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本文(广东省深圳新华中学届中考英语总复习 话题作文专题训练.docx)为本站会员(b****5)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

广东省深圳新华中学届中考英语总复习 话题作文专题训练.docx

1、广东省深圳新华中学届中考英语总复习 话题作文专题训练 作文专题训练话题一:人物描写。 1. 描述你所熟悉的一个人物,要求描述他的外貌,性格,并用具体的事例来说明他是怎样的一个人。 范文: My neighborMy neighbor Mr. Brown is a very nice person. He always wears a smile on his face and says Hi when we see him. He is always ready to help others whenever they are in trouble. Mr. Brown works in a

2、hospital in the downtown. He usually goes to work early and gets home late.One day he saw a traffic accident when he was driving home from work. A car in front of him ran into a tree and was badly damaged. It was dark but Mr. Brown could see there was a man badly hurt. Without hesitation, Mr. Brown

3、helped the man and drove the man to his hospital as quickly as possible in his own car.Thanks to Mr. Browns quick action, the man was saved in the end. They were very grateful to Mr. Brown. We all regard him a real hero in our life. 2.假设Peter Green是一名有名的探险家。你去采访了他, 请根据提示内容来介绍他。要求80词左右, 可适当发挥。提示: (1)

4、于1982年在纽约出生; (2)父亲是医生, 母亲是教师; (3)从小看很多书, 尤其喜爱探险类书籍, 决定当一名探险家; (4)16岁开始探险, 在山上发现了有趣的动植物, 从此之后, 探险了许多其他地方, 包括喜马拉雅山。范文:Peter Green was born in New York in 1982. His father is a doctor and his mother is a teacher. When he was young, his parents gave a lot of books to him to read. He liked the books very

5、 much, especially the books about explorations. He was interested in them, and he decided to become an explorer.He started to explore when he was 16 years old. He explored a high mountain and found many interesting animals and plants. From then on, he explored many other places, including the Himala

6、yas.3三毛是中国现代著名的女作家,她的作品大都描写她在异乡的游历故事。下面是关于她的一些信息,请据此写一篇80词左右的英语文章,向大家介绍这位充满传奇色彩的女作家。个人信息: 1943年3月26日出生于重庆。生活经历 1948年,随父母迁居台湾。 1967年,赴西班牙留学,后去德国,美国等国家学习 1973年,与荷西(Jose)结婚并定居撒哈拉沙漠; 1976年,出版了第一部作品撒哈拉的故事(The stories of the Sahara) 1981年,回台湾后在大学任教 1991年1月4日,在医院去世。写作成就 一生有许多作品,都深受读者喜爱。范文:San Mao was a fam

7、ous woman writer in China. She was born in Chongqing on March 26, 1943.In 1948, San Mao moved to Taiwan with her parents. In 1967, she studied in Spain and then she went to study in Germany, America and some other countries. In 1973, she married Jose and they decided to live in the Sahara. Three yea

8、rs later, she published her first book, The Stories of the Sahara. She returned to Taiwan in 1981 and began to teach at a university. In 1991, she died in the hospital.San Mao wrote many books all her life and they are very popular with readers all the time.话题二:家庭生活家是一个能让人感到温暖的港湾。在你的成长过程中,家给予你很多,那么你

9、是否曾用适当的方式对你的家人表达过关爱和回报呢?请以I love My Family为题,写一篇英语短文,通过记叙一件你为家庭做过的事情来体现你对家人的爱。 范文 I Love My FamilyI have a happy family. Although my parents are very busy, they try their best to take good care of me. I think I should do something for them. Yesterday was Sunday. I got up early than usual. After wash

10、ing, I swept the floor, watered the plants and then I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast. At around 9 oclock, breakfast was ready. Mum and dad got up. When they saw it, they were very happy, “Dear, thank you for your delicious breakfast.” Hearing that, I was so happy and felt as if I had grown

11、 up. Mum and dad have done a lot for me. I should do whatever I can for my family though I am very busy learning. The more I do for it, the happier my family will be.话题三:校园生活请你写一篇文章介绍一周中你最喜欢的一天,并给出具体的理由。范文: I like my new school. My favourite day at school is Monday because there lots of interesting

12、things on Monday. My favourite subject in the morning is English. I like English for two reasons. One is because the teacher is fun and friendly, the other is because English is useful. In the afternoon I like biology best, because I thing biology is interesting. The teacher always tells us somethin

13、g about nature. After class, I join the basketball club. Our team always wins the game because we know how important the teamwork is. Playing basketball is a lot of fun. At last, I am tired but happy. I can always find something I am interested in and enjoy my school life. You see, I like Monday ver

14、y much. 话题四:礼物 从小到大,我们都会收到一些礼物,如玩具、学习用品、衣服、宠物等等。你最喜欢的生日礼物是什么?请在你的英文博客中就此话题写一篇短文,阐述礼物的由来及其意义。80次左右。要求:1. 作文内容须包括以上提示,可适当发挥,表达清楚,语句通顺,意 思连贯,书写规范 2. 文中不得出现真实姓名和校名。范文1: I have received many gifts since I was very young, such as toys, clothes, pens, pets and many other things. But of all the gifts, a bea

15、utiful umbrella is my favorite. I received it from my sister on my 12th birthday. You may think an umbrella is very common, but its special for me. It has some thoughts behind itmy sister wants to protect me from getting hurt. When I see the umbrella each time, I feel my sisters love for me. I like

16、the gift from my sister very much.范文2:The most valuable gift I have ever received was a photo album from my best friend Kevin.Kevin and I were classmates for six years of primary school. We both liked playing football and listening to music, so we always had a lot of things to talk about. It is wond

17、erful to have such a good friend. However, last summer, Kevin had to move to another city because of his fathers job. Then he gave me a photo album. “It has photos of the memorable events we have experienced together. Ive also written some notes under each photo,” he said. I was deeply moved.I put t

18、he album beside my bed. I always look at it when I think of Kevin.话题五:写信提建议1. 假如你的好朋友Brad的老师对她期望很高, 希望她每科都拿到A, 她努力了但怎么也达不到。她写信给你, 希望能得到你的帮助。请根据以下要点提示写一篇英语短文。要点提示:1. 告诉老师你已尽力, 并跟他们讨论, 请教方法;2. 向老师,同学询问学习方法;3. 按照同学以及老师教的方法学习, 不断努力。要求: 1. 信中不得出现真实校名和姓名;2. 条理清楚, 意思连贯, 语句通顺, 标点正确;3. 80词左右。范文:Dear Brad,I c

19、an understand you because my teachers used to push me to get As too. In my opinion, you should first talk with your teachers and tell them you have tried your best. If they think you can do better, ask them the ways to study. Secondly, you can ask your teachers about how to study. They may have some

20、 good advice. Thirdly, put their ways into practice. Your grades might improve. Keep working hard. I believe you can make it.Best wishes!Yours,Tina话题六:写信寻求帮助A letter for helpTom的同桌在上次的数学考试中没有及格。他希望Tom在下次的数学考试中能帮助他作弊。Tom知道帮助同学作弊这种行为很不好,但是他又不想破坏和同桌之间的友谊。Tom不知道该如何拒绝同桌,为此他很烦恼。假如你是Tom,请你就这一问题, 给校报知心姐姐专栏写

21、信,寻求帮助。词数:80词左右(信件开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。范文:Dear Agony AuntIm Tom and Im a fifteen-year-old student. Im writing to ask for your advice on how to deal with a problem.Recently my desk mate failed his Maths test. He asked me to help him cheat in the next exam, which made me embarrassed. I know if I agree to

22、help him cheat, its against school rules. In addition, its not helpful to my desk mate.But I dont know how to refuse him. I dont want to destroy our friendship. What should I do? Im looking forward to your reply! YoursTom话题七:写信表示感谢假设你是北京一所中学的陈阳,Mr. White去年曾是你的英语外教,现在他已经回到英国。你在刚刚结束的英语考试中取得了很好的成绩。在他任课

23、的一年时间里,你发生了很多改变,具体内容如下表所示。请你根据表格内容给Mr. White写一封80词左右的感谢信,对于他给你的帮助表达感激之情。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数. 要求:(1)必须包括所有要点,行文连贯,表达清楚,书写规范。文中不得出现真实姓名和校名; (2)词数:80词左右。参考范文:Dear Mr White Im excited to write to you because I got a B in the last English exam. Thank you for helping me with my English. You know I always fail

24、ed in English exams before. Ive improved a lot with your help. I used to hate English because its difficult to learn. I read texts out loud in class and translated every word. But that didnt work. You taught us to learn English in the right way. You played English movies for us and asked us to liste

25、n carefully. Now I read English magazines without translating them. That really helps. Thank you so much, Mr. White. Wish you all the best!YoursChen Yang话题八:食品安全 1.目前,我国政府号召全民“勤俭节约、反对铺张浪费”,我们中学生应当在这次行动中做些什么呢?请你根据下面提示,联系实际,适当发挥,以“Save food and eat healthily”为题,写一篇80词以上的英语短文。Save food and eat healthil

26、y范文:At present, our government has called on the people to save food and eat healthily so that we can enjoy our happy life. As middle school students, its our duty to do something for it.To save food, we shouldnt waste any food. We should eat up all the food. We shouldnt order the food more than we

27、can eat while eating outside, because many people in the world dont have enough food to eat.To eat healthily, we shouldnt eat junk food but healthy food. Its good for our health to eat a balanced diet. Wed better not eat in small restaurants. The food and the oil they use are not clean or healthy en

28、ough. Wed better eat at school or at home.At last, we hope that we all work together at once. 2. 目前, 食品安全问题引起了人们的广泛关注。一些生产厂家为了使食物看起来美味, 往食物中添加对人体有害的东西, 还有一些厂家为了降低成本使用坏的廉价的原料, 对人们的健康产生了极大的危害。请你就该问题给一家英文报刊写封信, 谈谈个人看法并呼吁整个社会关注食品安全。 范文:Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to talk about food safety. Some acciden

29、ts related to food safety happened these days in China. A lot of food is not safe to eat. We are all worried about food safety. In order to make the food look better and taste better, some factories put unhealthy things into the food. These things do harm to people. The factories just want to make m

30、ore money instead of thinking about peoples health. Some of them use bad and cheap materials to make food to reduce the cost. So I call on people to make healthier and greener food.Yours,Li Ming 话题九:说明文:The useful trees森林在环境中扮演重要角色,植树节要来了,请你写一篇文章描述树的作用。要点如下:1. 树木是地球上最大最古老的生物。2. 很多东西都来自树木。3. 树木帮助我们净化

31、空气。4.树木之间相互交流,这样可以保护自己不受害虫侵袭。5.人们现在砍伐大量树木,它们的处境很危险。范文:March 12th is coming! Its Tree Planting Day. Trees are very important to us. Trees are the biggest and oldest living things on Earth. Many things come from trees such as wood, rubber and fruits. Trees can help cool and clean the air. Trees can co

32、mmunicate with one another, and they can protect themselves from insects. Now people are cutting down a lot of trees. They are in great danger.All in all , trees are our friends, tree planting is not only the responsible of the government, but also the job every citizen. Lets tries our best to plant more trees and the environment will be cleaner and healthier ! 话题十:环境保护 1.环境对我们来说是非常重要的

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