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1、个人精心制作新译林英语4BUNIT7单元知识点整理及单元练习题资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除 新译林英语4BUNIT7单元知识点整理及单元练习题 Unit 7 Whats the matter? (1) 一、复习比拼 1、来吃个派 come and have a pie (翻译时注意动词是几个) 去打乒乓球 _and_the_ _. 去画一些图片 _and _ some _. 来看一看 come and _ _ _. 2、饥饿的: _ 口渴的: _ 疲惫的: _ 生病的: _ 伤心的: _ 反: 以上词都是( ), 所以在此类词前面要加上( )。 例如:我不饿: _ 我口渴: _ 你

2、生病了: _ 我很累: _ 3、我能喝些水吗? Can I _ _ water? (一般疑问句中some 要改为_,这里也是 一样吗? 为什么?你还能就哪些例子,写在下面) 只供学习与交流资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除 4、怎么了? Whats the matter?=Whats _ ? 你怎么了? 5、我想睡觉 I want to go to bed. 想做.事情 want to do . 想要.东西 want +名词 想去看电视: _ 想要一个苹果派:_ 6、给你 Here you are. 7、这有一些水 Heres some water.=Here is some water

3、. (不可数名词如水、果汁等前面用_) 例如:这有一些果汁: 这有一面扇子 Heres a _. 这有一个热狗 Heres a hot dog. 8、以一种不同的方式:in a different way (反)以相同的方式: 9、我是狐狸夫人(电话用语):This is M_ Fox _. (跟别人打电话的时候是现在 正在讲话,所以时态要用现在进行时) 例如,你跟别人打电话时,你怎样介绍你自己: 10、你还好吗? Are you all right? All right: 11、吃个蛋糕 have a cake.=eat a cake 喝一些水 _ some water Have有吃、喝的意

4、思 只供学习与交流资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除 12、他现在高兴了 Hes happy now. *some在疑问句中的用法: some却没有改变,这是为什么呢?在一般疑问句中,some要改为any,但是在有些情况中, 表示请求的疑问句 Can I have some orange juice,please?我能喝些果汁吗? May I ask you some questions?我可以问你一些问题吗? 表示建议的疑问句 Shall we have some pies for rice?我们晚饭吃些馅饼好吗? How about some noodles?来些面条怎么样? 表示反

5、问的疑问句 Cant you see some grass over there?你难道看不见那边的草吗? 表示说话希望得到肯定回答的疑问句 Can you see some birds in the tree?你能看见树上有些鸟吗? 二、音标 1、读一读:go home nose close no open 2、想一想:go home nose close no open Unit 7 Whats the matter? (2) 一、语音 o / ?/ close home no nose open old so go cold 绕口令 Go home, Joe, and show Rose

6、 your nose! 只供学习与交流资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除 二、词汇 1. have a pie 吃个派 2. some water 一些水 3. Here you are. 给你。 4. want to go to bed 想睡觉 5. be ill 生病的,不舒服的 6. drink some water 喝些水 7. tired and thirsty又累又渴 8. Good night. 晚安。 9. have a cake 吃块蛋糕 10. a happy girl 一位快乐的女孩 11. show Rose your nose给罗斯看你的鼻子 12. take

7、this pill 吃这片药 13. Mrs. Mouse 老鼠夫人 14. Mr. Fox 狐狸先生 15. go home 回家 16. want to sit on the chair想要坐在椅子上 三、句型 1. Whats the matter? 怎么了? 2. Come and have a pie, Taotao. 过来吃个派,涛涛。 3. Im not hungry, Im thirsty. 我不饿,我渴。 4. Can I have some water? 我可以喝些水吗? 5. Are you ill? No, but Im tired. 你病了吗?没,但我累了。 只供学习

8、与交流 资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除 6. I want to go to bed. 我想要睡觉。 7. Good night, dear. 晚安,亲爱的。 8. Here is some water for you. 这儿有些水给你。 m not. / Yes, I am. 9. Are you cold? 你冷吗?No, I 10. This is Mrs Fox speaking. 我是狐狸夫人。(打电话用语) 11. Are you all right, Bobby? 波比,你还好吗? 王兵,喝一些水。 12. Have some water, Wang Bing. 这有个

9、热狗。s a hot dog. 13. Here 14. Here are some hot dogs. 这有些热狗。 如果你生病了15. If you are ill, go to/and see a doctor. ,去看医生吧。 单元练习题 表示。 “T” 一、判断下列单词划线部分读音是否相同,用或“F” ( ) 1. Music pig ( ) 2. spring swim ) 3. Coffee ( ( ) 4. mango do ( ) 5. dog open 二、英汉互译。 1.have some coffee _ 2.Whats the matter?_ 只供学习与交流 请联系

10、网站删除资料收集于网络,如有侵权 3.try this _ 4. show me your book _ 5.Are you all right? _ _ _ 6. 晚 安 _ _ 7. 又 饿 _ _ 又 渴 _ _ _ 病猫 8. 一只 _ 一个伤心的女孩9. _ 10. 很高兴 三、单项选择。 for you. 1. - )Im hot. Here is ( A. a fan B. an umbrella. C. a chair I _ thirsty, Mum. What _ the matter? 2.( ) A. is, is B. are, are C. is, am Yes,

11、please. )3.Can I have _ ice creams? ( A. a B. some C. any ( )4. Hello, Sam. _ is Bobby speaking. A. It B. This C. This 5. - _ you hungry? No, _ not. )( A. Are; I B. Are; Im C. Am; Im 6. Your jeans _ too. )( A. is B. am C. are - All right. _ , Mum. Its nine. Go to bed, Dad. )( 7. - 只供学习与交流 请联系网站删除 资料

12、收集于网络,如有侵权 A. Good night B. Good morning C. Good afternoon Yes, I do. I like _. ()8. Do you like this _ ? dolls; dolls B. doll; dolls C. doll; doll A Is that _ crayon? Yes, its _ crayon.( )9. A. your; my B. you; my C. you; I What time _ you get up? I get up _ six twenty-five. ( )10. A. are; at B. do

13、; its C. do; at ( ) 11. My sister wants _ some new dresses. A. / B. to C. have They _ in the library. ( ) 12. They _ at home. arent, is B. are C. is , are A. arent, ( ) 13. Here _ a glass of _ for you. A. is, juices B. is, juice C. are, juice ( )14. Hello, Sam. _ is Bobby speaking. A. It B. This C.

14、This ( )15. - _ you hungry? No, _ not. Im C. Am; ImA. Are; I B. Are; Do you like this _ ? Yes, I do. I like _. ( )16. dolls; dolls B. doll; dolls C. doll; doll A No, _. ( ) 17. Are you ill ? m not t B. I am nA. it isnt C. I Yes, I do. I like _. Do you like that _? ( ) 18. A. snowman, snowmen B. snow

15、man, snowman C. snowmen, snowmen 只供学习与交流 资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除 ( ) 19. Bobby _ some pies for lunch. A. have B. has C. having ( ) 20. Here _ a lot of beautiful flowers. A. are B. am C. is 栏的选项。四、从 栏中找出能回答 )1. What would you like? ( 2. Lets go to the party. ( ) 3. I m happy today. ( ) )( 4. How beautif

16、ul! ( )5. Whats the matter? ( )6. Can I have a look? (7. Are you thirsty? ) )8. Good night. ( )9. Whose coat is this? ( 10. Who s that woman? ( ) A. Mikes. B. Im ill. C. Toms mother. D. No, Im not. E. OK. Lets go. F. Thank you. G. Me too. 只供学习与交流 请联系网站删除资料收集于网络,如有侵权 H. Sure. Here you are. I. Good ni

17、ght. m not hungry. J.I 五、连词成句 I (.) 1.Id a pie, please. 2. some have I can juice (?) 3. want to I go to bed (.) 4. shoes are whose they (?) 5. speaking is this Miss Li(.) 六、按要求改写句子。 ) 1. Helen is tired. (改为一般疑问句 ? _Helen _ (对划线部分提问)2. Im fine. _ _you? (改为同义句) 3. Heres your pie. Heres a pie _ _. 改为一般

18、疑问句) 4. Id like some oranges.( Would you _ _ oranges? 只供学习与交流 资料收集于网络,如有侵权 请联系网站删除 (改为单数句) 5. Those are some apples. _ is _ apple. 七、联系上下文完成对话,每空一词。 1. A: Whats the_ _? _ _ _ ill? B: No, Im thirsty. A: Oh, dear. Heres a _ _ water_ _ you. B: Thank you, Mum. 2. A: Come and _ _ some hamburgers, Helen.

19、B: I m _ _ _ hungry. I m tired. A: Go to _ _ now. B: _ _ right. Good night, Dad. A: Good night. , 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。 八、阅读短文 Su Yang and her friends are in the park. Now, it s four in the afternoon. Su Yang is tired. Shes hot too. Liu Tao is hungry now. Mike is hungry and tired. Where is Yang Ling? Look

20、! She is over ). Liu Tao and there, under a big tree. Shes thirsty. But she can t open her water bottle (水壶Mike open the water for her. ( ) 1. Where are Su Yang and her friends? A. At home. B. At school. C. In the park. ( ) 2. Is Su Yang tired and hot? A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, she is. C. No, she isnt.

21、只供学习与交流 请联系网站删除资料收集于网络,如有侵权 ( ) 3. How is Liu Tao? Hes thirsty. B. Hes tired. C. Hes hungry. A. ( ) 4. Wheres Yang Ling? A. Under a big tree. B. Behind a big tree. C. In a big tree. ( ) 5.Who opens the water bottle? A. Liu Tao B. Mike C. Liu Tao and Mike B. What ( )2. hot. Here is_ for you. A. a fan

22、 B. an umbrella. C. a chair Im( )1. - Can I ha( )3._ the matter? I _ thirsty, Mum. A. is, is B. are, are C. is, am 并在括号内写出相应A. a B. some C. any 补全单词,ve _ ice creams? Yes, please. 中的5. _ 1. p_ _ k ( ) 2 . m_ _ ch ( ) 3. _ app _ ( ) 4. au_ _mn ( ) 文。睡分点三十。互译 1. 在十_at ( ) 6. S _ _ence ( ) 英汉 4. Mrs Fox

23、女孩伤3. 两个心的觉 2.Good night. 非常 6. open his English book 7. 5. 喝些热水s apple juice 饿 10. don累 8. show Mike your fan 9. 又又渴成连词t eat a pie _ 句。 1. an, have, I, egg, can ( ? ) _ 2. want, milk, this, to, some, we, have, evening ( . ) _ 3. for, are, pills, some, these, you ( . ) 4.there, hot, cakes, and, can,

24、 over, a, I, see, dog, so_ 填词选择单me ( . ) _ 1. Who _ the boy under the tree? 2. Can I have _ juice ? 3. He _ n 空。 6. Do you have _ hamburgers 4. You can have _ apple. 5. I _ cold. ot hot. 填式适的当形给? 7. Tom and Tim _ hot. 8. Can I have _ pie ? 用所单词 2. My father _ (want) to go fishing this wee 1. This is Mrs Green _. (speak) 空。 ) my hands _. (hurt) 4. It) 3. I_ (can) draw pictures, because(末因为周kend.(s go and make _.(pie) 5. Dons a _(sun) day. Lett be sad. Listen to _(any) music now. 只供学习与交流

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