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1、版第1部分 选修8单元强化练8 2课时提能练(二十四).阅读理解A(2019福州四校联考)Special Kids Therapy(治疗) (SKT) is a charitable organization devoted to improving the quality of the individuals who struggle with physical,mental or emotional disabilities.Examples of what SKT can do:SKT offers the families of children with special needs

2、practical help in buying special medical equipment,such as electricallypowered wheelchairs and other communication equipment that are not covered by insurance.SKT organizes summer camp activities for children with special needs,providing them with a chance to enjoy their summer and experience the tr

3、aditional summer camp that fits their abilities.How you can help:SKT is an allvolunteer charitable organization,which is staffed by volunteers and depends on donations that make it possible for us to serve and help these special children.SKT relies on people like you to help make good things happen

4、for these special children.Your contribution is sincerely appreciated.Your donations help make children with special needs able to have alternative therapies such as the animalassisted therapy,art & music therapy,massage therapy and water therapy.These are just a few of the many proven alternative t

5、herapies that bring joy and build selfrespect of the children with special health care needs.Although these therapies are not covered by insurance,they enhance the mental,physical and emotional aspects of a childs life.SKT knows that your time is valuable and we appreciate your volunteer interest.Th

6、ere are many chances to volunteer to work with the children and their families at our events or programs.Donations may be mailed to:Bosse FinancialAttn:Special Kids Therapy,Inc.PO Box 1024Findlay,Ohio 45839Please write checks to Special Kids【语篇

7、解读】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了一个慈善组织SKT,并呼吁人们加入SKT帮助残疾的孩子。1From the passage we can know that SKT Aearns very little by its alternative therapiesBoffers help to the children with disabilitiesCis partly supported by the local governmentDpays insurance for children with special needsB细节理解题。根据第一段第一句中的“devoted to imp

8、roving the quality of the individuals who struggle with physical,mental or emotional disabilities”可知,SKT是一个为残疾的孩子提供帮助的组织。2What can we infer from the text?ASKT is a nonprofitable organization.BThe disabled can ask any practical help from SKT.CDonations are used to pay insurance for children.DFamilies

9、 of children with special needs are all poor.A推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“Special Kids Therapy(治疗)(SKT) is a charitable organization.disabilities”可知,SKT是一个非营利性的组织。3The text is written to Aencourage families to get donationsBtell us how children can live a normal lifeCmake an introduction of the special childrenD

10、call on people to join SKT to help disabled childrenD写作目的题。根据全文可知,这篇文章介绍了SKT这个慈善组织,主要目的是呼吁人们加入SKT从而帮助残疾的孩子。BAlongside air and water,food is a necessity for human beings to survive and thrive.But its a lot more than that.As Mariette Dichristina of Scientific American wrote,“The most intimate(亲密的) rel

11、ationship we will ever have is not with any fellow human being.Instead,it is between our bodies and our food.”Nowadays,for most people in the worlds wealthiest countries,food is a hobby,an enthusiasm,and even something fashionable.Turn on the TV in the US,UK or France,and youll find at least one cha

12、nnel feeding this popular obsession.And most of us know at least one person who thinks of themselves as a “foodie”Its almost impossible nowadays to check our social media apps without at least two or three photos of delicious meals appearing on our screen.But behind the fancy recipes and social medi

13、a bragging (夸耀),many of us forget how much we take food for granted.This is why World Food Day is held each year.Take Kenya for example.This east African nation has been suffering terrible droughts.The result is that people are beginning to starve.Children in particular are suffering,with some of th

14、em even dying.This may seem shocking to know,especially as many cultures outside of Africa think of food in a completely different way.But even in the UK,families on low incomes are forced to use food banksEuropean organizations that hand out donated food to those who cant afford to pay for it thems

15、elves.So what can we do on World Food Day?One good way to spend it would be to feel humble and appreciate what we have.After all,food is essential for survival,but not everyone is as lucky as we are when it comes to dinner time.【语篇解读】本文是一篇议论文。许多人将美食当作嗜好,他们在社交媒体上晒美食照片,享受着美味食品,认为美食是理所当然的,但是他们并没有想到在世界的

16、许多地方人们还忍饥挨饿,这就是世界粮食日成立的原因。珍惜粮食,从我做起。4According to Mariette Dichristina,what has the closest relationship with us?AAir. BWater.CFood. DHuman beings.C细节理解题。根据第一段中Mariette Dichristina所写的话“The most intimate(亲密的) relationship we will ever have is not with any fellow human being.Instead,it is between our

17、bodies and our food”可知,我们最亲密的关系不是人与人之间的关系,而是我们的身体和食物之间的关系;据此可知,Mariette Dichristina认为和我们关系最亲密的是食物,故C项正确。5What does the underlined word“foodie”in Paragraph 4 probably mean?ADelicious food.BA person fond of food.CA social media app.DA photo of delicious meals.B词义猜测题。根据第四段中的第二句“Its almost impossible no

18、wadays to check our social media apps without at least two or three photos of delicious meals appearing on our screen”可知,这些人最喜欢在社交媒体软件上晒美食照片;结合画线词所在句子中的“thinks of themselves as a foodie”可以判断,该处画线词指人,故foodie意为“美食爱好者”,故B项正确。6Who can get help from food banks?APoor people in the UK.BPoor people in Afric

19、a.CStarving children in Kenya.DPeople in the droughtstricken.A细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的最后一句“But even in the UK,families on low incomes are forced to use food banksEuropean organizations that hand out donated food to those who cant afford to pay for it themselves”可知,即使是在英国,低收入家庭也被迫要使用食物银行;该组织是一个向那些无钱购买食物的人捐赠食物

20、的欧洲组织。据此可知,贫穷的英国人可以获得食物银行的帮助,故A项正确。7Whats the best title for the text?ATreat Food as a HobbyBTime to Appreciate FoodCFood Shortage in Some CountriesDHow to Spend World Food DayB标题归纳题。通读全文可知,许多人将美食当作嗜好,他们在社交媒体软件上晒美食照片,享受着美味食品,但是他们并没有想到在世界的许多地方人们还忍饥挨饿,这就是世界粮食日成立的原因。据此可知,“感激食物的时候”最能概括文章主旨,故B项正确。.完形填空(2

21、019太原模拟)Leslie Morissettes son,Graham,was 6 years old when he was diagnosed with leukemia(白血病)Throughout Grahams 1 in the hospital,Graham connected with everyone he met,from 2 patients to younger children.“He would 3 other sick children his toys or act silly to make them laugh,”Morissette said.“Grah

22、ams special spirit is what kept me going.He gave me the energy and the 4 to fight with him.”In 1997,when he was 8 years old,Graham passed away. 5 by how Graham lived his life caring about others,Morissette 6 the nonprofit Grahamtastic Connection in his honor.The organization provides free technology

23、including computers,iPads and robotsto children 7 cancer and other serious illnesses.One of the major goals of Morissettes work is to 8 kids to their classrooms,which really helps them continue their 9 despite hospitalization and days 10 from school.The robots“transport”children right into the class

24、room in real time.They can 11 the robots right from their 12 bed or home.If some children are unable to attend school,they can 13 log on to their laptop and call in the robot.They can 14 up and down the school paths.They can go to lunch with their 15 The real magic happens between classes,when theyr

25、e walking down the hallway with their friends,by robot, 16 their weekend and their favorite foods and other things.Its great technology that really gives children the feeling of control,when their world is maybe 17 control.“Every time I can help a child in need.I feel 18 Graham is smiling,”Morissett

26、e said.“I believe that Grahams 19 lives on in the work that I do.And Im 20 and privileged to be able to do it in his honor.”【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。Leslie Morissette的儿子Graham在6岁时被诊断患有白血病,8岁时不幸去世。Morissette化悲痛为行动,创立了以自己儿子命名的非营利组织Grahamtastic Connection,致力于为患重病的儿童提供免费的电脑、机器人等科技产品,以便于他们与自己的朋友、家人和同学保持联系。

27、 Btreatment Cvacation DrestB根据前文中的“he was diagnosed with leukemia(白血病)”可知,Graham被诊断得了白血病,因此需要在医院治疗。surgery“外科手术”;treatment“治疗”;vacation“假期,休假”;rest“休息”。故选B项。2A.elderly Bsleepy Cdeadly DnaughtyA在医院治疗期间,Graham和他遇到的每一个人接触,从年老的病人到年幼的孩子。根据本句中的“everyone”和“younger”可知,Graham接触的人从老人到小孩都有。故选A项。 Bcharge

28、Creturn DlendD他会把他的玩具借给其他生病的孩子或者做出可笑的举动来让他们笑。故选D项。4A.focus Bstrength Cresource DattentionB根据本空前的句子“Grahams special spirit is what kept me going”可知,Graham的精神使Morissette一直前行,给Morissette力量。focus“焦点”;strength“力量”;resource“资源”;attention“注意力”。故选B项。5A.Confused BDepressed CInspired DWorriedC根据前文中的“Grahams s

29、pecial spirit is what kept me going”可知,Graham的精神使Morissette一直前行,因此Morissette受到了Graham的激励。confused“使困惑”;depress“使沮丧”;inspire“激励”;worry“使担心”。故选C项。6A.left Bvisited Cbenefited DfoundedDMorissette创立非营利组织Grahamtastic Connection来纪念他。根据后文中的“The organization”可知,Grahamtastic Connection是个非营利组织,故此处应表示“创立”,故选D项。

30、7A.causing Bcuring Cbattling DpreventingC这个组织向与癌症和其他严重的疾病抗争的孩子提供免费的科技产品。cause“导致”;cure“治愈”;battle“斗争,与作斗争”;prevent“阻止”。故选C项。8A.connect Bforce Cinvite DthrowA根据后文中的“The robotstransportchildren right into the classroom in real time”可知,Morissette的工作目标主要是把孩子们和学校联系在一块,帮助他们继续学业,故选A项。 Beducation C

31、struggle DbusinessB由常识可知,这些孩子因为生病离开了学校住院治疗,不能继续接受教育,而Morissette的工作主要是帮助孩子们继续接受教育。故选B项。10A.missed Bstopped Csuffered DgraduatedA由常识可知,孩子们住院治疗会错过很多在学校的日子,故选A项。11A.operate Bbuild Csteal DseparateA他们能够在医院床上或者家里操控这些机器人。表示“使用/操控机器人”应使用动词“operate”,故选A项。12A.flower Briver Chospital DhotelC由前文可知,这些生病的孩子在住院治疗,因此他们可以在医院的床上操控机器人。故选C项。13A.hardly Baccidentally Csimply DluckilyC如果一些孩子不能上学,他们只要登录他们的笔记本电脑就能召来机器人。hardly“几乎不”;accidentally“偶然地,意外地”;simply“只要,只是”,强调某事多么容易;luckily“幸运地”。故选C项。 Bjump Cclimb

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