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本文(外研版 七年级英语初一下册Module2 What can you do单元检卷 检测题有答案.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

外研版 七年级英语初一下册Module2 What can you do单元检卷 检测题有答案.docx

1、外研版 七年级英语初一下册Module2 What can you do单元检卷 检测题有答案初中英语外研版七年级下册Module2 What can you do? 单元练习 一、听力(听力)(共20小题;共20分) . 听句子,选择句子中所包含的信息。每个句子读一遍。(5分) 1. A. right B. write C. white 2. A. find B. friend C. kind 3. A. dish B. fish C. wish 4. A. by B. bye C. buy 5. A. skirt B. shirt C. skin . 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每段对话及

2、问题读两遍。(5分) 6. A. Surfing the Internet. B. Reading a book. C. Studying in his room. 7. A. A teacher. B. A worker. C. A singer. 8. A. Pears. B. Strawberries. C. Apples. 9. A. She is tall. B. She has short hair. C. She has a big nose.10. A. At home. B. In a restaurant. C. At school. . 听两段较长对话,选择正确答案。每段

3、对话读两遍。(5分)听第一段对话,回答第11-12题。11. What club does Jack want to join? A. The singing club. B. The chess club. C. The painting club.12. What can Jack do? A. Play the guitar. B. Sing. C. Paint. 听第二段对话,回答第13-15题。13. What are they talking about? A. A picture. B. A game. C. A sports meeting.14. What can Jack

4、do? A. Play football. B. Play basketball. C. Play tennis.15. Who can swim well? A. Dave. B. Lily. C. Linda. . 听短文,完成表格信息。短文读两遍。(5分)Li Huas DayAgeHe is 16. years old.ActivityHe 17. at 6:15.FoodHe usually has bread and 18. for breakfast. HowHe goes to school with his friend 19. .ClassesHe has three cl

5、asses in the 20. . 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 二、单项选择(共5小题;共5分)21. - Can you play the piano? - Yes , I , and Im good at it. A. may B. can C. need D. must22. - you play golf? - No. But I can play table tennis. A. Can B. May C. Must D. Need23. - you drive? - No, I cant. But I learn to drive next year. Im not

6、sure. A. Will; may B. Can; may C. Should; could D. Can; must24. I like basketball, but now Id like tennis. A. to play; playing B. playing; playing C. playing; to play D. to playing; to playing25. Are you plant(种植) trees on March 12th? A. ready B. ready with C. ready in D. ready to三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10

7、小题;共10分)26. Shes helpful. Shes always r to help.27. Ginas scarf is very b . I like it very much.28. I can play the guitar but cant play the p .29. My father likes to r a bike to work.30. Of all the teams, ours got the b grade.31. Paul is quite interested in football. Now he is a member of a football

8、 c .32. Kong Linghui is good at playing table t .33. Bob is the captain(队长) of the school basketball t .34. If you p something to others, you must try your best to keep it.35. My mother t English at a school.四、单词拼写(根据中文提示拼写单词)(共10小题;共10分)36. Listen, how (美妙) the music is!37. She is the (最好的) runner

9、in our class.38. Do you have a (网球)?39. Dont (担忧) about me. I can make it! Sally said to her parents.40. I think its not easy to be a good (班长).41. Suzy plays basketball well. I think she will get into the school team next (学期).42. Trust me. Ill keep it between you and me, I (承诺).43. Working in the

10、open air has made my father very (健康的).44. We always keep our classroom clean and (整洁).45. -Can you help me, Kate?- (当然) Im coming.五、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共5小题;共10分)46. Mary (不能忍受) the CDs that his brother playstheyre too noisy.47. 贝蒂想加入舞蹈俱乐部。 (词数不限)Betty join the Dance Club.48. 不要担心你们的未来。会很美好的。(词数不限) your

11、 future. It will be brilliant.49. 我们已经准备好去滑冰了。We are ready .50. 汤姆和他的朋友相处得不好。Tom doesnt his friends.六、完形填空(共10小题;共15分) A hobby is a good thing. Children should have 51 . Children can 52 these hobbies into adulthood(成年). 53 should help their children get a hobby or two. And children should 54 the hob

12、by. Parents cant force(强迫) a hobby onto their children, 55 it isnt a hobby then. How can parents help their children 56 hobbies? Here are some 57 . Parents should 58 to their children about hobbies. Parents should also 59 their children their own hobbies. In fact, understanding hobbies is not 60 for

13、 children. Finding a hobby for children is not difficult, either.51. A. dreams B. bikes C. bags D. hobbies52. A. change B. come C. make D. carry53. A. Doctors B. Teachers C. Parents D. Farmers54. A. meet B. read C. smile D. like55. A. because B. but C. though D. if56. A. teach B. find C. kill D. clo

14、se57. A. ideas B. lessons C. questions D. plans58. A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell59. A. make B. help C. show D. need60. A. difficult B. exciting C. important D. interesting七、阅读理解(共18小题;共36分)A Peter goes to see his friend in New York. His friend is in an art club there. Peter goes there for the firs

15、t time, so he doesnt know New York very well. And he cant find his way to the art club. A girl is at a bus stop. He walks to her and says, Excuse me, can you tell me the way to Center Street? The girl is friendly. She smiles, but she cant speak English. She can speak French. She is also new there. S

16、he takes out a small notebook from her bag and writes something on it. Im sorry. I cant speak English.61. Peter goes to New York to . A. find a job B. see the girl C. work in the art club D. see his friend62. Peters friend works in . A. an art club B. a school C. a chess club D. a bus stop63. Peter

17、cant find his way because(因为) . A. he is new in New York B. he cant see things C. he is old D. he is tired64. Whats the meaning of friendly in Chinese? A. 生气的 B. 热情的 C. 冷淡的 D. 友好的65. Which of the following is RIGHT? A. The girl at the bus stop is an American. B. The girl can help Peter. C. The girl

18、cant help Peter. D. The girl gives the notebook to Peter.B The word hobby is an interesting word. Every person has one thing he or she likes to do for fun(娱乐). Some people like to collect(收集) things like stamps or story books. Others like to play football or go window shopping where you can look at

19、many beautiful things without buying them. I have many hobbies I do for fun. I sometimes play golf with my sons. I play tennis with all the family. I like to collect music books. I also collect musical instruments(乐器) from China like the erhu, the dizi, the xiao, the suona, and the pipa. These are t

20、he instruments of China which cannot be found in America. My favourite hobby is fishing. I like to go and see my brother in the state(州) of Alaska where fishing is wonderful. The two of us take a boat and go to a small river where we fish for salmon, Americas most famous fish.66. The word hobby mean

21、s . A. collecting stamps B. playing tennis with your friends C. something you enjoy doing in your free time D. something you can see at the window shopping67. Whats the writers most liked hobby? A. Playing golf with his son. B. Fishing. C. Collecting Chinese musical instruments. D. Collecting music

22、books.68. Salmon is . A. a river where people can go fishing B. a town near Alaska C. a kind of instrument D. a kind of fishC Bill was a boy of 15. His parents didnt care about him. Bill often slept in class and always failed in his exams. Neither his teachers nor his classmates liked him. One day,

23、Miss Jones, a new teacher, came to Bills class. She began her lesson. She asked a question. “Id like the smartest boy to answer my question.” Then she said loudly, “Bill, please!” Bill was surprised. And he stood up without a word. “Just try it! I believe you can!” She encouraged(鼓励) Bill. After sch

24、ool, Miss Jones had a long talk with Bill. She told him that she cared about him and believed in him. Bill thought a lot that evening. From then on, he worked hard and Miss Jones helped him with his homework in the afternoon. She even cooked for him. Later, Bill had another exam. He was very excited

25、 to pass the exam. A change took place in Bills heart.69. At first, liked Bill. A. Bills parents B. Bills teachers C. Bills classmates D. no one70. Bill always failed in the exams because he . A. slept in class B. talked in class C. didnt answer questions D. didnt go to school71. Miss Jones changed

26、Bill by . A. doing homework for him B. encouraging and helping him C. giving Bill another exam D. cooking delicious food for him72. From the passage we can learn . A. Miss Jones was a loving and careful teacher B. Bills parents cared about him very much C. Miss Jones loved to answer Bills question D

27、. Bill didnt like to play with his classmates73. Which may be the best title for the passage? A. Parents Day B. A Lazy Boy C. A Boys Change D. A Strict TeacherD The Chinese table tennis team began to make another start on Sunday. The world championships opened in Shanghai and China wants to win ever

28、ything. The competition is held every two years and runs until May 6. At the championship in 2001, China took all the titles in Osaka, Japan. But it lost the mens single s at the next championship in Paris. More disappointment followed at the 2004 Olympic Games: South Korean Ryu Seung Min beat China

29、s Wang Hao in the mens singles final. So this time the Chinese table tennis team makes up their minds to get this title again. Cai Zhenhua, head of the Table tennis and Badminton Administration Center (乒羽管理中心), has set Chinas goal: “We must win back the mens single titles at any cost.” World No.1 Wa

30、ng Liqin is widely expected to take the event. Wang, from Shanghai, first won in 2001. China will face little challenge in winning the womens singles and doubles, mens doubles and mixed doubles titles this time again. There will be 574 players from 140 countries. Thats a record for the world champio

31、nships74. The table tennis championship was held in the years except . A. 2000 B. 2001 C. 2003 D. 200475. China won the mens singles at . A. the championship in 2001 B. the championship in 2003 C. the 2004 Olympic Games D. the championship in 200576. What does all the titles mean? A. Took part in all the games at the championship B. Won the womens singles and doubles, mens sing

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