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1、10份届高三英语二轮复习高考提分强化练【10份】2016届高三英语二轮复习高考提分强化练目录高考提分强化练 一 1高考提分强化练 二 12高考提分强化练 三 21高考提分强化练 四 30高考提分强化练 五 38高考提分强化练 六 47高考提分强化练 七 57高考提分强化练 八 67高考提分强化练 九 76高考提分强化练 十 84高考提分强化练 一限时40分钟. 单项填空1. College and graduate school are expensive, so many students do part-time jobs to help cover their living_. A. b

2、illsB. expensesC. prices D. charges选B。考查名词辨析。bill账单; expense消费, 开支; price价格; charge费用。此处cover their living expenses意思是“支付他们的生活开支”。2. I have some questions to discuss with you. Will three oclock this afternoon do? _. Im free all day today. A. With pleasure B. It doesnt matterC. Take it easy D. Its al

3、l up to you选D。考查情景交际。根据“我全天都有空”可知“你来与我讨论问题, 时间由你决定”。3. In Germany, _successful project, which roughly translates as “adopt a grandparent” has been running with_great success. A. a; a B. a; 不填 C. the; a D. 不填; the选B。考查冠词。句意: 在德国, 一项大致翻译成“领养祖父母计划”的项目运行很成功。第一个空是泛指, 修饰名词project; 第二个空后的名词success在此是抽象名词。故

4、选B项。4. What are you occupied with? The lecture_in our school next Wednesday afternoon. A. given B. will be givenC. to be given D. giving选C。考查非谓语动词。答语作介词with的宾语, 即the lecture是with的宾语, 其后非谓语动词短语作定语, 修饰the lecture。to be given表示将来, 此处相当于which is to be given。5. These reform measures are_related to the in

5、terests of our citizens, so we should take them seriously. A. slightly B. graduallyC. partly D. closely选D。考查副词辨析。slightly略微; gradually逐渐地; partly部分地; closely密切地, 紧密地, 亲近地。此处指“这些改革措施与我们市民利益息息相关”。6. _no financial or technological support from developed countries, developing countries, including China,

6、 have managed to reduce carbon dioxide emissions on their own. A. In spite of B. Due toC. In terms of D. In case of选A。考查介词短语。in spite of尽管; due to由于, 因为; in terms of就方面, 从来说; in case of如果, 假使。此处指“尽管包括中国在内的发展中国家没有得到发达国家经济或技术支持, 但是已经设法依靠自身降低了二氧化碳排放”。7. David is so foolish a boy that he has been cheate

7、d by strangers for three times. Sorry, I cant agree. He is_than foolish. A. more innocent ratherB. not more innocentC. no more innocentD. more innocent选D。考查固定句型。more A than B意思是“与其说是B倒不如说是A”, 此处指“与其说他愚蠢倒不如说他天真”。8. Im at a loss which answer is correct, the one on the Internet or in the book? I think

8、the one in the book is correct. You know, sometimes answers on the Internet _be wrong. A. should B. must C. can D. would选C。考查情态动词。此句中can表示“可能”。9. Tom may share your secret with others. I dont think he will do thatyoure_me_. A. putting; down B. putting; asideC. putting; through D. putting; on选D。考查动词短

9、语。在此句中put on意思是“哄骗, 欺骗”。答语句意: 我认为他不会那样做的你在骗我。10. After the concert I was so excited that it was a long time_I got to sleep last night. A. before B. when C. that D. since选A。考查状语从句。before意思是“在前”, 在此处引申为“过了多久才”。句意: 昨晚音乐会之后, 我非常兴奋, 过了很长时间我才入睡。11. After three hours drive, we finally arrived at_people tho

10、ught was the most beautiful tourist spot in China. A. that B. where C. what D. which选C。考查名词性从句。很明显people thought后的宾语从句缺主语, 故用what在句中作主语。12. Mr Smith looked very delighted. He seemed_the news that he had passed the interview. A. to learn B. having learnedC. to be learning D. to have learned选D。考查非谓语动词

11、。looked, seemed均为一般过去时, 根据语境, 可知他知道通过面试的消息发生在seemed之前, 故用动词不定式的完成式。13. Nowadays many teenagers are addicted to smartphones, the functions_are practical and powerful. A. for which B. of whichC. of whose D. of them选B。考查定语从句。the functions of which相当于of which the functions或whose functions。14. Daniel tol

12、d the reporter, “In China many volunteers help me a lot in studying, bringing me chances to access to _ Chinese language, thus improving my Chinese ability. ”A. authentic B. confidentialC. artificial D. conventional选A。考查形容词辨析。authentic真实的, 正宗的; confidential机密的, 秘密的; artificial人造的, 虚假的, 人为的; conventi

13、onal传统的, 常规的。此处指“丹尼尔在中国学习期间, 许多志愿者给了他很大帮助, 使他有机会接触地道的中国语言, 从而提高了他的汉语能力”。15. The telephone_; however, by the time I entered the room, it stopped ringing. A. had rung B. ringsC. was ringing D. has rung选C。考查动词时态。根据entered, stopped可知“电话响是发生在过去”, 此处指“过去电话一直在响, 可是, 当我到房间时, 电话铃声已经停了。”16. Its certainly hard

14、 work. But, _, a man who wishes to have a career has to make a great many sacrifices. A. on the contrary B. on the other handC. for another D. in addition选B。考查短语辨析。句意: 这确实很辛苦, 但另一方面, 一个想要有事业的人不得不做出很多的牺牲。on the contrary正相反; on the other hand另一方面; in addition此外。17. He studied for two years in college

15、and then was_into the army and served in Italy during World War II. A. drafted B. withdrawnC. delivered D. distributed选A。考查动词辨析。此处be drafted into the army指“被征召入伍”。18. Security was such a major concern at the conference that no journalists could approach the meeting zone without_the special pass. A.

16、commanding B. issuingC. producing D. involving选C。考查动词辨析。句意: 会议上的安全是如此重要关注的一个问题以至于没有出示专门的通行证的记者是不可能接近会议区的。根据句意记者只有出示专门的通行证才能接近会议区。produce“生产; 出示”, 故选C。19. Over 1. 8 million of Hong Kongs residents have sent out a clear message against the movement_they want an end to disorders and a return to normal

17、life. A. what B. that C. which D. where选B。考查名词性从句。句意: 180多万的香港居民已经发出明确的反对运动的信息, 他们想要结束无秩序(的状况), 回归正常生活。message的同位语从句, 句子不缺少成分。【规律技法】对于复合句的分析, 要先分析是并列复合句还是主从复合句, 然后分析从句所缺少的成分, 确定引导词。20. I decided to travel round Yunnan for a year. _? You have just started a new job. A. Come on B. How comeC. Why not D

18、. What for选B。考查交际用语。句意: 我决定去云南旅游一年。怎么会这样? 你才刚刚开始一份新的工作。A项意为“开始, 快点, 前进”; B项意为“怎么会(这样)呢”; C项意为“为什么不”; D项意为“为什么”。故选B项。. 完形填空体裁夹叙夹议话题教育词数353Dad is a reserved man of few words but is always strict. He is different from others in beliefs and1: beating or scolding his son as he believes in such a principl

19、ea dutiful son is the2of the rod(棒). At about 8 years old, Dad busied himself outside in the day time3began to punish for whatever I did wrong after the supper. Mom and sister took turns in telling on me for having made4, so he would beat me like5, leaving my arms a lot of bruises(伤痕). I was upset a

20、nd disturbed6being just a 10-year-old kid, who thought, “I was unfairly beaten, so I would take my anger out on other smaller kids. ”Therefore, I used to7with other kids and Dad would deal me a8blow the next time. It turned out that I couldnt concentrate on my lessons, 9unable to write out the Engli

21、sh alphabet. To make matters worse, I was10into a reformatory school(少年感化院)where I stayed11for two years. This time dad shed12tears, saying, “Son, it is not that I dont love you but that I should not have been so annoyed at your failure to13what I expect! ”Several years later, my parents were14invit

22、ed to show up at the Ph. D. graduation ceremony. Dad didnt say a single word to15me but cried bitterly again, and at this very moment, my mind was in a mess of16emotions and I stood on the stage with warm tears: the first time you cried for my being a17guy, but this time you did for my being a Ph. D

23、. Never have I put my children18by adopting force as I am aware that I was beaten into19inappropriately. I often say to my children, “Well done! A perfect job youve done. Now daddy will give you20up or pat you on the back! ”【文章大意】本文讲述的是作者小时候在父亲的棍棒教育下的生活及形成了叛逆性格, 甚至后来在自己博士毕业典礼上父亲激动地哭了也没有表扬自己。作者吸取教训,

24、在教育自己的孩子时采取的是夸奖式教育。1. A. operations B. practicesC. attitudes D. manners选B。上下文逻辑题。下文的beating or scolding表明是practices。2. A. effect B. effort C. product D. target选C。词义辨析题。本句意思是“棍棒教育的产品就是顺从的儿子”。3. A. but B. while C. so D. or选A。语法结构题。此处表转折, 白天做而晚上惩罚儿子。4. A. mess B. life C. trouble D. noise选C。固定短语题。make t

25、rouble固定短语“制造事端”。5. A. something B. somebody C. anybody D. anything选D。上下逻辑题。此句意为“父亲想怎么打就怎么打我”。6. A. by means of B. on account ofC. in terms of D. in spite of选D。短语辨析题。尽管才十岁, 自己因受到不公平的惩罚而有些烦恼和不安, 就打更小的孩子发泄怒火。7. A. quarrel B. fight C. play D. debate选B。词义辨析题。根据上文“我”打更小的孩子发泄怒火。fight with sb. 和某人打架。8. A.

26、heavier B. faster C. swifter D. crazier选A。词义辨析题。结果招来更厉害(heavier)的惩罚。9. A. still B. even C. also D. always选B。词义辨析题。此处表加强语气。10. A. sentenced B. admittedC. sent D. led选C。词义辨析题。因为作者的不好管教, 甚至被“送进”(send)感化院11. A. confusedly B. calmlyC. regretfully D. safely选C。词义辨析题。因为作者的不好管教, 甚至被“送进”感化院, 所以感到“后悔”(regretfu

27、lly)。12. A. angry B. sympatheticC. desperate D. bitter选D。词义辨析题。父亲流下“痛苦”(bitter)的泪水。13. A. keep up with B. live up toC. make up for D. put up with选B。短语辨析题。live up to此处是“符合标准”含义。14. A. warmly B. randomlyC. seriously D. honorably选D。词义辨析题。被邀请参加博士毕业典礼是“很荣幸地(honorably)”。15. A. praise B. inspire C. support

28、 D. greet选A。上下文逻辑题。根据上下文可知在自己博士毕业典礼上父亲激动地哭了也没有表扬(praise)自己。16. A. puzzled B. disturbed C. mixed D. excited选C。词义辨析题。作者这时是一种“复杂的, 交织的(mixed)”心情。17. A. stubborn B. guilty C. naughty D. tough选D。词义辨析题。第一次为一个“艰难成长的”孩子哭。tough艰难的。18. A. good B. right C. difficult D. easy选B。词义辨析题。让孩子做“正确的”事。19. A. responding

29、 B. fightingC. behaving D. performing选C。词义辨析题。作者根据自己的亲身经历“打只能使孩子表现的行为不合适”。20. A. thumbs B. heads C. arms D. eyes选A。词义辨析题。伸“大拇指”(thumb)表示表扬。【规律技法】完形填空题最主要的就是要理顺文章的意思, 根据文章的主旨选择词义适当的词或词组使文章的意思通顺、合理。所以完形填空中各题的选项大都是意义空, 四个选项的意思一般有很大不同。做此题一般分三步走: 第一步, 快速阅读短文掌握大意; 第二步将答案代入文中, 根据文章意思边读边进行选择, 注意上下文和一些提示; 第三

30、步, 将所选项再通读一遍, 看是否合理通顺。. 阅读理解体裁记叙文话题创业词数611When Jacob Porter-Jones found himself struggling to get a job, he decided to open up his own clothing shopin his mothers front room. The 20-year-old young man convinced his mother Nicky to halve the size of her sitting room so he could set up his business selling mens designer clothes and style books. A sign outside the three-storey house is the only t

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