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料理鼠王电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式排版好 可打印doc.docx

1、料理鼠王电影学英语剧本中英台词word格式排版好 可打印doc虽然世界各国看法不一MAN ON TV: (FRENCH ACCEN T) Although each of the worlds countrieswould like to dispute this fact,但我们法国人坚持认为we French know the truth:世上的珍馐美味都来自法国The best food in the world is made in France.法国的至尊盛宴都来自巴黎The best food in France is made in Paris.而很多人说 巴黎的顶尖美味 都出自

2、Auguste Gusteau大厨之手And the best food in Paris, some say, is made by Chef Auguste Gusteau.Gusteau餐厅在巴黎深受欢迎Gusteaus restaurant is the toast of Paris,要提前5个月预订booked five months in advance.他在法国厨艺界名声大噪And his dazzling ascent to the top of fine French cuisine让他的竞争对手嫉妒不已has made his competitors envious.他是世

3、上最年轻的5星级厨师He is the youngest chef ever to achieve a five-star rating.Gusteau厨师的食谱 人人能烹饪Chef Gusteaus cookbook, Anyone Can Cook!高居畅销书榜首climbed to the top of the bestseller list.不过不是人人都欣赏But not everyone celebrates its success.真是滑稽的书名 人人能烹饪! (Anton Ego 美食评论家)Amusing title, Anyone Can Cook!更滑稽的是 Gustea

4、u对这点深信不疑Whats even more amusing is that Gusteau actually seems to believe it.我则完全反对 烹饪是很严谨的I, on the other hand, take cooking seriously.不可能每个人都会烹饪And, no, I dont think anyone can do it.(GUN FIRING )(THUNDER RUMBLING )(WOMAN SCREAMING )(CLATTERING )这就是我REMY: This is me.显然我要重新审视自己的生活I think its appare

5、nt I need to rethink my life a little bit.我的问题在哪?Whats my problem?首先 我是一只老鼠First of all, Im a rat.这意味着生活是艰辛的Which means life is hard.其次 我的味觉嗅觉极度发达And second, I have a highly developed sense of taste and smell.(SNIFFING )面粉 鸡蛋 白糖 香荚豆.Flour, eggs, sugar, vanilla bean.哦! 柠檬片卷Oh! Small twist of lemon.你都

6、能闻出来? 你太有才了Whoa, you can smell all that? You have a gift.他是我老哥Emile 很容易记住REMY: This is Emile, my brother. Hes easily impressed.你能闻出来配料? 这又怎么样?So you can smell ingredients? So what?这是我老爸 他没什么特点This is my dad. Hes never impressed.只不过碰巧是我们部族的首领He also happens to be the leader of our clan.有极度发达的嗅觉有什么问题呢

7、?So, whats wrong with having highly developed senses?- 哇哦! 别吃这个! - 怎么了?-Whoa, whoa, whoa! Dont eat that! -Whats going on here?结果证明 那种好闻的气味是老鼠药Turns out that funny smell was rat poison.忽然间老爸认为 我的天赋也不是一无是处Suddenly, Dad didnt think my talent was useless.我对我的天赋感觉良好I was feeling pretty good about my gift

8、,直到老爸给我分配了工作until Dad gave me a job.安全Clean.安全Clean.- 没错 检查是否有老鼠药 - 完全安全Thats right. Poison checker.Cleanerific.绝对安全Cleanerino.清净近乎神圣Close to godliness.就是安全的意思 清净差不多就是.Which means clean. You know, cleanliness is close to.随便吧 下一个Never mind. Move on.这让我的爸爸十分自豪Well, it made my dad proud.感觉很好吧 Remy? 你协助

9、我们完成了一项神圣的事业Now, dont you feel better, Remy? Youve helped a noble cause.神圣? 我们是小偷 爸爸Noble? Were thieves, Dad.我们偷的都是.垃圾And what were stealing is, lets face it, garbage.如果没人要 那就不叫偷It isnt stealing if no one wants it.如果没人要 那我们为什么还要偷?If no one wants it, why are we stealing it?(LECTURING )显然我们俩意见不一致Lets

10、just say we have different points of view.在我看来This much I knew:宁吃好桃一个 不吃烂桃一筐If you are what you eat, then I only want to eat the good stuff.但我爸说.But to my dad.食物就是燃料Food is fuel.引擎里没有燃料 它就会报废You get picky about what you put in the tank, your engine is gonna die.别废话了 吃你的垃圾吧Now shut up and eat your ga

11、rbage.反正也是偷Look, if were going to be thieves,为什么不偷厨房里的好材料呢?why not steal the good stuff in the kitchen,而且那些东西都没毒药where nothing is poisoned?首先 我们不是小偷First of all, we are not thieves.其次 少去厨房 离人远点Secondly, stay out of the kitchen and away from the humans.他们很危险Its dangerous.我知道 我应该恨人类的REMY: I know Im su

12、pposed to hate humans,但他们有自己的独到之处but theres something about them.他们不单为了生存 还懂得探索创新They dont just survive. They discover, they create.就拿他们的吃的来说I mean, just look at what they do with food.我们要如何形容呢?GUS TEAU ON TV: How can I describe it?美味食物如同音乐般优美动听 如同图画般赏心悦目Good food is like music you can taste, color

13、you can smell.让你被幸福包围There is excellence all around you.你只要学会尽情享受You need only be aware to stop and savor it.哦 Gusteau说的没错REMY: Oh, Gusteau was right.Oh, mmm, yeah.哦 太好吃了Oh, amazing.每种风味都是独一无二的Each flavor was totally unique.但如果把两种风味集合到一起But combine one flavor with another,就产生了新的体验and something new w

14、as created.(GASPS )现在我过着秘密的生活So now I had a secret life.(GASPS )(CACKLING )只有Emile知道这个秘密The only one who knew about it was Emile.嘿 Emile Emile(WHISPERING FIERCELY) Hey, Emile. Emile.我找到了一个蘑菇I found a mushroom.拜托 你最擅长藏吃的 帮我找个地儿放它吧Come on, youre good at hiding food. Help me find a good place to put th

15、is.他不理解我 不过跟他一起 我能展现自我He doesnt understand me, but I can be myself around him.你为什么这么走?Why are you walking like that?我不想总去清洗我的爪子I dont want to constantly have to wash my paws.我们用走路的爪子拿东西Did you ever think about how we walk on the same pawsthat we handle food with?还用来吃东西 你不感觉恶心?You ever think about wh

16、at we put into our mouths?从来没想过All the time.吃东西时 我可不想吃我爪子上的味道When I eat, I dont want to taste everywhere my paws have been.随你便Well, go ahead.不过如果爸爸看见你这么走 他肯定生气But if Dad sees you walking like that, hes not going to like it.(SNIFFING )袋子里是什么?What have you got there?啊 哦 哦.Ah, oh, oh.(CHUCKLING )是奶酪?Yo

17、u found cheese?还不是一般的奶酪 是山羊奶酪!And not just any cheese. Tomme de chvre de pays!跟我的蘑菇是绝配That would go beautifully with my mushroom.而且.And.(STUTTERING )迷迭香! 这个迷迭香This rosemary! This rosemary再加上甜草上的露水with maybe with a few drops from this sweet grass.都堆到食物那吧 然后我们就能.Well, throw it on the pile, I guess, an

18、d then weII. You know.我不能把它跟垃圾混放 这很特别We dont want to throw this in with the garbage. This is special.但是我们要在日落之前But were supposed to return to the colony返回鼠群的 你知道爸那个人.before sundown or, you know, Dads gonna.Emile!Emile!他有可能还不知道这里There are possibilities unexplored here.我们要烹调一下We got to cook this.如何烹调还

19、真是个问题.Now, exactly how we cook this is the real question.耶Yeah.关键在于不停翻转The key is to keep turning it.让烟熏的风味均匀分散Get the smoky flavor nice and even.(THUNDER RUMBLING )要下暴雨了That storms getting closer.嘿 Remy 也许我们不应该这么.Hey, Remy, you think that maybe we shouldnt be so.(BOTH SCREAMING )(MOANING )(MUNCHING

20、 )你尝尝!You got to taste this!吃起来.热辣美味 香酥可口This is. Its got this kind of. Its burny, melty.不完全是碳烧风味 绝对是.有点像.Its not really a smoky taste. Its a certain. Its kind of like a.(IMITATES EXPLOSION)就像是嘣嘣砰的口味 你感觉呢?Its got, like, this ba-boom, zap kind of taste. Dont you think?- 你觉得是什么味道? - 闪电味?-What would yo

21、u call that flavor? -(HESITANTLY) Lightning-y?对 闪电味! 我们再来一次Yeah. Its lightning-y! We got to do that again.下次风暴来时 我们要上到屋顶上.Okay, when the next storm comes, well go up on the roof.我知道还缺什么! 藏红花! 来点藏红花就完美了!I know what this needs! Saffron! A little saffron would make this!藏红花 我怎么感觉它.Saffron. Why do I get

22、 the feeling- 在厨房里 - 在厨房里-its in the kitchen? -Its in the kitchen.(SNORING )(BOTTLES CLINKING )- 藏红花 - 这可不好-REMY: Saffron. -Not good.藏红花Saffron.我不喜欢这样 她会醒的Dont like it. Shes gonna wake up.我来了无数次了Ive been down here a million times.如果她看烹饪台 就不可能醒来She turns on the cooking channel, boom, she never wakes

23、up.你来了无数次了?Youve been here a million times?藏红花是最合适的配料 Gusteau这么说的Im telling you, saffron will be just the thing. Gusteau swears by it.好吧 谁是Gusteau?Okay. Whos Gusteau?他是世上最好的厨师 这本书的作者Just the greatest chef in the world. Wrote this cookbook.等等 你看得懂?(STAMMERING ) Wait. You read?- 不是全懂 - 哦 伙计 爸知道么?-Well

24、, not excessively. -Oh, man. Does Dad know?老爸不知道的事情凑起来可以出一本书(SCOFFS ) You could fill a book, a lot of books, with things Dad doesnt know.所以我才要读书 这可是我们的秘密And they have, which is why I read. Which is also our secret.我不喜欢秘密I dont like secrets.烹饪 阅读 电视(STUTTERING ) All this cooking and reading and TV-wa

25、tching我们还在看书烹饪while we read and cook.这是犯罪 你把我卷进来了 我还纵容了你Its like youre involving me in crime, and I let you.我为什么要纵容你?Why do I let you?那俩孩子干什么去了?Whats taking those kids so long?天鹰藏红花 产自意大利Ah, IAquila saffron. Italian. Huh?Gusteau说这是最好的 幸亏这个老女人喜欢烹饪.Gusteau says its excellent. Good thing the old lady i

26、s a food love.别以为很神秘 你也可以烹饪GUS TEAU ON TV: Forget mystique. This is about your cooking.嘿! 那就是Gusteau Emile 你快看Hey! Thats Gusteau. Emile, look.胆小鬼做不出好菜Great cooking is not for the faint of heart.你一定要充满想象力 充满信心You must be imaginative, strong hearted.尝试那些看上去不可能的事You must try things that may not work.不要

27、让别人用你的出处身份And you must not let anyone define your limits来判断你的能力because of where you come from.你唯一的限制就是你的灵魂Your only limit is your soul.我说的没错 人人都能烹饪 但只无畏的人才能做到最好What I say is true. Anyone can cook. But only the fearless can be great.太有诗意了Pure poetry.好景不长REPORTER: But it was not to last.由于法国顶尖美食家Anton

28、 Ego的批评Gusteaus restaurant lost one of its five starsGusteau的餐馆被降了一个星级after a scathing review by Frances top food critic, Anton Ego.这对Gusteau是一次严重的打击It was a severe blow to Gusteau,伤心欲绝的厨师不久便死去了and the brokenhearted chef died shortly afterwards,按常理 这代表着再降一级which, according to tradition, meant the lo

29、ss of another star.Gusteau死了?Gusteau is dead?哦!Oh!(SQUEAKING )哦! 哦!Oh! Oh!哦!Oh!快跑!Run!不 你会把她带到鼠群的!No, youll lead her to the colony!(GASPS )(CLICKING )(GASPS )- 救命 Remy 救命! - Emile! 摇晃吊灯!-Help, Remy, help! -Emile! Start swinging the light!-Help, Remy, help! -Emile! Start swinging the light!(SQUEAKING

30、 )我争取抓到你Try to grab you.(GRUMBLING )Emile 荡过来Emile, swing to me.(GRUNTING )(CHUCKLING NERVOUSLY)(EX CLAIMS )(SIGHS )(CRACKING )(CREAKING )(RATS SQUEAKING )(SCREAMING )撤退! 大家撤到船上Evacuate! Everyone, to the boats.(ALL CLAMORING )- 让我过去! - 哦 烹调书-RAT: Let me through! -The book.-RAT: Let me through! -The book.不好意思 借过借过Excuse me. Move, move.(AIR HISSING )(WHIMPERING )快快快 快走快走Go, go, go, go. Move, mo

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