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1、初中英语仁爱版七年级上册知识点梳理第一部分中考考点梳理一课本知识点重现七年级(上册)Unit 1 Getting to Know You【考点解析】Topic 1 Nice to meet you1元音音素开头的字母:A,E,H,I,L,M,N,O,R,S,X; 辅音音素开头的字母:B,C,D,G,J,K,P,Q,T,U,V,W,Z; 元音字母是:A,E,I,O,U。2Good morning上午好 Good afternoon下午好 Good evening晚上好 Good night晚安【例1】(09年海南中考) Its 11:00 pmIts time to go to bed,JimO

2、K. Mum!_. AGood morning BGood afternoon CGood evening DGood night3“welcome to+地点”欢迎到;“welcome back to+地点”欢迎回到;对他们的回答都可以是Thank youThanks。 【例2】(10年杭州中考)Welcome to visit Expo 2010,Shanghai_AWelcome BMy pleasureCThats all. DThanks very much4介绍别人用This isThese are【例3】Mom,_my teacher Mr. Cheng!A. its B. he

3、 is C. this is D. that is 【考点链接】 thisthesethatthose(1)Which book do you want to choose?I dont like _one. I like _ one over there.(2)Come and see. _are your coats, arent they?No, they arent. _coats over there are mine.【分析比较】 四个词都是指示代词,同事也可以起到形容词的作用。This“这个”,that“那个”,修饰或代替单数名词或名词性短语,而these“这些”,those“那

4、些”,修饰或代替复数名词或名词性短语。this, these 通常是近指(相对来说);that, those 通常是远指。所以,(1)从over there 得知是指远处,第一空填this, 第二空填that;而(2)中come and see提示是看近处,因此,第一个空填These, 答句中over there是指远处,因此,第二个空填Those。5初次见面我们可以说How do you do?对其回答也是How do you do?【例4】How do you do? _AHow are you? B. Thanks. CWhats this? D. How do you do?6 How

5、 are you?你好吗?对其回答可以是Im fine,thanksIm OKIm very wellJust so so 等。(1)这是熟人之间的问候语,多用于询问对方的身体状况,回答语常用:Fine, Im fine. Im very well. Im all right. Not bad. Just so so. Im OK. 后再接:thank you .(2)通常出于礼貌应对别人的问候表示感谢,然后再用“How are you?”或“And you?”来反问对方,以示关心。【例5】(09年南宁中考) How are you? Im _. AEnglish Bfine Cthirtee

6、n Dtall7缩写词:ABC美国广播公司 ID身份证 BBC英国广播公司 CD光盘 PRC中华人民共和国 IQ智商 PC个人电脑 PE体育课WTO世界贸易组织 UN联合国 SOS求救信号 IOC国际奥林匹克委员会 DIY自己动手(做) kg千克 km千米 ml毫升 mm毫米Topic 2 Where are you from?1Excuse me. 意为“对不起”“劳驾”或“请问”,常用于当你要打扰别人,如借东西、问路、插话、中途离开等场合而向对方表示歉意。 e.gExcuse me,where is the shop?【例6】(10年河北中考)_,could you tell me the

7、 way to the Park street?The par street? Oh,go straight and turn left,you cant miss it.AAll right BNever mind CExcuse me DThank you【考点链接】 Excuse meSorry(Im sorry)(1)_, may I borrow your dictionary, please?(2)Could you do shopping with me?_, I have a lot of housework to do.(3)_, which is the way to th

8、e bus stop?(4)Im_. I broke your glasses.(5)Im_ about your illness.【分析比较】 Excuse me 主要用于下列场合:a):问路、借东西等打扰或麻烦别人时;b):和人交谈过程中,突然要离开一会儿或做点别的事时;c):表示异议,客气地纠正别人的话时;d)打喷嚏、打嗝等给别人带来不便时。故(1)(3)选Excuse me。SorryIm sorry 常用于下列场合:a):自己做错了事或不能满足对方的要求时,表示歉意;b):对别人的不幸遭遇或坏消息表示同情;c)代替no,表示委婉的否定。故(2)(4)(5)选sorry。2where疑

9、问副词,问地点。e.gwhere is your bag? Its on the desk 【例7】(10年江西中考)Hey,Tina_are you going for your vacation?Hm,I think I am going to Shanghai AHow BWhere CWhen DWhy 3be from=come from,来自;常用来询问某人来自何地或籍贯。 【例8】Toms father is from Canada(同义句改写) Toms father_ _Canada 4be动词的用法:当主语是I时,be动词用am,当主语是he,she,it,或第三人称单数时

10、,用is;当主语是they,you,we或指多个人或物(第三人称复数)时,用are。e.gWhere are you from? They are from the U.S.A. .【口诀】我(I)用am,你(you)用are,is用在他她它,其于全部都用are。be 动词的缩略形式:(1)肯定式缩略式:Im,youre,hes,were,youre,theyre(2)否定式缩略式Im not,isnt,arent【例9】(10年芜湖中考) How much_ the pair of shoes?Twenty dollars_ enoughAis;is Bis;are Care;is Dare

11、;are5一般疑问句要注意的问题:(1)有be动词、情态动词或助动词,把它提到句首,回答也用这些be动词、情态动词或助动词。e.gHe is my best friendIs he your best friend? (2)没有be动词,情态动词或助动词的,要借助助动词do,does,did。e.gMy father often watches TV at nightDoes your father often watch TV at night? (3)肯定句中的I,my,we,our应相应地改为you,your,you,your。e.gwe are all good students Ar

12、e you all good students? 【例10】(09年上海中考)They work on the farm with their parents every weekend(改为一般疑问句)_they_ on the farm with their parents every weekend? 6who“谁”,疑问代词。e.gwhos that? ThatIt is Nancy 【例11】(10年龙岩中)The boy_ is flying a kite on the playground is my little brother Awho Bwhat Cwhich 7Whats

13、 ones telephone number?问电话号码,回答是:Its 【例12】Do you know his_ _(电话号码)?Topic 3 What class are you in? 1.“How old+ be动词+主语”,问年龄的句型,相当于Whats ones age?对其回答为“主语+be动词+数词(years old)”。但在西方国家一般不去问别人的年龄。e.gHow old is your father? =Whats your fathers age?【例13】当你与外国女士交谈时,下列哪种问法是不礼貌的?_ AHow old are you BWhat time i

14、s it? CWhere are you from? 2“What classgrade+ be动词+主语+in”这是问对方班级或年级的句型。注意回答时有些大写字母的使用。e.gwhat class is your sister in? She is in Class Seven,Grade Two 【例14】(08年南宁中考)What class are you in? Im in_ AGrade 9 BClass 9 CGroup 9 DNo9 3“in+语言”,表示用什么语言。 eg Please say it in English. 【链接】 in作介词,在此表达方式、手段,常用于表示

15、语言的名词前意为“用、以”。 e.gin Chinese,in French,in German【例15】What are these things on the desk_ _(用汉语) 4How do you spell it?怎么拼写? e.gHow do you spell egg? E-G-G,egg 【例16】_ can you spell English? E-N-G-L-I-S-H,English AWhat BWho CWhere DHow 5Thanks=Thank you,对其回答可以是You are welcomeThats OKThats all rightIts m

16、y pleasureDont mention itNot at all 【例17】(10年武汉中考)Thanks for your help_ ANo,thanks BLet me see CIt doesnt matter DThats OK 6不定冠词aan的用法:在元音音素前用an,辅音音素前用a。“j”,an egg,an apple,a pen,an hour 【例18】(10年龙岩中考)Is there_ clock in your room? Yes,there is Aa Ban Cthe 【例19】(10年滨州市中考)Youre dropped_“s”in the w

17、ord“necessary”. Oh,_letter“s” is doubled. A. a,a B. a,the C. an,the D. the,the 7可数名词复数的构成。 (1)一般情况加s。e.gbooks,pencils,cakes (2)以s,x,ch,sh结尾的词加es。e.gwatchwatches boxboxes busbuses (3)以f,fe结尾的词,把f,fe改为ves。e.gknifeknives lifelives (4)以辅音字母+y结尾的词,把y改为ies。e.gfamilyfamilies babybabies (5)以o结尾的词,指有生命的东西加es

18、,指无生命的东西加s。e.gtomatotomatoes,potatopotatoes,photophotos (6)不规则变化:manmen womanwomen footfeet toothteeth sheepsheep deerdeer peoplepeople ChineseChinese JapaneseJapanese mousemice childchildren goosegeese【口诀】中日不变,英法变,其他一律加s。【例20】These_ want to have some _for lunch. So they decide to catch some. A. Ger

19、mans;fish B. Germans;apples C. Canadian;fish D. Germany;fish 【例21】(10年宁德中考)Whats in the cupboard? A few_,but little_. Aapples;coffee Bcoffee;apples Capples;coffees Dcoffees;apples 【例22】(10年黑龙江中考)Could I have something to eat? SureHere is some _ . Achicken Borange Ctomatoes Dtea【习题精练】I词汇A根据汉语提示及句子意思填

20、写单词。 1_ (欢迎)to our homeThis is my living roomPlease come in 2There are many apple_ (树)on the hill behind my house,and the apples on them are very big 3How old are you? I am 13_ (年)old 4How do you_(拼写)it? D-E-S-K,desk 5These are buses;_(那些)are cars B根据汉语提示及句子意思补全句子。 1what are these_ (用英语)? They are a

21、pples 2Please tell me his_(电话号码)OK,its 3356785 3_(一些绵羊)are on the hill eating leaves 4_(多大)are the twins,do you know? 5Huang Hua is in_(五班),Grade Seven单项选择 l.(10年北京中考)The reading room_ very quietI enjoy reading books there Aam Bis Care Dbe 2(10年莆田中考)The tall man_ is playing basketball is Yao Ming Aw

22、ho Bwhom Cwhose 3(10年武汉中考)Do you know the man under the tree? Sorry,I dont know_ Ahow is he Bwhat is he Cwho he is Dwhere he is 4(10年南平中考)There is_ big apple in the basket,its very nice Aa Ban Cthe 5(10年莆田中考) Meizhou is_ islandIts a good place for your holidays Aa Ban Cthe 6(10年宁德中考)Why are so many

23、boys and girls here on this cold night Because Jacky Jay will give a concert hereThey are all his _ Afriends Bstudents Cfans 7(09年泉州中考) Of all the fruits,I like_ best Aeggs Bapples C. meat 8(09年莆田中考)There is_ umbrella near the window Athe Ban Ca 9(09年龙岩中考)Whats on the desk? There_ some cards on it A

24、am Bis Care 10(09年乐山中考)I dont think its good to drive eight hours without a rest I agreeEight hours_ really a very long time Ahas Bis Care 11(09年南平中考)Not only he but also I_ going to Tiananmen Square to watch the national flag go up on the National Day Aam Bis Care 12(09年深圳中考)Two_ died in the accide

25、nt _terrible it is! Apolicemen;How Bpoliceman;What Cpolice;What Dpolicemans;How 13(09年包头中考)At lunch time Id like to have a chat with you PardonHave_ with me? Awhen Bwho Cwhich Dwhat 14(08年莆田中考)Can you tell me _ ?He comes from New York Awhere he comes from Bwhat he wants to do Cwhere he is 15(08年云南中考

26、)Thanks a lot for helping me_ AIt doesnt matter BYou are welcome CNo,thanks DYes,Id love toWell,I love vegetablesI eat meat too,but not very muchI think this is why I like Chinese food so muchThere are lots of vegetables in Chinese foodYes,Chinese food is my favoriteI like noodles tooCan you eat wit

27、h chopsticks? I can!My favorite food is Indian foodOn Saturday nights I go to the pub(酒吧)with friends from work and have a few beers,and then we always go to an Indian restaurantI always order chicken curry with riceI like it very much!My favorite food is pasta(意大利面食)I like eating pasta with tomato

28、sauce when Im in ItalyI went on holiday to the Italian lakes last yearThe food there was wonderful 1_is Marias favorite food AChinese food BIndian food CItalian food 2Gavin always orders chicken curry with rice in_ Aa Chinese restaurant Ban Indian restaurant Can Italian restaurant 3_went on holiday to the Italian lakes last year AMaria BGavin CLucy 4Lucy likes eating_ Avegetables Bpasta Cnoodles 5We can learn from the text that_ AMaria can eat with chopsticks BGavin often drinks alone in the pub CLucy likes pasta with orange sauceUnit 2 L

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