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五年级上册英语期末复习计划 陕旅版.docx

1、五年级上册英语期末复习计划 陕旅版商州秦韵小学20182019学年度第一学期期末复习计划年 级:五年级任课教师:吉文清时 间:2018 年 12 月复习计划复习时间:1月2日-1月15日课时安排:1. 两节早读- 一节复习课文,一节复习作文2. 六节自习- 两节模拟考试,两节复习并讲解试卷错题,两节进行专项训 练(选择,连词成句,语音,阅读,翻译) 3. 七节正课- 复习一至八单元知识点,当堂听写,当天背诵 4. 课后作业- 每天一起作业巩固复习(语音,词汇,语法,句型)+ 用本 单元单词写句子(至少五句)复习内容:Unit 1 get up on time词汇:名词类 time时间 cloc

2、k时钟 wall墙 breakfast早餐 picture 图画短语类 on time 按时 come in 进来 sit down 坐下 be late 迟到 play computer games 玩电脑游戏 too many 太多 get up 起床 what time 什么时间 go to bed 上床睡觉 look at 看 have breakfast 吃早餐 watch TV 看电视 draw pictures 画画其他 may 可以 again 又,再次 too 太 early 早句型:1. 询问时间和日常生活的句型及其答语- What time is it? 几点了? - I

3、ts seven oclock. 七点了。- What time do you get up? 你几点起床? - I get up at six thirty. 我六点半起床。2. 表达请求的句型- May I come in? 我可以进来吗? - Come in, please. 请进。3. 表达道歉的句型及其答语- Im sorry. 对不起 - Thats all right. 没关系。数字复习:A从110 one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,tenB从 1119 eleven,twelve, thirteen, fourteen,

4、fifteen, sixteen, seventeen,eighteen, nineteen 这里除 eleven, twelve, thirteen, fifteen, eighteen为特殊形式外,fourteen,sixteen,seventeen,nineteen都是由其个位数形式后添加后缀-teen构成。C从 2199 整数几十中除twenty,thirty, forty,fifty,eighty为特殊形式外,sixty,seventy,ninety都是其个位数形式后添加后缀-ty构成。表示几十几时,在几十和个位基数词形式之间添加连字符“-” Eg: 21 twenty-one 76

5、 seventy-six字母I 的发音:/ai/ bike like time rice ice life ride smile/i/ sit pig fish milk kick city lift picture写作园地: 请以“My day”为题,仿照范文写一篇短文,介绍你一天的活动安排。要求用一般现在时来写,不少于40词。写法指导:1.时态:本文描述日常生活,所以全文用一般现在时。2.写作思路:因要描写一天的生活,所以短文以时间为线索,按照时间的先后顺序介绍。3.必备词汇:get up (起床),go to school(去上学), have classes(上课), have lun

6、ch(吃中餐), go home(回家), watch TV(看电视) do homework(做家庭作业), go to bed(上床睡觉) My Day My name is Jack. Every morning,I get up at seven and go to school at seven forty-five. I have four classes in the morning. Classes begin at eight. I have lunch at twelve at home. In the afternoon, classes begin at two thi

7、rty. At four thirty in the afternoon, I go home. In the evening, I do my homework and watch TV. Then I go to bed at ten at night.Unit 2 Be helpful at home词汇:名词类 dish 盘,餐具 meal 餐,饭 clothes 衣服动词类 sweep 打扫 清理 water 给浇水 clean 清扫 清洁 help 帮助短语类 make the bed 整理床铺 sweep the floor 扫地 do the dishes 洗餐具 water

8、the flowers 浇花 clean the windows 擦窗户 cook the meal 做饭 wash the clothes 洗衣服 every day 每天 of course 当然let me try 让我试一试 in the morning 在早上 after work 下班 from Monday to Friday 从周一到周五 have dinner 吃晚餐 have lunch 吃午饭 have breakfast 吃早餐其他 sure当然 helpful 乐于助人的 often 经常 everybody 每个人句型:1. 询问对方是否能/会做什么的一般疑问句及其

9、答语- Can you ? 你会吗?- Sure. / Yes, of course. 当然会。- Sorry, I cant. 抱歉,我不会。2. 询问对是否需要帮助的句型- Can I help you? 我能帮你吗?- What can I do for you? 我能为你做些什么?3. 询问别人能/会做什么的句型及其答语- What can you /he/she/it/they do? 你 /他/她/它/他们能/会做什么?- I/He/She/It/They can 我/他/她/它/他们能4. 表达“帮助某人做什么事情”的句型I often help sb. do sth. 我经常帮

10、助做写作园地:请以“My Family”为题, 写一篇有关家人日常生活的短文。要求用一般现在时来写,不少于40词。写法指导:1.时态:短文描述的是每天的日常活动,所以全文的时态是一般现在时。2.写作思路:短文以每个家庭成员的分工作为划分依据,写每个家庭成员会做的事.3.必备词汇: helpful (有帮助的;乐于助人的) every day (每天) My Family There are three people in my family, my father, my mother and I. On weekdays, we are busy. My parents go to work,

11、 and I go to school. But on the weekend, we are free. My mom can cook the meal for us. My father can clean the windows. I cant do the dishes, but I can make the bed and sweep the floor. Sometimes, I help to wash the clothes. We are helpful at home. Unit 3 My favorite food is hamburgers.词汇:名词类 food 食

12、物 hamburger汉堡 China 中国fruit 水果drink 饮料chocolate 巧克力coffee咖啡 the USA 美国动词类 drink 喝 love喜爱 喜欢形容词类 favorite 最喜欢的 delicious美味的 Chinese中国的短语类 what about 怎么样 Chinese food 中国食物 drink coffee 喝咖啡very much非常 have afternoon tea 喝下午茶 In China 在中国其他 best 最(good 的最高级)句型:1. 询问对方饮食爱好的问答- Whats your favorite food/dr

13、ink/fruit?- My favorite food/drink/fruit is +可数名词复数/不可数名词。(询问第三方时需要将人称进行更改:his/her/its/their/ Colins/xxxs)2. 表达最喜欢某物的句型 Sb like(s) . best.3. 表达问擅长某事的句型(be good at/ do well in + 名词/V-ing) 其中be 和 do 需要根据人称选择相应的形式。 I am good at Art. = I do well in Art. He is good at playing basketball. = He does well i

14、n playing basketball.4. 表达“非常喜爱某物”的句型I love +名词/代词 very much. 我非常喜欢某物/某人。若love之后要用动词,则需注意:love doing (喜欢一辈子)和 love to do (喜欢一阵子)都表示“喜欢干某事”写作园地:请以“My Friend”为题,写一篇介绍你的朋友的喜好的小短文。要求用一般现在时来写,不少于5句话。写法指导:1.时态:本文介绍好朋友的喜好,全文的基本时态是一般现在时。2.写作思路:先介绍好朋友喜爱的学科,接着写她的饮食爱好。全文要安排合理,层次分明。3.必备词汇:favorite food最喜欢的食物, b

15、est friend最好的朋友。 My Friend Ning Chen is my best friend. Her favorite subject is Chinese. Reading is her favorite, too. At home, she is good at cooking. She likes dumplings best. She often makes dumplings for her parents. They love her. Do you like her? Unit 4 At table.词汇:名词类table餐桌 spoon勺子 knife小刀 c

16、hopsticks筷子 fork叉子 beef牛肉动词类 cut 切 use 使用 pass传递 give给副词类 well (good)好地 happily(happy)开心地短语类 at table 吃饭 就餐 use.with. 借助.使用. left hand 左手 right hand 右手 have.for lunch 吃.作为午餐 not like that 不是那样的 want to = would like to想要 have some soup 喝一些汤 would you 你愿意. pass me递给我 here you are 给你 cut the beef 切牛肉 h

17、ere it is它在这/给你 give me给我 come on 得了吧/ 加油其他 like像,像.一样 with 借助 here 这里 him(he的宾格)would 愿意句型:1. 谈论如何正确使用餐具的句型(祈使句)Use the fork with your left hand.Use the knife with your right hand.Use the chopsticks with your right hand.2. 谈论某人使用某餐具干什么的句型 Sb. use(s) the knife to cut the beef. Sb. use(s) the spoon t

18、o have some soup. Sb. use(s) the chopsticks to eat the noodles.3. 表示请求对方做某事的句型及其答语Would you please + V原+其它?Eg: Would you please pass me the .? / Would you give me some., please?答语:肯定-Here you are? 给你 / Of course./ Sure. / Yes. / OK. 当然可以 否定-Im sorry. / Im afraid I am sorry. 抱歉。4. Give 和 Pass 的用法 pas

19、s/give sb. sth. 表示(传递给)给某人某物 (注:sb. 用宾格形式) pass/give sth. to sb. 表示把某物(传递给)给某人 Eg:Please give me the fork. = Please give the fork to me.写作园地: 请以“A Happy Picnic”为题,记录一次野餐的经历,要求介绍清楚野餐的人物、时间、地点以及经过,要求不少于40个单词。必备词汇:picnic野炊,much food许多食物,delicious美味的, want to想要, with a knife and fork用刀叉, have a good tim

20、e 玩得高兴 A Happy Picnic It is a fine day today. I have a happy picnic with my friends. We take much food there. The food is delicious. Look, Wang Ping eats beef with a knife and fork. Liu Fen takes some vegetable salad. She wants to have some soup with a spoon. “Would you please pass me the spoon, Zha

21、ng Bo?” “Yes, of course. Here you are.” he says. We have a good time!Unit 5 Can you tell me the way to the supermarket.词汇:名词类way 路线 supermarket超市 cinema电影院 minute 分钟 street街道 zoo动物园 road 路 bookstore 书店 hospital 医院 police station 警察局动词类 buy 买 sleep 睡觉介词类 beside 在.旁边 behind 在.后面 between 在.之间 under在.下边

22、 near 在.附近短语类 Childrens Park 儿童公园 take a bus乘车 get off the bus 下车on the left 在左边 on the right 在右边 get to 到达 on the desk 在桌子上 under the table 在桌子下 near the window 在窗子附近 at a bus stop 在公交车站 the way to 去.的路 in the sofa 在沙发上(里) on Furong street 在芙蓉街 near here 在这附近 go along 沿着.走 between A and B 在A和B之间句型:

23、1. 向他人求救的句子 Excuse me. 打扰了。 Yes?什么事?怎么了?2. 询问对方是否需要帮助的句型 Can I help you? = What can I do for you?3. 表示问路的句型及其答语Q: (1). Excuse me,where is the zoo, please? (2). Excuse me, which is the way to the zoo, please? (3). Excuse me, how can I go to the zoo, please? (4). Excuse me, can you tell me the way to

24、the zoo, please? (5). Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to the zoo, please?A:Go along the street and you can see a . on the left/right. The . is behind it. You can go along the Furong Street. Then turn left at .You can see a .4. 询问某处是否有某物的一般疑问句 Is/Are there.near here? Eg: Is there a supermarket?

25、 (单数) 肯定回答:Yes, there is. 否定回答: No, there isnt.Are there two shops near the school?(复数) 肯定回答:Yes, there are. 否定回答: No, there arent. 写作园地:假如你打算周日和朋友们去书店,但还有人不清楚怎么去。请你根据以下提示,用英语写一篇指路的短文,要求不少于五句话。写作指导: 1.写作思路:首先得明确书店的位置:在那条街上、附近有哪些建筑。然后,用中文描述书店位置。最后把中文变成英文即可。2.必背词汇:bookstore(书店), cinema (电影院)go along(直

26、走),turn left (左转) next to(旁边), on the right(在右边)3.必备句型:The bookstore is next to . Its not far from . Turn left /right at . How to Get to the Bookstore We are going to the bookstore on Sunday.The bookstore is next to the Childrens Park. Its not far from here. So we can go along the street. Then turn

27、left at the cinema. We can see the Childrens Park on the right. The bookstore is behind it. Unit 6 How much is it?词汇:名词类shirt 衬衫 T-shirt T恤衫 pair 双/对 shorts 短裤 child 小孩 eraser橡皮 shoes 鞋子 trousers 裤子 socks 袜子 glasses 眼睛动词类look 看起来 take 买,要,拿 mean 意思是其他 for 为,给,对 them 她/他/它们 hundred 百 also 也,同样短语类 how

28、 much 多少钱 a pair of 一双,一副,一双 too big 太大 that orange one 那件橘色的 how about=what about 怎么样,如何 Thats OK = Thats all right. 好的(表示赞同某人的观点)句型:1. 在购物中主动提供服务或帮助的句型及回答: What can I do for you? / Can I help you? I want to buy / Yes. I would like 2. 询问物品价格的句型及回答:How much is it / are they? Its / Theyre . yuan.3. 询

29、问某物如何:How about this/these .? It looks good. / They look good.4. 要买某物时说:Ill take it/them. / Well buy it/them.5. 某物/人看起来如何:sth./ sb. look(s) + adj.(形容词)。6. 询问对方是否需要某物:Would you like + 某物? / Do you want + 某物?写作园地:你一定有过自己独自去购物的经历吧,请将其中一次经历写下来,和大家一起分享,要求不少于40词。写作指导:1.写作思路:首先得明确购物的时间、地点、人物和要购买的东西,其次描述购物的

30、经过,最后交代了购物的结果。2.必背词汇: supermarket 超市 a pair of. 一双 take 买;要;拿3.必备句型:I want to buy. I take . Buying socks Today I go to the supermarket near my house to buy a pair of socks for me. I get to the supermarket in the morning. I begin(开始) to look for the socks, but I cant find them. Then a saleswoman come

31、s and asks me, “What can I do for you?”,“Id like a pair of socks,but I cant find one.” I say.“Oh,they are over there.” She helps me find the socks. I thank her. At last, I take a pair of pink socks,because pink is my favorite color. Unit 7 She looks tall and thin!词汇:名词类aunt姨,姑,婶 uncle 伯,叔,舅 kid 小孩 friend 朋友 sport运动 woman女士形容词类thin 瘦的 str

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