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Unit 112.docx

1、Unit 112Unit 1 words and expressions 1.conclude结束,得出结论,断定 1)conclude.from. 从.中得出/推断出. 2)conclude.with. 以.结束.3)conclude sth. by doing sth. 通过做某事结束.4)to conclude/in conclusion 总之,最后5)draw/reach/come to/arrive at a conclusion 得出结论2.account n.叙述,账目,解释 v.叙述,解释1)account for 说明.的原因,解释2)take account

2、of sth. 考虑.,顾及到. =take sth. Into account/consideration3)give an account of 报告,叙述,说明 4)keep account 记帐5)on account of 因为,由于,为了6)on any account 无论如何 7)on no account 切莫,决不可以3.attempt v.常试,努力n.企图,试图 1)attempt to do sth, 尝试/努力做某事 2)make an attempt to do sth. 试图做某事 3)make an attempt at doing sth.试图做某事 4)a

3、t the first attempt 第一次尝试 5)in an attempt 企图(状语)4.familiar adj.熟悉的,常见的 sb. be familiar with sth. sth. be familiar to sb.I am familiar with this English song.我很熟悉这首英语歌。Zhou Jieluns Dong Feng pois familiar to me.周杰伦的东风破对我来说很熟悉。 enthusiastic about (doing)sth. 对某人/某物/做某事很热情6.make a bid for sth. 投标,试

4、图得到 bid for sth. 投标7.delight vt.使愉快 n.愉快,高兴 1)delight sb. with sth. 某物使某人很开心 2)take delight in sth.=enjoy 喜爱. They delighted the audience with wonderful performance. 他们精彩的表演使观众很开心。 cautious about/of sb./sth. 提防某人,注意某物 be cautious about/of doing sth. 仔细做某事9.send的短语: 1)send in 寄送到某处进行处理 2) send sb

5、.to/into 使某人进入 3)send sb.away 把某人送往(某地),送走 4)send sth.back 送回,退还,发送回来 5)send 寄出某物 6)send sth.out 分发, 散发,发出(光,信号,声音) 7)send ones love/best wishes to sb. 代某人向.问好10.set的短语: 1)set down 记下,写下,放下,制定,规定,让.下去 2)set apart 使与衷不同,流出,拨出(时间,金钱等) 3)set aside 留出,拨出(时间,金钱);使分离(分开) 4)set back 推迟,延缓,阻碍 5)set

6、about doing sth. 着手做某事 6)set off 动身(for), 引爆 7)set out 动身(for), 开始做某事(to do sth.) 8)set up 建立11.burst into sth.=burst out doing sth. burst in to laughters/tears/ cheers/a song = burst out laughing/crying/cheering/singingUseful expressions1.send in 寄送某处进行处理2.set down 记下,写下 a row 一个接一个地,连续不断地

7、the first place 首先5.apply for 申请7.burst into sth. 突然8.centre on/upon 把重点放在某物上面9.with ones permission在某人许可的情况下10.stand out 杰出,出类拔萃11.make for 造成,导致,有利于;冲向,移向Impressive as t he record is, it fades next to the story of Amstrong struggle agaisnt disease. 虽然这项记录令人难忘,但它还是逊色于阿姆斯特朗与疾病做抗争的故事。Unit 2 words and

8、 expressions1.equip vt.装备,配备(equipped, equipped, equipement) 1)equip oneself/ sb./ sth.with sth.用.装备. 2)equip.for 为了.而装备. 3)be euipped to do sth. 为了做某事而准备 4)be equipped with 配备着.mand n. vt.命令,控制,指挥 1)command sb. To do sth. 命令某人做某事 2)command +that从句 要用虚拟语气(should +do, should)可以省略 3)sb.take command of

9、 sth. 某人掌控某物 4)under the command of sb. =under sbs command 在某人的控制下 5)have a command of sth. 掌握,精通3.arise-arose-arisen 出现(=appear),呈现,发生(happen) arise from/out of 由.引起,导致 exchange for 交换,互换 exchange A for B 用A交换B exchange sth. with sb. 与某人交换某物 return(for sth.) 作为回报 in turn 反过来,依次6.bring的短语 1)

10、bring about 引起,导致 2)bring back 使想起,回忆起 3)bring sb. Through 使脱离(险境),使渡过(难关) 4)bring down 使(降低) 5)bring forward 使.提前,提出(计划,政策,法案) 6)bring in 引进,引入,盈利,赚钱 7)bring out 使某物出现或开放,出版7.apart from 1)除了.except/except for 2)包括.在内besides/in addition to out 某物用光了(不及物短语=give out) out of sth.某人用光了某

11、物(及物短语=use up)9.refer to sb./sth.提到,谈到,指的是,与.有关 refer to a dictionary/ map 参考,查阅字典/地图 refer to .as 认为.是.Unit 2 useful the name of 以.的名义,代表2.set sail to/from/for 起航 return 作为回报4.bring up 提出,抚养,呕吐5.apart from 除.之外(尚有)6.refer to 提及,查阅 out 用完,耗尽 rich in 富有.9.make it 成功

12、possession of sth. 占据,拥有11. in exchange for 交换,互换Unit 3 words and expressions1.claim vt.(根据权利)要求,认领,声称 n.(根据权利提出的)要求,索赔,主张(根据权利)要求,认领,索取1)claim sth.2)claim on sth.3)claim for sth.声称,断言,主张1)claim to do sth.2)claim that从句3)claim sb./sth. to do/ to have done sth.claim responsibility for sth. 声称对.负责make

13、 a claim for/on/sth.提出要求得到(认领)某物2.differ vi.不同,相异,(在一件方面)发生分歧 1)differ in 在.方面不同 differ with/from 与.不同 2)differ from/with sb.about/on sth.在.上与某人持异议 3)be different A与B在某方面有区别 4)make a difference 有差别,有关系,很重要 5)make no difference 对.没有关系/影响 6)tell the difference between A and B 区分A与B3. 1)feed s

14、b.on sth. 喂.,给某人食物 2)feed sth. to sb. 喂.,给某人食物 3)feed on sth. (指物)以.为食 4)live on sth. (指人)以.为食 5)be fed up with 厌烦,受够了4.1)as a consequence (of)作为(.的)结果 2)take/bear/suffer the consequence of ones action 承担某人行为的后果 3)in consequence 因此,结果(状语) 4)in consequence of sth. =as a result of sth. 由于,因为 a con

15、sequence of sth. 作为(.的)结果2.break out 爆发3.feed.on. 喂养,饲养4.round up 使集合在一起5.stand for 代表6.transform.into. 把.转化成 least 至少8.differ from 在某方面与.不同Unit 4 1.clarify sth./sb. as 将某物/人归类为. clarify sth.into 将某物归入.2.appoint vt.选派,委派,任命,决定,指定(appointment) 1) appoint sb.(to be/ as ). 任命某人担任 2) appoin

16、t sb. to do sth. 指定某人做某事 3)make/have/fix an appointment with sb. 约会 4)keep/break an appointment 守约/违约 calculated to do sth. 打算(计划)做某事 Its calculated that从句 据计算. the expense of sth. 以.为代价 at ones expense 由某人承担费用5.abandon vt.放弃,离开,抛弃 1)abandon oneself to sth. 沉溺于. 2) with abandon 放任地,放纵地,纵情地

17、6.reward sb. for(doing) sth. 因(做)某事奖赏某人7.1)latter adj. (两者中)后者的,较后的,最近 2)late adj.迟的,晚的,已故的 adv.迟 3)later adv.后来 adj.后期的,晚期的 4) latest adj.最近的,最新的, 5)lately adv.近来,最近at the latest最近 later on后来 sooner or later迟早 distinguished by 以.为特征 be distinguished for 以.而著名 distinguish between A and B 区别A与B d

18、istinguish A from B 区别A与B9.1)involve sb./ sth. in (doing) sth. 使某人/物参与某活动或陷入某情况2) be involved in sth./with sb.=be concerned with sb./sth. 与.有牵连,涉及,有关10.pass away (时间等)过去,消亡,死亡 pass by 从.旁边经过,(时间)逝去,忽视 pass down pass along (世代)相传,传下来 pass on 继续下去,传递,递交 pass through 经历,修完(课程),穿过1.look out for 警惕,当心2.o

19、n a large scale 大规模地3.year after year 年年4.pass away 去世,逝世 after 给.取名,命名 detail 详细地 involved in 与.由牵连,涉及8.adapt to 适应9.clarify into 把.分成.10.have an appetite for 渴望,对.由胃口Unit 5 1.consideration n.考虑,体贴 1)take sth.into consideration 考虑某事 2)under consieration 在考虑之中 3)out of consideration fo

20、r sth. 出于对.的考虑 4)be considerate to sb. 对某人体贴 5)It is considerate of sb. to do sth.某人做某事是很周到的 6)all things considered 就各方面考虑 7)considering prep. conj. 考虑到.鉴于. 8)in consideration of sth. =in retrun for sth. =as payment for sth. 作为对.的回报2.charge n.vt.主管,充电(气),价钱/要价,控告 1)sb. in charge of sth.=sb. take ch

21、arge of sth. 某人主管某事 2)sth. be in the charege of sth. 某事由某人主管 3)charge sb.for sth. 为某事向某人收费 4)charge sb. with sth. = accuse sb. of sth. 控告某人某事 3.loss n. 遗失,丧失,损失 1) at a loss 困惑,不知所措 2) be a great loss to sb.对.来说是巨大的损失4.blame vt.责备,谴责,归咎于 n.责怪,(过错,失败等)的责任 1)blame sb. for(doing) sth. 因.责备某人 2)blame st

22、h. on sb. 把某事归咎于某人 3)sb. be to blame for sth. 某人对某事负责(无被动) 4)accept/ bear/ take the blame(for sth.) 对某事负责任 5)put/ lay blame(for sth.) on sb. 将某事归咎于某人They blamed the accident on him. 他们把事故的责任归咎于他。He was to blame for his daughters illness.他应该为他女儿的病负责。Who was to blame for his daughters illness? ann

23、oyed with sb. for/at sth.为某事而生某人的气6.associate A with B = connect A with B把.与.联系起来7.accuse ab. of (doing) sth. 指控某人(做)某事8. 把.系到.上 attach importance to sth. 重视 be attached to sb./ sth. 依恋,留恋某人/某物9.appeal vi.有吸引力,呼吁,上诉 n.恳求,呼吁,感染力,吸引力 1) sth. appeal to sb. 2) make an appeal for sb. to do sth

24、.10.get的短语1)get across(to sb.) 传播,为某人理解2)get aroud/about 走动,(消息等)传开3)get along/on.with.进展,与.相处4)get down to do sth. 开始认真做某事5)get over 痊愈,克服(困难),解决(问题)6)get through 到达,完成,通过,打通(电话)7)get together 相聚,聚集8)get up 起床9) get rid of 摆脱,去除 Unit 61.quit(quit,quit) v.放弃,停止,离开,辞职,离职 1)quit school/a job 辍学,辞职 2)q

25、uit doing sth. 放弃做某事 desperate for sth. be desperate to do sth.3.get/be accustomed to (doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事 accustom oneself to (doing) sth. 使某人习惯于(做)某事4.anxiety n.忧虑,担心,焦虑 1) in anxiety for sth./to do sth. 渴望. 2)be anxious about sth. 为.担心 3)be anxious/eager for sth. 渴望.5.deliver vt.递送,发言,接生 deli

26、ver letters/ a speech/ baby 送信/发表演讲/接生6.1)apply to sb. for sth. 向某人申请 2)apply A to B 把.运用于.中 3)apply to sb. 适用于7.beyond prep.在.那边,超出,远于abv.在更远处1)be beyond sb. 某人能力所不及2)beyond the tress/ village 在树/村庄那边3)beyond repair 无法修理8.1)keep up 2)keep an eye out for sb./sth. 留心,注意 3)keep an eye on 照顾 4)keep up

27、with 跟上 5)keep in touch with 保持联系 6)keep off 远离,不接近 7)keep sb.from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事 8)keep sth. In mind. 记住某事物Unit 5 useful expressions1.take.into consideration 考虑某事物 charge of (sth.) 负责某物3.hand in hand 手拉手,密切联系4.get across(to sb.) 传播,为(某人)理解5.appeal to 吸引(=attract),呼吁,上诉6.keep an eye out for

28、sb./sth. 留心,注意7.make sense 弄懂8.point out 指出,使注意9.attach importance to 重视10.accuse sb. of sth. 指控 be to blame for sth.某人为某事负责运用,应用2.add up 加起来3.lose heart 灰心,泄气4.keep up 维持,保持5.leave behind 忘带,留下6.lose ones way 迷路7.tie up 捆,绑,拴8.go for 努力获取9.take it easy 别紧张,放轻松10.get/be accustomed

29、to(doing) sth.习惯于(做)某事11.under no circumstances 无论如何,决不 anxiety for sth. 渴望.Unit 7 words and expressions 1.leave/let sb. alone 不打扰某人 leave/let sth. alone 不要碰某物 let alone 更不用说2.occupy vt.使忙碌,使用,侵占,占领 占据=take up(空间,时间,面积等) 1)be occupied in doing sth./with sth. =be busy doing sth./with sth. 忙于(做)某事 2)occupy oneself in doing sth./with sth. 忙于(做)某事3.admit vt. 1)admit sth./doing sth./that从句 承认某物/做某事/. 2)be admitted to/in/into 被录取,允许进入,被接收 3)adm

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