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1、冰箱冷藏室温度智能控制系统外文翻译剖析浙江师范大学本科毕业设计(论文)外文翻译译文:节能 制冷 摘要:本为介绍一种家居冰箱,每天用电大约0.1度的电。提供卓越的冰箱食品保存的表现,因为在其内部的温度波动日常使用过程中自然减少。这款冰箱比一般家居市场上的冰箱能量效率好10到20倍。而其中目前而言,最大的问题是如何提高能源效率和食品保护。家庭生活中的冰箱已经是人们的生活习惯,而不是技术成本。卧式冰柜各种市场上的制冷设备表明,设计良好的冰柜每天消耗电力的多少和冰箱的体积相比较,即冷冻室和外部的温差的大小(其内部有多少冷却器决定)。虽然冰柜通常有更好的保温和更大的蒸发器比冰箱,还有另一个重要原因是他们


3、式冰柜(Vestfrost SE255与600A的卧式冰柜制冷剂),并把其装在一个冰箱里。冷冻式转换冰箱主要区别冰柜和一个普通冰箱保持温度两者之间的区别。其中冷冻式维持零点温度(结冰温度)低至-25,而冰箱的操作介于4和10之间。因此,用冷冻机的方法来改变冰箱的温度控制。而不是用来干扰冰箱的温度,我决定恒温时切断电源来安装外置温度控制器,使温度达到我所选择的温度。如图1为说明框图。图1 说明框图 接线图(如图1)是一个很简单的图。其中温控器继电器消减冰箱的功耗。热敏电阻(温度传感器)是放置在冰箱里面的软电缆里。我使用了冰箱的排水孔来通过内部的热敏电阻电缆的冷却车厢。我同样去除了冰箱内部的灯泡,




7、开关SW1解决了系统下的供电问题(中心断开位置),使恒温器工作在两种模式:由240伏电源供电(“SW1的上升”,其中如果电池可以去掉),并从电池(“SW1的下降”,零待机功耗模式)。“SW1的注册”模式还解决了电池初始充电的问题。 注意微功率作为LM29365V稳压器。通常将LM7805用于通过消耗比本身5倍更多的电路,但会阻碍整个系统变为微功率。使用LM7805会使电池放电循环5次深入,因此需要5倍大容量电池持续行动,更不用提一个较大的变压器保持电池充电。在“SW1的下降”模式下,当冰箱压缩机的继电器关闭时电池充电,对于我设计的冰箱,1间为1小时2分钟。热敏电阻的电路是由电池供电,它无需任何

8、功耗的240V电源供电。 在系统操作中,标称8.4V的镍氢电池电压在9.2V和9.4V之间变化,因此,在实践中的电池仍然能完全充电,因此可以使用多年。 图2 设计电路 选择变压器,如果可能的话,我们需要意识到其励磁电流规格并选择具有最小的磁化电流。在我的设计中我使用内置变压器一种廉价2VA热熔断体和20mA的励磁电流。由于电池充电器(变压器TR1和LM317稳压器)只工作1-2分钟,而每小时的优化并没有尝试。安装上文所述的恒温系统的设计是沿电源线安装提供交流电源的冰箱。而冰箱的修改是必要的。其中密封热敏电阻,在薄薄的焊接电缆结束足够的长度,需要将插入冰箱内部。这是最好地实现使用冰箱排水。 而温

9、度传感器的位置很重要。如果热敏电阻是靠近左边冰箱内部的冰柜底部,温控器将控制在最低冰箱温度。如果热敏电阻靠近车厢顶部冷却,恒温器将控制那里的最高温度。最实用的热敏电阻的位置在某处的中间。在我设计的冰箱内热敏电阻是支持在所需位置室内地板以上的冰箱使用的聚乙烯管件于一体。温度传感器支持这种方法来进行测量冰箱内部的空气,而不是冰箱温度的金属墙。图3 组装图 温度测量 我可以忽略了温度测量和现实自我温控器为了保持实际的简单设计可能性。帮助我做出这个决定的是市场上的温度测量装置。我个人使用“双温度计”,其“远程”温度传感器与硅胶密封。它的措施为2种显示温度:冰箱里面的一个温度和冰箱外空间的一个。薄弱环节

10、温控器在设计上面有一个薄弱环节。当主电源(220 - 240V)不可用,冰箱内部温度上升,60mAh电池电源继电器线圈注册要消耗3-4小时,然后将走平。使用更大容量的电池可以延长本时间。 我注意着这个问题,因为如果停电了好几个小时,冰箱的任何环节,无论多么先进的,都需要一个非常仔细的检查和人工干预。当电源恢复后,我的系统将需要转换“注册SW1的”模式为一天左右,使电池变得完全无用。原文:ENERGY EFFICIENT REFRIGERATIONBy Dr Tom Chalko, MSc, PhDMt Best, Australia, Abstract: This article descri

11、bes a household refrigerator that requires about 0.1 kWh per dayto operate. The refrigerator offers excellent food-preserving performance, because temperature fluctuations in its interior are naturally minimized during everyday use. This fridge is 10 to 20 times more energy efficient than typical ho

12、usehold fridges on the market today. It seems that the biggest obstacles in increasing the energy efficiency and foodpreserving performance of household refrigerators are strange human habits and lack of understanding of Nature, not technology or cost.Chest fridge Comparing the daily energy consumpt

13、ion of various refrigeration devices available on themarket reveals that well-designed chest freezers consume less electricity per day than refrigerators of comparable volume, even though freezers maintain much larger interior-exterior temperature difference (their interiors are much cooler). While

14、chest freezers typically have better thermal insulation and larger evaporators than fridges, there is another important reason for their efficiency. Vertical doors in refrigeration devices are inherently inefficient. As soon as we open a vertical fridge door the cold air escapes, simply because it i

15、s heavier than the warmer air in the room. When we open a chest freezer the cool air stays inside, just because its heavy. Any leak or wear in a vertical door seal (no seal is perfect) causes significant loss of refrigerator efficiency. In contrast, even if we leave the chest freezer door wide open,

16、 the heavy cool air will still remain inside. Designing and marketing refrigeration devices with vertical doors is clearly an act against theNature of Cold Air. Shouldnt we cooperate with Nature rather than work against it?In 2004 I became really curious just how efficient a “chest fridge” can be. A

17、fter contacting some leading fridge manufacturers and discovering they never made and tested a concept of a chest fridge, I decided to make my own test. I bought a well-designed chest freezer (Vestfrost SE255 chest freezer with 600a refrigerant) and converted it into a fridge. Converting chest freez

18、er into fridge The main difference between a freezer and a fridge is the temperature maintained inside. Freezers maintain sub-zero (freezing) temperatures down to 25o C, while fridges operate somewhere between +4o and +10o C. Hence, turning a freezer into a fridge means changing the temperature cont

19、rol. Rather thaninterfering with the thermostat of the freezer, I decided to install an external thermostat to cut the power off when the temperature of my choice is reached. The block diagram in Fig 1 illustrates the idea. Connection diagram (Fig 1) is really simple. Thermostat relay cuts the power

20、 to the freezer. Thermistor (the temperature sensor) is placed inside the freezer at the end of a thin 2-wire flexible cable. I used the freezer drain hole to pass the thermistor cable inside the coolingcompartment. I have also removed the fridge interior light bulb, rated 15 Watts, because I avoid

21、wasting energy as a matter of principle. I may consider installing a LED interior illumination if I find a reason for opening my fridge in the dark.Thermostat design Although, in essence, the thermostat function is very simple, design of a really good freezer-tofridge thermostat system is not quite

22、trivial. There are some unexpected problems and challenges that only become apparent when one aims to design a system that meets all required criteria and works really well.Thermostat requirements 1. Reliability. Fridges need to be very reliable household devices, simply because our healthdepends on

23、 their reliability. Excessive temperature fluctuations due to any malfunctioning of the thermostat accelerate food spoilage and introduce the associated health risks. The thermostat should work unattended for years if not for decades. 2. Safety. The 240V power supply to the fridge should be well ins

24、ulated from all low-voltageelectronic components of the thermostat. 3. Zero mains (240V) power consumption during the standby period (when the fridge compressor is off). This requirement is critical in the situation when a modern inverter with a power-demand-sensing feature powers the fridge (in the

25、 case of a solar-powered chest fridge). Using zerostandby- power appliances allows inverter users to save up to 0.4 kWh per day just byallowing the inverter to enter the low-powerconsumption standby (sleep) mode at every opportunity. Inverter-based energy savings of up to 0.4 kWh/day need to be cons

26、idered in the context of the daily energy consumption of the chest fridge of 0.1 kWh. The zerostandby power requirement turned out to be the greatest challenge in the practical thermostat design. 4. Hysteresis. The number of fridge compressor starts per hour should be kept low, not only to conserve

27、energy, but also to minimize the compressor wear. 5. The thermostat should be easy to install and should not require any modifications to any freezer, so that a new freezer warranty is not compromised in any way.6. The thermostat should be simple and easy to construct from readily available low cost

28、 componentsThe design The schematic of the system that I currently use is depicted in Fig 2. It is a result of a compromise between the minimal possible power consumption, simplicity and the cost of components. The temperature sensing system consists of thermistor R1 (BC 2322 640 54103, 10k 25C) int

29、erfaced with an op-amp. The LM324 quad op-amp that I selected has quite low power consumption (0.7 mA) and can operate from single voltage power supply, which greatly simplifies the design. U1C and U1D serve as buffers, to minimize the power consumption taken by the temperaturemeasurement and compar

30、ison system down to negligible values. U1B is a summing amplifier. U1A is a Schmidt trigger with easy to adjust hysteresis (by changing R13), set here at approximately 0.5C. Capacitor C4 prevents radio signals that may appear on the long thermistor R1 cable from interfering with functioning of the s

31、ystem. The switch SW1 addresses the issue of powering the system down (the center-off position) and allows the thermostat to operate in two modes: powered by mains 240V (“SW1 up”, in whichcase the battery can be removed) and from the battery (“SW1 down”, the zero-standby-power mode). The “SW1 up” mo

32、de also addresses the issue of the initial charging of the battery. Note the use of the micro-power LM2936 as a 5V regulator. Typically used LM7805 would by itself consume 5 times more power than the entire circuit and would prevent the entire system to become classified as micro-power. Using LM7805 would make battery discharge cycles 5 times deeper and hence requiring 5 times larger capacity battery for sustained operation, not to mention a larger transformer to keep the battery cha

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