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1、新人教版高中英语必修一Unit5LanguagesAroundtheWorld单元教案Unit 5 Languages Around the World单元教案Unit 5 Languages Around the World-Listening and Speaking【教材分析】不同于旧教材,语言差异在必修一的第二单元,新教材设置在必修一最后一个单元,可以让学生在语言上有所储备,就是在前几个单元的学习中,既有语言知识,也有语音知识,到了这个时候学生就能够有话可说,有感可发,能够找到不同国家英语的区别。让学生学习不同国家和地区的英语,就可以培养学生的国际视野,可以降低学习英语的恐惧感,也可以


3、听懂,然后快速记录下关键信息,并通过交换信息来获取更多信息;(2)明确自己要听的主要内容集中精力抓住重点。【教学难点】(1) 听力中涉及到数字一直是学生听力的难点,要让他们对于20以内的数字比较熟悉,才能听到之后立马反应过来;(2)听一次后能记住的信息并不多,在第二遍或者第三遍当中继续积累。【教学过程】教学步骤教学活动设计意图时间Step 1 Before listeningMatch each photo with the correct country name. Talk about different ways of greeting.这些图片既可以了解学生掌握的常识和背景知识,也能增

4、长学生的见识和知识面。5分钟Step 2 Listening for the 1st time1st time listening:Listen to a speech and tick the two languages with the most native speakers. Circle the official languages of the United Nations.第一次听之前要先明确问题,然后带着问题去听第一遍,找到关键词。7分钟Step 3 Listening for the 2nd timeWrite down the key words you listen as

5、 quickly as possible.Swap your notes with each other and get more information.Listen to the speech again and answer the questions.1. What is the main topic of this speech?2. How many languages are there in the world?3. How many billion people speak the UNs official languages as their native or secon

6、d language?4. Whats the attitude of the speaker towards foreign language learning?这个部分教师要尝试让学生做记录关键信息的练习,接下来小组互助补充增添信息。接下来利用笔记可以解决问题。鼓励学生说出完整句子。13分钟Step 4 Listening for the 3rd timeListen to the speech again. What do the italicized words refer to in the sentence?Tip:Pronouns refer to something or so

7、mebody mentioned earlier.首先,背景知识回顾,让学生了解,代词指代的方式;让学生听第三遍,有整体意识。5分钟Step 5 SpeakingWork in pairs or groups. Discuss which other language(s) you want to learn and why.延伸听力中的话题进行讨论,激发学生学习英语动机。5分钟Step 6 Pronunciation focusSome words are pronounced differently in America and Britain.Listen and pay attenti

8、on to the differences.Listen to the paragraphs read by two different speakers. Which speaker has a British accent and which has an American accent?了解英式发音和美式发音的不同之处。5分钟Step 7HomeworkTry to finish the listening exercise.作业中补充练习听力,巩固今天两个内容:五, 记录关键信息;六, 英美发音不同之处。Unit 5 Languages Around the World-Reading

9、 and Thinking【教材分析】本节课是高中英语第一册的最后一个单元的阅读和思考部分,文章难度明显增加,体现在以下几个方面:文章题材是说明文,比较难理解;话题生疏,涉及到历史等知识;生词量增大,而且在语境中理解词汇的要求提高。面对这些,教师的难度和高度也要有所提升,通过探讨说明顺序,了解背景知识等帮助他们找到说明文阅读的方法。【教学目标与核心素养】四. 文化意识目标新课程中指出,文化意识是对中外文化的理解和对优秀文化的认同。文化意识的的培养有助于学生增加国家认同和家国情怀,成为有文明素养和社会责任感的人。我们这个单元很好体现了这一点,通过了解汉字书写的体系和发展,学生可以有一种文化自豪感

10、,同时也能够帮助学生深入挖掘这篇文章,从而想到更多和中国文化相关的方面。五. 学习能力目标:在阅读中,基本的阅读技巧包括预测,浏览和寻读,文章的难度虽然比较大,但是我们通过预测可以降低理解难度,通过寻读,我们可以以点带面来突破文章中的难点。同时新课程对于语篇的重视也让我们拓宽了阅读的思路,能够从文章发展脉络来突破文章。这篇课文课本问题上主要凸显了时间顺序对于描述事物的依据,是非常常见的,通过每个时间点事件的梳理来了解文章思路。【教学重难点】0. 重点(1)体会说明文阅读的时间顺序;(2)快速找出不同时间发生的事件。2.难点(1)在语境中感受同源词汇的联系和猜测词义;(2)体会描述事物时候需要有

11、一定的顺序。【教学过程】教学步骤教学活动设计意图时间Step-1 Pre-readingYour friend Tony is going to visit China. He is very interested in Chinese culture. What do you think can represent Chinese culture?When it comes to Chinese writing, what do you know? 这两个活动的目的有两个:4. 激活学生的背景知识,降低理解难度;5. 探讨本文文化主题,让学会建立文化自信的同时也意识到汉字是中国文化的精髓。5

12、分钟Step-2 While reading- predictionLook at the title and the picture below. Predict what the text will be about.How will the passage be organized?这部分两个问题有两个目的:2. 训练阅读策略中的预测策略,能够利用题目和文中的图片作出对于文章的预测;3. 了解说明文都具有一定的说明顺序,猜测文章既然是关于汉字的发展的,那么应该是按照什么顺序?5分钟Step-3 While-reading -to get the main idea.Step2 Readi

13、ng for the main idea:What is the main idea of each paragraph? 通过给出提示,让学生关注首段、末端,每段首句和末句来快速找出各段大意。5分钟Step-4 While-reading- scanningScan the text to find the words and phrases that describe a time. Then write down what happened at each of these important times.通过寻读,找到有关于时间的表达并找出对应的事件。10分钟Step-5 After-

14、reading-discussionRead the text again and discuss the questions.1. How did written Chinese unify Chinese people divided by geography and dialects?2. How does written Chinese connect Chinese people today with those of the past?3. According to the writer, the Chinese writing system is one factor that

15、has helped the Chinese language and culture survive. What do you think are some of the other factors?这几个问题设计意图:1 能够有条理表达出汉字和国家统一的关系;2 深度理解题目,为什么汉字能后连接现在和过去?3 除了汉字,还有那些在中国文化的发扬中起到非常重要的作用。这三个题目能够开阔学生的视野。7分钟Step-6 word focusStep1To understand the meaning of the words in context.Step 2To choose the righ

16、t word or phrase to fill in the blanks and pay attention to the right form.Step 3To paraphrase the sentences with the words or phrases in the article.设计意图:1 稍微不同于课本,我先进行了在语境下理解这些词,让他们不是直接得到汉语意思;2 利用小的短文将这些词回归语境中理解;3 通过观察这些词,认识到它们是同源词汇,知识词性不同,来用英语解释英语。8分钟Step-6 HomeworkTry to finish the reading exerc

17、ise.作业中补充通话题阅读练习,巩固今天两个内容:七, 在语境中理解学习单词;八, 了解话题词汇。Unit 5 Languages Around the World-Discovering Useful Structures【教材分析】本节课是高中英语第一册的最后一个单元的语法部分,要基于四单元的语法定语从句关系代词的讲解,这节课让学生理解关系副词和介词加关系代词的使用。本节课用归纳法让学生通过观察后做出总结,有利于让学生自己发现语法规律。【教学目标与核心素养】思维品质的培养和训练:新课程中指出,思维品质指思维在逻辑性等方面所表现的能力和水平,思维品质的发展有助于提升学生分析和解决问题的能力

18、。在这次语法讲解中,通过让学生观察各种句子,来自己感受并归纳总结定语从句中关系副词的用法,帮助他们提高语法学习的语境意识。【教学重难点】1. 重点(二) 关系副词和关系代词的区别;(2)关系副词和介词加关系代词之间的区别。2. 难点(1)关系副词和介词加关系代词之间的联系和区别;(2)介词加关系代词中介词的选择。【教学过程】教学步骤教学活动设计意图时间Step-1 Discovering useful structures-relative adverbsLook at these sentences and underline the restrictive relative clauses

19、. What kind of information does each clause communicate?这两个活动的目的有两个:6. 学生可以观察和体会到关系副词在定语从句中的充当的成分;7. 了解定语从句主句和从句之间的关系。7分钟Step-2 Discovering useful structures-relative adverbs and preposition+ relative pronouns Express the sentence of the same meaning using the relative adverbs and preposition+ relat

20、ive pronouns. 关系副词和介词加关系代词有很大关系,介词加关系代词表示时间就可以用关系副词when,表示地点可以用关系副词where, 表示原因可以用关系副词why。7分钟Step-3 Practice.Use the phrases to make complete sentences.通过学生自己造句来运用关系副词when, where 和 why。5分钟Step-4 Practice.Complete the passage with the correct relative adverbs or pronouns. Add a preposition where neces

21、sary.在具体语境中体会关系代词和关系副词之间的区别。10分钟Step-5 Word focus.Study the new words in context.这几个问题设计意图:1 再具体语境中学习语法;2 介词加关系代词中介词的选择,有一种是和先行词名词的固定搭配,有一种是和定语从句中动词的搭配,那么就需要了解词语的含义和用法。6分钟Step-6 Practice:to describe thingsWork in pairs. Ask and answer the questions.学会用定语从句来描述事物。5分钟Step-6 HomeworkTry to finish the ex

22、ercise.Unit 5 Languages Around the WorldPeriod 4 Reading for Writing【教材分析】The theme of this period is how to enable students to write a blog about English learning problems. Teachers can ask students to reflect on their learning problems and summarize the problems.The language of three sections of o

23、nline posts is simple, flexible, and more casual and personalized, which is the typical characteristics of informal style. Each of the students not only raised their own questions, but also answered the questions of the previous netizen.The purpose of the question is to enlighten the students who ha

24、ve the same problem.Teachers are advised to start from talking about students difficulties and solutions in English learning, and make the transition to reflect on their actual learning situation of oneself.【教学目标与核心素养】1. Get students to have a good understanding of how to write a blog about English

25、learning problems.2. Enable students to use some writing skills flexibly.3. Develop students writing and cooperating abilities.4. Strengthen students great interest in writing discourses.【教学重难点】1. How to enable students to have a good understanding of the skills of writing a blog.2. How to motivate

26、students to discuss their learning problems in English actively.【教学过程】Step 1: Lead inBegin the class with the lead-in questions:0. Do you have some problems in English learning?1. What is your biggest challenge?It is strongly recommended that the teacher should ask students to discuss the topic free

27、ly with their partners and brainstorm some ideas concerning the topic. In this way, students can come up with more ideas and avoid being nervous at the beginning of the class.Step 2: Read to discover details concerning each ones problem and advice from another one.The teacher is expected to ask stud

28、ents to read a blog silently and then request students to discuss the questions below.In this step, what should be highlighted is that the teacher ought to give students enough time to read individually and think independently. There is no need for them to discuss the detailed questions. In this way

29、, students can develop their individual logical thinking ability and promote their skills of finding details.Read some posts from an online forum which is about some learning English problems of Chinese students and finish the tasks.What are the problems of the following students?namesproblemLiu Wen

30、Trouble with listening to native English speakersJia XinHow to be polite in EnglishLi RuiRemember new vocabulary Step 3: Read to sum upRead it again and sum up the problems of the three students, and then write down the advice that was given from others.Step 4: Work in pairs. List your learning prob

31、lems in English and brainstorm some useful advice.Useful expressions I dont know how to. Is a big difficulty for me. I cannot .You might try . Its very important toI have no idea how/what .My biggest problem is . I (also) have trouble with. My advice is . This worked for me.l cannot understand the teachers English in class.Step 5 Homework:为提高我校学生的英语口语水平,我们将举办英语演讲比赛(English- speaking contest),请你根据下面的信息,以学生会(the Students Union)的名义写一份海报,欢迎全校同学参加,届时特邀本校美籍教师史密斯先生颁奖。

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