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第三中学八年级英语上册学案unit 2 topic 3仁爱英语.docx

1、第三中学八年级英语上册学案unit 2 topic 3仁爱英语一、 学习目标 Aims and Demands 1学习情态动词must 和have to 表示劝告和需要的用法 2谈论如何预防流感。二、学法指导 How to study1、 预习Unit 2 Topic 3 Section,并对语言点、难点做出标记;2、 学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题。三、 自主预习 Preparation.英汉互译下列单词并标上词性。 1.crowded _( ) 2. 在之间 _( ) 3. 最后,终于_( ) 4. 传播 _( ) 5. 预防 _( ) 6.问题; 询问 _( ) 7. 赶快 _( ) 8

2、. journalist _( ). 在课本中找出下列短语划在书上并翻译1.快点 _ 2. 勤换衣服 _3. 继续, 说吧_ 4. 吃健康的饮食_ 5. 躺下_ 6. 远离_7. 采纳某人的建议 _ 8. 预防流感_9. 勤洗手_ 10. 一直, 总是 _. 翻译并熟记下列句子.1.-我能问你几个问题吗, 李医生? _-当然可以, 问吧. _2. 我们应该怎样预防流感呢? _3. 我们应该经常锻炼身体以增强体质. _4. 第二, 我们应该保持房间一直整洁和通风. _5. 最后我们最好不要去人多的地方. _6. 我们必须锻炼身体来预防流感吗? _-是的, 必须./ 不, 我们不必要. _7. 我

3、们将采纳你的建议_. 知识链接 1 hurry up 赶快,快点。【课文原句】_.译文_【导学点拨】hurry up 赶快,快点。口语中常用于命令句。但不用于否定句。 如: _ _ , Jack., or youll be late.(杰克,快点,否则你会迟到)Hurry 的相关用法及短语:hurryhurries; -hurried; -hurryinghurry to a place 匆匆的赶去某地 如:He _ _ school this morning. 今天早上他急匆匆的去了学校。He _ home after school. 放学后他急忙赶回家了。 In a hurry 急匆匆地(

4、的),匆忙的(地),如:今天早上他急匆匆的去了学校。He went to school _ _ _ this morning. You are always _ _ _. 你总是匆匆忙忙的。Hurry to do sth. 匆忙地做某事,赶紧做某事。如:The kid _ _ open the gifts. 孩子赶紧打xx了礼物。2. talk with(to) sb. 和某人谈话【课文原句】_ 译文_【导学点拨】talk with/to sb. 和某人谈话; talk about sth. 谈论、讨论某事; talk with /to sb. about sth._He refused to

5、 _ _ me.他拒绝跟我谈。Who _ you _ _ _ the basketball team? 你在跟谁谈关于篮球队的情况?We _ _ the problem for hours.我们谈那个问题谈了好几个小时。What _ you _ _?你们在谈什么?3. spread among 在 中传播【课文原句】_译文_【导学点拨】 (1)spreadspread(过去式) 传播,延伸,展xx。如:Water began to spread across the floor. 水xx始漫过地板。The fire _ quickly through the forest. 火灾迅速地在整个林

6、区蔓延。The city _ to the west. 这座城市向西扩展。(2) among & between用法区别:among意为 “在当中”,常指三者或三者以上的人或物之间或当中。between a.一般指两者之间,常用短语between.and .; b.指三者或三者以上的人或物中的“每两者之间”时,仍用between; c.谈论事物之间的区别时,一般用between. 请选择填空: I live _ the mountains.我住在群山之中。The bank is _ the hospital _ the supermarket. 银行位于医院和超市中间。She takes so

7、me medicine _ three meals every day.她每天在两餐之间服药。There are some differences _ the two cities.这两座城市之间又很大的区别。Miss Lu sits _the students.鲁老师坐在学生们当中。4. when时间状语从句和主句的时态;see a doctor 【课文原句】_译文_【导学点拨】when引导的时间状语从句,如果主句表示的是将来的动作,则从句用一般现在时。简称 “主将从现”。如:Ill go swimming in the river with Jack when he _ back.When

8、 you _(spend) much time on TV, you may have less time left to do exercise.Please let me know when you _(pass) the exam.5. must 表示必须的用法及其简略回答; prevent the flu【课文原句】_ 翻译 _a. prevent sth. 阻止某物(事),预防We must try our best _. 我们必须尽力预防H1N1 流感。If necessary, add a little water to prevent _(stick) 有必要的话,加点水以防太

9、黏。prevent sth (from) happening. 防止某物发生Please reduce the private cars to prevent the air from _(pollute).prevent sb. (from) doing 阻止某人做某事She was sure the noise would _ _ _at night.b.【小试牛刀】must 的意义有哪几点?请你和你的组员们一起讨论并总结一下。_四、课堂导学与风采展示1. 重点回顾 根据自主预习的内容,组内核对并相互提问重点短语,句子以及用法2. 风采展示1). 分角色朗读1a, 完成1b。2). 分组讨

10、论。 请大家提出更多预防流感的方法。然后小组竞赛,看哪组说的又多又好。3). 请大家仔细看2 的图片,将建议写在图片下方的横线上。用should, had better and must.4). 听3 的录音,并核对A答案; 再听一遍,完成B,并核对答案。五、 目标检测 Practice 、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1. Doctor Lee is talking with a j_ on TV.2. The news s_ through the school very quickly.3.The doctor is doing his best to save the p_.4. We

11、must protect w_ animals.5. To fight SARS, we should not go to c_ places.6. Look! My son is a basketball player, too. He is standing a_ the players. 7. When we keep a_ from parents,we should look after ourselves.8. This is a difficult q_. I dont know its answer.II、用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Xinxiang _(spread) to

12、 the southeast now.2. We should do our best _ (fight) all kinds of diseases.3. We must eat _ food and do exercise to keep our _.(health) ones best, talk with, spread easily, do more exercise,crowded places, be afraid of Kangkangs father is a doctor. A journalist is _ him on TV. He says,“SARS_ am

13、ong people. But we dont have to _caching SARS. We must eat healthy food and _.We must not go to_. We should _ to fight SARS.”III、单选( )1.- May I ask you _ questions? Sure. Go on.A.some B. any C. much D. few.( )2. Must we clean the classroom at once? -No, you _. You may do it after school. A. mustnt B

14、. dont C. neednt D. dont have.( )3.May I take the book out of the library, Miss Li? -_. A. You may not B. No, you mustnt C. Im afraid not D. No, you cant. ( )4. You _ wash your hands before meals. It is good for your health. A. may B.can C. must D. need( )5. The doctor _ SARS. A. is talking with B.

15、is talking about C. is talking to D. is talking of( )6. Today is Sunday. He _ get up early, because he doesnt go to school. A. doesnt have to B. didnt have to C. wont have to D. have to( )7. The teacher is sitting _ the four students. A. between B. beteen and C. among D. among and ( )8. parents shou

16、ld keep their children away _ the dangerous places. A. on B. from C. off )9. The students should _ after school. A. do some cleaning B. do any cleaning C. be cleaning D. cleaned( )10. She needs to have someone looking after her _. A. all the same B. all the time C. all times D. all the timesIV

17、、句型转换1. Mr. Smith hurried to the office yesterday morning.(同义句转换) Mr. Smith went to the office _ _ _ yesterday morning.2. We should wash hands often to fight SARS.(对划线部分提问) _ _ we _ to fight SARS?3.-Must we finish the work right now?(根据句意完成答语) -No, you _. But you _ finish it before dark.4. She has t

18、o stay at home to look after her sick mother. (改为否定句) She _ _ _ stay at home to look after her sick mother.5. They had to work for the boss day and night. (变为一般疑问句并作否定简答)- _ they _ _ work for the boss day and night? -_.六、 总结与反思 一、 学习目标 Aims and Demands1继续学习打电话的用语。2能读懂并会写电话留言。二、学法指导 How to study1. 预习

19、Unit 2 Topic 3 SectionB,并对语言点、难点做出标记;2. 学习学案,并完成学案上的练习题。三、. 自主预习 Prep.英汉互译下列单词并标上词性。1. extension _( ) 2. roller skating _( )3. 检查,诊察_( ) 4. 病人 _( );有耐心的_5. 消息,音信 _( ) 6.自行车 _( ).在课本中找出下列短语划在书上并翻译1. just a moment _ 2. 给病人做检查_3. ring sb. up_ 4. 告诉某人去做某事_5. 留个口信 _ 6. 给某人捎口信_7. 去滑旱冰_ 8. 给某人回电话 _9. 准时 _

20、10. 作报告 _.掌握下列重难点句型翻译并熟记:1.Hello! Extension 6226, please._-Just a moment, please. _2. 恐怕他现在很忙. _3. 我能留个口信吗? _4. 请告诉我爸爸不要忘了明天下午的演讲. _5. 我会把口信带给他的. _6.等他回来的时候我会告诉他的. _7. 请告诉她给我回个电话. _ . 知识链接 Hot links1. extension n. 分机; Just a moment, please.请等一会儿【课文原句】- _译文_(1). extension n. 分机。当我们把电话打到总机,要求转分机时用此句型。

21、(2). Just a moment, please.请等一会儿。打电话用语。类似的还有那些? 请总结一下:_2. Could /Can/May I speak to.?; Im afraid (that).【课文原句】- _ 译文_ (1)Could /Can/May I speak to.? (打电话的常用语) 请问.在吗?请找.接电话好吗?类似的用语还有:Hello! Is that Tom (speaking)? _Hello! Id like to speak to Tom.(比较正式) _Is that you, Tom?(熟人之间使用) _ (2)打电话的答语有两种:a.本人接电

22、话用: (Hello!)This is Tom speaking./Tom speaking. 你好!我是汤姆。b. 要找的人不在或很忙用:Sorry. He/She isnt here/in right now._;Sorry. He/She is busy now. _;Im afraid (that) he is busy now. _(3) afraid 的几个常用结构:a. Im afraid (that). (口语常用结构。表示遗憾地)认为., 恐怕. _ 我想她恐怕病了。 -It looks like rain.好像要下雨了。 _ 好像是/恐怕不是吧。_.我恐怕无法帮助你。 b.

23、 be afraid of doing sth./be afraid that . 担心., 担忧.He was afraid of losing face. = He was afraid (that)_. 他害怕丢脸 _杰克担心他会迟到。c. be afraid to do sth.含有“害怕其结果而而不敢做.”的意味)。 be afraid of sth.(doing sth.)害怕某物(做某事.) _ 他非常怕他的母亲。 I am afraid of _= I am afraid to _.我怕坐飞机。 _.玛丽不敢在晚上出去。3. examine a patient【课文原句】_译文_

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