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1、山东省成人高等教育学士学位英语考试 -CAL-FENGHAI.Network Information Technology Company.2020YEAR山东省成人高等教育学士学位英语考试山东省成人高等教育学士学位英语考试样题Passage OneQuestions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. A fire drill(操练) is ,to put it mildly(略微地,适度地), an inconvenient(不方便的) exercise at the best of times. A fire drill at 2:00

2、in the morning in terrible weather conditions, like the one we had on Thursday night and Friday morning last, is incomparably more inconvenient. This is why writing this note to thank you all most sincerely(真诚地) for your excellent co-operation and the spirit with which you endured(忍受,忍耐) the inconve

3、nience.(打扰)A fire drill is not an idle (空闲的,懒散的)exercise. It is an extremely (极其,非常)serious(严重的,严肃的) one and can, in fact, save lives in the long run. Last week fire drill has already reyealed a number of important things regarding fire precautions(预防,警惕) in the Hall. For instance(例子), there seem to

4、 exit(出口) a number of “deaf (聋的)spots” in the Hall, namely(即,也就是), the two rooms in Purser House and some rooms in the Bottom corridor(走廊). I have no reason to doubt(怀疑,疑问)that residents (居民)from these areas could not hear the alarm(惊恐,忧虑,警报). I shall request an immediate examination of this problem

5、.I should, also, remind (使想起)you that it is a requirement that fire drills should be regularly(有规律地) carried out(at least two in every one year)and each resident should be made fully aware(知道的,意识到的) of this and obliged(强迫,迫使) to take part. All residents must take fire precautions(预防,警惕) with the ser

6、iousness they deserve. (应受,值得).Failure to do so can result bin fines and expulsion(驱逐)from the Hall. Thank you again for your co-operation.1. The last fire drill caused much more inconvenience (打扰)because_. A) it was in bad weather B) there were “deaf spots” C) a big fire started D) it was at the we

7、ekend2. The phrase “in the long run”(L.2,Part.2)means_. A)effectively B) endlessly C) eventually(终于,最后) D) efficiently3. Some people did not make their appearance(出现,来到,外观) at the last drill because_. A) they were deaf (聋的) B)they could not hear the alarm C) nobody waked them up D) they refused to l

8、eave their rooms4. Afire drill is extremely(极其,非常) important according to the writer for_. A) it is a good physical exercise B) it cultivates (培养) peoples endurance(耐久力,持久力) C) it is a legal requirement D) it can save lives in case of a fire5. Which of the following was NOT stated (规定的)by the author

9、? A) A fire drill is very important and useful. B) The last fire drill received inactive co-operation from the residents. C) Those who do not take fire precautions (预防,警惕)will be fined and driven out. D) It has been made a rule that fire drills will be performed(行动) regularly.(有规律的)Passage TwoQuesti

10、ons 6 to 10 are based on the following passage Accidents(事故,意外的事) are caused; they dont just happen. The reason may be easy to see: a shelf(架子) out of reach, a patch (补丁,小块土地)of ice on the misfortune(不幸,灾祸,灾难)frustration(挫折,灰心丧气), tiredness (疲劳的,累的)or just bad temper(脾气)that show what the accident r

11、eally is, a sort of attack(进攻,攻击) on oneself.Road accidents, for example, happen frequently(经常地,屡次地) after a family quarrel( 争吵), and we all know people who are accident-prone(有.倾向的), so often at odds(困难) with themselves and the world that they seem to cause accidents for themselves and others.By de

12、finition(定义,解说), an accident is something you can not predict(预言,预告,预测) or avoid(避免,回避,躲开), and the idea which used to be current(当前的,通用的), that the majority (多数,大多数)of road accidents are caused by a minority(少数) of criminally careless(粗心的) drivers, is not supported by insurance(保险,保险费) statistics(统

13、计,统计数字). These show that most accidents involve(使卷入,牵涉) ordinary (普通的)motorists(开汽车的人) in a moments of carelessness(粗心) or thoughtlessness.(欠考虑的,自私的)It is not always clear, either, what sort of conditions(条件,状况) make people more likely(可能的,很可能) to have an accident. For instance(例子,实例,事例), the law re

14、quires(需要,要求) all factories to take safety precautions and most companies(公司) have safety committees(委员会,全体委员) to make sure the regulations (规则,规章,管理)are observed(观察), but still, every day in Britain, some fifty thousand men and women are injured (伤害,损害,损伤)from work due(由于,应归于) to accidents. These a

15、ccidents are largely the result of human error (错误,差错)or misjudgmentnoise and fatigue(疲劳,劳累), boredom(烦恼,无聊) or worry are possible factors (因素)which contribute(有助于.,促成) to this. Doctors who work in factories have found that those who drink too much, usually people who have a high anxiety(焦虑,忧虑,渴望) l

16、evel, run three times the normal risk (风险,危险,冒险)of accidents at work.6. The passage suggests that_.A)Accidents are usually caused by psychological(心理的,心理学的) factors.B)Accidents mostly result(是由.造成的) from slippery(滑的,使人滑跤的) roads.C)Drinkers run three times the normal risk of accidents in factories.D)

17、About 50 000people lose their lives at work in Britain every day.2.Which of the following is NOT mentioned(提到,说起) as a factor of accidents?3.A) Mood. (心情,情绪,语气) B) Tiredness.(疲劳的,累的) C) Carelessness (粗心) D) Weather8. The word “accidents-prone”(L.2 Para.2)means_.A) likely to have accidents B) injured

18、 in accidentsC) possible to die in accidents D) responsible(有责任的,负责的) for road accidents9. What can we infer(推论,推断,猜想) about the author opinion (意见,看法)of accidents?A) Safety precautions(预防,警惕) are of little use in accidents.B) Many accidents can and should be avoided.(避免)C) Factory accidents , unlik

19、e (不像,和.不同)road accidents, are inevitable(不可避免的).D) Most road accidents are caused by just a few careless(粗心的) drivers.10. The best title for the passage would be _.A) Accidents and Anxiety(焦虑,忧虑,渴望)B) How to Deal with Accidents on Road and in FactoriesC) Human Factors in AccidentsD) How to Prevent(

20、防止,阻止) Accidents on Road and in FactoriesPassage ThreeQuestions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.Is language, like food, a basic human need Judging from the result of the violent experiment by a German King, Frederick II, in the 13th century, it may be. Hoping to discover what language a

21、child would speak if he heard no mother tongue, he told the nurses to keep silent.All the infants(婴儿) died before the first year. But clearly there was more than language deprivation(剥夺,丧失) here. What was missing was good mothering. Without good mothering, in the first year of life especially, the c

22、apacity(能力,容量) to survive(幸免于,活下来) is seriously affected.Today no much violent deprivation exists as that by Frederick II. Nevertheless(然而,仍然), some children are still backward(向后的,向后) in speaking. Most often the reason for this is that the mother is insensitive (不敏感的)to the signals(信号) of the infan

23、t, whose brain(脑力,智能) is programmed to map up language rapidly. There are critical(紧要的,关键性的) times, it seems, when children learn more readily. If these sensitive(敏感的,灵敏的) periods are neglected(忽略,忽视), the ideal time for acquiring(取得,获得,学到) language skills passes and they might never be learned so e

24、asily again.Linguists(语言学家)suggest that speech stages(阶段) are reached in a fixed sequence(连续,继续) and at a constant(经常的) age, but there are cases where speech has started late in a child who eventually(终于,最后) turns out to be of high IQ.Recent evidence(根据) suggests that an infant is born with the capa

25、city(能力) to speak. What is special about Mans brain(脑力,智能) compared(比较,对照) with that of the monkey, is the complex (复杂的)system which enables(使能够,使可能) a child to connect the sight and feel of , say, a teddy-bear(玩具熊)with the sound pattern (式样)“teddy-bear”. But speech has to be stimulated(刺激,激发), and

26、this depends on interaction (相互作用,干扰)between the mother and the child, where the mother recognizes the signals(信号) in the childs babbling(牙牙学语), grasping(贪心的,贪婪的), crying, smiling, and responds(响应) to them. Insensitivity of the mother to these signals dulls(枯燥的,不鲜明的) the interaction because the chil

27、d gets discouraged (泄气的)and sends out only the obvious signals. Sensitivity(敏感) to the childs non-verbal signals is essential(必要的) to the growth and development language.11. Frederick IIs experiment was violent because_. A) he wanted to prove children are born with ability to speak B)he ignored the

28、importance of mothering to the infant C) he was unkind to the nurse D) he wanted his nurses to say no mother tongue12. The reason some children are backward in speaking today that_. A) their mothers do not respond to their attempts to speak B) their mothers are not intelligent(聪明的,理智的) enough to hel

29、p them C) they do not listen carefully to their mothers D) their brains have to absorb(吸收) too much language at once.13. By “critical(紧要的,关键性的) times” in Paragraph 3 the author means_. A) difficult periods in the childs life B) moments when the child becomes critical to its mother C) important stage

30、s(阶段) in the childs development D) times when mothers often neglect(忽视,忽略,疏忽) their children14. Which of the following in NOT implied in the passage? A) Ability to learn to speak a language is inborn(天生的,天赋的) in man B) Children do not need to be encouraged to learn to speak C) Early language starter

31、s are not necessarily highly intelligent D) Most children learn their language in definite(明确的,肯定的) stages15. If the mother does not respond to her childs signals_. A) the child will never be able to speak properly(适当地,彻底地) B) the child will stop giving out signals C) the child will invent a languag

32、e of his own D) the child will make little effort(努力) to speakPassage FourQuestions 16 to 20 are based on the following passage.Americans who remember “the good old days” are not alone in complaining (抱怨)about the educational system in this country. Immigrants(移民) complain ,too. Lately a German friend was filled (装满)with anger when he learned that the mathematics(数学) test given to his son on his first day a

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