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届一轮复习人教版选修六Unit 1Art单元学案30页word解析版.docx

1、届一轮复习人教版选修六Unit 1Art单元学案30页word解析版2019届一轮复习人教版选修六Unit 1Art单元学案一、单词表词汇全查验运用多媒体,提问默写词汇.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写1abstract adj. 抽象的;深奥的n. 摘要2sculpture n. 雕塑3gallery n. 美术陈列室;画廊4conventional adj. 常规的;传统的;因循守旧的5ridiculous adj. 荒谬的;可笑的6controversial adj. 争论的;争议的 第二屏听写7aggressive adj. 敢作敢为的;侵略的;好斗的8delicate adj. 脆弱的;

2、容易生病的;精致的9fragile adj. 精细的;易碎的;脆弱的10fragrant adj. 香的;令人愉快的11contemporary adj. 当代的;同时代的12permanent adj. 永久的;持久的13consequently adv. 所以;因而14masterpiece n. 杰作;名著 .高频词汇(汉译英)第三屏听写1faith n 信任;信心;信念2faithfully adv. 忠实地3aim n. 目标;目的vi.&vt. 瞄准;(向某方向)努力4typical adj. 典型的;有代表性的5evident adj. 明显的;明白的 第四屏听写6adopt v

3、t. 采用;采纳;收养7possess vt. 拥有;具有;支配8possession n. (尤作复数)所有;财产9superb adj. 卓越的;杰出的;极好的10technique n. 技术;方法;技能11shadow n. 阴影;影子 第五屏听写12attempt n努力;尝试;企图vt. 尝试;企图13predict vt. 预言;预告;预测14figure n. 画像;身材;数字15allergic adj. 过敏性的;过敏的16exhibition n. 展览;陈列;展览会17flesh n. 肉;肌肉;肉体 第六屏听写18preference n 喜爱;偏爱19appeal

4、vi. 有感染力;呼吁;求助vt. 将上诉n. 呼吁;恳求20reputation n. 名声;名誉21civilization n. 文明;文化;文明社会22visual adj. 视觉的;看得见的 第七屏听写23district n 区;区域;行政区24committee n. 委员会25signature n. 署名;签字26specific adj. 确切的;特定的27scholar n. 学者28avenue n. 林荫道;道路;大街 第八屏听写29bunch n 束;串30coincidence n. 巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合31by_coincidence 巧合地

5、32a_great_deal 大量33on_the_other_hand (可是)另一方面34in_the_flesh 活着的;本人35appeal_to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣 二、单元核心考点初热身提供语境,单元考点自测回顾(一)分类识记单词用时少功效高识记单词写对.知其意(英译汉)1.sculpture n雕塑 n. 美术陈列室;画廊3.abstract adj. 抽象的;深奥的n. 摘要4.fragrant adj. 香的;令人愉快的5.conventional adj. 常规的;传统的;因循守旧的6.aggressive adj. 敢作敢为的;侵略的;

6、好斗的7.contemporary adj. 当代的;同时代的8.controversial adj. 争论的;争议的9.ridiculous adj.荒谬的;可笑的10.permanent adj. 永久的;持久的.写其形(汉译英)1.scholar n. 学者2.flesh n. 肉;肌肉;肉体3.avenue n. 林荫道;道路;大街4.superb adj. 卓越的;杰出的;极好的5.visual adj. 视觉的;看得见的6.allergic adj. 过敏性的;过敏的mittee n. 委员会核心单词练通1.He passed the exam at the first attem

7、pt (尝试), which delighted his parents a lot.2.(2016浙江高考)In this article, you need to back up general statements with specific (确切的) examples.3.(2015福建高考)I wonder how Mary has kept her figure (身材) after all these years.By working out every day.4.Meanwhile, I appeal (呼吁) to the whole society to respect

8、 cleaners labor, and to the government to improve their working and living conditions.5.I know that your shop enjoys a high reputation (名誉) of good service, so I bought the TV set in your shop.6.Remember:when theres shadow (阴影) ahead of you, that means theres sunshine behind you.7.Carrying two bunch

9、es (束) of roses, he walked happily into the room.8.Whats more, there will be less air pollution in our district (区域) by cycling to work.拓展单词用活记全记牢 n信任;信心;信念faithful adj.忠实的;守信的faithfully adv.忠实地2.typical adj.典型的;有代表性的type n类型;典型 v打字typist n打字员3.evident adj.明显的;明白的evidence n证据;证明;明显4.adopt vt.

10、采用;采纳;收养adopted adj.被收养的;被采用的adoption n收养;采用5.possess vt.拥有;具有;支配possession n(尤作复数)所有;财产6.technique n技术;方法;技能technical adj.技术的;工艺的7.coincidence n巧合(的事);(事情、口味、故事等)相合coincident adj.同时发生的8.predict vt.预言;预告;预测prediction n预言;预测predictor n预言者9.aim n目标;目的vi.&vt.瞄准;(向某方向)努力aimless adj.没有目标的;漫无目的的aimlessly

11、adv.漫无目的地10.exhibition n展览;陈列;展览会exhibit v展览;展出;开展览会11.preference n喜爱;偏爱prefer v喜爱;偏爱12.civilization n文明;文化;文明社会civilize v使文明;使开化;使教化civilized adj.文明的;有礼貌的13.signature n署名;签字sign v签署;签名用准用活1.I have faith in him because he has served us faithfully for many years, and I think he is a faithful and hone

12、st friend. (faith)2.I was walking aimlessly in the street when I came across John, who led an aimless sort of life without any aim. (aim)3.Mr. White is the adopted son of Mrs. Green, who adopted him when his parents died 20 years ago. Thanks to her adoption,_Mr. White could receive a good education

13、and become an engineer. (adopt)4.With his business going on well, he at first possessed big houses, cars, and later he took possession of stocks of different companies. Then, he found that everything he had dreamed of was in his possession. (possess)5.From the look on Marys face, it was evident that

14、 theyve found no evidence so far who had stolen the computers in the office. (evident)6.The headmaster has a preference that he prefers overseas Chinese students highly and encourages them to return home to start their own careers. (prefer)1.常见英语反义形容词面面观2.含词根vis(看)的单词一览visual adj.视觉的;看得见的visible adj

15、. 可见的visibility n. 能见度visa n. 签证vision n. 视野television n. 电视revise vt. 复习;修正supervise vt. 监督;管理3.“相信”家族faith n信任faithful adj. 忠实的faithfully adv. 忠实地believe v. 相信belief n. 信念believable adj. 可信的unbelievable adj. 不可思议的(二)语段串记短语不枯燥兴趣高先 写 对再 用 准第一组1.scores_of_.大量;许多2.appeal_to (对某人)有吸引力;(使某人)感兴趣3.as_a_co

16、nsequence 结果4.concentrate_on 全神贯注于;专注于5.attempt_to_do_sth. 尝试做某事Nowadays, modern artists paint many abstract paintings. These paintings just concentrate_on the qualities of objects and not attempt_to paint objects as we see. As_a_consequence,_most of them cant appeal_to us.第二组1.lead_to导致2.a_great_de

17、al 大量;非常3.by_coincidence 巧合地;偶然地4.depend/rely_on 依靠;依赖5.on_the_other_hand (可是)另一方面Li Fang fell in love with the western paintings by_coincidence. She totally depended_on herself to learn to paint. Since then, her life has changed a_great_deal,_which led_to her success in her painting career.1.“

18、介词)”短语荟萃lead to导致add to增加;增添object to 反对 stick to 坚持refer to 查阅 apply to 适用于2.“byn.”短语全扫描by coincidence巧合地by accident偶然地by chance 偶然地 by design 故意地by mistake 错误地 by necessity 必然地(三)仿写用活句式造佳句表达高背 原 句明 句 式学 仿 写1.Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great m

19、asterpieces for which this period is famous. 没有新的颜料和新的(绘画)手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时期著名的杰作。without引起的含蓄虚拟条件句。没有你的帮助,我考试可能会不及格。Without your help, I would_have_failed_in_the_examination.2.Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Pa

20、ris. 在那些突破传统画法的画家中有印象派画家,他们在巴黎生活和工作。介词短语位于句首,且主语是名词时句子用完全倒装。体育馆门前站着很多手拿鲜花的学生,他们在等待贵宾的到来。In front of the stadium stood_many_students holding flowers waiting for the arrival of the honored guests.3.Henry Clay Frick, a rich New Yorker, died in 1919, leaving his house, furniture and art collection to th

21、e American people. 亨利克莱弗里克是纽约的一位富豪,于1919年去世,把他的房子、家具和艺术收藏品全部留给了美国人民。现在分词短语作结果状语,常位于句首或句尾。据报道,大雨使得河水冲破堤岸,冲走了大桥。It is reported that the heavy rainfall caused rivers to break their banks, washing_away_bridges.考点新组合阅读微技能The customs of the Spring FestivalThe Spring Festival is a traditional festival in C

22、hina. People usually stick couplets (对联) and New Year paintings on their doors. In the paintings, the _(figure) of some famous characters in fairy tales are common. For example, Zhang Fei and Guan Yu from the story of Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Its said that the aim of sticking New Year painting

23、s on doors is to attempt to scare a monster named “Nian”. So, celebrating the Spring Festival is also called “Guo Nian”. During the Spring Festival, children like to receive the lucky money which predicts their health and safety in the coming year, while parents have a faith in the good luck the new

24、 year brings to them.1.处应填词的正确形式为 figures。2.处attempt后常接“动词不定式”作宾语;而to attempt在句中作的是“表语”成分。3.改正处的错误:去掉faith前的a。4.本语段是一个关于中国传统节日春节的优美文段,贴春联、收红包的风俗中洋溢着节日的气氛。背诵下来,可用于介绍中国传统文化的写作中。1figure n画像;雕像;人物;身材;体形;数字;图表;插图v.估计;计算;认为一词多义写出下列句中figure的含义I figure that you know more about the MBA. 认为She does exercise e

25、very morning to keep her figure. 身材;体形The Statue of Liberty standing on an island in New York Harbor is a figure of a woman. 雕像Our textbook has many figures to help explain the lessons. 图表;插图It would be very nice if we had a true figure of how many people in this country havent got a job. 数字归纳拓展(1)f

26、igure out 理解;想出;计算出(2)keep ones figure 保持体形If you dont understand something, you may research, study, and talk to other people until you figure_it_out.(2017北京高考单选)如果你不了解某个事物,你可以研究、学习、与其他人探讨,直到你把它弄清楚。2aim n目标;目的;瞄准vi.& vt.瞄准;对准;旨在;(向某方向)努力(1)achieve ones aim 达到某人的目的;实现某人的目标take aim at 向瞄准without aim

27、漫无目的地 with the aim of 以为目标;意在/旨在(2)aim at/for 针对;瞄准;目的在于aim sb./sth. 用某物朝向/瞄准某人或某物aim to do sth. 意欲/企图/旨在做某事 意欲/企图/旨在做某事(3)aimless adj. 漫无目的的aimlessly adv. 漫无目的地多角练透 单句语法填空I am writing to sincerely invite you to join the table tennis team in our school aimed at developing (develop) our intere

28、sts and improving our skills.(2017全国卷书面表达)In the newspaper of our school there is a column called “Foreign Cultures”, aiming to_introduce (introduce) American customs and the life of high school students.(2015全国卷书面表达)I am here with the aim of doing as well as possible. 单句改错There was a time when he h

29、ad nothing to do, wandering aimless in the street all the day. aimlessaimlessly 句式升级This activity is aimed at improving the students ability of listening and speaking, which is very popular.Aimed_at_improving_the_students_ability_of_listening_and_speaking,_this activity is very popular.(用过去分词作状语改写)3attempt n努力;尝试;企图vt.尝试;企图(1)attempt/try/intend to do sth. 努力/企图做某事(2)make an attempt to do/at doing sth. 试图做某事at the

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