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1、沪教版英语八年级下册U1U8Reading原文含习题汇编Unit1 Helping those in needVoluntary workThree teenagers offered to do some voluntary work during the school holidays. They wrote the following reports. Betty I did some voluntary work in a childrens hospital. The children there all suffer from serious illness. We organiz

2、ed a painting competition for them. I met a girl called Cindy. She wanted to paint a picture of the park near her home. I went there and took some photos of it. Cindy used them for her painting. Mark There are many children without parents. I met som e of these children with my mother. We taught the

3、m to tell stories. This helps them express their feelings. One child said, My friends dont understand my pain. We spent some time with a girl called Vivien. Her parents died in a car accident, and she is unhappy and very lonely. She needs friendship. My mother and I will continue to visit Vivien. An

4、nieI wanted to help disabled children. They have difficulty walking or moving. I taught them to sing because music can bring them joy and peace. I met a boy called Tim. He hurt his legs in an accident, but he has lots of courage. We need to help children like Tim and raise their spirits. I will cont

5、inue to do voluntary work in the future.C VocabularyC1 The words in italics are from the reports. Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences.1 When something is serious, it is .a bad or dangerous b good and safe2 If you have an illness, you are a person .a in good health b in had health3

6、 If you have peace, you are .a nervous b not worried or excited4 A person with courage is usually of something dangerous or difficult.a afraid b not afraid5 If you raise something, you .a make it lower b move it higher6 If you are in high spirits. you have a good .a feeling b abilityC2 Complete the

7、passage below with the words from the box. Change their forms if necessary.Difficulty express lonely offer voluntary workJoe wanted to do during the summer holidays, so he to help at a local hospital.Every Saturday, he went there to look after the patients. One of them had walking, so he helped him

8、move around.Another one could not see. Joe read news and funny stories toher so that she did not feel . Joe also talked with the patients. This helped them their feelings.Joe enjoyed helping people. He will continue to help at the hospital in his free time. D Comprehension D1 Read the reports and co

9、mplete the notice below. They need help! Can you help these children? Cindy, aged 12 Cindy is in hospital because she . Cindy wants to the park near her home. We need someone to go to the park and for Cindy.Vivien, aged 13 Viviens parents died in . She is . We need someone to talk to her and make fr

10、iends with her. Tim, aged 14 Tim was a healthy boy. He used to love sport until he . We need some volunteers to teach disabled children like Tim to and to help them .More practice A Read a girl s story about the Spring Bud Project and aniswer the questions below. Success for Spring BudsMy name is Fe

11、ng Guixianq. I want to tell you about the China Children and Teenagers Fund (CCTF) and how it helped me. One of the CCTFs special activities is the Spring Bud Project. In 1989, 4.8 million children in the country, aged from seven to fourteen, were unable to attend school. Eighty-three per cent of th

12、em were girls. Because of this, the CCTF launched the Spring Bud Project to help them. Since then, the project has helped millions of girls return to school. It has also built a lot of schools. The very first Spring Bud class was here in Guangxi in 1989. The Spring Bud Project paid for me to attend

13、that class. It also rented a room close to the school for me. Before the project started, I stayed at home and helped my mother with the housework. Going to school changed my life. I learnt to read and write and do many other things. Now I work as a teacher at a Spring Bud school here in guangxi.I w

14、ish to help other girls the waythe Spring Bud Project helped me.1 What is the purpose of the Spring Bud Project?2 What kind of help did Feng Guixiang get from the Spring Bud Project?3 How did the Spring Bud Project change Feng Guixiangs life?4 What job does Feng Guixiang do now? What does she wish t

15、o do?Unit2BodylanguageDebbieandSimonarestudents.Theybothhavepart-timejobsatatravel company.Awell-dressedladyenteredtheoffice.ShelookedatDebbieandSimon,andthenwalkedovertoDebbie.Debbiegaveheracheerfulgreeting.Simonsighedandwalkedaway.“Whatsthematter?”MrYangasked.“PeoplealwayschooseDebbieinsteadofme.I

16、dontunderstand.” “Ido.Itsthewayyoucommunicate.”“Howcanthatbe?”Simonasked,“Idontgetachancetospeak.”“Communicatingismorethanjustspeaking.Yourbodylanguageisimportant,too.”“Bodylanguage?”“Itsthewayyoustandandsit.Itsyourgesturesandtheexpressiononyourface.Yourwholeappearancecommunicatesthings.Youdontgivep


18、ater,abeautifulgirlentered.ShewalkedovertoSimon.Afewmomentslater,sheleftwithasmile.MrYangcameoveratonceandsaid,“Youmadeagoodimpressiononher,Simon.”“Thatwasmysister,”Simonsaid.“Shewantedtoremindmethattomorrowisherbirthday.”C Vocabulary C1 Find words from the story that have similar meanings to the wo

19、rds below.1 wearing nice clothes 2 a polite word for a woman 3 the look on ones face 4 the way someone or something looks 5 keeping something in a place C2 later that day, Simon was talking with his mother. Complete their conversation with the words from the box.body language matter towardslater par

20、t-timeSimon: Mum, Im thinking of leaving my job at the travel company. Mum: Whats the ?You have a good chance to learn about travel there. Dont you want to build a career in tourism? Simon: Yes, but its more important for me to develop other skills at the moment. I want to take a class in communicat

21、ion skills because I need to improve my .I can get another job like this . Mum: Well, I understand the feelings you have your job,but I dont think you should leave it. This job will teach you something you cant learn in a classroom. Simon: Thanks, Mum. Ill think it over.D Comprehension D1 Simon is t

22、alking to a friend on the phone. Read the story and complete his words with the information from the story. Our customers always .I didnt know why and Mr Yang told me the reason. It was because of the way . I wasnt giving customers . My wasnt making them .So I decided to improve it. D2 Read the stor

23、y again and answer the questions below in complete sentences. 1 What is body language according to Mr Yang? 2 Why did Simon not give customers a good impression?3 Why did customers choose to talk to Debbie? 4 What happened after Simon sat up straight and tried smiling at people? 5 Who was the girl t

24、hat walked over to Simon? More practice A Read this online article about eye contact and answer the questions below. Eye contactEye contact means looking into another persons eyes. This is a very important part of body language. It can be the key to communication. Eye contact can show feelings such

25、as friendliness, interest and understanding. In Western countries, using eye contact in conversations is very important. If you do not use eye contact. Westerners may think that you are not listening. And if you look away, they may also think that you are lying. However, in many Asian countries, loo

26、king down when talking with an older person,like a teacher or a parent,is polite. These differences can cause problems. For example. an Asian person might look down while listening to a Western speaker. The Western speaker might think this person is not interested in what he or she is saying. Not us

27、ing eye contact can cause problems. but using too much is not polite either. In many countries, watching other people, especially strangers, for a long time is impolite. This may make them feel nervous. 1 What does eye contact mean?2 Why is eye contact the key to communication?3 If you do not use ey

28、e contact in Western countries, what may happen?4 Do Asians use eye contact as often as Westerners?5 What kind of eye contact is impolite in many countries?Unit3TraditionalskillsFishing with birdsWangDaminisafisherman.Althoughheisover65,heisveryfitandstillenjoysworking.Daminusescormorantstocatchfish


30、ghtplaceintheriver,hepushedthemintotheriver.Daminusesseveralwaystoattractfish.Duringtheday,hejumpsupanddownonhisboat.Afterdark,hehangsalightonapostatthefrontoftheboat.Thecormorantsbringthefishbacktotheboat.ThefisharethentakenandthrownintoabigbasketbyDamin.Nonetsarerequiredforthistypeoffishing.CormorantfishingwasoncepracticedinlotsofplacesinSouth-EastChina,andthereweremanyfishermeninthearea.Buttoday,fewyoungpeopleareinterestedinit.In50years,perhapstherewillbenomorecormorantfishermenintheworld.C Vocabulary

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