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七年级英语上册外研版素材 Module9 Unit3 新课落实.docx

1、七年级英语上册外研版素材 Module9 Unit3 新课落实Module 9People and placesUnit 3Language in use短语互译1.wait for _等待_2.leave work _下班_3.go home _回家_4.get off _下(汽车、火车、飞机等)_5.have afternoon tea _喝下午茶_6.紫禁城 _the_Forbidden_City_7.大多数人 _most_people_8.因感谢你 _thank_you_for_9.此时此刻 _at_this/the_moment_10.电影明星 _movie_stars_句型在线1.

2、此时此刻,在世界不同的地方,人们正在做不同的事情。At this moment, in _different_ _places_ of the world, people are doing _different_ _things_.2.他们正在等公共汽车或火车。Theyre _waiting_ _for_ buses or trains.3.一些人仍然在工作,一些人正在下班回家。Some people are still working and some are _going_ _home_ _from_ _work_.4.感谢你来自长城的明信片。_Thank_ _you_ _for_ yo

3、ur postcard from the Great Wall.5.我们正在看电影明星的家。Were looking at the _homes_ _of_ the movie stars.1leave v. 离开观察 In London, its five oclock in the afternoon and people are leaving work and are going home.在伦敦,现在是下午5点钟,人们正下班回家。Its eight now. He is leaving for school.现在8点钟了。他要去上学了。探究 leave后可直接接表示地点的名词或副词。

4、短语leave for表示“动身前往”。拓展 leave作动词,还可表示“遗留、遗忘”,常与地点副词连用,意为“把某物忘在/落在某处”。例如:Dont leave your new PC in the taxi.不要把你新买的电脑落在出租车上。 活学活用他们就要动身去伦敦了。They _are_ _leaving_ _for_ London.2off prep. 下(飞机、火车、公共汽车等)观察 Some people are getting on the bus, and some are getting off the bus. 一些人正在上公交车,一些人正在下公交车。探究 off常和动词

5、get构成动副短语get off,意为“下(飞机、火车、公共汽车等)”,其反义词组是get on,意为“上(飞机、火车、公共汽车等)”。拓展 get into/out of a taxi/car/boat上/下出租车/小汽车/船 活学活用The old man _ the train at this moment.Agets offB. get onCis getting off D. gets on答案 C3most adj. 大多数(的);大部分(的)观察 Most people are sleeping.大多数人正在睡觉。Most of the students in my class

6、are from the countryside. 我班的大多数学生都来自乡村。探究 “most名词”结构中, most是形容词,意为“大多数的,大部分的”,表示泛指;而在“most of名词”结构中,most是代词,意为“大多数,大部分”,若名词是特定的,前面必须用定冠词the或形容词性物主代词修饰。拓展 most当“最多的”讲时,是many和much的最高级;most还可以放在部分双音节或多音节形容词或副词前,构成最高级。例如:This is the most difficult maths problem.这是最难的数学题。 活学活用(1)The maths problem is _th

7、e_most_difficult_ (最难的) of the three. (2)_Most_teachers_ (大多数老师) dont smoke in our school. (3)_Most_of_the_teachers_ (这些老师中的大多数) dont smoke.4study v. 学习;研究观察 We study English at school. 我们在学校学习英语。探究 study为及物动词,后接名词作宾语,表示“学习/研究”。 拓展 study也可作不及物动词,意为“学习”。例如:He studies very hard. 他学习非常努力。辨析 study与learn

8、 study侧重于深度研究及深入、系统地学习,强调主观上努力学习的动作。Mr Black studies Chinese in the university. 布莱克先生在大学研究中文。learn多指初学阶段或模仿性的技术操作,强调学习的结果。They learn to swim. 他们学习游泳。 活学活用用study, learn的适当形式填空(1)They _study_ medicine in the university.(2)She will (将要) _learn_ to ride a horse this year.1Some are having afternoon tea a

9、t home or having a drink. 一些人正在家喝下午茶或喝酒/饮料。探究 (1)or用在肯定句中, 表示“或者”;在肯定句中连接并列的成分时,要用连词and,表示“和,又”。但在否定句中,连词and 要改为or。(2)句中have afternoon tea为固定搭配,其中have意为“喝”,不能换作drink,因为在西方国家afternoon tea 是一种餐点活动,不仅仅是喝茶。have a drink 意为“喝酒/饮料”。英语中有很多类似的结构:have a look 看一看have a haircut 理发have a picnic 野餐 have a walk 散步

10、have a holiday 度假 have a good trip 旅途愉快have a good time 过得愉快 活学活用(1)He doesnt like apples, bananas _ pears. AandBorCwithDbut答案 B(2)襄阳中考Do you prefer classical music _ pop music?Pop music, I think. Ato B. or C. than D. for 答案 B 2Thank you for your postcard from the Great Wall. 感谢你来自长城的明信片。探究 thank yo

11、u for意为“因而感谢你”。常用句式:Thank sb. for (doing) sth. 因(做)某事而感谢某人。例如:Thank you for coming to my party.感谢你来参加我的聚会。 活学活用荆州中考Ive shown you all the interesting and important places of our school.Thank you for _ so much time.A. to spendB. spendingC. tell D. spent答案 B3Im visiting my friends in Hollywood at the m

12、oment我现在正在好莱坞拜访我的朋友探究 at the moment 意为“现在,此时”,相当于now。拓展 at this moment 在这个时候at that moment 在那个时候in a moment一会儿,马上 活学活用同义句转换People are doing different things now.People are doing different things _at_ _the/this_ _moment_.英汉互译1现在_at_the/this_moment/right_now_2不同的地方_different_places_3喝下午茶 _have_afterno

13、on_tea_4开车回家 _drive_home_5因而感谢你 _thank_you_for_6call home_打电话回家_7have lunch_吃午饭_8watch television_看电视_.根据句意及首字母提示补全单词1Let me take you to the best(最好的) r_restaurant_ for dinner.2All the students are l_leaving_ school and going home. 3My father d_drives_ his car to work every day.4M_Most_ students usu

14、ally go to school by bus, and few students walk to school.5Our classmates are from different p_places_6We can meet many film s_stars_ in Hollywood.7Im very busy. I have a lot of t_things_ to do.8Dont r_run_ across the street! It is dangerous. 9Its raining, but the boys are s_still_ playing football

15、in the playground. 10Mike is a good student and he s_studies_ hard at school. .用所给词的适当形式填空1Peter wants to travel to Chinas different _places_ (place)2Look! The girl _is_driving_ (drive) a BMW car.3My mother _is_shopping_ (shop) and Im waiting for her.4Thank you for _sending_(send) me the nice postca

16、rd on my birthday.5Its six oclock. Danny _is_getting_ (get) up. 6They _are_listening_(listen) to music at the moment.按要求完成下列各题1I enjoy Beijing Operas. I have no time to watch it. (合并为一句)_I_enjoy_Beijing_Operas,_but_I_have_no_time_to_watch_it._2The students are having_a_Chinese_lesson now. (对画线部分提问)_

17、What_ _are_ the students _doing_ now?3Many_people_in_Moscow are going to the opera at this moment. (对画线部分提问)_Who_ _are_ going to the opera at this moment?4They are going to the Great Wall.(改为否定句)They _arent_ _going_ to the Great Wall.5Shes doing her homework now.(改为同义句)Shes doing her homework _at_ _

18、the/this_ _moment_.根据汉语意思完成句子1粉丝正在等这位电影明星。Fans are _waiting_ _for_ the movie star.2谢谢你帮我搬这个箱子。_Thank_ you _for_ _helping_ me carry this box.3他们正步行去公园。They _are_ _walking_ to the park. 4妈妈和姑姑正在花园喝下午茶。Mum and Aunt are _having_ _afternoon_ _tea_ in the garden.5大部分人正在下班回家。_Most_ people _are_ _leaving_ w

19、ork and going home. .单项填空()1. His friend is standing _ him in the queue.Ain front B. in front ofCin the front of D. on the front of 解析 Bin front of表示“在(外部)的前面”; in the front of表示“在(内部)的前面”。()2.I like the shirt,_ its too expensive.Aand BbutCor Dso答案 B ()3.He takes _ photos.Alots Ba lotCa lot of Dmuch

20、解析 Cphoto是可数名词,应用lots of或a lot of修饰; much只能修饰不可数名词。()4. He _ doing some shopping, and hes _ the newspaper now.Adont; look at B. doesnt; seeCnot; watching D. isnt; reading答案 D()5.河北中考 You_. Dont talk on the phone.Awill drive Bare drivingCwere driving Dhave driven解析 B根据句子的语境可知,此处应用现在进行时,表示“你正开着车,不要打电话

21、”。()6.Im visiting the Forbidden City _Aat weekend Bat nightCat the moment Dtomorrow答案 C()7. _?Hes watching TV at home.AWhat does he do B. What is he doingCHow is he doing D. Who is he 答案 B()8.Sara likes music a lot. Listen! She _ in her room.Ais singing BsingsCto sing Dsing答案 A ()9.Mary, could you h

22、elp me?Wait a moment. I _Aread a book Bdid my homeworkCwas watching TV Dam cooking dinner答案 D()10.Thank you for _ us to your birthday party.Ato invite BinvitesCinviting Dinvite解析 C介词后用v.ing形式。. 用方框中所给短语的适当形式填空leave work, put on, get off,wait for, at the moment1Tony _is_waiting_for_ me in the park.2I

23、ts six oclock in the morning. Tom _is_putting_on_ his clothes to get up.3Jenny _is_leaving_work_ and going home now.4_At_the_moment_, I am doing housework.5Miss White _is_getting_off_ the train with her friends.完形填空Dear Tommy,Thank you _1_ the letter of July, and the photos of London. Here _2_ some

24、photos of my family and some photos of Beijing. In the first photo, my sister is playing _3_ a pet of my uncles. She is only four years old. In the second photo, Im with my classmates, playing soccer in our school playground. In the next photo, all my family _4_ eating a big dinner on the last night

25、 of the year. In the last photo, my father and I are_5_ the sun by the sea in Qingdao. Well, so _6_ for my family. Now let me say _7_ about Beijing. Beijing is the _8_ of China. In the photos, you can see it is really a beautiful _9_. Im sure China will _10_ stronger and stronger.Best wishes!Yours,J

26、udy() Bon Cat Dfor()2.A.are Bis Ccomes Dgoes()3.A.for Bby Cwith Dfrom() Bare Chave Dhas()5.A.enjoying BenjoysClying Dlie()6.A.many BmuchCwell Denough()7.A.anything BsomethingCnothing Delse()8.A.heart BhandsCfeet Deyes() BshopCcity Dplaces()10.A.become BgoChave Dchange答案 15DACBA61

27、0BBACA.任务型阅读Hello! Im Linda. Its 9 oclock in the evening here in Sydney. Im writing letters to my friends. I have many friends all around the world. Let me tell you what they are doing now. My friend Paul is having his lessons in Moscow. Its 2 oclock in the afternoon there.Meimei must be having her

28、supper now. Its 7 pm in Beijing. And David is having his lunch in Paris. Its 12 oclock there. My best friend Ann is still sleeping. Its only six in the morning in New York.根据短文内容,回答问题。1Whats Linda doing now?_She_is_writing_letters_to_her_friends._2What time is it in Beijing?_Its_7_pm_in_Beijing._3Where is David?_David_/He_is_in_Paris._4Who is sleeping now?_Ann_(is_sleeping_now)_5How many cities are mentioned(提到的) in this passage(文章)?_Five._.书面表达假如你是Ann,正和父母在海德公园(Hyde Park)度假。现在是星期一上午十点,请给你的祖母寄张明信片,告诉她你们现在正在做的事情:妈妈正坐在椅子上看书,爸爸正和一位来自美国的叔叔打网球。要求:书写认真,可适当发挥想象。_

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