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1、硅化学常识DoCorning硅化学常识DoCorning 作者: 日期: 我们掌握着硅基解决方案 硅科学使我们深深吸引。每一次的发现都使我们看到无限的机会。 60年来,道康宁为各种行业创造解决方案。我们已经找到当初看起来似乎无法解决的难题的答案。通过几十年的发展,道康宁一直保持着这种活力和兴趣。 如今,道康宁完全投入到开发新技术中,如光子学, 硅生物技术 , 纳米技术, 和 等离子技术。 我们不断为您当前和未来的需求探索硅基解决方案,我们已经做了60多年,而且我们永远不会停止 了解更多道康宁的硅科技: 硅化学基础 常用命名法 界面科学 材料科学/流变学 分析科学 当前硅基材料的应用 创新技术领

2、域 硅化学基础se作为地球上第二位的元素,我们在每天生活中可以看到硅材料像沙子、粘土花岗岩以及一些矿物质。它作为一种原材料是非常有用的。一些产品是在硅原子态下制成的。例如,在每一台计算机中都包含有一小块高纯度的硅晶片。非常典型的是硅按照大量的生产方式制作成大型的家庭产品,包括建筑材料,润滑剂,硅密封剂以及硅粘合剂。 在道康宁公司,我们致力于制造基于硅化学的产品。这些产品中的一部分是我们熟知的硅。事实上,在含有硅的大量产品中具很多有用的通性如高温稳定性,对老化、阳光、湿度、极端温度以及暴露于化学试剂具有很好的抵抗性。 了解更多关于: 硅酮 硅氧烷聚合 硅烷以及中间体 硅科学的革命 硅酮 硅酮是由

3、自然界中的产品合成的聚合物。尽管“硅酮”经常地用于代表含有硅原子的几乎所有的材料,对他更准确的描述应该是含有Si-O主链的合成聚合物。对于这个主链来说有机基团通常是通过Si-C键与硅原子相连的。 一般性的描述将粗分类的聚合物定义为硅酮。最为典型的示例是聚二甲基硅氧烷或PDMS。这一聚合物具有重复的(CH3)2SiO单元。这些材料是硅化学工业中的基本结构片断。根据聚合物主链上单元的重复数以及交联程度(将这些聚合物链相互连接),产生了最少六类重要的商业化产品: 流体 乳液 化合物 润滑剂 树脂 弹性体或橡胶 This general description defines the broad cl

4、ass of polymers known as silicones. The most common example is poly(dimethylsiloxane) or PDMS. This polymer has a repeating (CH3)2SiO unit. These materials are the basic building blocks of the silicone industry. Depending upon the number of repeat units in the polymer chain and the degree of cross-l

5、inking (tying the polymer chains together), at least six classes of commercially important products can be produced: Fluids Emulsions Compounds Lubricants Resins Elastomers or rubbersThis is a single polymer strand of poly(dimethylsiloxane) or PDMS. The chain is made up of an alternating Si-O-Si bac

6、kbone, with each silicon atom bearing two methyl groups. This strand has a molecular weight of nearly 1,200 daltons (amu). In a typical PDMS, a distribution of chain lengths centers around an average molecular weight or size. Depending on how the polymer is manufactured, it may also contain some cyc

7、lic siloxane structures. The molecular weight for PDMS can be as small as a few hundred daltons to several hundreds of thousands.硅酮是从何产生的? 通过我们称之为“直接反应”或“直接加工”的处理方式,由硅与氯化甲基制造了硅酮。这个介于硅和我们的循环反应剂之间的反应产生了甲基氯代硅烷。它们被加以蒸馏(纯化),并且二甲基氯代硅烷水解生成PDMS。这一产品可以制成上千种不同的产品,并且将进入到每个主要的工业单元中。 硅酮是如何被加以使用的? 由于硅酮结合了其他聚合物中所不

8、具有的物理性能,因此硅酮是一种价值很高的材料。它们具有优异的热稳定性并且能够在有机材料可能会产生熔融或分解的条件下使用。一些硅酮似乎不受老化、季节、阳光、湿度、热、冷以及一些化学侵蚀的影响。如果您愿意,一些硅酮用来连接、结合或粘贴物品。 无论怎样,硅酮独特的表面性能使得其与其它的材料存在着差异。硅流体的表面张力小使得它们可以应用如下: 纸张释放中间体 光线润滑剂 手工织物修饰剂 脱模剂 防污材料 阻水剂 事实上,硅酮被用作泡沫控制剂,抗结块助剂,抗腐蚀剂,乳化剂,润滑剂以及上光剂,所有这些都是由于它的独特性能。 硅酮现在已有数千种应用 。硅酮应用的多样性是非常显著的,但它仅仅是出于开始阶段。道

9、康宁公司仍在坚持不懈地开发硅酮、改性硅酮有机材料以及硅基材料的应用。硅化学的未来一定是非常精彩的。硅烷及中间体 道康宁公司在硅烷及中间体的生产中处于领导地位,这正是我们工作的核心。我们的硅烷业务部门包括以下产品组: 氯代硅烷 有机官能团化硅烷 专业硅烷 烷基化硅烷 氯代甲基硅烷 在所有我们的硅基材料之中,氯代硅烷是基础的生产单元。它们用于基础的硅烷和硅氧烷的合成,并且为药物综合体中的中间体提供保护。 氯代硅烷 氯代硅烷 是电工业与通讯工业中的基础原材料并且用于生产光学纤维,硅晶片以及处理器,例如作为发烟硅石的起始材料。 有机官能团化硅烷 有机官能团化硅烷的基本结构是:RnSi(OR)4-n (

10、其中R代表烷基、芳基或是有机官能团,OR代表甲氧基、乙氧基以及环氧乙酸)。. 有机官能团化硅烷的基本结构是:RnSi(OR)4-n (其中R代表烷基、芳基或是有机官能团,OR代表甲氧基、乙氧基以及环氧乙酸)。使用有机官能团化硅烷的行业包括: 粘合剂和密封剂 电子工业 铸造树脂 玻璃纤维/织物 矿物质填充剂 涂料和涂层 医用品 颜料 硅酮 纺织物 热固型熟料 导线及电缆 道康宁公司的硅烷产品生产线包括为进一步的市场应用提供铝化硅烷以及有机官能团化硅烷。这包括疏油性的和疏水性的纺织物应用,例如增强材料,涂层,构造化学试剂,电子学以及医药学应用。有机官能团化以及主要的应用如下。 氨基 粘合促进剂,耦

11、合剂以及树脂添加剂 改善树脂的化学键接,充当无机填充物以及增强材料 用于环氧树脂、酚醛树脂、三聚氰胺、尼龙、PVC、丙烯酸树脂、聚烯烃、聚酰胺橡胶以及腈化橡胶 填充剂与增强剂的表面预处理 乙烯基 用于自由基交联聚酯、橡胶、聚烯烃、苯乙烯以及丙烯酸树脂 用于将玻璃纤维耦联在树脂上 用于与乙烯共聚 为湿固化而接枝聚乙烯 环氧树脂 环氧树脂、聚酰胺树脂以及丙烯酸的粘合促进剂 填充剂和增强剂的表面处理 甲基丙烯酸 粘合促进剂以及耦联剂 用于自由基交联聚酯、橡胶、聚烯烃、苯乙烯以及丙烯酸树脂 用于将填充剂或玻璃纤维耦联在树脂上 丙烯酸树脂的潮湿交联 固化 在固化橡胶中作为无机添充剂的耦联剂 烷基 填充剂

12、和无机表面的表面水解处理 硅酮的合成 苯基 合成硅烷和硅氧烷 表面水解处理 其他硅烷耦联剂的疏水添加剂 其他硅烷的热稳定添加剂 硅科学的革命 The Evolution of Silicon Science For additional information about Silicon Technology, visit the Silicon Technology center The beginning of silicon science starts in nature. Sand, or silica, is the fine residue of quartz rock and

13、is made up of the two most abundant elements in Earths crust oxygen and silicon. Silicon-based materials have been of technological importance throughout recorded history. Initially, quartz and silica-based stones were fashioned into tools to enhance survival. Later, glass and ceramic technologies d

14、eveloped. The new silicon-based technologies of optics and electronics followed, in response to the changing demands of an evolving world. Today, silicon science continues to evolve in pace with the demanding needs of our society and Dow Corning is there. Dow Corning Corporation was formed in 1943 a

15、s a joint venture between Corning Glass Works (now Corning Incorporated) and The Dow Chemical Company, which continue to own equal shares today. The company was established specifically to explore the potential of silicon-based materials.The First Commercial Era of Silicon-Based Materials (1943-1960

16、) This period was dominated by the classical siloxane, poly(dimethylsiloxane) fluids, elastomers, and simple methyl and phenyl resins. Poly(dimethylsiloxane) was the backbone of this growing industry and offered a myriad of commercial applications. Its uses included mechanical applications, surface

17、treatments, and cosmetic and biomedical applications in which the unique properties of these materials could be utilized. These are some of Dow Cornings innovations during this era: Before Dow Corning was formed, high-altitude flight seemed impossible. Planes could only maintain high altitudes for a

18、 few minutes because of ignition loss and moisture in the engines. However, a simple silicone grease DOW CORNING 4 compound was the solution that ushered in a new age of aviation. Dow Corning offered methyl fluids and insulating resins. SIGHT SAVERS eyeglass cleaners were introduced as Dow Cornings

19、first consumer product. Dow Corning developed a new silicone for waterproofing. Dow Corning fluids were soon the standard water-repellant treatments for paper and textiles. In the early days, electrical devices were not known for their reliability. Silicone offered excellent electrical insulation ca

20、pabilities, but the industry was slow to accept this. Dow Corning started distributing its own insulated wire. Within months, manufacturers started using silicone insulation on their wiring. Researchers at a major cosmetics company read about a silicone leather treatment and called Dow Corning. Coul

21、d the unique properties of silicones help dry, damaged human skin? When the resulting hand lotion was introduced, it was the first personal care product with silicones. When one of Dow Cornings silicone coatings was used on the transfer surface of adhesive tape, the adhesive remained without losing

22、its stickiness. This became Dow Cornings first modern silicone release coating and the foundation for a new generation of tape products. Dow Corning implemented technology to manufacture hyper-pure polycrystalline silicon to produce materials for computer chips. The Hemlock, Michigan, site was selec

23、ted for the first fully integrated polycrystalline silicon plant. Dow Corning developed silicone sealants, caulks, and adhesives for architectural applications. This changed the face of architecture forever. Since then, seamless structures of glass, ceramic, and metal have reached for the skies. The

24、 Second Era (1960-1980) The explosive growth during this period was fueled by several advances, including the development of fluorosiloxanes, silicon-polyethers surfactants, and silanes with organic functional groups. These new materials combined with advances in our ability to design specialty mate

25、rials gave rise to new sealants, rubbers, coatings and glazing compounds that gave architects and construction engineers new degrees of design freedom. However, these advances were not limited to the construction arenas. Silicon-based substances were used to create new coating and encapsulants for t

26、he electronics industry, medical-grade tubing for health care, and new products for aerospace. Some of this eras innovations include: A Dow Corning silicone rubber material was used for the heat shield in the first manned suborbital space flight. The first imprint that Neil Armstrong left on lunar s

27、oil was made with a silicone rubber boot sole. In addition, new silicone materials used in the lunar and command modules were critical to the Apollo crews safety and support systems. A premature infant had digestive tract problems and could not receive adequate nutrition by venous drip methods. A ti

28、ny intravenous catheter from Dow Corning worked and has since been used around the world. The Third Era: Materials (1980-2000) Materials, components, and systems are often regarded as separate and sequential levels of integration. But this old paradigm is no longer valid for the development of advan

29、ced materials. The commercial opportunities and implications of this blurring distinction are immense for material science and those who practice the art. Dow Cornings advances include: As asbestos brake linings disappeared from automobiles, corrosion problems appeared. Dow Corning developed a frict

30、ion-control additive that provided moisture protection and high heat stability putting a “stop” to the problem. Dow Corning put 15 newly developed automotive products to the test at Le Mans and proved once again that theres no challenge that silicones cannot endure. Acoustic tests on a Jaguar XJ6 in

31、 development showed that interior noise was too loud for a luxury performance car. Dow Corning met the challenge by injecting foam-in-place, sound-absorbing silicone into select points on the autos body. The world watched as Texas rescuers frantically worked to free 18-month-old Jessica McClure, trapped 20 feet down a narrow well shaft. Millions sighed with relief when she was rescued. But th

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