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1、届高三英语考前冲刺模拟卷12019年4月2019届高三英语考前冲刺模拟卷11、Stephen Hawkings final fear was that DNA manipulation would lead to a master race of superhumans. The physicist, who died aged 76 in March, 2018, thought the development could destroy the rest of human beings. His last prediction is revealed in a new book of hi

2、s collected articles and essays called Brief Answers to Big Questions.Hawking feared rich people would soon be able to edit their childrens DNA to improve attributes like memory and disease immunity. And he said that would pose a crisis for the rest of the world even if politicians tried to illegali

3、ze the practice. In an extract (摘录) published by The Sunday Times, he wrote: “I am sure that during this century people will discover how to modify both intelligence and instincts such as aggression. “Laws will probably be passed against genetic engineering with humans. But some people wont be able

4、to resist the temptation to improve human characteristics, such as memory, resistance to disease and length of life.” And he said that would cause huge problems for humans who have not undergone the same process, leaving them unable to compete. The professor even warned it could lead to the extincti

5、on of humanity as we know it. He said of normal humans: “Presumably they will die out, or become unimportant. Instead, there will be a race of self-designing beings who are improving at an ever-increasing rate.” The Brief History of Time author also refers to techniques like Crispr, which enables sc

6、ientists to modify harmful genes and add in others. And although such procedures could be a boost for medical science, some critics are worried that they could cause a eugenics-style (优生方式) movement, where the weak are weeded out of society.The new book, published by Hodder & Stoughton on Tuesday, a

7、lso collects his writings on what he thought were the big questions facing science and wider society. In it, he examines whether aliens exist, colonize space and whether humans will ever go beyond our Solar System.1. Stephen Hawkings views dont include _.A. DNA manipulation could lead to the extinct

8、ion of human beings.B. There exist techniques to modify harmful genes and add in good genes.C. People cannot resist the temptation to improve human characteristics.D. Humans who havent undergone genetic engineering may die out.2. Which one is the hook published by Hodder & Stoughton?A. Brief Answers

9、 to Questions. B. The Sunday Times.C. The Brief History of Time. D. Solar System.3. Whats Stephen Hawkings attitude towards human genetic engineering?A. Supportive. B. Impartial. C. Favorable. D. Concerned.4. What does the text mainly want to tell us?A. Crispr can enable scientists to get harmful ge

10、nes changed.B. DNA manipulation will create a master race of superhumans.C. Humans will colonize space and go beyond our Solar System.D. DNA manipulation may lead to the extinction of human beings.2、Anyone who has to plan and execute field trips and enrichment programs for children, you will want to

11、 keep this guide. So start planning and remember to tell these folks you found them in Kids Directory! Water Quality ProgramDate: Sun.,Jul 31,2019 Time: 10:30 AMWant to know what types of organisms are living in Table Rock Lake? Join Park Rangers in taking water samples if time allows. Be prepared t

12、o get wet,and water shoes are recommended.Dewey Short Visitor Gunter,4 500 State Highway 165, Branson MO 65616 USA Austin, Lost in AmericaDate: Sat.,Sep 3,2019 Time: 11 :00 AM“Austin,Lost in America”,11 am for grades K-5 in the Childrens Department. Jeff Czekajs quirky dog,Austin,grew up in a pet st

13、ore but dreamed of finding a real home. Help him find his real home at the library and you read the book and travel to all 50 states! Learn fun facts,play games and make crafts. Call 862 - 0135.Teen Tuesday Advisory Club Date: Tue. , Sep 6, 2019 Time: 6:00 PM-7:30 PMTeen Tuesday Advisory Club,6:00 p

14、m - 7: 30 pm for grades 6 12 in the Harrison Room. All teens arewelcome to come and chat about their favorite books and movies,and play some awesome games with friends. Earn volunteer credit by helping plan library I events that you want to attend. Call 882 - 0714. Youth Beginning TennisDate: Thu.,S

15、ep 20,2019 Time: 6:00 PM -7:00 PM Youth Beginning Tennis for ages 9-12 years at :Cooper Tennis Complex. Learn the basics of tennis ;in a group setting. Preservation is required. They :have classes from 6 : 00 pm 7:00 pm. The cost is $ 22 per member. To register or for more information, call 837 - 58

16、00 or visit parkboard. org.1.Which program will interest a student of ecology?A.Water Quality Program.B.Austin,Lost in America.C.Teen Tuesday Advisory Club.D.Youth Beginning Tennis.2.We can infer that Austin _.A.had a dream to have his own houseB.liked to play games in the lost easily o

17、utside the pet storeD.will travel all 50 states to find a home3.Which of the following dont teens do at Teen Tuesday Advisory Club?A.Play some awesome games.B.Watch their favorite movies.C.Chat about their favorite books.D.Earn volunteer credit.3、 Created in 1998 by Casey and Shelley Black, the Nort

18、hern Lights Wildlife Wolf Center focuses on not only rescuing young abandoned wolves but educating the public. Unlike other centers, you can actually walk with the wolves and have exciting, hands-on interaction with them here. And so, we gathered one late winter morning to learn, prepare and walk. S

19、crappy and Flora,our wolves that day,were brought to the center when only a few days old. “They lived in the house with us for the first several months. We treated them like human babies, fed them and slept with them,” said Shelley. So, they are totally used to people. However, these are wild animal

20、s. For that reason, Shelley and Casey explained, the walk is totally on the wolfs terms. “We dont approach them, but if they come up to us, we can touch them. ” With all this in mind, we headed for the woods. We were walking on a logging road when suddenly,Flora, all 60 pounds of her,hurried up to m

21、e and raised up on her legs. She was almost as tall as me. As she leaned in, put her huge muddy paws on my shoulders and sniffed my face, apparently she was saying hello in wolf talk. We walked farther, maybe half a mile, while Scrappy and Flora dashed in and out of the woods stopping to occasionall

22、y roll in the snow,dig for this or that and just play. Then we all headed into the trees to a picturesque stream where the wolves splashed,drank and had a great time. One could point out that this whole adventure was staged and quite artificial. But the purpose, Casey and Shelley said,is to explain

23、the wolves place in the environment and,primarily,to let people know wolves don t have to be universally fearedthey really don t hide secretly in the woods just waiting to eat people,but they d rather avoid people,for the most part.1.How is the Northern Lights Wildlife Wolf Center different from oth

24、ers?A.It trains and educates wild wolves.B.It aims to rescue young abandoned wolves.C.It raises wolves for commercial purposes.D.It allows visitors to take a walk with wolves2.What can be inferred from Shelley and Caseys explanation in Paragraph 2?A.The walk can be potentially dangerous.B.The wolves

25、 have lost all their wildness.C.People should get close to the wolves actively.D.The wolves can read peoples mind like human babies.3.Why did Flora behave like that when she saw the author on the logging road?A.To express curiosity.B.To show friendliness.C.To attract attention.D.To seek companionshi

26、p.4.Why do Casey and Shelley organize such an adventure?A.To advertise the center.B.To publicize wolf hunting.C.To promote environmental protection.D.To clarify some conventional views of wolves.4、 I am often homesick. I have learned something about myself from it. I moved from Long Island to Florid

27、a three years ago. Even though I own a home in Port St. Lucie just minutes from the ocean, an uncontrollable urge wells up to return to Long Island even as others make their way south. I guess I am a snowbird stuck in reverse. Instead of enjoying Floridas milder winters, I willingly bear the severe

28、weather on Long Island, the place I called home for 65 years. Im like a migratory bird (候鸟) that has lost its sense of timing and direction, my wings flapping against season. So what makes me fly against the tide of snowbirds? The answer has a lot to do with my reluctance to give up the things that

29、define who I am. Once I hear that the temperature on Long Island has dipped into the range of 40 to 50 degrees, I begin to long for the sight and crackling sound of a wood fire. I also long for the bright display of colors-first in the fall trees, and then in the lights around homes and at Rockefell

30、er Center. Floridians decorate, too, but cant create the special feel of a New England winter. I suppose the biggest reason why I return is to celebrate the holidays with people I havent seen in months. What could be better than sitting with family and friends for a Thanksgiving turkey dinner, or wa

31、tching neighbors children excitedly open gifts on Christmas? Even the first snowfall seems special. I especially enjoy seeing a bright red bird settling on a snow-covered branch. (My wife and I spend winters at a retirement community in Ridge, and Im grateful that I dont have to shovel.) While these

32、 simple pleasures are not unique to Long Island, they are some of the reasons why I come back. Who says you cant go home?1.Whats the difference between Florida and Long Island?A.Winters in Florida are milder.B.The snowbirds in Florida are rarer.C.Weather in Florida is severer.D.Florida is nearer to the ocean.2.What does the underlined word “reluctance” in Paragraph 3 mean?A.Coincidence.B.Expectation.C.Unwillingness.D.Motivation.

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