Creati ng a map as detailed as those by some other projects.D. Creating a map less detailed than that by the American company.2. Why do the people of Icela nd prese nt a special opportu n

31、ity to study the huma n geno me?A. Icela nd has a small populati on.B. Most of the Icela nders have a small group of an cestors.C. Ple nty of records of their an cestors are available.D. All of the above.3. Why is the Icela nd genome project superior to the America n genome project?A. Because it observes 200 milli on people.B. Because it observes 14 large families.C. Because it observes more families than any other project.D. Because it observes more families tha n many other projects.4.

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