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学年高中一轮复习英语教师用书必修四 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World.docx

1、学年高中一轮复习英语教师用书必修四 Module 6 Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural WorldModule 6Unexplained Mysteries of the Natural World一、刷黑板.阅读词汇(英译汉)第一屏听写1monster n. 怪物2footprint n. 脚印;足迹3hairy adj. 毛的;多毛的4creature n. 动物;生物5grey adj. 灰色的 第二屏听写6claw n. 爪7nail n. (手、脚的)指甲;爪8journal n. 杂志;学报;期刊9sighting n. (珍奇动物等的)目击

2、;发现10seal n. 海豹 第三屏听写11horn n (动物头上的)角12volcanic adj. 火山的13extinct adj. 绝种的;消亡了的14evolve vi. 进化;演变15fierce adj. 凶猛的;残暴的 第四屏听写16unpredictable adj. 变化莫测的17emperor n. 皇帝18robe n. 长袍19border n. 边境;国界20myth n. 神话;神话故事 .高频词汇(汉译英)第五屏听写1attack vt. 袭击;攻击2frightening adj. 吓人的 3exist vi. 存在4sharp adj. 锋利的;尖的5m

3、ysterious adj. 神秘的第六屏听写6claim vt. 声称7surface n. 表面;水面8dive vi. 潜水9calm adj. 平静的10sceptical adj. 怀疑的;不相信的 第七屏听写11unlikely adj. 不可能的12cover vt. 占地(多大面积)13adapt vi. 适应;适合14disappear vi. 不见;消失15destruction n. 毁坏 第八屏听写16generous adj. 有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的17reputation n. 名誉;名声18positive adj. 正面的19indicate vt. 象征

4、;暗示20identity n. 身份;特性 第九屏听写21fortune n 运气;命运;财富22die_out 灭绝23throw_light_on 帮助弄清楚;阐明某事24come_straight_to_the_point 谈正题;开门见山25due_to 由于; 因造成 二、刷清单(一)核心单词阅读单词 n. 怪物2footprint n. 脚印;足迹3creature n. 动物;生物4grey adj. 灰色的5claw n. 爪6nail n. (手、脚的)指甲;爪7.journal n. 杂志;学报;期刊8sighting n. (珍奇动物等的)目击;发现9

5、seal n. 海豹10volcanic adj. 火山的11extinct adj. 绝种的;消亡了的12.evolve vi. 进化;演变13fierce adj. 凶猛的;残暴的14unpredictable adj. 变化莫测的15border n. 边境;国界16myth n. 神话;神话故事表达单词1.attack vt.袭击;攻击2claim vt. 声称;认领3surface n. 表面;水面4calm adj. 平静的;冷静的5sceptical adj. 怀疑的;不相信的6unlikely adj. 不可能的7cover vt. 占地(多大面积)8adapt vi. 适应;

6、适合9disappear vi. 不见;消失10generous adj. 有雅量的;大方的;心地高尚的11reputation n. 名誉;名声 语境活用1An underground organisation has claimed (声称) for the bomb explosion.2The older a person is, the slower it will be for him to adapt (适应) to changes.3It is important to keep calm (冷静的) in an emergency.4He is a wellrespected

7、 teacher and has won a good reputation (名声) for all he has done for the kids.5Ms. Alice is considered a generous (心地高尚的) lady by us, for she often helps the poor people.拓展单词1.frightening adj.吓人的frightened adj.害怕的frighten vt.使害怕fright n害怕2exist vi.存在existence n存在3mysterious adj.神秘的mystery n神秘之事;神秘4de

8、struction n毁坏destroy v毁坏;摧毁destructive adj.毁灭性的;破坏性的5positive adj.正面的negative adj.负面的6indicate vt.象征;暗示indication n象征;迹象7identity n身份;特性identify vt.确定;辨别8fortune n运气;命运;财富fortunate adj.幸运的fortunately adv.幸运地语境活用1To his fright,the frightening scene frightened the other frightened children into crying

9、.(frighten)2Some natural mysteries of the ancient times are still mysterious to people today.(mysterious)3Its easy to identify the victim but its identity is kept secret.(identity)4There exists an old hospital at the corner, but no one knows when it came into existence.(exist)5People destroy forests

10、 and rivers for their own benefit.Their destructive activities are likely to cause the destruction of the earth.(destroy)6Fortunately,_he came to the new island safely. It is also fortunate for him to make his fortune here.(fortune)(二)常用短语写准记牢语境活用(选用左栏短语填空)1.close_to 接近;靠近2stick_out 伸出3be_sceptical_

11、about 对怀疑4be_related_to 与有关5come_straight_to_the_point 谈正题;开门见山6cut_off 切断;使隔绝7throw_light_on 帮助弄清楚;阐明某事;照亮8die_out 灭绝9go_for 选择;喜欢10due_to 由于;因造成1.Theres no point in beating around the bush. Lets come_straight_to_the_point.2The restaurants success was largely due_to its new manager.3If people dont

12、pay attention to the protection of rare animals, they will soon die_out.4I believe the teachers explanation will throw_light_on this puzzling problem.5The village was cut_off from the outside world by heavy snow for a month.(三)经典句式原句背诵句式解构佳句仿写1.He claims to have seen a round black creature moving qu

13、ickly through the water.他声称看见一个黑黑的、圆圆的动物在水中快速游动。to have seen是动词不定式的完成式。科学家们声称在攻克癌症方面取得了重大突破。Scientists claimed to_have_made_a_major_breakthrough in the fight against cancer.2.There have been reports of monsters in Lake Tianchi since the beginning of the last century, although no one has seen one clo

14、se up.自上世纪初以来,一直就有关于天池怪物的报道,尽管还不曾有人近距离地目睹过。there be句型的现在完成时,强调过去状态对现在造成的影响。从九月初开始,社会媒体就有一亿多次提到“土豪”这个词。There_have_been more than 100 million references to the word “tuhao” on social media since early September.3.They say that the lowtemperature lake is unlikely to be able to support such large living

15、 creatures.他们说,水温这样低的湖泊不可能生存有体形如此巨大的动物。be unlikely to do sth.“做某事是不可能的”。他们不可能赶上去北京的火车了。They are_unlikely_to_catch the train to Beijing.4.Other members of the royal family were allowed to wear dragon symbols, too, but with fewer claws and of a different colour. 也允许皇室的其他成员穿带有龙标志的袍子,但袍子上龙的爪子少了并且颜色也不同。“

16、beof名词”结构,表示主语的类属或属性。一个和谐的家庭对于孩子的成长是有益的。A harmonious family is_of_benefit_to a childs personal development.(四)初中考点再回顾高频考查类记熟文化差异类辨清易忘易错类勤览1.on_ones_way_to_.在去的路上2.on_Saturdays 每逢周六3.on_the_Internet 在网上4.on_the_sofa 在沙发上5.on_weekends 在周末1.arrive_late_来晚了2.sing along with music 随着音乐一起唱 to music

17、 伴着音乐跳舞4.a piece of music 一首曲子 supposed to do sth. 应该做某事1.paper cutting剪纸 festival 艺术节3.musical skills 音乐才能4.serious movies 严肃电影5.running shoes 跑鞋一、过重点单词1attack vt.袭击;攻击;抨击;(疾病)侵袭n.攻击;进攻;抨击;(病情)发作教材原句It often gets angry and will attack anyone who goes close to it.它会经常发怒并会袭击要接近它的任何人。(1)attac

18、k sb.for sth. 由于某事而责难某人attack sb.with sth. 用攻击某人be attacked with a disease 患病(2)launch/make an attack on/upon/against . 对发动进攻under attack 受到攻击多角练透 单句语法填空The computer attacked (attack) by some unknown virus cant work well now.Many people made an attack on/upon/against the governments policies. 补全句子He

19、 was_attacked_with dysentery from the drinking of muddy water.他由于喝了不卫生的水而患上了痢疾。The company has come under_fierce_attack for its decision to close the factory.公司因决定关闭工厂而受到猛烈抨击。2exist vi.存在;生存;生活;继续存在教材原句Spirit is something that continues to exist after death.灵魂是人死之后仍然存在的东西。(1)exist in 在于exist onlive

20、on 靠生存;靠生活There exist(s) . 有(2)existence n. 存在;生存;生活in existence 现存的;存在的come into existence/being 开始存在多角练透 单句语法填空Do you believe the existence of ghosts? Perhaps they onlyexist in the minds of some people.(exist)You cant imagine what difficulty they have existing on the money hes earning.It was said

21、that this was the only copy of the book in existence. 补全句子Scientists have many theories about how the universe first came_into_existence/being.关于一开始宇宙是如何产生的,科学家们有多种论说。名师指津exist是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态和进行时。3calm adj.平静的;镇静的v.使平静;镇定下来n.平静;宁静教材原句Mr Li Xiaohe said that he and his family were able to see the mons

22、ter clearly because the weather was fine and the lake was calm.李小和先生说他和他的家人看清了怪物,因为当时天气好,湖水平静。(1)calm oneself (使)自己平静下来calm (sb.) down (使某人)平静/镇静下来(2)keep/stay/remain calm 保持冷静多角练透 单句语法填空She was breathing deeply and tried to calm herself (she)The police found that it was difficult to calm down the a

23、ngry crowd. 补全句子Faced with the crisis, the government stayed/kept/remained_calm and took timely measures.面对危机,政府保持镇静,及时采取了措施。4adapt v(使)适应;(使)适合;改编;改写教材原句If you can adapt to something, you can change in order to make the situation better.如果你能适应某事,你就能为了形式更好一些而改变。(1)adapt oneself to 使自己适应adapt to 适应ad

24、apt .from . 根据改写/改编adapt .for . 改(编)为之用(2)adaptable adj. 能适应的;可修改的adaptation n. 适应;改编;改写本多角练透 单句语法填空Have you watched the TV series Red Sorghum adapted from Mo Yans novel of the same name?Most of these tools have been specially adapted for use by disabled people.Mike, Mary and I had a discussion abou

25、t the adaptation (adapt) of the classic literature yesterday. 补全句子To all of you, fresh students, how to adapt_yourselves_to_the_new_environment is the first thing that you have to face.(2014江西高考满分作文)对你们所有新生来说,如何使自己适应新的环境是你们必须面对的第一件事。名师指津注意adapt与adopt在拼写和意思上的差别。adopt是“采纳;收养”的意思。5fortune n运气;命运;财富教材原句

26、So the Chinese dragon was a bringer of good fortune.因此,中国龙能带来好运气。(1)try ones fortune 碰运气bring good fortune 带来好运seek ones fortune 寻找出路;寻找发财机会make a fortune 发财(2)fortunate adj. 运气好的;幸运的fortunately adv. 幸运地unfortunately adv. 不幸地;遗憾地misfortune n. 厄运;不幸多角练透 单句语法填空It is said that the old man made a fortun

27、e abroad by collecting old things.Unfortunately (fortune), it took a horrible accident to change her attitude.He would laugh the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyones misfortune (fortune)(2017全国卷) 补全句子In China, children are given money in a red envelope to bring_good_fortune_ in the New Y

28、ear.在中国,孩子们得到装在红色信封里的压岁钱,以祈求在新的一年带来好运。The fact is that nowadays many young people are seeking_their_fortune in big cities.事实是现在很多年轻人正在大城市寻找发财的机会。.单句语法填空1There is worldwide concern about the destruction (destroy) of the rain forests.2I was fortunate (fortune) to catch todays last bus at the last minu

29、te.3The government has come under attack for not doing enough to deal with terrorism.4There are a lot of signs indicating (indicate) men are more likely to have heart attacks than women.5There is something mysterious (mystery) about the childhood of this famous writer.6I can hardly exist on the wage Im gettin

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