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1、人教版七下英语短语Unit112中译英缺unit5Unit11. 做运动play sports2. 打篮球/打排球/打棒球play basketball/play volleyball/play baseball3. 打网球/打乒乓球/踢足球play tennis/ play ping-pong/ play soccer/ play football4. 下象棋play chess5. 弹吉他/弹钢琴play the guitar/play the piano6. 拉小提琴/敲鼓play the violin/ play the drums7. 打中国功夫do kung fu8. 与某人交朋友

2、make friends with sb.9. 与某人交谈talk to/talk with10. 在周末on the weekend/ on weekends11. 一个讲英语的学生 an English-speaking student12. 想要做某事want to do/ would like to do13. 帮助某人做某事help sb. do sth.14. 在某方面帮助某人help sb. with sth.15. 讲英语 speak English 16. 用英语把它说出来say it in English 17. 讲故事 tell stories18. 擅长于。be goo

3、d at/ do well in19. 你很擅长讲故事。You are good at telling stories.You do well in telling stories.20. 你可以加入讲故事俱乐部。You can join the story telling club.21. 加入音乐俱乐部/加入游泳俱乐部join the music club/join the swimming club22. 学校音乐节招聘音乐家 musicians wanted for school music festival 23. 在学校公演中 in the school show24. 歌唱得好/

4、舞跳得好sing songs well/dance well25. 对。有好处be good for26. 善于应付。的 be good with sb.27. 对某人友好be good to28. 来加入我们吧! Come and join us!29. 一个体育俱乐部 a sports club30. 你会讲英语吗?Can you speak English ?是的,一点点。Yes, a little.31. 然后你就可以参加我们学校的音乐节了。Then you can be in our school music festival.32. 请打TOM电话12345。Please call

5、 Tom at 12345.33. 来展示给我们Come and show us!34. 学生体育中心students sports center35. 在音乐教室 in the music room36. 在敬老院 at the old peoples home37. 你为什么想加入这个俱乐部?Why do you want to join this club?38. 有空 be free39. 七月份你有空吗?Are you free in July?40. 放学后你忙吗?Are you busy after school?Unit21. 一小时an hour2. 半小时half an h

6、our3. 一小时半one hour and a half/ one and a half hours4. 一刻钟a quarter5. 去上学go to school6. 去上班go to work7. 到校get to school8. 到家get home9. 刷牙brush (ones) teeth10. 做作业 do (ones) homework11. 起床,站起get up12. 穿上衣服get dressed13. 洗淋浴take a shower14. 散步take a walk15. 要么。要么,或者。或者eitheror16. 在早上in the morning17. 在

7、下午in the afternoon18. 在傍晚in the evening19. 在晚上at night20. 在中午,在正午at noon21. 在周末(两种)on weekends/on the weekend22. 爱做某事like doing/ like to do23. 放学后after school24. 下课后after class25. 下班后after work26. 健康的习惯healthy habits27. 不健康的习惯unhealthy habits28. 谁更健康?Who is healthier?29. 一份工作(两种)a job/ a piece of wo

8、rk30. 一份有趣的工作 an interesting job31. 他在一家电台工作。He works at a radio station.32. 现在几点?(两种)What time is it? / Whats the time ?现在三点整Its three oclock.33. 对于早餐,那是一段多么滑稽的时间啊!Thats a funny time for breakfast!34. 我不喜欢早起。I dont like to get up early.35. 我上班从不迟到。Im never late for work.36. 你通常几点锻炼?What time do you

9、 usually exercise?37. 我通常在早上六点锻炼。I usually exercise at six oclock in the morning.38. 他们总是在晚饭后散步。They always take a walk after dinner.39. 在上学的日子你是几点起床的?What time do you get up on school days?40. 我没有很多时间吃早饭,所以我通常吃得很快。I dont have much time for breakfast, so I usually eat very quickly.41. 放学后,我有时候会打半小时篮

10、球。After school, I sometimes play basketball for half an hour.42. 当我到家后,我总是先做作业。When I get home, I always do my homework first.43. 在晚上,我要么看电视,要么玩电脑游戏。In the evening ,I either watch TV or play computer games.44. 她知道这对她不好,但它尝起来很不错。She knows its not good for her, but it tastes good.45. 请用两种方式写出下列时间的英语表达

11、8:05 eight five/ five past eight 7:15 seven fifteen/ a quarter past seven6:30 six thirty/ half past six 9:33 nine thirty-three/ twenty-seven to ten10:45 ten forty-five/ a quarter to eleven 5:00 five oclockUnit31 到达(3种) get to/arrive in/arrive at/ reach2 一份工作(2种)a job/ a piece of work3 认为,想起think of4

12、 多久how long5 多远how far6 在。和。之间betweenand7 我也不确定。Im not sure.8 祝你在学校里有愉快的一天。Have a good day at school!9 一个8岁的女孩 an eight-year-old girl10 这个女孩八岁了。The girl is eight years old.11 一百one hundred12 二百 two hundred13 好几百的,成百上千的hundreds of 14 实现,成为现实come true15 他们的梦想能实现吗? Can their dream come true?16 那里没有桥。Th

13、ere is no bridge./There are no bridges.17 对小船而言,河水流的太快。 The river runs too quickly for boats.18 他们的梦想是有一座桥。 It is their dream to have a bridge.19 出发去某地 leave for20 在公交车停靠站 at the bus stop21 乘坐地铁火车出租车飞机take the subway traintaxiplane22 做某事花费某人多少时间 It takes sb some time to do sth23 每天做作业花费我一小时的时间 It ta

14、kes me an hour to do my homework every day.24 做某事对某人而言是怎么样的。 It is + 形容词+(for sb.)+ to do25 对大多数学生来说,到校是很容易的。 For many students, it is easy to get to school.26 对她来说,学好数学太难了。 Its too difficult for her to learn math well.27 在他们的学校和村庄间有一条大河。 There is a very big river between their school and the villag

15、e.28 所以这些学生通过索道穿过河流到学校。 So these students go on a ropeway to cross the river to school.29 我爱跟我的同学们一起玩。 I love to play with my classmates.30 你认为这次行程怎么样? What do you think of this trip?31 公交车行程 the bus ride32 5分钟的公交车行程 five minutes bus ride33 这是好的锻炼。Its good exercise.34 他就像是我的父亲。He is like a father to

16、 me.35 害怕某物/害怕做某事 be afraid of sth./ be afraid to do36 离。遥远的 far (away) from37 余姚离宁波有大约50公里远。 Yuyao is 50 kilometers (away ) from Ningbo.38 很快吃完早餐(2种)have a quick breakfasthave breakfast quickly39 首先。然后。接着。最后firstthennext. finally(at last in the end)40 Mary想知道Tom住在哪里。 Mary wants to know where Tom li

17、ves.41 你家离学校有多远?(2种) How far is it from your home to school? How far is your home from school?42 你住的离学校多远? How far do you live from school?43 我住在离学校10公里。 I live 10 kilometers from school.44 她是怎样到校的? How does she get to school?她是骑自行车到校的。(3种)She rides a bike to school.She gets to school by bikeon a bi

18、ke.45 他通常怎么去北京的? How does he usually go to Beijing?他通常是坐飞机去北京的。(5种)He usually takes a plane to Beijing.He usually flies to Beijing.He usually goes to Beijing by planeby airon a plane.46 你爸爸是怎么上班的? How does your father get to work?他是开轿车上班的。(3种)He drives a car to work.He gets to work by carin a car.47

19、 我们是步行去上学的。(2种) We walk to school.We go to school on foot.48 邮局到银行有多远? How far is it from the post office to the bank? How far is the post office to the bank?邮局到银行有3公里远。(2种)It is 3 kilometers from the post office to the bank.The post office is 3 kilometers from the bank.49 从你家到学校要花费多少时间? How long do

20、es it take you to get from home to school?这通常要花费我45分钟。It usually takes me about forty-five minutes to get from home to school.50 感谢你的上封邮件。 Thanks for your last e-mail.Unit4 短语1、 一件制服a uniform2、 一件校服a school uniform3、 一门重要的学科 an important subject4、 穿校服 wear the school uniform5、 到达(三种)get to/ arrive i

21、n(at)/reach6、 迟到(两种)be/arrive late for7、 按时,准时on time8、 及时in time9、 在课堂上in class10、 在教室里in the classroom11、 在餐厅in the dining hall12、 下课后/下班后/放学后after class/ work/ school13、 听音乐listen to music14、 上课听老师listen to the teacher in class15、 与某人打架fight with16、 必须,不得不have to17、 把某物带来到某地bringto18、 把某物带走到某地tak

22、eto19、 保持安静be/keep quiet20、 外出go out21、 练习做某事practice doing22、 练习钢琴practice the piano23、 练习弹钢琴practice playing the piano24、 清洗餐具do the dishes25、 铺床make the/ones bed26、 认为,想起think of27、 考虑think about28、 过多规矩too many rules29、 更多规矩more rules30、 过多的钱too much money31、 对某人要求严格be strict with sb.32、 对某事要求严格

23、be strict in sth.33、 遵守规矩(三种)follow/keep/obey the rules34、 违反规则break the rules35、 留短发keep hair short36、 在晚餐前before dinner37、 在吃晚餐前before eating/having dinner38、 在我吃晚餐前before I eat/have dinner39、 学习做某事learn to do40、 学习弹吉他learn to play the guitar41、 不要吵闹。Dont be noisy.42、 不要把脏碗留在厨房。Dont leave the dirt

24、y dishes in the kitchen.43、 不要在课堂上吃东西。Dont eat in class.44、 你可以去外面吃。You can eat outside.45、 在上学的晚上on school nights46、 在上学的日子on school days47、 帮助妈妈做早餐 help mom make breakfast48、 在周末我也不能放松。I cant relax on weekends either.49、 我知道你的感受。I know how you feel.50、 还有很多你可以做的事情。 There are a lot of things you ca

25、n do51、 祝你好运!Good luck!52、 这不公平。Its unfair.53、 我从来就不快乐。(三种) I never have fun. I have no fun. I dont have any fun.54、 在我理想中的学校,我们没必要每天来学校。 At my dream school, we dont have to come to school every day.55、 他必须在餐厅吃东西吗? Does he have to eat in the dining hall? 是的。 Yes, he does.56、 我们能带音乐播放器来学校吗? Can we br

26、ing music players to school? 不,不能。 No, we cant.57、 家长和学校有时很严厉,但记住,他们制定规则是为了帮助我们。Parents and schools are sometimes strict, but remember, they make rules to help us.Unit6 短语1、 看报纸/看书read a newspaper/read a book/read newspapers/read books2、 使用电脑use the computer3、 做汤make soup4、 洗衣服wash clothes5、 听一张CD l

27、isten to a CD6、 看电视 watch TV7、 去看电影 go to the movies8、 在电视上观看龙舟比赛 watch the boat races on TV9、 出去吃饭eat out10、 为考试而学习study for a test11、 喝茶drink tea12、 没什么事(两种)not much/nothing much13、 加入某人一起做某事join sb. for sth.14、 明天晚上tomorrow evening15、 通电话talk on the phone16、 寄宿家庭host family17、 美国(若干种)America/the

28、US/the USA/the United States/ the United States of America18、 一个美国家庭an American family19、 端午节Dragon Boat Festival20、 一个小孩子a young child21、 许多小孩子many young children22、 在客厅in the living room23、 包粽子make zongzi24、 希望做某事wish to do25、 任何一个其他的夜晚any other night26、 我很乐意。(两种)Id like/love to.27、 千好万好,不如自己的家好。(

29、两种) There is no place like home. East or west, home is best.28、 你正在干嘛?What are you doing?29、 我正在打扫房间。I am cleaning the room.30、 他在做作业吗?Is he doing homework?31、 不,他在锻炼。No, he is exercising.32、 他每晚锻炼。He exercises every night.33、 我爸爸总是在晚饭后喝茶。My father always drinks tea after dinner.34、 现在你想去看电影吗?Do you

30、 want to go to the movies now?35、 朱辉的家人们都在家。Zhu Huis family are all at home.36、 朱辉很想念他的家人,并且希望能吃上妈妈那美味的粽子。 Zhu Hui misses his family a lot and wishes to have his moms delicious zongzi.37、 那个男人在河里游泳吗?Is the man swimming in the river?38、 不,他在泳池游泳。No, he is swimming in the pool.39、 看,她正在超市买牛奶和面包。Look! She is buying milk and bread in the supermarket.40、 我们正在学习英语。We are studying English now.41、 写出下列动词的ing形式:do- doing take- taking go-going watch-watching look- looking see-seeing have-having make-mak

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