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新版PEP五下Unit2 My favourite season教案.docx

1、新版PEP五下Unit2 My favourite season教案Unit 2 My favourite season 第一 课时课型:新授 Analysis of the teaching material教材分析:本部分学习的核心句型是:Which season do you like best? Winter.功能句型:I like snow. Its pretty.教材通过Mr Jonnes布置学生们画四季图画,并讨论最喜欢的季节的场景,让学生感知上述句型的语义及语用情景。Teaching Aims教学目标:1、能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意;能够按照正确的语音、语调及意群朗读

2、对话并进行角色扮演;能够在情景中运用句型:Which season do you like best? Winter.询问并回答对季节的喜好;能够在语境中理解新词winter 和spring的意思,并能正确书写。2、能够让学生了解有关全球气候差异的常识。Important and difficult points教学重、难点:能听说读写句型:Which season do you like best? Winter.能够在语境中理解新词winter 和spring的意思,并能正确书写。Teaching tool教学具:Word cards,tape, PPT,picturesTeaching

3、procedures教学过程:Step 1Warmup(热身)Enjoy an English song :Whats your favourite season?(设计意图:为了将学生的注意力集中到课堂上,创造学习英语的氛围。通过欣赏英文歌曲既呈现了新知,又能起到热身的作用,使学生的注意力集中到课堂教学中来.)Step 2 Presentation1、Do you like the music? Yes.话轮的呈现与操练(1)T shows some pictures about flowers and snow so on on the screen.T:Do you like the f

4、lowers/snow? Ss talk about ones favourite,then ask:Yes,I do./No,I dont. (设计意图:让学生从图片中初步感知四季,并自由谈论自己的喜好。为新知的学习做好铺垫。) (2)T;Do you like the music?(Play the music of season.)(3)Teaching the word:season2、I like snow. Its pretty. Its very beautiful.情景句的呈现。(1)Teaching the drill:Do you like.?(Shows the pict

5、ure)(2)Practice “I like. Its very.”T:I like the snowman.Its very pretty.(Ponting the snowman of the picture.) I like the flower. Its very beautiful.(Ponting the flower of the picture.)(3)Finsh “lets try.”(4)Ss look at the picture and imitate the drill“Its.”3、Which season do you like best? Winter.核心句

6、型的呈现与操练(1)Ss feel the meaning of “season”with the picture of four seasons.(2)Leading the drills:Which season do you like best? I设计意图:利用图片、词卡创设情景,通过问答的形式,帮助学生在语境中理解新词和核心句型。为感知和理解完整对话做好铺垫。)3、Complete perception and understand the dialog.(完整感知和理解对话). (1)Ss watch and listen“let talk” with tw

7、o questions:A:Which season does Mike like best?B:Which season does Wu Yifan like best?(2)Listen and imitate the dialog.Step3 Consolidiation and extision (1)Ss act the dialog in groups.(2)Shows the action(设计意图:带着问题去听去看,学生的注意力更集中,更容易理解对话。)Step3 Consolidiation and extension1、Ss listen and imitate.2、Act

8、 the dialog. T_s S_s3、Finish“Talk about the park with your partner”.4、Finish activity book.(设计意图:通过类似情景的对话操练,不断提高学生语言的流利度和准确度。)Step4 Summary: What have we learned in this class?Step5 Homework: Listen and imitate “Lets talk”二次备课:Unit 2 My favourite season第二 课时课型:新授 Analysis of the teaching material:

9、本部分学习的单词是season , spring , summer , autumn , winter .教材通过Mr Jones在课堂上和学生们谈论最喜欢的季节来呈现单词的词形和意义。Teaching Aims教学目标:1、能够听、书、读、写单词:season , spring , summer , autumn , winter .2、能够在语境中正确运用这五个单词。Important and difficult points教学重、难点:1、本课时的重点是正确书写五个名词spring , summer , autumn , winter 和season .2、难点是听、说、读、写单词sp

10、ring , summer , autumn , winter 和season .并能够正确发音。Teaching tool教学具: 词卡,课件,图片。Teaching procedures教学过程:Step 1Warmup(热身)(1)日常口语练习,内容可参考如下:T:Which season do you like best? S:Its Monday/. S_S(设计意图:通过教师和学生、学生和学生的free talk既复习巩固了上节课所学的重点知识,又能起到热身的作用,使学生的注意力集中到课堂上来)Step 2 Presentation (新课呈现)1.Leading and lear

11、ning the new words.(1)SeasonT:Who are they?(Shows the scene of lets learn on the screen)Ss:They are Mr Jones and his student.(Leading the Ss answer) T:What are they talking about?Ss:seasons. (设计意图:让学生带着问题看看、听听、答一答,有意识地培养学生的多种技能,同时,倡导任务型教学途径。)(2)SummerT:Which season does Oliver like best?(Shows the d

12、ialog)Ss:summer(Leading the Ss answer)Shows the picture of summer,writes the word on the Bb and teaching.(3)Teaching the word“spring”with the picture.(Writing on the Bb and emphasize the prununciation of “sp”(4)Teaching“autumn,winter” with the pictures.(Teaching to read and writes on the Bb)2、Let Ss

13、 feel the meaning and spelling of the words.(Plays the song of four seasons)3、Listen and imitate.4、Read and write the words.Step 3 Consolidation and extension (巩固与拓展)1、play a game:crouch down(萝卜蹲)Eg:spring,spring sit down.2、Practice the words in pairs. S1:word s2:picture3、Do activity book.(设计意图:这是一个

14、检测性的活动,是对教学的反馈)Step 4 summary Read and spell the words.Step5 Homework:A:Listen and repeat “Lets learn”.B:Talk about your favourite season with your parents and describe the season in English.二次备课:Unit 2 My favourite season 第3 课时课型:新授 Analysis of the teaching material教材分析: Lets spell板块分为Read, listen

15、and chant;Read and group以及Choose, write and say三部分。第一部分呈现了字母组合br和gr在单词中的发音规则。第二部分通过朗读单词,给单词分类,强化记忆br和gr的发音,帮助学生根据发音规则读出生词,巩固与学习br 和gr音与形对应关系。第三部分则通过选择单词、书写句子并说句子的活动帮助学生按照发音规则拼写单词,并完成句子抄写的任务,进一步巩固英文句子的书写规范。Teaching Aims教学目标:1、学生能够掌握字母组合br和gr的发音规则,即br和gr在单词中分别发/br/和/gr/;2、能够读出符合br和gr的发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写

16、出符合br和gr发音规则的单词;3、能够在单线上完成抄写单词的活动,做到书写规范正确。Important and difficult points教学重、难点:1、字母组合br和gr的发音规则。2、能够读出符合br和gr的发音规则的单词,并能够根据发音拼写出符合br和gr发音规则的单词;Teaching tool教学具:词卡,录音带,图片。Teaching procedures教学过程:Step 1Warmup(热身)(1)日常口语练习,内容可参考如下:T:Which season do you like best? S: . T:Which fruit do you like best ?

17、S:Apple/pear/. T:Do you know which fruit Ilike best?S:guessing.(设计意图:为了将学生的注意力集中到课堂上,创造学习英语的氛围。通过free talk既复习了已学的知识,又能起到热身的作用,使学生的注意力集中到课堂教学中,并能为下面学习新知做好铺垫.)Step 2 Presentation (新课呈现)1.Leading into“gr”(1)T:I like graps.(Shows the picture and write “graps”on the Bb and makes“ gr” into red)(2)T:I like

18、 green graps.Do you like green graps or purple graps?(Adding“ green” in front of“ graps”,makes “gr” into red.)Leading the Ss read the word“green,graps”(3)T:Green graps grow.(Shows the picture and write“ grow” on the Bb.)(4)Listen to a chant and find the answer.Q:Who likes green graps?(Answer:grandpa

19、 and brother.Writing the words on the Bb.)(5)Sum:pronunciation of gr.(6)Leading“ br” and summary.(7)Read, listen and chant.(two times)(设计意图:密切联系学生的生活实际,便于学生接受。)Step 3 Consolidation and extension (巩固与拓展) 1、Shows the words wiyh“ br”“ gr”,lets Ss read.2、Finish“Read and group”3、Finish“Choose,write and s

20、ay.”2(设计意图:这是一个检测性的活动,是对教学的反馈)Step 4 summary What have you learned?Step5 Homework(1)Read,listen and chant. (2)Writing the senteces of P16.二次备课:Unit 2 My favourite season 第4课时课型:新授 Analysis of the teaching material教材分析:本板块学习的核心句型是:Why? Because Ilike summer vacation.教材通过Amy和Miss White谈论Amy的季节图画的对话情景,使

21、学生感知上述句型的语义及语用情景。活对所学英文进行运用。Teaching Aims教学目标:1、 能听懂Lets try部分的内容,并勾选出正确的图片。 2、学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下理解对话大意;能够用正确的语音、语调、意群朗读对话,并能进行角色表演;能够在情景中运用句型Why? Beacuse I like summervacation.询问并回答喜欢某个季节的理由;能够在语境中理解生词beacuse的意思,并能正确发音。Important and difficult point:1. 重点掌握学习目标中的句型,要求学生能在真实的情景中运用。2. 正确运用答句“Because I can

22、”。Teaching tool教学具:词卡,课件,图片。Teaching procedures教学过程:Step 1Warmup(热身)1、Sing a song“Whats your favourite season?”.2、Free talkT:Which season do you like best? S1: S_S in pairs(Talking about ones favourite season) 3、Game:抽纸牌(设计意图:通过教师和学生、学生和学生的free talk既复习巩固了上节课所学的重点知识,又能起到热身的作用,使学生的注意力集中到课堂上来。)Step 2 P

23、resentation (新课呈现)1、The weather is good. The colours are beautiful.情景句的呈现与操练(1)Choose and read the sentences on the paper.(教师准备几张纸条,上面写着描述季节的句子,eg;The weather is hot.The flowers are beautiful.The flowers are red. The snowman is lovely.)(2)Have a match in groups.(Make the words on the cards into a se

24、ntences.)2、Why?Because I like summer vacation.核心句型的呈现与操练。(1)Teaching the word and phrase:vacation_summer vacationT:I like summer.Beacuse I like summer vacation.(Point the pictures) (2)Leading and learning “Beacuse.”T:Which season do you like best?S1:I like.T:Why?(Leading into“Beacuse.” (3)Practice t

25、he drills in groups.(设计意图:让学生带着问题看看、听听、答一答,有意识地培养学生的多种技能,同时,倡导任务型教学途径。)Step 3Consolidation and extension (巩固与拓展) Ss listen and imitate the dialogue.(2)Do“Lets try”(3)Ss read the dialogue freely.(4)Ss make a new dialogue accoding to “Lets talk” (5)让学生 做本单元B Lets talk部分的活动手册配套练习。(设计意图:这是一个检测性的活动,是对教学的

26、反馈)Step 4 summary What have you learned? Why? Beacuse I like summer vacation.Step 5 HomeworkRead the dialogue two times.Make a new dialogue.二次备课:Unit 2 My favourite season 第5课时课型:新授 Analysis of the teaching material教材分析:本部分学习的词组是:go on a picnic,go swimming,pick apples,make a snowman,教材通过Mike和Wu yifa

27、n两人讨论最喜欢的季节及其原因的对话情景呈现四个词组的词形和意义。 Teaching Aims教学目标:1、学生能够听、说、读、写上述四个有关不同季节活动的词组;2、能够在语境中正确运用这四个词组描述季节活动。3、引导学生合理安排不同季节的活动。Important and difficult points教学重、难点:1、听说读写四个词组:go on a picnic,go swimming,pick apples,make a snowman,2、能够在语境中正确运用这四个词组描述季节活动。Teaching tool教学具:词卡,课件,图片。Teaching procedures教学过程:S

28、tep 1WarmupAct dialogue of lets talk in groups.(设计意图:教师利用课件呈现B Lets talk的对话情景,学生进行对话表演。请三至四组学生在全班表演。最后一组演完之后,教师借助对话内容引出新知。)Step 2.Presentation (新课呈现)1、Learning “go on a picnic”T:Amy likes autumn best. What about Wu Yifan?(Play the tape of lets learn,Ss listen and answer.)Ss: spring.T:Why? Please fin

29、d out the reason.(Ss find out the answer on the book.)Teaching “go on a picnic”2、Learning “go swimming”T:What is it?(利用课件播放海滩边嬉闹的声音)Learing “go swimming”.(Shows the picture of swimming.)3、Learning “pick apples,make a snowman”(教师通过动作呈现,板书并教学。)(设计意图:提出问题让学生带着问题听,倡导任务型教学途径,提高课堂效率。)4、Listen and act the

30、phrases/do then say the phrases.Step 3 Consolidation and extension (巩固与拓展)1、Listen and reapeat“lets learn”2、Game:Missing quickly.3、Ask and answer.4、Do activity book.Step 4 summary What have you learned?(sum and read the main phrases.)Step 5 HomeworkListen and repeat “lets learn”Talking about ones fa

31、vourite active.二次备课:spin 旋转 spun / span spunput 放置 put put不规则动词变化,大体上归纳有以下六条记忆法:give 给 gave giveneat 吃 ate eatenUnit 2 My favourite season 第6课时 Analysis of the teaching material教材分析:本部分为四篇配图的小短文。在四幅图片的帮助下描述了四个季节的特点,以及机器人Robin表达的对四季的喜好之情。本部分概括了本单元学习的核心句型:I like .beacuse .和部分核心词组。rid 免除 rid / ridded rid / riddedTeaching Aims教学目标:学生能够在图片帮助下读懂对四季的描述以及机器人对四季喜好的表达,完成选择题;th

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