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1、英语六级真题英语六级真题 2008年12月 00:00.00华研外语:www.TopwayE00:12.59College English Test - Band 600:16.32Part III Listening Comprehension00:20.43Section A00:22.43Directions: In this section,00:25.59you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations.00:31.40At the end of each conversation,00:33.64one or

2、more questions will be asked about what was said.00:37.87Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once.00:42.30After each question there will be a pause.00:46.17During the pause,00:47.35you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D),00:53.21and decide which is the best an

3、swer.00:56.48Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 201:00.77with a single line through the centre.01:04.52Now lets begin with the eight short conversations.01:09.2811. M: Im asked to pick up the guest speaker Bob Russell01:15.11at the airport this afternoon.01:17.42Do you know what he l

4、ooks like?01:20.30W: Well, hes in his sixties.01:22.29He stands out01:23.66-hes bald, tall and thin and has a beard.01:27.84Q: What do we conclude from the womans remarks01:30.62about Bob Russell?01:45.9412. W: Im considering dropping my dancing class.01:50.76Im not making any progress.01:52.94M: If

5、 I were you, Id stick with it.01:55.40Its definitely worth the time and effort.01:58.73Q: What does the man suggest the woman do?02:15.6113. W: You see, I still have this pain in my back.02:21.04This medicine the doctor gave me02:22.84was supposed to make me feel better by now.02:25.84M: Maybe you s

6、houldve taken it three times a day02:28.67as you were told.02:30.99Q: What do we learn from the conversation?02:48.1014. M: Frankly, when I sit at the back of the classroom,02:53.67I cant see the words on the board clearly.02:56.86W: Well, youve been wearing those same glasses02:59.50as long as Ive

7、known you.03:01.37Why not get a new pair?03:03.41It wont cost you too much.03:06.36Q: What does the woman imply about the mans glasses?03:24.3415. W: How come the floor is so wet?03:28.65I almost slipped.03:30.28What happened?03:31.20M: Oh, sorry!03:32.88The phone rang the moment I got into the show

8、er.03:36.02Anyway, Ill wipe it up right now.03:39.85Q: Why was the floor wet according to the man?03:57.4716. M: The instructions on the package04:02.29say that you need to do some assembly yourself.04:05.75Ive spent all afternoon trying in vain to put this bookcase together.04:10.66W: I know what y

9、ou mean.04:12.37Last time I tried to assemble a toy train for my son04:16.45and I almost gave up.04:19.34Q: What does the man find difficult?04:36.0317. M: Im getting worried about Jennys school work.04:42.37All she talks about these days is volleyball games04:46.68and all she does is practice,04:48

10、.58training and things like that.04:50.88W: Her grades on the coming exams will fall for sure.04:54.70Its high time we talked some sense into her.04:59.10Q: What are the speakers probably going to do?05:16.1218. W: Do you understand why the local people05:20.81are opposed to the new dam up the river

11、?05:23.75M: They are worried about the potential danger05:25.96if the dam should break.05:27.95The river is very wide above the proposed site.05:32.26Q: What do we learn from the conversation?05:48.90Now youll hear the two long conversations.05:52.56Conversation One05:55.36W: Mr. White, what changes

12、 have you seen05:57.97in the champagne market, in the last ten to fifteen years?06:02.81M: Well, the biggest change has been the decrease in sales06:05.73since the great boom years of the 1980s06:08.53when champagne production and sales reached record levels.06:12.22W: Which was the best year?06:14.

13、84M: Well the record was in 198906:18.16when 249 million bottles of champagne were sold.06:23.09The highest production level was reached in 199006:26.93with a total of 293 million bottles.06:30.91Of course since those boom years sales have fallen.06:35.02W: Has the market been badly hit by the reces

14、sion?06:38.20M: Oh certainly,06:39.73the economic problems in champagnes export markets06:42.96-thats Europe,06:44.04the United States, Japan,06:46.04and of course the domestic market in France06:48.87-the economic problems have certainly been one reason06:51.55for the decrease in champagne sales.06

15、:54.41W: And the other reasons?06:56.42M: Another important factor has been price.06:59.68In the early 90s,07:01.33champagne was very overpriced,07:03.48so many people stop buying it.07:05.79Instead they bought sparkling wines from other countries,07:09.64in particular from Australia and Spain.07:12

16、.65And then there was another problem for champagne in the early 90s.07:17.40W: What was that?07:18.73M: There was a lot of rather bad champagne on the market.07:22.22This meant the popularity of good sparkling wines07:25.13increased even more.07:27.40People were surprised by their quality07:29.53an

17、d of course they were a lot cheaper than champagne.07:33.60W: Do you think the champagne market will recover in the future?07:37.18M: Oh, Im sure it will.07:39.12When the economic situation improves,07:41.64I believe the market will recover.07:45.62Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation yo

18、u have just heard.07:52.4119. What does the man say about champagne in the 1980s?08:13.5420. Why did sparkling wines become more popular08:18.57than champagne in the early 90s?08:36.0721. What does the man think of the champagne market in the future?08:55.15Conversation Two08:57.75W: Right, well, in

19、 the studio this morning,09:00.54for our interview spot is Peter Wilson.09:03.92Peter works for Green Peace.09:06.05So, Peter, welcome.09:07.75M: Thanks a lot. Its good to be here.09:10.08W: Great! Now, Peter, perhaps you could tell us something09:13.69about Green Peace and your job there.09:16.30M:

20、 Sure. Well, Ill start by telling you09:19.41roughly what Green Peace is all about.09:22.49I actually work in London for the Green Peace organization.09:26.78Weve been going for a few decades09:28.65and were a non-violent, non-political organization.09:32.86Were involved in anti-nuclear activity,09:

21、35.68conservation and protection of animals09:38.23and protection and support of our eco-system.09:41.65Im the action organizer and arrange any protests.09:45.66W: Right! A pretty important role, Peter.09:48.96What sort of protest would you organize?09:51.64M: Well, recently weve been involved09:54.

22、17in anti-nuclear campaigns.09:56.92I personally arranged for the demonstration09:59.57against radioactive waste dumping in the Atlantic Ocean.10:03.95Weve got a few small Green Peace boats10:06.62that we harass the dumping ships with.10:09.42W: Say? Hold on, Peter.10:11.72I thought you said your or

23、ganization was non-violent.10:15.08What do you mean by harass?10:17.10M: Well, we circle round and round the ships and get in the way10:21.17when they try to dump the drums of nuclear waste in the sea.10:25.03We talk to the men and try to change,10:27.74you know, yell at them to stop.10:30.29We gene

24、rally make ourselves as much of a nuisance as possible.10:34.49W: Well, people may think differently of your methods10:37.75but theres no doubt youre doing a great job.10:40.74Keep it up and good luck.10:43.26And thanks for talking with us.10:45.15M: Thanks for having me.10:48.03Questions 22 to 25 a

25、re based on the conversation you have just heard.10:55.1922. What is the mans chief responsibility in the Green Peace organization?11:16.3723. What has Green Peace been involved in recently?11:35.3924. How does Green Peace try to stop people from dumping nuclear waste?11:56.0225. What is the womans

26、attitude towards the Green Peaces campaigns?12:16.20Section B12:17.66Directions: In this section,12:20.64you will hear 3 short passages.12:23.27At the end of each passage,12:25.01you will hear some questions.12:27.28Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.12:32.56After you hear a

27、 question,12:34.88you must choose the best answer12:36.68from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D).12:41.80Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 212:45.43with a single line through the centre.12:49.52Passage One12:51.70To find out what the weather is going to be,12:54.38most people

28、 go straight to the radio, television,12:57.38or newspaper to get an expert weather forecast.13:01.23But if you know what to look for,13:03.49you can use your own senses to make weather predictions.13:08.06There are many signs that can help you.13:10.92For example, in fair weather the air pressure i

29、s generally high,13:15.91the air is still and often full of dust,13:19.06and far away objects may look vague.13:23.03But when the storm is brewing,13:24.91the pressure drops,13:26.44and you are often able to see things more clearly.13:30.43Sailors took note of this long ago,13:33.27and came up with

30、the saying,13:35.20The farther the sight, the nearer the rain.13:39.63Your sense of smell can also help you detect weather changes.13:44.54Just before it rains, odors become stronger,13:49.10this is because odors are repressed in a fair high pressure center.13:54.62When a bad weather low moves in,13:57.26air pressure lessens and odors are released.14:01.80You can also hear an approaching storm.14:05.19Sounds bounce off heavy storm clouds14:07.98and return to earth with increased

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