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1、八年级期中复习导学案2014年春新目标英语八年级下册期中复习导学案Unit 1 复习导学案【学习目标】巩固本单元的单词、短语及句型。一、读音表写单词。mt_ stmkeik_ fut_ s:_ nek_ stmk_ rut_ fi:v_ lai_ lei_ rest_ kf_ eksrei_ tu: eik_ f_ hedeik_ psind_ breik_ h:t_ ntu_trbl_ bndid_ h:self_ hit_ sik_ bri: _ nuzbli:d_snb:nd_ auselvz_ ni:_klaim_ ksidnt_ kilu_ risk_ rk_naif_ situ e

2、in_ naivz_ bld_ imp:tns_disin_ kntrl_ mi:n_ ment_ spirit_ de_ n:s_二、根据提示写单词身体部位名称+-ache _sore +身体部位名称 _反身代词 (单)_(复)_tooth pl._ foot pl._ important adj. _ n.die v._ _n._ dead adj.死的 过去式_ 现在分词_mean v._ _n.意义 _adj.有意义的 _adj.无意义的decide v. _n.决定 knife pl._ climb v. _ n.登山者 bleed v.流血 _n.血 _n.鼻出血三、英汉互译感冒_

3、 胃痛_ 躺下_ 量体温_发烧_ 休息_ 上/下车_ 立刻,马上_陷入,参与_ 冒险_ 用尽,耗尽_ 切除_离开_ 掌管,管理_ 放弃_ 认真思考_多亏,由于_ 及时_ 对感兴趣_ 做决定_ 讲述_ 看牙医_ 使惊讶的,出乎意料_习惯于,适应于_ have a heart problem_ fall down_ get an X-ray_ shout for help_ expect sb to do sth_ agree to do sth_ get into trouble_ by accident _tell sb (not) to do sth_ be ready to do sth_

4、the same as_ a book called_ see a doctor_ take good care of_ 四、巩固练习.单词填空1.I want to learn English well. Could you give me some a_, Miss Li?2.I watched an interesting movie c_ Kungfu panda yesterday.3.My mother cut her finger _ (cook) last Sunday morning.4.Do you know the _(重要性) of English? You must

5、study it hard.5.I dont feel _(good). I think I have a cold.6. He a lost his life on the mountain.7.Mr Green _(leave)here a moment ago.8.To _(he) surprise , Grade One beat Grade Two in.9.Do I need _(see) a doctor?No. You neednt _(see)a doctor.10.We should exercise every day to stay _ ( health ).单项选择7

6、.He has to make lots of money _ he can buy his family a big that B.such that C.that order8.Yao Ming is _ famous _ all the people over the world know him.A.too, to B.enough, to, that, as9.We can learn nothing _ hard C.without D.through10.Im sure the book is ve

7、ry _ and children are _ in it.A.interested, interesting B.interested, interested C.interesting, interesting D.interesting, interested11.The man often eats _ meat and drinks_ beer(啤酒), so he is _ fat.A.too much, too much, too many B.too many, too many, much too C.too much, too much, much too D.much t

8、oo, too much, too many12.Bill _money after three months. A run out B. rin out of C was run out of 13.Bob used to _in the countryside . But now he is used to _ in the big city . A live ; live B live; living C. living ; living D living , live14.You shouldnt make mistakes same same wayC.i

9、n the same the same way15.The cat is .You should take it to an animal hospital.A.dead B.death C.dying D.diedUnit 2 复习导学案【学习目标】巩固本单元的单词、短语及句型。 一、读音表写单词。ti_ vlnti_ sain_ nutis_lunli_ sevrl_ str_ fi:li_di_ un_ d:ni:_ reiz_lun_ rip_ fiks_ brukn_wi:l_ let_ mis_ diseibld_blaind_ def_ Imdin_ difikl

10、ti_upn_ d:_ kri_ trein_iksaitid_ treini_ kaindns_ klev_teind_ intrst_ s:_ mdm_sntisfkn_ ndstnd_ ndstund_二、根据提示写单词disable v.使失去能力 _adj. difficult adj. _n.satisfy v.使满意 _n. satisfied adj._ satisfying adj._own v._ adj._ _n.物主,主人 feel v. _n.break v._ n._ _adj.破损的 kind adj._ v._ (反义词)_ open adj._

11、 (反义词)_train v. _ trained adj._ training n._excite v. _adj._ _adj._interest v._ n._ _adj. _adj.三、英汉互译打扫干净_ 振奋起来_ 分发,散发_ 推迟_想出,提出_ 分发_ 打电话给某人_ 同时_曾经过去_独自地_ 修理,装饰_ 担心_ 建立,设立_ 立刻,马上_=_ 对感到兴奋_照顾,非常喜欢_ 参加选拔,试用_(外貌或行为)像_使得某人有可能做某事_ 影响,有作用_write down_ a dream come true_ be busy doing sth_ at least_ a child

12、rens home_ be similar to_ in need_ be proud of_ thank you for doing sth_ a friend of mine_ be strong in_ ask for _ be free do do sth_ an old peoples home _ work out fine_ not any more_interests and hobbies_ do what she loves to do_ 四、巩固练习.完成句子1.Can you tell me _(如何帮助你)?(to)2.-Could I borrow some mon

13、ey from you? -Sorry, my money _(已经花完了).(run)3.The girl _(像我)is my daughter.(take)4._(谢谢你筹钱)to help these homeless people.(thank)5.This will _(使你通过这次考试).(make)6.I visited the sick kids in hospital and _(使他们高兴起来).(cheer)7.He became a soldier _(岁时) twenty.(age) 8.Her mother doesnt allow her to do _(她喜欢

14、的事)(what)9.I _(解决有困难) the problem.(difficulty)10.My brother often _(自愿帮忙) the old in an old peoples home.(volunteer)11.If you work hard, your dream _(能够实现).(able).单项选择12.Her mother was out. She stayed at home _, but she didnt feel _.A.alone, loneyly B.lonely, alone C.alone, alone D.loney, lonely13.-

15、How does Jack usually go to work?-He _ drive a car, but now he _ there to lose weight.A.used to, is used to walk B.was used to, is used to walkingC.was used to, is used to walk D.used to, is used to walking14.He gave his seat to a woman _ a baby.A.carried B.carrys C.carrying carry15.Its difficu

16、lt to learn English well, but you cant _.A.put it up B.take it up C.look it up D.give it up16.We found _ necessary to protect animals in B.this C.that D./17.Our teacher says we should study hard _ good grades. getting get C.getting D.gets18.We cant put off _ a plan about the Cl

17、ean-up Day.A.make make C.made D.making19.I think _ the old is necessary. Were all going to be old one day.A.caring for B.careing for for caring forUnit 3 复习导学案【学习目标】巩固本单元的单词、短语及句型。一、读音表写单词。rbi_ fuld_ swi:p_ swept_fl:_ mes_ ru_ ru:_nai_ :t_ pa:s_ bru_lend_ lent_ fig_ heit_t:_ wail_ s

18、nk_ stres_weist_ eniwei_ dipend_ prvaid_sins_ divelp_ fns_ neib_il_ drp_ f_ nf_indipendnt_ indipendns_二、根据提示写单词depend v. dependent adj.依靠的 dependence n.依靠 (反义词)_ adj.独立的 _n.独立stress n._ (同义词)_v.使紧张,加压力于 _adj. fair adj. _ n. (反义词)_develop v. _n. _adj. _adj.三、英汉互译倒垃圾_ 洗餐具_ 叠衣服_ 扫地_ 整理床铺_ 频繁,反复_ 一就,尽快_

19、 目的是,为了_ 依靠,信赖_ 照顾,处理_ 惊讶地_ 带某人去散步_ 生某人的气_ 把某物递给某人_ 向某人借某物_ 把某物借给某人_ 为某人提供某物_ 越就越_ 、在某方面花费时间_ 有时间做某事_对于某人来说没必要做某_邀请某人参加聚会_ 邀请某人去做某事_go out for dinner_ stay out late_ get a ride_ work on_ give sb a ride_ help out with sth_ help sb out_ finish doing_ any minute now_ at least_ throw down_ come over_ so

20、lve the problem_ in front of_ agree with sb_sth happen to sb_ make sb do sth_make sb/sth adj_ have no idea_ as a result_ its ones job/duty to do sth_ asas_do ones part in doing sth_ something to drink_ Could you please do sth_ Could you please not do sth_四、巩固练习.按要求完成句子。1.Both my sister and I were at

21、 home yesterday. (否定句) _ my sister _ I _ at home yesterday.2.Jack doesnt like football and neither does I. (同义句)_ _ us like football.3.We should learn to look after ourselves. (同义句)We should learn to _ _ _ ourselves.4.I study hard every day so that I can get good grades. (同义句)I study hard every day

22、_ _ _ get good grades.5.I borrowed a book from my friend yesterday. (同义句)My friend _ _ _ _.6.The minute our teacher came in, we stopped talking. (同义句)We stopped talking _ _ _ our teacher came in.7.Tom drives carefully. His brother drives carefully, too. (同义句)Tom drives _ _ _ his brother does.8.It took me half an hour to walk to school yesterday. (同义句)

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