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1、人教版初一下册unit2七下Unit2辅导讲义学员姓名: 学科教师:年 级: 辅导科目:授课日期时 间主 题Unit2学习目标1. 熟练掌握本单元的重点词汇和短语。2. 熟练掌握本单元的重难点。教学内容【知识梳理1】1.I usually get up at five oclock. 1)句中usually与often一样都是频度副词,常用于动词be 之后,行为动词之前。always 意思是“总是”、“永远”,表示动作重复,状态继续,中间没有间断。 We always get up before six oclock. He is always thinking of others.alway

2、susuallyoftensometimesseldomnever介词 at 常用于具体时刻之前,意义为在,如:at5:00 在5:00钟。 介词at 除了指时间以外,还可指(1)人物的所在之处,如:at my uncles home 在我姑姑家, at the station 在火车站(2)朝向,如:Look at me!看我! (3)指速度或价格.如:She buys the book at a good price. 她以优惠的价格买了这本书。on,at,in这三个常用介词都可以表示时间和地点,但具体用法不同.on用在日期、星期几、节日前,也表示在具体某一天及具体某一天的上午、下午和晚上

3、on November 1st on Monday on Childrens Day on Tuesday eveningin用于月份、季节、年份前,当early,late用于句首修饰介词短语时,尽管表示具体某一天的上午、下午、晚上,都要用in,泛指一般的上、下午,晚上也用in。 Early in the morning of National Day,I got up to catch the first bus to the zoo.将来时态表“过一段时间后” 及“在.期间” 和“在某个季节,某年、某月” 都用in。Xiao Ming was born in December of 200

4、4. 【例题精讲】例1.单项选择1. _ Children s Day my mother goes to the zoo with me. A. In B. At C. Of D. On2. The train will start _ five oclock A. in B. on C. at D. /3. I was born _ 2005 A. on B. at C. in D. for【巩固练习】1. My grandfather was born _a cold winter morning _ January, 1949. A. in; in B. on; in C. on; o

5、n D. in; on 2. We have sports _ every afternoon. A. in B. on C. at D. /3. Mike does his exercise _ seven _ the evening. A. on; to B. at; in C. by; of D. at; on4. Children wake up very early _ the morning of Childrens Day. A. in B. on C. for D. at5. _ a hot summer morning, I met her in the street. A.

6、 In B. On C. At D. For6. Bill gets a blue bag _ his birthday. A. in B. at C. for D. on7. A lot of students in our school were born _ March, 2008. A. in B. at C. on D. since8. - There is nothing _ tomorrow afternoon, is there?-No. We can have a game of table tennis.A. on B. in C. at D. up 9. He sudde

7、nly returned _ a rainy night. A. on B. in C. during D. at10. She always plays the piano _ night. A. on B. in C. during D. at【知识梳理2】2.重点单词辨析1.what time与whenwhat time翻译为“几点”问的是具体的时间,一般回答要具体到小时。What time do you go to school?I go to school at half past seven oclock.回答具体到点钟,且注意在几点前边的介词用at。when也是对时间的提问,但与

8、what time的区别是:用when提问,回答既可以是具体的时间,也可以是不具体的时间,如:in the morning,last year,in 1998等范围大的时间。向对方询问具体时间时,即几点几分,只能用what time,不能用when。询问年份、月份、日期时,只能用when,不能用what time。2. People love to listen to to do sth.=like to do sth. very much.喜欢做某事,强调具体活动。而love doing sth.=like doing sth. very much则强调习惯。 Do you

9、 come out to play with me? 你喜欢出来和我玩吗? I like watching TV.我喜欢看电视。【例题精讲】例1.单项选择1.-Whats the time? -_one-thirty.A. Its B. Its C. This is D. Theyre2.I usually _ at nine-thirty at night.A. get to school B. get upC. go to bedD. go home【巩固练习】1.He likes _ the radio. A.listensB. to listen to C. listens to D.

10、 to listen2.I _ at seven.A. go to the school B. go to a school C. go to school D. go school3.We only have _ shower.A. some B. an C. the D. one【知识梳理3】3.重点单词1.He works at a radio station. work:人们日常工作和生活中从事的体力和脑力劳动,各类工作。不可数名词 job:指具体的职业或工作。可数名词2.take a walk take a walk=have a work=go for a walk 散步3.eit

11、her.or. “要么.要么.”,连接句子中两个并列的成分,表示两者之一。当连接两个主语时,谓语动词应该与最近的一个主语在人称和数上保持一致,即就近原则。4.hear与listen to hear 意为“听见”,表示听的结果,而listen to则表示“听”,强调的是“听”的动作。Lets listen to the music. We listen but dont hear.【例题精讲】例1.单项选择1.My sister _ home at 5:00 every day.A. gets B. gets to C. get D. get to2.We can watch Beijing O

12、pera _ TV.A. in B. at C. on D. from【巩固练习】1.Lets _.A. take a shower B. have a shower C. take the shower D.A and B2.My brother _ the morning TV every day.A. watches B. watch C. watches D. see3.-_ do you usually go to bed?-At six. A. What time B. How time C. When D.A and C【知识梳理4】4.时间的表达 (1)整点时间可表示为“钟点数

13、oclock”或直接读钟点数,省去oclock。如: Its ten oclock a. m. 现在是上午十点整。(2)非整点时间可直接采取读数法。如: Its eight-thirty. 是八点三十分。 注意时间的表达方式:用数词。点与分钟之间用连字符如: eleven-thirty 十一点三十分 nine-twenty-five 九点二十五分 6:10 six-ten 8:50eight-fifty 9:30nine-thirty 10:15ten-fifteen 7:45seven forty-five 11:05eleven-five (3)非整点时间的分钟数不超过30分钟,也可用介词

14、“past”。如: 6:10ten past six 11:05five past eleven 10:15 a quarter past ten或fifteen past ten 8:15a quarter past eight或fifteen past eight 9:30half past nine或thirty past nine (4)非整点时间的分钟数超过30分钟,用介词to。如: 11:50ten to twelve 7:31twenty-nine to eight 9:45a quarter to ten或fifteen to ten 12:59one to thirteen

15、此句话还有几种表达方式。如: What is the time? 几点了? What time is it by your watch? 你的手表几点了?【例题精讲】例1.写出下列时间 1.tenpastone _2.twenty-fivepasteight_ 3.aquarterpastnine_4.halfpasttwo_ 5.twentytotwo_6.aquartertosix_ 7.fivetothree_8.twenty-fivetofour_【巩固练习】翻译句子1、我一般在早上6:30左右吃早饭。_ 2、学校9:00点钟开始上课。_ 3、晚上我要么看看电视,要么玩玩电脑游戏。_

16、4、你通常几点到校?_ 5、人们一般在什么时候吃晚餐啊?_【知识梳理5】5.He gets home at 7:00,and he watches morning news on TV.1)句中get 意为“到达”,后接地点名词时,要加介词to,后接副词时,不能加to。She gets to school at six oclock.注: home 是一个副词,所以其前不能加介词to,但home也可作名词,这时其前有物主代词时,可以加to,She gets to her home at eight oclock.6.lots of=a lot of 既可以修饰可数名词复数形式,也可以修饰不可数

17、名词。3.Thanks for your letter. Thanks for your help. Thanks for telling me the good news. 4. Do you want to know about my morning?1)该句中 want to do句型。表示“想要做某事”,该短语中want为及物动词,后面的to do。是不定式 I want to play the drum. I want to see my old teacher next week.2)know about 知道有关.,了解有关.,句中about 意为“关于,有关”的意思。5.Ple

18、ase write and tell me about your morning.请写信告诉我你的早晨。释:1)tell sb. about sth.告诉某人有关某事的情况。 My father often tells me about China. 2)write sb. a letter=write a letter to sb.给某人写信。She often writes me a letter.=She often writes a letter to me.【例题精讲】例1.单项选择1. - _ do you go to school? -I often go to school _

19、 7:30 pm. A. What time, on B. What time, at C. When, in 2. _ your friend _ homework? A. Does, does B. Do, does C. Does, do【巩固练习】1. I go to _ work after _ breakfast every day. A. /,the B. /,/ C. the,a 2. - When do you do_ homework? - I often do _ homework in the evening. A. you, me B. your, my C. you

20、r, me 3. 8:30 am means (意思是)_.A. half past eight in the morning B. half to eight in the morning C. half past eight in the afternoon 一、单项选择1. I get up _ a quarter to six _ a hot morning. A. at; in B. at; at C. on; on D. at; on2. We are going to have a picnic_ Saturday morning, would you like _?A. in;

21、 come B. on; coming C. on; to come D. in; to come3. - How _ will the meeting last? - _ about one and a half hours. A. long; Since B. soon; After C. long; For D. much; Through4. - When were you born? - I was born _ May 1st,1990. A. in B. at C. on D. for5. He heard _ Tom yesterday, it said he was wait

22、ing _ Tom _ the library _ that rainy night. A. to; for; out of; at B. from; for; at; on.C. on; of; in; in D. after; with; by; in6. My grandfather was born _ a cold winter morning _ January, 1949. A. in; in B. on; in C. on; on D. in; on7. I was born _ May 14. What about you? A. at B. in C. on D. for二

23、、介词填空.(1)My father usually goes to work _ 8:00.(2)What is the first lesson _ Tuesday?(3)I always watch TV _ Friday evening.(4)We have lunch _ noon.(5)Flowers come out _ spring.(6) Classes begin _ 8:00.(7) We never go shopping _ the evening.三、选词填空用at,on,to,like,for,in front of,from填空(1)Whats the weat

24、her _ in Shanghai?(2)A storm is coming _ South China Sea(3)Heres the weather report _ tomorrow.(4)Mr. Smith has many pigs _ his farm.(5) Father is cleaning his car _ the house.(6)I get up _ six oclock in the morning.(7)We are eating dinner _ the table.(8) Its raining. We can watch TV _ home.(9) What

25、 can I do _ you?(10) Its five _ twelve in the morning.四、单词拼写或适当形式填空6. Lets e_today. What about running?7. My sister usually goes to bed at a q_ to ten in the evening.8. When do you usually c_your room?9. They often do homework at school, but s_they do it at home.10. I like to eat hamburgers. They t_

26、good.11. His father sat up and got_t(dress).12. It is a good habit to brush your_(tooth) after each meal.13. The doctor has saved a lot of peoples _(life).14. Jack gets up late. He eats breakfast_(quick) and goes to school.15. My parents_(usual) have supper at home.一、单项选择1. - does your party start?-

27、 seven thirty. A. When; OnB. How; InC. What time; AtD. Where; About 2. We English in the morning. A. usually readB. read usuallyC. usually readsD. reads usually 3. He often come to work early and he is late for work. A. usuallyB. neverC. oftenD. always 4. I get up early, so I dont have much time for breakfast. A. alwaysB. usuallyC. neverD. sometimes

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