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1、loadrunner11下载安装与破解loadrunner11下载、安装与破解Loadrunner11 下载、安装与破解 在各位前辈的基础上加上自己操作实践结果所得 Loadrunner11 下载地址: ed2k:/|file|%5B%E6%80%A7%E8%83%BD%E6%B5%8B%E8%AF%95%E5%B7%A5%E5%85%B7LR11.00%5D.loadrunner-11.iso|4313382912|b95afeb3a879c6b8146435bb79e8cb97|h=ntupkaxx5ltzwovgdkv7uexj7ukal5hu|/ 在迅雷中输入即可下载 (4G) Loa

2、drunner11 安装: 1、 运行“setup.exe” 2、 点击安装,其中会有提示缺少“Microsoft Visual C+ 2005 SP1运行组件”,下载这个组件。这里安装“vcredist_x86.exe”。安装完成后在一次运行“setup.exe”时,安装程序会自动检查所需组件是否都已安装,确定都安装后弹出如下页面。 industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing service

3、s and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government held a meeting, we all take industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conferen

4、ce reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government held a meeting, we all take industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on impr

5、oving the quality of service. For each municipal government held a meeting, we all take industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of servic

6、e. For each municipal government held a meeting, we all take 3、 安装完成后,系统会自动打开“Loadrunner License Information”窗口: industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improv

7、ing the quality of service. For each municipal government held a meeting, we all take 并提示你的“license”只有十天的使用期。 此时,可以启动Loadrunner了。 Loadrunner11 破解: 1、 下载破解文件,此处我们使用已经下载好的文件“lm70.dll”和“mlr5lprg.dll”。 2、 将“lm70.dll”,“mlr5lprg.dll”这两个文件复制并粘贴到LR11安装目录Program FilesMercuryLoadRunnerbin。复下的bin文件夹下,一般是C:制时注意

8、要先将loadrunner关闭,否则会出现复制出错的提示。 3、 复制后启动loadrunner,如下图选择“CONFUGURATIONloadrunner license”。 industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of servi

9、ce. For each municipal government held a meeting, we all take 4、 选择“New License”,输入“ AEAMAUIK-YAFEKEKJJKEEA-BCJGI” industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on impr

10、oving the quality of service. For each municipal government held a meeting, we all take 这里可能会弹出: 这是因为这里已经有试用的“license”了,下面我们将试用的“license”删除。 5、 现在我们使用loadrunner注册表删除工具来删除此程序注册表中的license。(运行“lr删除注册表”)。注意要先将LR关闭。运行程序,最后弹出如下图所示: 注: 若没有此工具,可手动修改注册表,删除下面内容 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMercury InteractiveLoa

11、dRunnerLicense2 如果注册时出现 License security violation. Operation is not allowed 在注册表中删除下面的就可以了 HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREClassesInterface87B3ADD4-21EB-11d5-93EF- 6、 OK。我们可以安照刚才的步骤重新启动Loadrunner了。再次选择“CONFUGURATIONloadrunner license” industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a

12、 new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government held a meeting, we all take 这时会发现,License中已经空了。 7、还是点击“New License”,首先输入globa-100的注册码:AEAMAUIK-YAFEKEKJJKEEA-BCJGI OK 成功: ind

13、ustrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government held a meeting, we all take 在此提供一个超级license 最高支持6.5w个并发:AE

14、ACFSJI-YJKJKJJKEJIJD-BCLBR 到此,安装,破解工作就全部完成了。 industrialization of coal industry development research, overall has a new improvement and change. 2, further standardizing services and Chief of the Conference reception, focus on improving the quality of service. For each municipal government held a meeting, we all take

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