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1、最新牛津译林版学年英语七年级上学期期末模拟考试试题及答案精编试题 第一学期期末模拟调研测试卷七年级英语注意事项:1. 全卷满分100分。考试时间为100分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。2. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。第I卷 (共55分)一、听力(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)第一部分 听对话,根据所给问题选择正确的图片,每段对话读两遍。1. Which festival does Daniel like?A B. C. 2. What would Mr. Smith like?A. B. C. 3. When does

2、 the shop open today? A. B. C.4. What does Simon do at eight every Friday morning? A. B. C.5. What is Millie doing now? A B. C. 第二部分 听对话,根据所给问题选择正确的答案,每段对话读两遍。6. Where is the cinema? A. On the first floor. B. On the top floor. C. On the third floor.7. Whose bag is this?A. It is Amys. B. It is Sandys

3、 C. It is Millies.8. How long does Mary play volleyball every Tuesday?A. One hour. B. Two hours. C. Three hours.9. Whats the dress made of?A. Leather. B. Cotton. C. Silk.10. What does the man buy? A. Pears. B. Lemons. C. Both lemons and pears.第三部分 听短文,选择正确的答案,每段对话读两遍。11. Where does Yang Ping go on S

4、aturday morning? A. The park. B. The supermarket. C. The shopping mall.12. Why does Yang Ping go there? A. Because she wants to buy a present for her sister. B. Because she wants to buy a new dress for her mother. C. Because she wants to buy something to eat.13. Which dress does Yang Ping buy? A. A

5、white one. B. A blue one. C. A pink one.14. How much does Yang Ping pay for the dress? A. 150 yuan. B. 500 yuan. C. 550 yuan.15. Does Yang Pings sister like the dress?A. Yes, she does. B. No, she doesnt. C. Sorry, I dont know. 二、单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)16. There is _ “u” in the word “house”.A. a B. a

6、n C. the D. / 17. China held the G20 Leaders Summit(峰会) in Hangzhou _ September 4 and 5, 2016.A. in B. on C. at D. as18. Betty hates playing volleyball, so she _ plays it. A. usually B. often C. never D. always19. Why dont you like this brown shirt, Jack? It isnt the right _. This brown shirt is too

7、 big for me. A. price B. size C. colour D. style20. Im sure the jeans fit you well. Well, I cant say that before I _. A. try it on B. try on it C. try on them D. try them on21. _ do you want to have the Chinese New Years Eve dinner this year? At a restaurant near our home. A. How B. What C. Where D.

8、 When22. Hi, Linda. Is your mother at home?Just a minute. She _ with my father in the room. A. chat B. is chatting C. are chatting D. chats23. Mum has to _ a big dinner this evening. She looks great in a white blouse. A. wait for B. look for C. be fit for D. go for 24. Mary buys this house _ it look

9、s very large and beautiful. A. or B. because C. so D. but25. Andy is a _ friend for me. He is always with me.A. important B. comfortable C. special D. beautiful26. There _ some bread in the kitchen. You can have some.A. have B. has C. are D. is27. Which “oo” of the following words has the different

10、pronunciation(发音) ? A. look B. smooth C. tooth D. pool28. Which of the following words is pronounced / smt/ ?A. smart B. start C. sweet D. soft29. Is Wendy coming to our party? Maybe. _. A. Wait a minute B. Youre welcome C. But Im not sure D. Have a good time30. You look cool in dark blue, Andy. _.

11、A. Thank you B. Sure, I am cool C. Thats all right D. Yes, please.三、完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)As a middle school student, I am always busy. I usually get up early on weekdays 31 I dont want to be late for school. But I usually get up late on Sunday morning. After I wash my face and have my 32 , I often

12、 go to a shopping mall with my parents. Theshopping mall is not far from our home, so we usually walk there. It 33 us about 20 minutes to get there on foot.The shopping mall is new and big. 34 many kinds of things there, such as TVs, fridges, bikes, computers, clothes, books, foods and drinks. There

13、 are also many people there. Children may get lost (迷路) in it easily and parents must 35 their children. 36 do so many people come here to buy things? Because the things in this shopping mall are usually good and 37 . The workers there are always nice andfriendly. For me, I like the third floor of t

14、his shopping mall best. There are many 38 and I can eat foods from different areas. For my mother, the second floor is her favourite. It has many clothes shops and she is interested 39 shopping. For my father, the cinema is his favourite because he likes 40 . The mall is a good place for my family t

15、o have fun. If you come to my home, I can take you there.31. A. so B. because C. if D. or32. A. dinner B. lunch C. supper D. breakfast 33. A. spends B. pays C. takes D. costs34. A. There is B. There are C. They are D. It is35. A. look after B. look for C. look at D. look like36. A. What B. Who C. Wh

16、en D. Why37. A. expensive B. cheap C. big D. small38. A. cinemas B. bookshops C. restaurants D. toy shops39. A. on B. with C. at D. in 40. A. watching films B. playing football C. swimming D. reading四、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) A41. The picture is _.A. a menu B. a book C. a map D. a magazine 42. Simon

17、wants to order a pizza. Which of the following time is OK?A. 9:30 am, Tuesday. B. 9:30 pm, Wednesday.C. 9:30 am, Friday. D. 9:30 pm, Saturday. BWhat do you usually do on the subway (地铁)? Play with your phone or listen to music? Emma Watson wants people to read more books. Watson, 26 years old, becom

18、es famous(出名) for acting in the Harry Potter(哈利波特) films. At first, Watson puts 100 copies (册) of a book on the London subway. Later, she puts the books on the New York subway too. The name of the book is Mom & Me & Mom. Its from the US writer Maya Angelou. It tells stories about the writer and her

19、mother. People can take these books home and read them. There is also a note on each book. Watson writes them by hand. It says “When you finish reading the book, please leave it on the subway again for someone else to read.” Watson loves reading very much. She even sets up her own online book club.

20、Its name is Our Shared Shelf. This time she wants to make the subway a moving (移动的) library.43. Who is the writer of the book Mom & Me & Mom?A. Emma Watson. B. Emma Watsons mother.C. Maya Angelou. D. Maya Angelous mother.44. Watsons note on each book wants people to _.A. give the book back to Maya A

21、ngelou.B. leave the book for someone else to read.C. buy the books from her online book club.D. give the books to poor children.45. What do you know about Watson from this passage?A. Watson puts books only on the London subway.B. Watson is a book lover.C. Watson hates the Harry Potter films .D. Wats

22、on wants people to play with their phones on the subway.CYou can see people in films have a white Christmas in England or the USA. But Christmas in Australia(澳大利亚) is very different. It is very hot. Christmas (Dec. 25) comes at the hottest time of the year in Australia. The temperature can be over 4

23、0 in some cities! Because it is so hot, people usually have lunch outside and swim in the pool during Christmas. They also meet all their family members for Christmas lunch. Christmas lunch is usually a big meal of ham (火腿), turkey, salad and seafood. Family members all cook something different to b

24、ring to the big meal. One year my aunt even made a gingerbread house (姜饼屋) that we ate for dessert!The sport of cricket (板球) is very popular in Australia. So during Christmas, family members also play a game of cricket in the backyard.Australia may not have a white Christmas, but it is still a very

25、exciting and fun time of the year.46. When Christmas comes, it is very _ in Australia.A. cold B. snowy C. hot D. cool47. How do Australian families usually have their Christmas big meal?A. They go to a nice restaurant and have a great meal there.B. They cook different things and bring them together

26、.C. They just have a picnic.D. They buy some Christmas food on the Internet.48. What is very popular in Australia during Christmas?A. Cricket. B. Basketball. C. Volleyball. D. Football.49. Which of the following will you NOT see at Christmas in Australia?A. Outdoor lunch. B. Swimming. C. Playing cri

27、cket. D. Playing with snow.50. What is the best title(标题) of this passage?A. Sport in Australia B. Food in AustraliaC. Christmas in Australia D. Families in AustraliaDWill you tell others your QQ password (密码)? Of course not. But if your passwords are too easy, the hacker can guess them.These days w

28、e have too many passwords to remember. To make life easy, some people use easy passwords, like “123456”, “888888” or “abc123”. Many people also use personal information (个人信息), like a birthday, as passwords. But these easy passwords are not safe(安全) online. So please use different passwords for diff

29、erent things and remember to change your passwords every 90 days. Here are some ways to make a safe password.Upper-casing (大写) your password is a good start. Put numbers and symbols in your password. Make your passwords long. For example(例如), make a password of nine letters, with numbers and symbols

30、 in it and upper-casing it. Then it will take hackers hundreds of years to work out!51. The underlined word “hacker” in this passage means “_” in Chinese.A. 小偷 B. 邮递员 C. 快递员 D. 黑客 52. We should change our passwords _.A. every week B. every 90 days C. every 60 days D. every 30 days53. According to th

31、is passage, there are _ ways to make a safe password. A. one B. two C. three D. four54. Which of the following passwords is the safest(最安全)?A. STARwars#520. B. 20040215. C. abc123. D. goodluck.55. This passage is mainly about _.A. how to make a safe password B. how to change your passwordsC. how to use your QQ numbersD. how to remember your password第II卷(共45分)五、填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15

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