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配套K12七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle单元综合测试 新版牛.docx

1、配套K12七年级英语上册 Unit 6 Food and lifestyle单元综合测试 新版牛Food and lifestyle(将答案按序号填在答卷纸上)第卷(选择题 共50分)一、听力部分(15分)(一)、听下面10段对话,每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段对话读两遍。(10分)( )1. What festival does the boy like? A. B. C. ( )2. What festival is it today? A. B. C. ( )3. What does Jack want to eat for lunch? A.

2、B. C. ( )4. What does the girl often do? A. B. C. ( )5. Whats the date today? A. October 29. B. October 30. C. October 31. ( )6. Whose bag is it? A. Daniels. B. Millies. C. Kittys.( )7. Where does the boy have the New Years party? A. In the classroom. B. In the school hall. C. In the playground.( )8

3、.What would the boy like to eat? A. Apples. B. Chocolates. C. Pears.( )9. How much juice is there in the fridge? A. Two bottles. B. Three bottles. C. Five bottles.( )10. What does the boy usually have for breakfast? A. Bread, eggs and milk. B. Soup, mantou or baozi. C. Baozi, milk and eggs.(二)、听下面2段

4、材料,每段材料后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,每段材料读两遍。(5分)听第一段材料,回答第11-12题。( )11. Where are they? A. At home. B. In the park. C. In a restaurant (餐馆).( )12. Which of the following doesnt the man ask for? A. Fish and chicken. B. Beans and cola. C. Beef and juice.听一篇短文,回答第13-15小题。请根据内容从A、B、C三个选项中选择正确的选项,完成信息记录

5、表。 American Students Meals on WeekdaysBreakfastThey usually have breakfast at home on weekdays. They usually have eggs, bread, fruit and 13 for breakfast.LunchThey have lunch 14 .They usually have meat, fruit, vegetables, bread and drink for lunch. They like pizza(比萨饼), hot dogs and hamburgers bette

6、r.SupperThey have supper at home at 15 .They usually have soup, meat, dumplings and rice for supper.( )13.A.milk B. coffee C. tea( )14. A. at home B. at school C. in the restaurant (餐馆)( )15. A. 7 p.m. B. 6.30 p.m. C. 6 p.m.二、单项选择(15分)( ) 1. -My son seldom has _ breakfast. -It is _ unhealthy habit.

7、You must ask him to change it.A. /; an B. the; an C. /; a D. the; a( ) 2. -I hear youve got a new iPhone 6 Plus. _ I have a look? -Yes, certainly.A. May B. Do C. Shall D. Should( ) 3. Daniel goes to the zoo _ a month.A. sometimes B. some times C. some time D. sometime( ) 4. It is a nice bag , but it

8、 only _ me ten yuan . A. spent B. took C. paid D. cost ( ) 5. Thereisnt_ teainthecup.Wouldyoulike_water? A.some; any B.any;some C.some;some D.any;any( ) 6.- Mum , Im hungry .-Oh , there _ some orange and bread on the table . A. is B. are C. be D. will be( ) 7. I dont like this kind of drink because

9、theres _sugar in it . A. too many B. many too C. too much D. much too( )8. -_TV does he watch every day? - For two or three hours a day. A. How long B. How many C. How often D. How much( )9.-Would you like to have dinner with us?-_A. You are welcome. B. I like chicken very much.C. Yes, Id love to. D

10、. The restaurant is very far from my house.( )10. I can meet him_ the morning_ October 2nd. A. on; in B. in; of C. on; of D. in; in( )11. 选出划线部分发音不同的一个 _. A. know B. brown C. house D. mouth ( )12. Its important _ English well. A. of us to learn B. for us learning C. to us to learn D. for us to learn

11、( )13. Tom is fat. The doctor asks him to _and _. A. eat more; exercise more B. eat less; exercise less C. eat less; exercise more D. eat more; exercise less ( )14. How many _do you want? A. glass of apple juice B. glass of apple juices C. glasses of apple juice D. glasses of apples juice( )15. -Hap

12、py Fathers Day, Daddy!-_A. Thank you! B. The same to you C. No, thanks. D. Oh, dear!三、 完型填空。 (10 分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Every Sunday morning, Alice goes to visit her grandparents. They live in the south of the city. It usually takes her about 20 minutes to 1 there by bus. It

13、s Sunday today. Alice gets everything 2 at 8.00. She wants to take some eggs and vegetables to her grandparents. At 8.10, she comes to the bus stop to 3 the No.7 bus to her grandparents place. At about 8.30, she knocks 4 the door. Her grandpa and grandma 5 her at home. They are very happy to see Ali

14、ce.At about 10.00, Alice and her grandma do some 6 in the supermarket. They put some rice, meat 7 some fruit into the shopping basket. Her grandma is 8 at cooking. Every Sunday, she cooks some nice food for Alice.After lunch, Alice 9 her grandma do the dishes. Then Grandpa takes Alice to his small 1

15、0 . They water the flowers there.Alice feels very happy to stay with her grandparents. ( )1. A. take B. get C. make D. come( )2. A. ready B. busy C. free D. tired( )3. A. take B. use C. buy D. sit( )4. A. to B. with C. of D. on( )5. A. is looking for B. are looking for C. is waiting for D. are waiti

16、ng for( )6. A. reading B. shopping C. washing D. cooking( )7. A. and B. or C. but D. so( )8. A. well B. nice C. bad D. good( )9. A. hopes B. asks C. helps D. tells( )10. A. house B. garden C. library D. family四、 阅读理解(10分) AI have lived in the West for a long time. I know a lot about the Western coun

17、tries. Let me tell you something about the way of shopping there. People usually make shopping lists first at home and then go shopping. Most people like going to supermarkets because they can buy everything there. They can buy clothes, food, drinks, school things and so on. And the things in the su

18、permarket are cheaper. When people go into a supermarket, they get baskets. They take things they want and put them in the baskets. After they choose what they want, they can pay for them at the exit. They can also enjoy some nice food in the supermarket after shopping. Most people go to the superma

19、rket once a week. Then they can enjoy a good week. ( )1. The writer tells us the of shopping in the West. A. way B. time C. place D. list( )2. What do most people do before they go shopping in the Western countries?A. Talk about how to buy. B. Make shopping lists.C. Ask others what to buy D. Talk ab

20、out where to buy.( )3. People in the Western countries usually put things in the in the supermarket.A. handbags B. boxes C. baskets D. schoolbags( )4. How often do most people in the West go shopping?A. Once a day. B. Once a week. C. Twice a day. D. Twice a week.( )5. Which of the following is NOT t

21、rue according to the passage? A. People can buy everything they want in the supermarket. B. Western people enjoy shopping in the supermarket. C. People can have lunch in the supermarket. D. People can do what they want to do in the supermarket. B A large number of people in the world eat fast foodWh

22、enever you go into a fast food restaurant, you can see lots of people enjoying their meals thereHow do you know in which country people like fast food best?The English people are the worlds biggest fans of fast food, while the French are the least interested in quick meals, according to a survey don

23、e last yearThe survey of thirteen countries shows 45 of the English people say they cant give up fast food because its deliciousAnd 44 of Americans and 37 of Canadians say the sameThe French, proud of their delicious and high-class cuisine, dont like fast food81 of them think it is unhealthy, follow

24、ed by 75 of the JapaneseHow about the Chinese? How often do you have hamburgers or fried chicken? It doesnt matter whether you like Western fast food or Chinese foodThe most important thing is to keep a balanced diet( )6.From the survey we know _ like fast food bestA. the Chinese B. the French C. th

25、e Japanese D. the English( )7.The survey shows _ of Americans like fast foodA. 37 B. 44 C. 75 D. 81( )8.According to the survey, some people cant give up fast food because _A. its cheap B. its safe C. its delicious D. its healthy( )9.The word “cuisine” in the passage means _A. food B. house C. water

26、 D. country( )10. The survey is about _A. Western countries B. fast food C. restaurants in the world D. Chinese food第卷(非选择题 共50分)五、词汇知识(20分)A).根据括号里的汉语意思完成下列句子1. We can enjoy _ (不同的) food in A Bite of China (舌尖上的中国) on TV. 2.At present we dont know if GMF(转基因) food is good for our _ (健康)3. His mothe

27、r wouldnt like to _ (点菜) anything expensive in the restaurant. 4. Zhang Bichen, the winner of The Voice of China, _ (练习) singing a lot every day.5. As I know, the _(总的) number of Grade 7 students is 876 in Shuren Middle School.B). 用所给词的正确形式完成下列句子6.I have some _ (tomato).I can give one to you.7.My br

28、other often goes to school without _ (eat)breakfast.8. Yang Liping is one of the best _ (dance) in China. 9. We students cant sleep _ (little) than 8 hours every night.10. I am planning _ (take) a holiday to the USA.C)、句型转换(每空一词)11Mary has a cup of tea after a meal.(改为否定句) Mary _ _ a cup of tea afte

29、r a meal.12Lets go to the supermarket, OK?(同意句转换) What _ _ to the supermarket?13. Tom has an English book in his bag.(同意句转换) _ _ an English book in _ bag.14Mother spends about 30 minutes cooking dinner for us.(同意句转换) It _ Mother 30 minutes _ _ dinner for us.15Peter exercises for half an hour every day.(对画线部分提问) _ _ _ Peter exercise every day?D)、翻译句子16你们每天晚餐吃什么? _ you eat _ every day ?17这顿饭为我整个下午提供能量。 This meal _ the whole afternoon.18多吃蔬菜对我们有益。 _ good _ us.19基蒂和丹尼尔都

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