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1、八年级下英语复习翻译题及答案八年级下复习翻译题(Unit 1)1. 越来越多的人通过电脑学习英语。_2. 我希望100年后将会有更少的污染。_3. 街道上将会有更少的车辆。_4. 我梦想在太空站生活。_5. -他多久之后回来? -三天后。_6. 尽管他独居,他从不感到孤单。_7. 去年他爱上了游泳。_8. 明天的天气将会是什么样?_9. 去年暑假我有一次非常不愉快的旅行。_10. 制作这种机器人将会花费数百年。_11. 我相信我的语言将会成真。_12. 他有着和我一样的发型。_13. 地震之后,他们建造了很多高楼。_14. 如果你反复做同一件事,你将感到厌烦。_15. 最后,他们不同意这个决定

2、。_16. 他在一家电脑公司当编程员。_17. 他已经足够大自己穿衣了。_18. 工厂里有很多工人正在工作_19. 大学毕业后,他没事可做。_20. 对我来说,解答出这个问题似乎是不可能的。_八年级下复习翻译题(Unit2)1. 昨天的晚会太让我惊讶了。_2. 我发现他正在抄作业。_3. 他关上门,不让狗进来。_4. 他很沮丧,因为他考试不及格。_5. 我大概把钥匙落在车上了。_6. -你和同学相处怎样?-很好。_7. 他直到他儿子回来才离开。_8. 请尽快给我回信。_9. 医生们都抱怨父母给孩子太大的压力。_10. 别老是把我和别人比较。_11. 到家后别忘了给我打个电话。_12. 如果你迷

3、路了,你可以向警察求助。_13. 如果她想要有足够的钱,她应该要工作足够努力或者找一份家庭教师的兼职工作。_14. 看!她的姐姐和她看起来一样。_15. 在考试期间,你不准向任何人借东西。_16. 我不知道该怎么做,因为我刚刚和她打了一架。_17. 在你读完书之后,别忘了把它还给我。_18. 这些孩子们可能会发现,等他们年龄更大些的时候,他们很难为自己计划他们的人生。_19. 一方面,父母应当多给孩子一些自由时间。另一方面,孩子们需要更多的时间做他们想做的事情。_八年级下复习翻译题(Unit3)1. 当我女儿在写信的时候, 其他孩子正在外面玩耍。_2.大多数美国人都记得当纽约的世贸大厦被恐怖分

4、子袭击的时候他们正在做的事情。_3.我跟着那个小偷,想看他到底要去哪儿。我惊讶地发现他上了一架飞机。_4.当那些外星人沿着街道走的时候,所有人都逃跑了。_5.这个周末我有一次很不同寻常的经历。_6.太令人惊叹了!_7.你可以想象这是多么的奇怪!_8.-当不明飞行物着陆的时候你在做什么?-我正从理发店出来。_9.昨天我看见一只猫在苹果树上。它正在玩一个树上的苹果。_10.车站太拥挤了,琳达找不到那只叫戴维的小狗。_11.那时,她并没有考虑要往窗外看看。_12.当我听说这个重大时事的时候,我正静静地地坐在图书馆的前面。_13. 那一天对所有的中国人都意义重大。_14.因为他的发明,他现在举世闻名。

5、_15.他希望成为第一个中国的太空宇航员。_16.这次令人激动的航行持续了一天。_17.不是所有的事件都和这件一样可怕。_18.你最好尽早回家。_19.当我到家的时候,你在和谁讲电话?_20.-发生什么事了?-一场交通事故。_八年级下复习翻译题答案(Unit 1)21. 越来越多的人通过电脑学习英语。More and more people study English on computers.22. 我希望100年后将会有更少的污染。I hope there will be less pollution in 100 years.23. 街道上将会有更少的车辆。There will be f

6、ewer cars on the street.24. 我梦想在太空站生活。I dream to live on the space station.25. -他多久之后回来? -三天后。How soon will he come back(return)? In three days.26. 尽管他独居,他从不感到孤单。Although he lives alone, he never feels lonely.27. 去年他爱上了游泳。He fell in love with swimming last year.28. 明天的天气将会是什么样?What will the weather

7、be like tomorrow?29. 去年暑假我有一次非常不愉快的旅行。I had a really unpleasant trip last summer vacation.30. 制作这种机器人将会花费数百年。It will take hundreds of years to make such kind of robots.31. 我相信我的预言将会成真。I believe my predictions will come true.32. 他有着和我一样的发型。He has the same haircut as I do./ His haircut is the same as

8、mine.33. 地震之后,他们建造了很多高楼。They built a lot of tall buildings after the earthquake.34. 如果你反复做同一件事,你将感到厌烦。If you do the same thing over and over again, youll get bored.35. 最后,他们不同意这个决定。Finally (At last), they disagreed with the decision.36. 他在一家电脑公司当编程员。He works as a computer programmer in a computer co

9、mpany.37. 他已经足够大自己穿衣了。He is old enough to dress himself.38. 工厂里有很多工人正在工作There are many workers working in the factory.39. 大学毕业后,他没事可做。He had nothing to do after he left college(after graduation).40. 对我来说,解答出这个问题似乎是不可能的。It seems impossible for me to work out the problem.八年级下复习翻译题(Unit2)14. 昨天的晚会太让我惊讶

10、了。The party surprised me yesterday.( made me surprised )15. 我发现他正在抄作业。I found he copying homework.(I found that he was copying )16. 他关上门,不让狗进来。He closed the door to keep the dog out.17. 他很沮丧,因为他考试不及格。He was upset because he failed the exam(didnt pass the exam)18. 我大概把钥匙落在车上了。I probably left the keys

11、 in the car.19. -你和同学相处怎样?-很好。How are you getting on with you classmates? Quite well.(very well)20. 他直到他儿子回来才离开。He didnt leave until his son came back(returned).21. 请尽快给我回信。Please write to me as soon as possible.22. 医生们都抱怨父母给孩子太大的压力。Doctors complain that parents put too much pressure on kids.23. 别老是

12、把我和别人比较。Dont compare me with others all the time.24. 到家后别忘了给我打个电话。Dont forget to call(ring) me up when you arrive(getreach) home.25. 如果你迷路了,你可以向警察求助。If you are lost, you can ask the police for help.13. 如果她想要有足够的钱,她应该要工作足够努力或者找一份家庭教师的兼职工作。If she wants to get enough money, she should work hard enough

13、or find a part-time job as a tutor.14. 看!她的姐姐和她看起来一样。Look! She looks the same as her sister.15. 在考试期间,你不准向任何人借东西。During the test, you mustnt(are not allowed to) borrow anything from others.16. 我不知道该怎么做,因为我刚刚和她打了一架。I dont know what to do because I had a fight with her just now.17. 在你读完书之后,别忘了把它还给我。Do

14、nt forget to return it to me after you read it.18. 这些孩子们可能会发现,等他们年龄更大些的时候,他们很难为自己计划他们的人生。These kids may find it hard to plan their own lives when they are older.20. 一方面,父母应当多给孩子一些自由时间。另一方面,孩子们需要更多的时间做他们想做的事情。On the one hand, parents should give more free time to their kids.On the other hand, kids ne

15、ed more time to do what they want to do.八年级下复习翻译题(Unit3)2. 当我女儿在写信的时候, 其他孩子正在外面玩耍。While my daughter was writing a letter, other kids were playing outside.2.大多数美国人都记得当纽约的世贸大厦被恐怖分子袭击的时候他们正在做的事情。Most Americans remember what they were doing when the World Trade Center was destroyed by terrorists.3.我跟着那个

16、小偷,想看他到底要去哪儿。我惊讶地发现他上了一架飞机。I followed the thief to see where he was goingI was surprised to find he got on a plane.4.当那些外星人沿着街道走的时候,所有人都逃跑了。When the alien was walking along the street, all the people ran away.5.这个周末我有一次很不同寻常的经历。I had an unusual experience this weekend.6.太令人惊叹了!Isnt that amazing?7.你可

17、以想象这是多么的奇怪!You can imagine how strange it was.8.-当不明飞行物着陆的时候你在做什么?-我正从理发店出来。What were you doing when the UFO landed?I was getting out of the barbers shop.9.昨天我看见一只猫在苹果树上。它正在玩一个树上的苹果。I saw a cat in the tree yesterday.It was playing with an apple on the tree.10.车站太拥挤了,琳达找不到那只叫戴维的小狗。The station was so

18、crowded that Linda couldnt find the dog named Davy.11.那时,她并没有考虑要往窗外看看。At that time, she didnt think about looking outside the window.12.当我听说这个重大时事的时候,我正静静地地坐在图书馆的前面。When I heard about the big event, I was sitting in front of the library in silence.26. 那一天对所有的中国人都意义重大。That day has meaning to all Chin

19、ese.14.因为他的发明,他现在举世闻名。He is became famous all over the world now because of his invention.15.他希望成为第一个中国的太空宇航员。He hopes to be the first astronaut in China.16.这次令人激动的航行持续了一天。The exciting flight lasted a day.17.不是所有的事件都和这件一样可怕。Not all events are as terrible as this.18.你最好尽早回家。Youd better go back home as soon as possible.19.当我到家的时候,你在和谁讲电话?Who were you talking with on the phone when I arrived home.20.-发生什么事了?-一场交通事故。What happened? A car accident.

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