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1、必修1课时作业Unit5一、语法填空专题训练(一)巧用派生词,做好语法填空(5) 技巧点拨 要做好高考语法填空题中的词语派生题,关键是掌握词语搭配关系,然后将所给单词变成该搭配所需要的形式。因此,请理解并牢记下表内容。句子成分概念描述所处语境适用词类主语什么人或什么事、动作的发出者句子最前面,冠词、物主代词、some,any,other等不定代词后名词、代词、不定式、动名词宾语动作的对象、承受者及物动词或介词后,冠词、物主代词、some,any,other等不定代词后谓语表明主语干什么或是什么主语后动词表语说明主语的身份、特征或状态系动词后形容词、名词、少数副词、介词短语非谓语动词补足语补充说

2、明主语或宾语宾语或被动式谓语后定语修饰或限定名词或代词名词前,something等不定代词后形容词状语修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子动词前后,形容词或副词前,句首或句末。副词 活学活用 (一)阅读下面短文,用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空A father sat at his desk looking at and carefully studying his _1_(month) bill when his young son rushed in and announced,“Dad,because this is your birthday and you are 55 years old

3、,Im going to give you 55 kisses,one for each year!” But the father exclaimed,“Oh,Peter,dont do it now.Im too busy!”The boy immediately fell _2_(silence) as tears rolled down from his big blue eyes._3_(apologize) the father said,“You can finish later.” The boy said nothing but _4_(quiet) walked away,

4、_5_ (disappoint) written over his face.That evening the father said,“Come and finish the kisses now,Peter!” But the boy didnt respond._6_(fortunate),the boy had an accident and was drowned.His heartbroken father wrote,“If only I could tell him how much I regret my _7_(thought) words and could be ass

5、ured that he knows how much my heart is aching.” Love is a twoway street.Any loving act must be _8_(warm) accepted or it will be taken as _9_(reject) and can leave a scar.Nothing is more _10_(importance) than responding with love to the cry for love from those who are near and precious to us.(二)语法填空

6、阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。Beauty has always been regarded as something praiseworthy.Almost everyone thinks attractive people are happier and have more respectable jobs.But in the executive(主管的) circle,_1_ can become a disadvantage.While attractiveness is a positive facto

7、r for a man on his way up the executive ladder,it is _2_(harm) to a woman.Handsome male executives are considered having more honesty than plainer men;effort and ability usually lead_3_their success.Attractive female executives are considered to have less honesty than unattractive_4_;people do not c

8、onnect their success with ability _5_with factors such as luck.All unattractive women executives are thought to have more honesty and to be more capable than the attractive female executives.However,interestingly,the rise of the unattractive overnight successes_6_(connect) more to personal relations

9、hips and less to ability.Attractive women are not thought to be able.This is true even in politics.Anne Bowman,a writer,_7_recently made a study,asked 125 undergraduate students to rank two groups of photographs,one of men and one of women,in order of attractiveness.And then the students were told t

10、he photographs were of candidates for political offices.They were asked to rank them again,in the order they would vote_8_them.The results showed that attractive males_9_(complete) defeated unattractive men,but the women _10_(rank) most attractive by the students unchangeably received the fewest vot

11、es.二、完形填空 (2010年全国卷)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。A man who knows how to write a personal letter has a very powerful tool.A letter can be enjoyed,read and_1_.It can set up a warm conversation between two people far apart (远离的);it can keep a friendship with very little effort.I will g

12、ive _2_.A few years ago my older brother and I were not getting _3_ well.We had been close as _4_but had grown apart.Our meetings were not pleasant;our conversation was filled with arguments and quarrels,and every effort to clear the air seemed to only_5_our misunderstanding.Then he moved to a small

13、 island in the Caribbean and we _6_touch.One day he wrote me a letter.He described his island and its people,told me what he was doing,said how he felt,and encouraged me to _7_.Rereading the letter,I was _8_by its humor(幽默)and clever expressions.These were all qualities for which I had _9_respected

14、my older brother but thought he no longer had them.I had never known he could write so_10_.And with that one letter we became friends again.It might never have occurred to _11_to write me if he had not been in a place where there were no_12_.For him,writing was a necessity.It also turned out to be t

15、he best way for us to get back in touch.Because we live in an age of _13_ communication(通讯),people often _14_ that they dont always have to phone or email.They have a_15_.And that is to write.1A.receivedBrewrittenCreturned example Ba lessonCan experience Da talk3A.through BtogetherCalon

16、g Daway4A.brothers BchildrenCfellows Dclassmates5A.deepen BstartCexpress Dsettle6A.lost Bkept inCneeded Dgot in7A.think BwriteCenjoy Dread8A.driven BbeatenCsurprised Dhonored9A.never BseldomCsometimes Donce10A.well BoftenCmuch BanyoneCsomeone Dmy brother 12A.mail services Btransport serv

17、icesCphones Drelative13A.poor BeasyCpopular Dbusy14A.believe BdecideCargue Dforget 15A.habit BchoiceCmethod Dplan三、阅读理解专题训练(一)阅读中的猜词技巧(5)对比法 方法点拨有的文章作者为了增强表达效果,会用一对反义词揭示事物的不同点,形成鲜明的对比,这时只要把握其中的一词,就不难推出另一词的含义;有时根据上下句之间表示转折或对比关系的连接词,就可以看到前后句在意义上的差别,从而依据某一句的含义,来确定另一句的含义。这种句子多半有unlike,although,but,yet,w

18、hile,on the contrary,on the other hand,instead of,rather than等信息词。另外,分号也可以表示转折、对比的意义。如:(1)Is he intelligent or stupid? (2)Unlike his brother,who is truly a handsome person,Hogertty is quite homely.1解析:根据stupid可推断出intelligent的意思为“聪明的”。答案:聪明的2解析:此句中的unlike一词暗示了Hogertty和他的兄弟的长相不同,他的兄弟是个handsome(英俊的)人,所

19、以Hogertty一定是一个homely (不英俊)的人。答案:不英俊的 活学活用(一)利用上述猜测词义方法,猜出下列各句划线部分的意思1Unlike the Unite States where many different nationalities make up the population,Japans population is quite homogeneous.2Any fool can make soap,but it takes a genius to sell it.3Andrew is one of the most supercilious man I know.Hi

20、s brother,in contrast,is quite humble and modest.4A good supervisor can recognize instantly the adept workers from the unskilled ones.5Mother was tall,fat and middleaged.The principal of the school was an older woman,almost as plump as mother,and much shorter.()AhealthyBthinCslim Dfat (二)阅读下列短文,按要求完

21、成读写任务How to Be a Winner Sir Steven RedgraveWinner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals “In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes(糖尿病)Believing my career(职业生涯)was over,I felt extremely low.Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing.That was it the encourag

22、ement I needed.I could still be a winner if I believed in myself.I am not saying that it isnt difficult sometimes.But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasnt finished yet.Nothing is to stand in my way.” Karen Pickering Swimming World Champion “I swim 4 hours a day,6 days a week.I manage that sort o

23、f workload by putting it on top of my diary.This is the key to successyou cant follow a career in any field without being wellorganized.List what you believe you can achieve.Trust yourself,write down your goals for the day,however small they are,and youll be a step closer to achieving them.” Kirsten

24、 Best Poet &Writer “When things are getting hard,a voice inside my head tells me that I cant achieve something.Then,there are other distractions,such as family or hobbies.The key is to concentrate.When I feel tense,it helps a lot to repeat words such as calm,peace or focus,either out loud or silentl

25、y in my mind.It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence.This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological(心理的)tool.” .根据短文,写一篇30词左右的摘要_.根据所读短文,选择正确答案1What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about?ADifficulties influenced his career.BSpecia

26、lists offered him medical advice.CTraining helped him defeat his disease.DHe overcame the shadow of illness to win.2What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary?AHer training schedule.BHer daily happenings.CHer achievements.DHer sports career.3What does the underlined word “distractions” probab

27、ly refer to?AWays that help one to focus.BWords that help one to feel less tense.CActivities that turn ones attention away.DHabits that make it hard for one to relax.4According to the passage,what do the three people have in common?ACourage. BDevotion.CHard work. DSelfconfidence.5The author writes t

28、he passage to _.Atell us some interesting storiesBtell us how he became successfulCintroduce some practical ways to help succeedDpersuade us to make ourselves known by others参考答案(一)1Monthly 2.silent 3.Apologetically4quietly 5.disappointment 6.Unfortunately7.thoughtless 8.warmly 9rejection10.importan

29、t(二)1解析:it指上文提到的美貌,在管理层,美貌可能会是一种不利条件。答案:it2解析:虽然吸引人的外表对男人晋职是有利因素,但对女人却是有害的。答案:harmful3解析:lead to:导致。答案:to4解析:代替前面的 female executives。答案:ones5解析:not.but.是固定句型,表示不是而是,人们不是把漂亮女人的成功与能力联系在一起,而是将其与运气联系在一起。答案:but6解析:be connected to是固定词组,表示 “与相连”。答案:is connected7解析:关系代词引导定语从句。答案:who8解析:vote for 投票赞成。答案:for9

30、解析:漂亮男人完全彻底击败了不漂亮的男人。答案:completely10解析:过去分词短语作定语。答案:ranked二、1解析:从下文的rereading the letter 可知此处用reread,表示好的私人信件经得起反复咀嚼,欣赏。答案:D2解析:give an example:举例说明。答案:A3解析:get along表示相处,此处说作者兄弟两相处得不好。答案:C4解析:从上下文可知,兄弟俩小时候关系亲密,长大了就疏远了。答案:B5解析:每次努力的结果都只是 “加深”彼此之间的误解。答案:A6解析:哥哥搬走了,兄弟俩失去了联系。答案:A7解析:哥哥鼓励作者写信。答案:B8解析:重读哥哥的信,作者很 “吃惊”地发现他哥哥的信写得那么幽默。答案:C9解析:作者曾经因为哥哥的幽默和机智的表达而非常尊敬哥哥,可后来他以为哥哥不再具备这些优秀素质。答案:D10解析:作者从不知道哥哥可以写得那么好。答案:A11解析:从上下文可知,作者的哥哥如果不是因为他去了一个没有电话的地方,是不会想到要写信的。答案:D12解析:解释同上。答案:C13解析:easy communication:通讯方便。答案:B14解析:由于通讯方便,人们忘记了并不一定总

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