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1、高一英语上学期必修12语法总结2017高一英语上学期必修12语法总结2017楂樹竴鑻辫 涓婂 鏈熷繀淇?鈥?璇 硶鎬荤粨鐩存帴鑻辫 鍜岄棿鎺嫳璇?涓銆佸彞鍨嬬殑鍙樺寲 锛堜竴锛夊 鏋滅洿鎺紩璇 槸闄堣堪鍙紝闂存帴寮曡 涓鑸 槸鐢hat鏉紩瀵笺傚彛璇 腑that甯稿彲浠渷鐣? 鈥淚 like to listen to rock music,鈥?said Peter. ? Peter said that he liked to listen to rock music. 銆愭敞鎰忋戝 鏋滅洿鎺紩璇 腑鍑虹幇涓釜鎴栦袱涓 互涓婄殑闄堣堪鍙苟鍒楁椂锛岀 涓涓猼hat鍙 互鐪佺暐锛屽悗闈 竴涓 笉鑳界渷

2、鐣紝浠厤寮曡捣姝箟銆傚 锛? The teacher said, 鈥淭he text is very important. You should learn it by heart.鈥? The teacher said (that) the text is important and that we should learn it by heart. (浜? 濡傛灉鐩存帴寮曡 鏄 竴鑸 枒闂 彞鎴栭夋嫨鐤戦棶鍙椂 锛岄棿鎺紩璇 父鍙樹负鐢眞hether/if寮曞 锛岃屼笖瑕佺敤闄堣堪鍙 搴忋傚 锛? The boy asked his mother, 鈥淐an I go to play fo

3、otball with my friends on Saturday?鈥? The boy asked his mother whether/if he could go to play football with his friends on Saturday. (涓? 濡傛灉鐩存帴寮曡 鏄 壒娈婇棶鍙紝闂存帴寮曡 鐢壒娈婄枒闂 瘝寮曞 锛岃屼笖鐢檲杩板彞璇 簭銆傚 锛? 鈥淗ow much time do you spend on the homework?鈥?he asked me. ? He asked me how much time I spent on the homework.

4、 锛堝洓锛夊 鏋滈棿鎺紩璇 槸琛璇锋眰銆佹彁璁 佸缓璁 佸姖鍛婄瓑鎰忎箟鐨勯棶鍙紝瑕佸熷姪鍏朵粬鍙瀷缁撴瀯鏉杈俱傚 锛? 鈥淲hy don鈥檛 you come and play football with me?鈥?He asked. ? He advised me to play football with him. 銆愭敞鎰忋戣绀鸿 姹傘佸姖鍛婃椂锛岄氬父鐢渁sk/advise/want绛?+ 瀹捐 + 鍔瘝涓嶅畾寮忊濈粨鏋勩?(浜? 濡傛灉鐩存帴寮曡 鏄 浣垮彞锛岄棿鎺紩璇 鐢笉瀹氬紡鐨勫 鍚堢粨鏋勬敼锛屽嵆鏀逛负锛歵ell (ask, order, warn, advise绛? sb

5、. (not) to do sth. 濡傦細 ? 鈥淟isten to me carefully, please.鈥?the teacher said to us. ? The teacher told us to listen to him carefully. 銆愭敞鎰忋戝 鏋滅 浣垮彞涓 嚭鐜颁簡please, 鍦棿鎺紩璇 腑蹇呴鐪佺暐銆?(鍏? 濡傛灉鐩存帴寮曡 鏄 劅鍙瑰彞锛屽彉闂存帴寮曡 鏃讹紝鐢hat, how鎴杢hat鏉紩杩般傚 锛? 鈥淲hat a beautiful house it is!鈥?he said to me. ? He told me what a beaut

6、iful house it was. ? He told me that it was a beautiful house. 浜屻佹椂鎬佺殑鍙樺寲 锛堜竴锛夊 鏋滀富鍙殑鏃舵佹槸涓鑸 幇鍦椂鎴栧皢鏉椂锛屽垯闂存帴寮曡 涓 殑鏃舵佷笉鍙樸傚 锛? He says, 鈥淚鈥檓 too tired.鈥? He says (that) he is too tired. 锛堜簩锛夊 鏋滀富鍙殑鏃舵佹槸涓鑸 繃鍘绘椂锛屽垯闂存帴寮曡 涓 殑鏃舵佺浉搴斿湴鍙樹负涓庤繃鍘荤浉鍏崇殑鏃舵併傚叿浣撳彉鍖栧 涓嬶細 涓鑸 幇鍦椂 涓鑸 繃鍘绘椂 鐜板湪杩涜 鏃?杩囧幓杩涜 鏃?鐜板湪瀹屾垚鏃?杩囧幓瀹屾垚鏃?涓鑸

7、繃鍘绘椂 杩囧幓瀹屾垚鏃?杩囧幓瀹屾垚鏃?杩囧幓瀹屾垚鏃?涓鑸 皢鏉椂 杩囧幓灏嗘潵鏃?1) The old man said, 鈥淕reat changes have taken place in China.鈥?The old man said that great changes had taken place in China. 2) 鈥淲ang Lin is waiting for you outside of the school gate.鈥?Li Fang said to me. Li Fang told me that Wang Lin was waiting for me

8、outside of the school gate. 銆愭敞鎰?銆?褰撹浆杩扮殑鏄 瑙備簨瀹炪佺 瀛湡鐞嗐佹牸瑷鎴栬皻璇 紱閲嶅 鍑虹幇鎴栫幇鍦範鎯 殑鍔綔鏃讹紝闂存帴寮曡 鐨勬椂鎬佷笉鍙樺寲銆傚 锛? ? 鈥淔ailure is the mother of success.鈥?The teacher said to us. ? The teacher told us that failure is the mother of success. 銆愭敞鎰?銆?褰撶洿鎺紩璇 腑鐨勮皳璇 姩璇嶅惈鏈夋儏鎬佸姩璇峬ust , need, ought to, had better绛夛紝鍙橀棿鎺紩璇

9、椂锛岄棿鎺紩璇 腑璋撹 鍔瘝鐨勫舰寮忎笉鍙樸傚 锛? He said, 鈥淵ou had better ask for help when you are in trouble.鈥? He said that I had better ask for help when I was in trouble. 涓夈佷汉绉颁唬璇嶇殑鍙樺寲 鐩存帴寮曡 鍙樹负闂存帴寮曡 鏃讹紝闂存帴寮曡 涓 綔涓昏 鐨勪汉绉颁唬璇嶆垨鍏朵粬鐗富浠瘝瑕佷綔鐩稿簲鐨勫彉鍖栥備竴鑸 儏鍐典笅瑕侀伒寰 互涓嬪嚑鏉師鍒欙細 锛堜竴锛夌洿鎺紩璇 殑涓昏 鏄 涓浜虹锛屽彉涓洪棿鎺紩璇 椂锛岃 鍜屼富鍙殑涓昏 淇濇寔涓鑷淬傚 锛?

10、鈥淐an I use your bike for a moment?鈥?the boy said to me. ? The boy asked me whether he could use my bike for moment. (浜? 鐩存帴寮曡 鐨勪富璇 槸绗 簩浜虹锛屽彉涓洪棿鎺紩璇 椂锛岃 鍜屼富鍙殑瀹捐 淇濇寔涓鑷淬傚 锛? The teacher asked Joan, 鈥淲hy are you late again?鈥? The teacher asked Joan why he was late again. 锛堜笁锛夌洿鎺紩璇 殑涓昏 鏄 涓変汉绉帮紝鍙樹负闂存帴寮曡 鏃讹

11、紝闂存帴寮曡 涓 殑涓昏 浜虹涓嶅彉銆傚 锛? He asked me, 鈥淗ow long has Teddy stayed in China?鈥? He asked me how long Teddy has stayed in China. 鍥涖佷富鍙皳璇 姩璇嶇殑鍙樺寲 (涓) 鐩存帴寮曡 鏄 檲杩板彞锛岃皳璇 姩璇嶆槸say(said)鐨勪笉鍙橈紝鏄痵aid to sb.甯稿彉涓簍old sb.濡傦細 ? He said to his friend, 鈥淚 am glad to see you.鈥? He told his friend that he was glad to see

12、 him. (浜? 鐩存帴寮曡 鏄 壒娈婄枒闂 彞銆佷竴鑸 枒闂 彞鎴栭夋嫨鐤戦棶鍙紝said 鍙樹负asked; said to sb. 鍙樹负 asked sb.濡傦細 ? 鈥淗ow can you do that?鈥?Mary said to Betty. ? Mary asked Betty how she could do that. (涓? 鐩存帴寮曡 鏄 浣垮彞锛屽彉闂存帴寮曡 鏃讹紝璋撹 鍔瘝鍙 牴鎹 姘斿己寮遍夊垯beg, advise, ask, tell, order, warn绛夈傚 鏋滅 浣垮彞鏄 惁瀹氬彞锛岃繕闇鍦笉瀹氬紡绗彿to鍓嶅姞not.濡傦細 ? I sai

13、d to her, 鈥淧lease pass me a glass of water.鈥? I asked her to pass me a glass of water. (鍥? 鐩存帴寮曡 鏄 劅鍙瑰彞锛屽彉闂存帴寮曡 鏃讹紝寮曡堪鍔瘝甯哥敤tell, exclaim鎴杝ay绛夈傚 锛? 鈥淗ow well he looks!鈥?Lucy said. ? Lucy exclaimed how well he looked. ? Lucy said that he looked well. 浜斻佹寚绀轰唬璇嶃佹椂闂寸姸璇 佸湴鐐圭姸璇 拰鏂瑰悜鎬姩璇嶇殑鍙樺寲 锛堜竴锛夋寚绀轰唬璇嶇殑鍙樺寲

14、 this that these those 锛堜簩锛夋椂闂寸姸璇 殑鍙樺寲 now then ago before / earlier today that day yesterday the day before this morning/afternoon, etc. that morning/afternoon, etc. tomorrow the following/next day the day after tomorrow in two days鈥?time the day before yesterday two days before / earlier next week

15、/month, etc. the next week/month, etc. last week/month the week /month before 銆愭敞鎰忋?濡傛灉鍦綋澶浆杩帮紝鏃堕棿鐘惰 涔熷彲涓嶅彉銆傚 锛? Mr. Black said, 鈥淚 visited the Great Wall last year.鈥? Mr. Black said that he had visited the Great Wall last year. 锛堜笁锛夊湴鐐瑰拰鏂瑰悜鎬姩璇嶇殑鍙樺寲 here there come go 銆愭敞鎰忋?濡傛灉鍦綋鍦拌浆杩帮紝鍦扮偣鐘惰 涔熷彲涓嶅彉銆傚

16、锛?He said, 鈥淚 will come here this evening.鈥?He said that he would come here this evening. (鍚屾椂鍚屽湴寮曡堪) 宸浐缁冧範锛氬皢涓嬪垪鍙瓙鍙樹负闂存帴寮曡 鎴栫洿鎺紩璇?1. He said to me, 鈥淚 wrote a letter to my parents last week.鈥?He _ me that _ _ _ a letter to _ parents_ _ _. 2. 鈥淭he sun rises in the east and sets in the west,鈥?mother

17、said to her daughter. Mother _ her daughter that the sun_ up the east and _ in the west. 3. 鈥淒on鈥檛 be late again, Jim,鈥?said the teacher. The teacher_ _ _ _ be late again. 4. 鈥淗ave you seen the film Harry Potter?鈥?he asked. He asked me _ _ _ _ the film Harry Potter. 5. Mr Wang asked the students how

18、 they could improve their spoken English. 鈥淿_ _ _ improve _ spoken English?鈥?Mr Wang said to the students. 1. told he had written his the week before 2. told rises sets 3. told Jim not to 4. if I had seen 5. How can you your 瀹氳 浠庡彞 涓锛庡畾璇 粠鍙殑瀹氫箟 1. 瀹氳 浠庡彞鍦粠鍙腑璧峰畾璇 綔鐢 紝淇 鍙腑鐨勬煇涓鍚嶈瘝鎴栦唬璇嶏紝琚 畾璇 粠鍙慨楗扮殑璇嶅彨鍏堣

19、 璇嶃傚畾璇 粠鍙竴鑸 揣璺熷湪鍏堣 璇嶅悗闈?(瀹氳 浠庡彞鏈夋椂鍊欒繕鍙 互淇 涓涓 彞瀛?閫氬父鎸囦唬涓浠朵簨鎯? 2. 寮曞 浠庡彞鐨勫叧鑱旇瘝鍙 叧绯昏瘝, 鍏崇郴璇嶅垎涓哄叧绯讳唬璇嶅拰鍏崇郴鍓 瘝, 浠栦滑鐨勪綔鐢 細 (1)寮曞 浣滅敤 (2)鏇夸唬(鍏堣 璇?浣滅敤 (3)鍦畾璇 粠鍙腑鎷呭綋鏌愪釜鎴愬垎鐨勪綔鐢?鍏崇郴浠瘝锛歸ho, whom, whose, that, which, as绛夛紙鍦彞涓 綔涓汇佽銆佸 銆佸畾绛夋垚鍒嗭級 鍏崇郴鍓 瘝锛歸here, when, why鍦粠鍙腑浣滅姸璇?e.g. The boy who broke the window is c

20、alled Tom. who寮曞 瀹氳 浠庡彞骞朵唬鏇垮厛琛岃瘝the boy鍦畾璇 粠鍙腑鍏呭綋broke鐨勪富璇?锝?鍏崇郴浠瘝锛坵ho, whom, which, that, whose锛夌殑鎸囦唬鍏崇郴鍙婂叾閫夋嫨 瀹氳 浠庡彞鍏崇郴璇嶇殑閫夋嫨鍙栧喅浜庡厛琛岃瘝锛堣 淇 璇嶏級鍦畾璇 粠鍙腑鐨勪綅缃 佹垚鍒嗐?鎸囦汉 鎸囩墿 鍦畾璇 粠鍙腑鐨勪綔鐢?Who 鈭?涓昏 瀹捐 Whom 鈭?瀹捐 Which 鈭?涓昏 瀹捐 that 鈭?鈭?涓昏 瀹捐 whose 鈭?鈭?瀹氳 锛坵hose鍜屽畠鎵淇 鐨勫悕璇嶅湪浠庡彞涓 彲浠厖褰撲富璇 垨瀹捐 锛?锝傦紟鍏崇郴鍓 瘝 锛?锛?why銆

21、 鍏堣 璇嶆槸琛鍘熷洜鐨勫悕璇嶏紙reason锛?鍏崇郴璇嶅湪浠庡彞涓 仛鍘熷洜鐘惰 琛鍘熷洜 锛?锛?where 鍏堣 璇嶆槸琛鍦扮偣鐨勫悕璇?鍏崇郴璇嶅湪浠庡彞涓 仛鍦扮偣鐘惰 琛鍦扮偣 锛?锛?when銆 鍏堣 璇嶆槸琛鏃堕棿鐨勫悕璇?鍏崇郴璇嶅湪浠庡彞涓 仛鏃堕棿鐘惰 琛鏃堕棿 e.g. That is the reason why he was late. This is the school where I have studied for three years. I will always remember the day when I saw you. 3.瀹氳 浠庡彞鏈夐檺

22、鍒舵拰闈為檺鍒舵袱绉嶃?闄愬埗鎬畾璇 粠鍙槸鍏堣 璇嶄笉鍙 己灏戠殑閮垎锛屽幓鎺夊畠涓诲彞鎰忔濆線寰涓嶆槑纭?瀹冨 涓诲彞璧峰埌闄愬埗浣滅敤銆?闈為檺鍒舵畾璇 粠鍙槸鍏堣 璇嶇殑闄勫姞璇存槑锛屽幓鎺変簡涔熶笉浼氬奖鍝嶄富鍙殑鎰忔濓紝瀹冨 涓诲彞璧疯繘琛岃鍏呰 鏄庯紝瀹冧笌涓诲彞涔嬮棿閫氬父鐢楀彿鍒嗗紑銆傚 鏋滃厛琛岃瘝鏄 笓鏈夊悕璇嶆垨鐙 竴鏃犱簩鐨勪簨鐗紝鎴戜滑涓鑸 鐢潪闄愬埗瀹氳 浠庡彞銆傘銆銆 e.g. This is the house which we bought last month.銆锛堥檺鍒舵級 The house, which we bought last month, i

23、s very nice.锛堥潪闄愬埗鎬級 浜岋紟娉剰浜嬮锛?1.鍙 兘鐢hich涓嶈兘鐢hat鐨勬儏鍐? 鈶?寮曞 闈為檺鍒舵畾璇 粠鍙?鈶?鍏堣 璇嶅湪浠庡彞涓 綔浠嬭瘝鐨勫 璇 笖浠嬭瘝鍓嶇疆, 鍗冲綋鍏崇郴璇嶇揣璺熷湪浠嬭瘝鍚庨潰鏃? e.g. This is the house in which Lu Xun lived. =This is the house which/that Lu Xun lived in. 2.鍙 兘鐢hom涓嶈兘鐢ho鐨勬儏鍐? 鈶?鍏堣 璇嶅湪浠庡彞涓 綔浠嬭瘝鐨勫 璇 笖浠嬭瘝鍓嶇疆,濡?e.g. Tom is the boy with whom I h

24、ave talked with. =Tom is the boy who/whom I have talked with. 3.鍏崇郴浠瘝蹇呴鐢hat鐨勬儏褰 細 鈶犲綋鍏堣 璇嶈 褰 璇嶇殑鏈楂樼骇鎵淇 e.g. This is the best film that I have ever seen. 鈶綋鍏堣 璇嶈 搴忔暟璇嶄慨楗?e.g. The first car that arrived at the destination was driven by John. 鈶綋鍏堣 璇嶈 the only, the very绛変慨楗?e.g. This is the only ticket

25、that I got yesterday. This is the very book that I鈥檓 looking for. 鈶厛琛岃瘝琚玜ll, every, no, some, any, little(灏戦噺,涓浜?, much绛変慨楗版椂锛?e.g. I鈥檝e read all the books (that) you gave me. 鈶綋鍏堣 璇嶄负all, much, little(灏戦噺,涓浜?, few, none, something, anything, everything, nothing绛変笉瀹氫唬璇嶆椂锛屾垨鑰呮槸鍦here be鍙瀷涓?. e.g. Is t

26、here anything that I can do for you? All that you have to do is to press the button. There is no time that we can waste. 鈶綋鍏堣 璇嶆棦鎸囦汉鍙堟寚鐗椂 e.g. He talked about the teachers and schools that he had visited. 鈶綋鍏崇郴浠瘝鍦粠鍙腑浣滆璇 椂锛?e.g. Mary is no longer the girl (that) she used to be. 4.瀹氳 浠庡彞涓 鏋滃厛琛岃瘝鏄痶he w

27、ay, 鍏崇郴璇嶅父鐢?in which, that鎴栫渷鐣?5.鍏崇郴浠瘝鍜屽叧绯诲壇璇嶅強鍏跺 鏄撴贩鐢殑鎯呭喌 1. This is the factory _ I once worked. where 2. This is the factory _ I鈥檝e visited. that/which 3. The day _ I always remember is Oct.1. that/which 4. The day _ Nanjing was liberated is Sep.11. when 5. The reason _ he hasn鈥檛 come is that he

28、has been ill. why 6. Don鈥檛 believe the reason _ he give you. that 銆愭敞鎰忋戝綋琛鏃堕棿,鍦扮偣, 鍘熷洜鐨勫悕璇? day, time, place, factory , reason绛変綔鍏堣 璇嶏紝鍦畾璇 粠鍙腑浣滅姸璇 椂锛岀敤when, where ,why锛涘湪浠庡彞涓 綔涓昏 鎴栧 璇 椂锛屽氨鐢hat鎴杦hich. 涓? 浠嬭瘝 + 鍏崇郴浠瘝鐨勬儏鍐?褰撴垜浠 湪鐢甫鏈変粙璇嶇殑瀹氳 浠庡彞鏃讹紝鎴戜滑鏈変袱绉嶉夋嫨锛屼粙璇嶆斁鍦叧绯讳唬璇嶅墠鎴栬呮槸鏀惧湪瀹氳 浠庡彞涓 傚 锛?1锛塗he woman who

29、/whom Spielberg is married to is an actress. The woman to whom Spielberg is married is an actress. 2锛塗he painting at which I looked was painted by Vincent van Gogh. The painting which I looked at was painted by Vincent van Gogh. 閭箞濡備綍閫夋嫨浠嬭瘝鍛 細 1).浠嬭瘝涓庡畾璇 粠鍙殑鍏堣 璇嶆槸涓绉嶄範鎯 殑鎼 厤. e.g. The farm _I once wo

30、rked has taken on a new look. on which 2).浠嬭瘝涓庝粠鍙腑鐨勫姩璇嶆槸涓绉嶄範鎯 殑鎼 厤锛?e.g. Who is the man _our teacher is shaking hands? with whom 3).浠嬭瘝涓庝粠鍙腑鐨勫舰瀹硅瘝涓璧锋瀯鎴愪竴绉嶄範鎯 殑鎼 厤锛?e.g. Ours is a beautiful country, _we are greatly proud. of which 4).琛鈥滄墍鏈夋牸鈥濇垨鈥滄暣浣撲腑鐨勯儴鍒嗏?鏃讹紝鐢粙璇峯f锛?e.g. There are over one thousand wo

31、rkers in the factory, 80 percent _ are women. of whom 缁冧範1锛氬叧绯诲壇璇嶆垨鑰呮槸浠嬭瘝+鍏崇郴浠瘝濉 1锛塈n the dark street, there wasn鈥檛 a single person _ she could turn for help. 2锛塛hen you read the book, you鈥檇 better make a mark _you have any questions. 3锛塀arcelona is the city _ the 25th Summer Olympic were held. 1. to whom锛坱urn to sb. for help 鍚戞煇浜烘眰鍔級 2. where 3. where/in which 缁冧範2: 鐢粙璇?鍏崇郴浠瘝濉 1. Do you like the book she spent $10? 2. Do you like the book _

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