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1、现在完成时和一般过去时专项练习现在完成时和一般过去时专项练习 一、用所给单词的正确形式填空。1.- you (have) lunch yet?-Yes,I L-When you (have) it?-I (have) it at 12:00.2. she (write) a letter to her auntyet?Yes, she 二 She (write)it the daybefore yesterday3.- you (find) your knife yet?-Not yet.4.I (sing) the En glish song before.5.I n ever (see)

2、him before.6.She just (ride) a horse?7.Tom with his mother (shop)justno w.8.Sam (go) to school by bike lastyear.9.My brother ( join) the army in 1999.10.My brother (be)in the army sin ce1999.11.John ( not watch ) TV last night.12.She (do) her homework already.14.I (read) the magaz ine yesterday.15.W

3、hat was she doing when she _ (come)here.16.We (play) football five hours ago.17.Mike already (finish) thework.18.We (run) out of money. Whatshall we do?19.I just (lose) my math book.20.I (be) to Beiji ng twice21.My father never (eat)ice cream.22.I (work) here since 1995.23.The (teach) En glish since

4、 they(come) to this school.24.We (learn) 1000 words so far.25.T om ( be) away for three days.He will come back tomorrow.26.The teacher (leave) two days ago.27.The teacher (be) here since two daysago.28.- you (clea n) the room yet?-Yes, we (do) that already.-Whe n you (do) it?13.Where is Jack? He (go

5、) the park.-We(do) it an hour ago.2005.29.-he (see) this film yet?39.I(clea n) my room two hours-Yes,heago.-Whenhe (see) it?40. I (clea n) my room since two hours-Heit last week.ago.30. I(read) the book twice. It s41 The old men(live)i n the housein teresti ng.for ten years.31 Wheres she?42. Mum is

6、not at home now. She.-She(go) to Pairs.(go) the shop.-Howshe (go) there?43.The sun(rise) since five o clock.-She(go) there by air.44.I m sorryI ve already (forget)32. So far, manvcountries (improve)your n ame.their environment.45.My leg(hurt) a lot last ni ght.33. Mr Che n(give)up smok ing last46.Th

7、ey(eat) a lot of chiche n already.year.47.- he(give) the book back to34. Mr Che n(give) up smok ing sincethe library?last year.-Not s ten years since I (meet) her.48.My uncle(teach) English for ten36.This is the most in teresti ng book thatyears. He loves his job.I(read).49.I (spend) five

8、hours watching TV37.She(work) in this hospital inlast weeke nd.2005.50.He s just(tell) us a story.38. She(work) in this hospital since一、按要求变换句型。1.1 have already eate n the food.(否定句)(提问)2.We have ever read this book.( 否定句)3.The plane has arrived.( 否定句)4.She s lent some money to others.( 否定句)5.She ha

9、s already visited her aunt. ( 一般疑问句并肯定回答)6.My father has already hadlunch. ( 一般问句并否定回答)7.1 have ever read this story.定回答)( 般冋句并冃8. He s ever ridden a horse.(一般问句并否定回答)9.He took photos in the park.(一般问句并否定回答)1O.She s already visited her aunt.( 提问)11.U ncle Wang has put the key in his bag. ( 提问)12.I h

10、ave practiced the conversation twice.13.She has collected twenty kites so far.(提 问)14.I have cleaned the room.( 提问)15.I ve been a teacher since I came here.(提问)16.She s lived here since three years ago.(提问)17.They have had this car for ten days.( 提问)18.She went to the zoo three years ago. ( 提问)19.He

11、 was a worker three years ago.( 改成现在完成时)He a worker three years ago.20.We bega n to study En glish five years ago.(改成现在完成时)We En glish since five years ago.21.He bought the bike in 2005.( 改成现在完成时)He the bike 2005.22.The teacher left two hours ago.( 改成完成时)The teacher since two hoursago23.Maria and Ja

12、ne have waited at the airportfor two hours .(对划线部分提问) Maria and Janewaited at the airport?24.Jim left Chongqing 3 days ago because ofhis new work .(改为同义句)Jim has from Chon gqi ngfor 3 days because of his new work .25.She s already gone to England.( )She to England .26. They ve left there.( 一般疑问句 the

13、y there?27. I ve been a teacher since I came here.(提问) you a teacher?28.He was a worker three years ago.( 用 sincethree years ago 改写句子)He a worker since three years ago29.The teacher left two hours ago.( 用 sincetwo hours ago 改写句子 )The teacher since two hours ago30.The film ended an hour ago.( 同义句)The

14、 film for an hour.31.The old man died five days ago.( 同义句)The old man for five days.32.我们买这本书三年了 .We the book for three years33.他感冒三天了 .He a cold for three days34电影开始了一小时了The film for an hour否定句!从上星期以来,我就借了这本书.I the book since last week36.Mr. Black 死了三年了Mr. Blackfor three years37.自从三年前以来Tom就离开了中国。To

15、mfrom Chi na since threeyears ago.38.They stayed at the hotel for four days. ( 提问)39.He put the ice into the ble nder ten minu tes ago.( 提问)6. Where is Peter? I dont know where he三.改错1.We hasn t finished the work already.7. Hi Jim! Where you ? Li Lei islook ing for you.五、 用 for 或 si nee 填空1.We haven

16、 t seen each other a longtime.2.His father has bee n in the Party 10years ago.3.The film has bee n on 20 minu tes.4.Mr Gree n has worked here he cameto Ch ina.5.His gran dpare nts have bee n dead several years.6.It s five years we met last time.7.They ve watched TV play nine.六、 单项选择()1.- Where s Jim

17、?-He to the shop. He ll be back inan hour.A. went B. has bee n C. has goneD. will go( )2.I don t think I yowear that dress2.We have worked in Beiji ng ago. 3.Have you eat your dinner? 4.My mother has bought her computer forthreeyears. 5.How long have you borrowed this book? 6.1 have read this book s

18、ince I arrive here. 7.She has taught here si nee ten years. 8.He s never come to Chongqing, neither is his father. 四、用 have/has been to, have /has gone to, have/has bee n in 填空1.Mike and his pare nts the north forhalf a year.2.Mum is not at home now. She theshop.3. you ever to Kunming? Never.4.Where

19、 you these days?5.-Has Jim arrived yet?Yes, -He here forseveral days.before.A.Me too B. Me either C. Me neither D.soA. have seen B. seeing C. saw D. see( )3. Is your father in? No, he for three hours.A. was not B. has been outC. went out D. has gone out( )4.Have you finished the task ?A. just B. alr

20、eady C.yet D. never( )5. you your homework yet ? Yes. I it a moment ago.A. Did; do; finished B. Have; done; finishedC. Have; done; have finished D. will; do;finish( )6. How long have you here ? About two months.A. been B. gone C. come D. been in( )7.I have been to the zoo twice.Howabout you,Mike?A.M

21、e tooB. Me eitherC. Me neitherD.I don t ,either( )8.- I haven t been to the Great Wallhave I( )9. Mary is very tall.- .A.So her father is B. So is her motherC. Neither is her mother D.Neither her mother is( )10.The two old friends each other foryears A haven t seenB didn t seeC weren t seenD. aren t

22、 seeing( )11.I _ _ to Canada twice. Its sobeautiful.A. won t goB. have goneC. don t goD have been( )12 .My aunt isn t hereShe _ Shanghai on business A goes Bhas gone toC has been to D will go to( )13. Rita, your Chinese is very good.- have you been in China?-Since I was five.A. How long B. How far C

23、. How soonD. Howoften()14. you the film Harry Potter 5 ?Not yet. I II see it this Su nday.A. Did, see B. Are, see ingC. Have, see n D. Do, see too()15.Miss Gao this school si nee 1996.A. has come to B. came toC. has bee n in D. has bee n to()16. Miss Gree n isn t in the office. she to the library.A.

24、 has gone B. went C. will go D. hasbee n()17. My pare ntsShandong for tenyears.A. have bee n inB. have bee n toC. have gone toD. have bee n()18. My fatherShan ghai twice.A. has bee n toB. has bee n inC. has gone toD. has gone in()19.Did youthe story?A. hear from B.hear of C. hear Dhear in ()20.You c

25、an see Mickey MouseA.walk B.walk ing C. to walkD.walked()21. Our teacher, Miss Che n, En glishon the radio the day before yesterday.A. teaches B. taught C. will teach D. had taught( )22.Harry Potter is a very nice film. I ittwice .A. will see B. have see n C. saw D. see( )23. you your homeworkyet ?Y

26、es. I it a mome nt ago.A. Did; do; fini shed B. Have; done;fini shedC. Have; done; have fini shed D. will; do;fin ish()24. His father the Party si nee 1978.A. jo ined B. has joined C. was in D. hasbee n in( )25.L inda the museum after schoolyesterday.A. was going to B. has bee n to( )26.The girl a t

27、our guide sinceshe left the school.A. have been B. was C. has been ) 27. Have you heard of Disneyland ?A. always B. ever C. never D. often( )28. Hurry up! The play for tenminutes.A. has begun B. had begun C. has been on D. began( )29 Will you go shopping this afternoonor tomorrow morning,Nancy

28、?- is OK.I am busy all the time. Ireally have no time.A. Neither B. either C. Both D.All( )30. She will have a holiday as soon as she the work next week.A. finishes B. doesn t finishC. will finishD. won t finish( ) 31. Both his parents look sad. Maybe they whathappened to him .C. must know D. will k

29、now( )32. He has been to Shanghai, hashe ?A. already B. never C. ever D. still( )33. Have you met Mr Li ?A. just B. ago C. before D. a moment ago( )34. The famous writer _one new book inthe past two years.A. is writing B. was writingC. wrote D. has written( )35. Our country a lot so far. Yes. I hope it will be even _ .A. has changed; well B. changed; goodC. has changed; better D. changed; better( )36. These farmers have been to theUnited States. Really? When _ there?A. will they go B. did they goC. do they

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