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1、新概念英语第二册裕兴版笔记71汇编Lesson 71 A famous clock【New words and expressions】(9)parliament n. 議會,國會 erect v. 建起accurate adj. 準確的 official n. 官員,行政人員Greenwich n. 格林尼治 observatory n. 天文臺check v. 檢查 microphone n. 擴音器,麥克風tower n. 塔一單詞講解: parliament (英)議會,國會 (美)Congressmember of parliament英下院議員、國會議員【略】MPcongressm

2、an(米國)國會議員congresswoman 米女性下院議員、女性國會議員parliament: the Upper Chamber / House 上議院 the Lower Chamber / House 下議院Congress :Senate n.參議院,上院;the House of Representatives眾議院 erect 1.)v. 建起 set up , put up , buildeg:They are planning to erect a monument. 他們計劃豎立紀念碑。2.)vt.建造;豎立,使直立 erect a flagpole豎旗杆 ;erect

3、a tent搭起帳篷 elect vt.選舉,推舉;選擇 vi.進行選舉,作出選擇erupt vi.(火山等)噴發,噴出;(戰爭等)爆發 accurate adj. 準確無誤 free from error無誤差的 inaccurate不精確的an accurate clock準確的鐘 ; an accurate map準確地圖 accurate figures準確的數字; an accurate report 準確的報告eg:Is your watch accurate ?你的錶是否準確?eg:He is accurate in his judgment.(n.意見 判斷(力)) 他的判斷是

4、準確的。eg:He is accurate at figures. 他做計算准確。to be accurate 正確的說 ; accurately adv.精確地,准確地accuracy n.准確(性),精確(性) inaccuracy 名 : 不正確、間違eg:I began to doubt the accuracy of his statement.我開始懷疑他的聲明的正確性。with accuracy精確地 accurately official 1.)n. 官員,行政人員 government officialsa public official 公務員 ; a city offic

5、ial市政官員2.)官方的,法定的;正式的an official residence 官邸,公家宿舍 ; an official duty 職責eg:The statement is not official 這份聲明並非是官方officially 副詞 adv.官方地,正式地office n.辦公室;處,所,局;官職;-s服務officer n.軍官,警官;官員,高級職員 Greenwich n.格林尼治(英國英格蘭東南部城市,本初子午線經過之地)Greenwich Mean Time(GMT)世界標準時,也稱格林尼治時 universal timeGreenwich Observatory

6、格林尼治天文臺sandwich n.三明治,夾肉麵包 vt.夾入,擠進sandwich generation三明治一代名詞,上有父母、下有兒女的一代人 check 1)v. 檢查檢查,檢驗,核對 have the clock checked 找人檢查大鐘check the copy against the original. 把抄件跟原文核對一下eg:The inspector checked my tickets.檢查員檢查了我的車票eg:Lets check your answers. 讓我們來檢查你的答案eg:Please check on the names at the inform

7、ation desk.2)v. 停止;制止,抑制;阻止者(物)S1U(+on) eg:We should check the spread of the disease.我們應該阻止該疾病的蔓延check in (在旅館、機場等)登記,報到check out 結帳離去,辦妥手續離去、付帳離開,結帳check-out 付款處(尤指超市) ;check-list 校驗表,清單(算) 點名冊3)名詞 n. . 檢查,檢驗,核對C(+of/on)an engine check 檢查引擎 ; make a check on the quality 檢查品質4)【美】支票C (英cheque = chec

8、k ) eg:Write a cheque for 10,000 dollars.checkbook 【美】支票簿C = chequebook5)方格圖案;格子布CU check pattern 格子花紋 ; pattern check 圖案檢查 microphone n. 擴音器,麥克風micro -前綴 pref. 1. 表示小,微micro-economy微觀經濟 ; micro-biology微生物macro-前綴 表示表示宏觀的 ;macro-economy宏觀經濟 tower 1)n. 塔pavilion亭子 ; tower-block高層大廈 ;pagoda佛塔 water to

9、wer 水塔 ;the Eiffel Tower n.艾菲爾鐵塔(位於法國巴黎)the Tower of London 倫敦塔 ; a clock tower鐘樓a television tower 電視塔 ;a tower of strength可信賴的人、中流砥柱2)vi.屹立,高聳eg:The two skyscrapers that towered over New York were destroyed. 這兩個摩天大樓聳立在紐約被摧毀。eg:The high mountains towered over the village. 高山聳立俯視該村二Key structures: 複

10、習60-69課1.過去完成進行時: 構成:had + been + doing含義:表示到過去某時為止動作一直在進行著eg:The planes had been planting seed for nearly a month when it began to rain. 飛機撒種進行了將近一個月,天開始下雨了。 2.與過去事實相反的虛擬語氣eg: If the British had not feared invasion , it would have been completed. 假如當時英國不害怕入侵的話,這條隧道早就建成了。3.情態動詞 :must 必須 (主觀) ; have

11、to 不得不(客觀) ought to 應該 ; should do 應該should have done 本應該做某事 ; ought to have done 本應該做某事must have done 一定做過某事4. 現在分詞、動名詞的被動語態:構成 :being + done having been + done 5. 將來完成時: 構成 : will have + done eg:By the time you read this , the Hubbles eagle eye will have sent us thousands of wonderful pictures .等到

12、你讀到這篇文章,哈勃的鷹眼將我們送來了成千上萬張精彩的照片6. 在條件狀語從句和時間狀語從句中間,只能用一般現在時來表達將來時,即”主將從現”。eg:The moment you leave this tent , you will get a big surprise .你一離開帳篷就會大吃一驚7. have sth done 請別人做某事eg:They will need to have three of the engines rebuilt .他們需要找人來修理3個發動機。1. Exercise:1)I have shall have completed this novel by D

13、ecember. By then I will have been working(work)on it for ten months . 2)Now that you have finished(finish) work , you can go home . now that 既然,由於2. Exercise:用should , ought to , have to 填空1)I couldnt go shopping yesterday afternoon . I had to go(go)the dentist . 2)I really ought to buy / should buy

14、(buy)a new car but I cant afford to .3)I didnt know you would be late . You should have telephoned / ought to have telephoned(telephone). 【Text】Has Big Ben ever gone wrong? When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world

15、on the B.B.C. If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected. Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built. It is not only of immense size,

16、 but is extremely accurate as well. Officials from Greenwich Observatory have the clock checked twice a day. On the B.B.C. you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower. Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. Once, however, it failed to give the cor

17、rect time. A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!三課文講解: When you visit London, one of the first things you will see is Big Ben, the famous clock which can be heard all over the world on the B.B.C.當你遊覽倫敦時,首先看到的東西之一就是“大本”鐘,即那座從英國廣播公司的廣播中

18、全世界都可以聽到它的聲音的著名大鐘。 主幹:one of the first things is Big Ben, the famous clock. B.B.C 的全稱 British Broadcasting Corporation If the Houses of Parliament had not been burned down in 1834, the great clock would never have been erected.如果不是國會大廈在1834年被焚毀的話,這座大鐘永遠也不會建造。 Big Ben takes its name from Sir Benjamin

19、 Hall who was responsible for the making of the clock when the new Houses of Parliament were being built. “大本”鐘得名於本傑明.霍爾爵士,因為當建造新的國會大廈時,他負責建造大鐘。 take its name from 得名於 name after 以命名 name ; in the name of 以的名義a war waged in the name of liberation 一場假借解放的名義而進行的戰爭make a name for oneself 成名; 出名name sb

20、to do sth 指名要某人做某事eg:The boss named him to manage the store . 老闆叫他來管理這家商店。 be responsible for be in charge of 負責 It is not only of immense size, but is extremely accurate as well.此鐘不僅外型巨大,而且走時也非常準確。 to be of + n 表示某人或某物具有某特徵eg:This diamond is of great value . 這顆鑽石是很有價值的eg:Your advice is of great imp

21、ortance . 你的建議是非常重要的 immense (1)巨大的、極大的、廣大的an immense building 一座巨大的建築物an immense territory 廣大的領土territory n.領土,版圖;領域,範圍eg:The man left an immense fortune. 該名男子留下了巨大的財富(2)adj.(口) 絕妙的、極好的eg:That play was an immense success. 那齣戲劇有極大的成功 not only but as well not only but also Officials from Greenwich Ob

22、servatory have the clock checked twice a day. 格林尼治天文臺的官員們每天兩次派人矯正此鐘。 official 官員 、官方eg:The Customs official asked me several questions.海關官員問我幾個問題employee n.受雇者,雇工,雇員eg:Over a thousand factory employees went on strike.一千多員工的工廠繼續罷工shop assistant 店員eg:She works as a shop assistant in a clothing store.她

23、是一家服裝店的售貨員 have sth done (讓別人)把某事做成twice a day 1日2回once a day 1日1回、日一度 【略】o.d.once a week 週()1回 On the B.B.C. you can hear the clock when it is actually striking because microphones are connected to the clock tower. 當大鐘打點的時候,你可以從英國廣播公司的廣播中聽到,因為鐘塔上接了麥克風。 be connected to / with 與.有關, 與.相連connect to /w

24、ith 與 . .連接 . .eg:He connected two speakers to the amplifier.他連接的兩個揚聲器擴音機 amplifier n.放大器,擴音機 The two speakers were connected to the amplifier . (被動)connect + n.(將電話) 接轉給連接eg:I was connected to the wrong person . 我的電話接錯了人eg:Please connect me with New York . 請給我接紐約可以嗎? be connected with 與 . 有關, 與 . 相

25、連eg:She is connected with the Smiths . 她與史密斯一家有親屬關係 Big Ben has rarely gone wrong. “大本”鐘很多出差錯。 wrong 1)adv. go wrong (機械等) 發生故障 eg:The clock went wrong.這個大鐘出錯了。2)adv. 失敗、不好、不順利 eg:Everything went wrong in those days.3)adv.錯誤地、不正確地 eg:He answered wrong .eg:I have spelt her name wrong.4)adj. 錯誤的、不正確的

26、wrong number eg:Something is wrong with一定出了什麼問題be caught on the wrong foot 措手不及get / hold of the wrong end of the stick完全搞錯了|完全誤解了get out of bed on the wrong side 心緒不好5)n. 不正當的行為,壞事be in the wrong adj. 不對(不正當, 有過失)do a person wrong 虐待、冤枉某人 do wrong to a person 冤枉某人 Once, however, it failed to give t

27、he correct time.然而有一次,它卻把時間報錯。 fail to do 未能(做) ., 沒能(做) . A painter who had been working on the tower hung a pot of paint on one of the hands and slowed it down!在鐘塔上幹活的一位油漆工把一隻油漆桶掛在了一根指針上,把鐘弄慢了! hang hung hung (1)v.懸掛、吊eg:She hung curtains over the picture is hung on the wall . 畫掛在牆壁上(2

28、)v. 處(人) 絞刑、上吊 hanged hangedeg:The murderer was hanged . 殺人犯而被絞死了eg:He hanged himself . 他上吊自殺了 a pot of 一桶 ; pot and pans 鍋和平底鍋eg:A little pot is soon hot . 壺小水易開,量小易動怒。 hand 針 ; the second hand 秒針 、二手 the minute hand 分針 ; the hour hand 時針 slow a.慢的;不忙碌的 v.慢下來 ad.慢慢地slow down 放慢(速度),(使)減速 ; a slow t

29、rain 慢車,普通列車at a slow pace 以緩慢的步伐eg:Slow and / but steady wins the race.【諺】慢而穩者勝.欲速則不達a slow pupil 反應遲鈍的學生eg:The car slowed up as it went around the curve.車在轉彎處面了下來eg:The motorman slowed down the train.那個司機減慢了火車的速度四Special Difficulties:official n.官員,行政人員,高級職員 a.官員(方)的employee n.受雇者,雇工,雇員 ; shop assi

30、stant 店員hang 吊;吊死 (hanged, hanged)懸掛(hung , hung) 選擇正確詞填空:1. The shop assistant(clerk / shop assistant)who served me was very helpful .2. I hung(hanged / hung)my coat in the hall .3. Capital punishment has been abolished, Murderers will not be hanged(hung / hanged)in future.五Exercise:1.How often c c

31、hecked ?a. have they it b. they have it (陳述句) c. do they have it(疑問語序) d. they do have it . (陳述句) 2. Sir Benjamin Hall was responsible . it was his b to see to it .a. responsible b. duty c. charge d. control 3. The clock slowed down . It a .a. was slow b. was behind c. went back d. went slowly 4. According to the weather forecast , which is usually a , it will snow this afte

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