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外研选修6 Module 6 War and Peace 知识讲解.docx

1、外研选修6 Module 6 War and Peace 知识讲解Module 6 War and PeacePeriod 1 Introduction & Reading and Vocabulary整合储单词Word 1 abandon【整合用法】abandon v. 放弃,抛弃, 中止Fearing further attacks, most of the population had abandoned the city. 因为害怕还要受到袭击,大多数市民已逃离该市。Rescuers had abandoned all hope of finding any more survivor

2、s. 营救人员对找到更多生还者已不抱任何希望。【拓展延伸】abandoned adj. 被遗弃的;恣意放荡的abandon ship弃船(逃生)abandon yourself to sth沉湎于某事;陷入(某种感情)She abandoned herself to despair. 她陷入绝望之中。 【语境巧记】Because of the fog we abandoned their idea of driving to the stadium. We had to abandon the car and walk the rest of the way. The game had to

3、be abandoned due to bad weather.因为有雾,我们打消了开车去的念头。我们只好弃车,步行走完剩下的路。由于天气不好,比赛不得不中止。Word 2 operation 【整合用法】operation n. 行动;运作;手术The police have launched a major operation against drug suppliers. 警方发动了一次打击毒贩的大规模行动。The UN rescue operation started shortly after dawn. 联合国的救援行动在破晓后不久就开始了。The aircrafts engine

4、 operation was normal. 飞机引擎运转正常。Protective clothing must be worn when the machine is in operation. 机器运转时,必须穿着防护服。【拓展延伸】operate vt. 操作 vi. 动手术,常与介词on连用a knee/heart/stomach etc operation 膝部/心脏/胃部等手术a major/minor operation 大/小手术an emergency operation 紧急手术a life-saving operation 挽救生命的手术a transplant oper

5、ation 移植手术in operation运行中;有作用,效力have an operation 接受手术do/carry out an operation 施行手术recover from an operation 术后恢复survive an operation 挺过手术come/go into operation (=begin to have an effect)开始产生作用put/bring sth into operation (=make something start to work)使某事物开始工作The new rule comes into operation on F

6、ebruary 1. 新规定于2月1日起生效。Britain will carry out a joint military operation with the US. 英国将与美国实施联合军事行动。Word 3 last【整合用法】last v持续;持久;维持;够用 adj. 刚过去的;最后的;最不可能的 adv. 最后;上次;最近 The hot weather lasted for the whole month of June. 六月份炎热的天气持续了整整一个月。Each lesson lasts an hour. 每堂课上一小时。This good weather wont las

7、t. 这种好天气不会持续很久。Youve changed a lot since I last saw you. 你和上次见你大不一样了。【拓展延伸】in the last years (in the recent/past years)在最近的几年里the last person/thing 最不可能的人/事物;最不想要的人/事物;最不适当的人/事物be the last straw成为使人不堪忍受的最后一件事Shes the last person Id expect to meet in a disco.我怎么也想不到会在迪斯科舞厅遇到她。Money was the last thing

8、 I cared about right now. 目前,钱对我来说是最无所谓的。Hed broken his promise again, and it was the last straw. 他又一次食言,这让人再也无法忍受下去了。 Word 4 occupy 【整合用法】occupy vt. 占领;占据;占用The building was purchased and occupied by its new owners last year. 这幢房屋去年被新业主买下入住了。Football occupies most of my leisure time. 足球占去了我大部分的闲暇时间

9、。Family photos occupied almost the entire wall. 家人的照片差不多占了整个墙面。【拓展延伸】occupation n.职业;居住;占有,占领occupied adj. 已被占的, 使用中的, 忙的, 从事的occupy oneself in sth./(in) doing sth.使忙于(做)某事be occupied in/with (doing) sth. 从事/专心于;忙于keep sb. occupied with sth./(in) doing sth.使某人忙碌于(做)某事occupy sbs mind/thoughts/attenti

10、on占据某人的脑海/思想/注意力have no fixed occupation无固定职业【温馨提示】表示“忙于(做)”的结构:be occupied (in) doing sth./with sth.专心于(做)某事;忙于(做)某事be busy doing sth./with sth. 忙于(做)某事be engaged in (doing) sth. 忙于(做)某事【语境巧记】He occupied himself with various research projects. Work will occupy his mind and help his forget about her

11、.他终日从事各种研究计划。工作会占据他的思想,使他忘记她。Word 5 wound【整合用法】wound v. 使受伤 n. 创伤, 伤害, 伤口【语境巧记】Gunmen wounded six others in an attack today, including Mike. A nurse cleaned and bandaged the wound. It took several months for his wounds to heal . 在今天的一起袭击事件中,持枪歹徒打伤六人,包括迈克。护士把伤口清洗包扎好。他的伤口几个月后才愈合。【拓展延伸】wounded adj. 受伤的

12、the wounded 伤病员。作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。wound sb. in the+身体部位 伤害了某人的某部位be badly/seriously etc wounded严重受伤【易混易错】wound, injure, hurt1. wound一般指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤,尤指战争、战斗中受伤。The soldier was badly wounded in the head. 这位士兵头部受了重伤。2. injure一般指由于意外或事故造成损伤。Although his hand was injured in the car accident, he was still able

13、to operate the machine. 他虽然在车祸中伤了手,但是还能继续开机器。3. hurt可以指肉体上的伤害,也可以指精神上的伤害,特指伴有疼痛的肉体上的伤害。He hurt his leg when he fell. 他摔倒时伤了腿。Word 6 shocked【整合用法】shocked adj.震惊的,感到意外的I was shocked when I heard what had happened. 我听说了发生的事,感到很震惊。They seemed shocked at the suggestion. 他们对这个建议似乎很震惊。【拓展延伸】shock n. 震惊 vt.

14、 使感到震惊a big/great/ terrible/awful shock 极大的震惊a complete/total shock 深感震惊get/have a shock 感到震惊give sb a shock 使某人震惊get over/recover from a shock 从打击中恢复过来come as a shock(=be very unexpected) 非常震惊be a bit of a shock 有点意外【易混易错】shocking adj. 令人震惊的We were all greatly shocked by the shocking news that he s

15、hould leave his job.对于他竞然辞掉了工作的令人震惊的消息,我们都很震惊。【语境巧记】Oh, he gave me quite a shock. I got a shock when I saw how thin he had become. It seemed that he hasnt got over the shock of losing his job yet. No one expected the factory where he worked to close it was a complete shock. The collapse of the compa

16、ny came as a shock to us all.噢,他让我吃惊不小。看到他变得这么消瘦,我很震惊。看来他还没有从失业的打击中恢复过来。没人料到他工作的工厂会关闭这让人非常震惊。公司的倒闭让我们所有人都感到震惊。Word 7 overlook【整合用法】overlook v. 忽视,忽略;不计较,宽恕;俯视,俯瞰It is easy to overlook a small detail like that. 那样的小细节很容易被忽略。She found him entertaining enough to overlook his faults. 她觉得他很有趣,足以让她包容他的缺点。

17、Our room overlooks the ocean. 我们的房间可以俯视大海。【拓展延伸】over-表示“过度,过分”; 表示“在之上”overload超载;overweight超重;overcrowded过度拥挤的;overwork过度劳累;overbridge n.天桥;overlook v. 俯视,疏忽【易混易错】overlook, look overoverlook为动词,意为“俯视;忽视”;look over为动词短语,意为“检查,查看”。【语境巧记】Dont overlook the students who are poor in their studies and ask

18、 them to look over exercises before handing them in. 不要忽视学习差的学生, 让他们把练习检查一遍再交。Word 8 rescue 【整合用法】rescue v. & n. 营救,拯救Mary died trying to rescue her children from the blaze. Firefighters worked for two hours to rescue people from the building. Some survivors of the crash were rescued by helicopter.玛

19、丽试图从大火中救出自己的孩子,却不幸身亡。消防员奋战两小时,将众人从大楼中救出。空难的生还者被直升机救了出来。【拓展延伸】rescuer n. C求助者rescue team/attempt/operation 营救队/营救努力/救援行动rescue sb/sth from sb/sth从中救出rescue mission/operation救援行动come to the rescue/sbs rescue 前来营救(某人)【易混易错】rescue, save rescue与save表示“救,挽救”时,一般可互换。但save为普通用词,还可表示“节省,保留,储蓄,积攒”;而rescue一般多用

20、于较大方面的“救援,解救”,可表示“从监禁、攻击,死亡威胁中搭救”,rescue还可作名词使用,也可作定语修饰另一个名词。【语境巧记】Rescue workers arrived at the scene two hours later. A lifeboat came to the yachtsmans rescue. The rescue operation proved successful.救援人员两个小时后到达现场。一艘救生艇挽救了快艇驾驶者的生命。这次救援行动是成功的。巧记识短语Phrase 1 declare war on【整合用法】declare war on 向宣战Angry

21、 residents have declared war on the owners of the factory. 气愤的居民已经向工厂主宣战。【拓展延伸】declare against sth. 声明反对某事declare for 声明支持declare in favor of sth. 声明赞成某事 fight a war 打仗fight in a war(=take part as a soldier) 参加战争win/lose a war 战胜/战败go to war(=become involved in a war) 参战,出兵作战be at war 交战a world war

22、世界大战a civil war内战a nuclear war核战争【易混易错】declare, announcedeclare“庄严宣告”,常用于正式场合,它所涉及的事不一定是对方所不知道的。Announce“公布、告知”,它所涉及的是一件对方原来不知道的事。The accused man declared himself innocent. 被告人声称他是无辜的。The date of his visit has not been announced. 他来访的日期尚未公布。Phrase 2 make a breakthrough【整合用法】make a breakthrough 取得重大突

23、破(进展)The Chinese scientists have made a big breakthrough in the field of medicine. 中国科家学在医学领域取得了重大突破。【拓展延伸】make out (费力地) 看出;听出;理解;看清楚,辨认出make fun of 取笑make use of 利用某事物make a difference 有关系,有区别,有影响make an effort to do sth. 努力做某事make the most/best of充分利用make for走向,往走去,有益于,促进。make up编造;组成;补足,弥补;化妆;和解

24、make up for补偿,弥补。make it完成某事;赶上;取得成功;出席,到场make a suggestion 提出建议 【易混易错】makeof (from) 由制成(通常用被动式)。用 of 时在制成品中看得出原材料,而用 from 时在制成品中看不出原材料。Phrase 3 pick up【整合用法】pick up 停下来让某人搭车(船等);救起;捡起;恢复(健康);接收(信号);偶然学会(得到);加快;接某人;接着做某事He picked up the story where he had left it the day before. 他接着往下讲前天没讲完的故事。She p

25、icked up the local accent, then started to use it. 她偶然学会了方言,然后就开始用了。He picked his cap up from the floor and stuck it back on his head. 他从地板上捡起帽子,重新戴在头上。 She was going over to her parents house to pick up some clean clothes for Oskar. 她正要去父母家为奥斯卡取几件干净的衣服。We can pick up Mexican television. 我们可以接收到墨西哥电

26、视。【拓展延伸】Pick outph挑选;分辨出,辨认出His story was picked out as the best by the judges. 他的小说被评委们评为第一名。She was able to pick out her father at the other side of the room. 她发现父亲就在房间另一头。探索理句型Sentence 1Sentence 1 Many of the men were either killed or wounded by machine gun fire. 许多人被机关枪射死或射伤。【句型分析】该句是简单句。eithero

27、r是并列连词,连接并列谓语。【重点梳理】eitheror 或者或者, 表示二者其一。其中either做连词。例句:Either you or Tom has done it. (连接并列主语)不是你就是汤姆做了这件事。You may either stay at home or go there with us. (连接并列谓语)你既可以待在家里也可以和我们一道去。用法:当either or 与neither nor,在连接两个并列主语时,谓语动词必须在人称和数上与靠近的主语保持一致。延伸:either还具有以下两种词性:(1) pron.(两者之中)任一、任何一个Im afraid that

28、 either of them will not agree to this arrangement. 我担心他们两人都不会同意这样的安排的。 (2)adj. 两者之一的 You may use either hammer. 两把锤子中你可以随便用一把。 (3)adv. 也(不),用于否定句中,通常置于句末。I havent read the book and my brother hasnt either. 我没有读过这本书,我兄弟也没读过。 Sentence 2 The survivors lay on the beach, exhausted and shocked. 死里逃生的战士躺在

29、海滩上,疲惫不堪,心有余悸。【句型分析】exhausted and shocked是过去分词作状语,表示死里逃生的战士躺在海滩上时的状态。【重点梳理】形容词作状语:形容词除了可以作定语、表语或补语外,还可以在句中作状语,具有副词的功能。形容词作状语用时,一般用逗号将其与句子的其余部分隔开。这种状语可位于句首、句末或句中。它在意义上相当于一个状语从句,具有以下语义和特征。如:He approached us, full of apologies.(=He, who was full of apologies, approached us.)他连声道歉地朝我们走过来。(表示行为或伴随)Angry

30、at the girl oversleeping, Mr Green went down to wake her up. (=Mr Green went down to wake up the girl because he was angry with her for oversleeping.)格林先生下去叫醒她,是因为她睡过了头惹恼了他。(表示原因)Enthusiastic, they are quite cooperative.(When/If they are enthusiastic, they are cooperative.)他们热心时是很愿意合作的。(表示条件)Wet or

31、fine, he got up at six and took a walk in the park. (=Whether it was wet or fine, he got up at six and took a walk in the park.) 不管是晴天还是下雨天,他总是六点钟起床,并到公园里散散步。(表示让步)One woman was lying in bed, awake, listening to the rushing wind. 有一个女人躺在床上,毫无睡意,静听那疾驰而过的大风。(表示结果或状态)Period 2 GrammarGrammar Subjunctive mood (虚拟语气) (二)虚拟语气还常用于下面这些从句中。1. 虚拟语气用于宾语从句中。在suggest, advise, propose, order, command, demand, require, request, insist等表示建议、命令、劝告等的动词后的宾语从句中要用虚拟语气。谓语动词用(should) +动词原形。如:He ordered that the students wash the clo

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