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1、国际射联移动靶规则10. 移动靶项目技术规则RUNNING TARGET RULES适用于FOR50米和10米50m and 10m章 节CHAPTERS10.1 总则 GENERAL10.2 安全规则 SAFETY10.3 场地和靶的标准 RANGE AND TARGET STANDARDS10.4 50米和10米步枪标准 STANDARDS FOR 50m AND 10 RIFLES10.5 服装规则 CLOTHING REGULATIONS10.6 竞赛官员 COMPETITION OFFICIALS10.7 射击项目程序和比赛规则 SHOOTING EVENT PROCEDURES a

2、nd COMPETITION RULES10.8 奖牌比赛规则 MEDAL MATCH RULES10.9 犯规及其处罚规定 INFRINGEMENTS AND DISCIPLINARY RULES10.10 故障 MALFUNCTIONS10.11 10米电子靶系统故障 FAILURE OF 10m EST SYSTEMS10.12 同分决赛 TIE-BREAKING10.13 移动靶项目枪支规格表 RUNNING TARGET SPECIFICATION TABLE10.14 图表 DRAWINGS10.15 索引 INDEX注意事项:图表中所含的具体信息具有与本规则编号条款同等效力。No

3、te: Where figures and tables contain specific information, these have the same authority as the numbered rules.10.1 总则 GENERAL10.1.1 本专用技术规则是国际射联总技术规则的一部分,适用于50米和10米移动靶的所有项目。 These Rules are part of the Technical Rules of the ISSF and apply to all Running Target events at 50 m and 10 m.10.1.2 每位参赛者、

4、领队和官员都须熟悉并保证贯彻执行国际射联规则。每位参赛者都有责任遵守这些规则。 All athletes, team leaders, and officials must be familiar with the ISSF Rules and ensure that these Rules are enforced. It is the responsibility of each athlete to comply with the Rules.10.1.3 规则适用于右手射击的参赛者,反之则适用于左手射击的参赛者。 When a Rule refers to right-handed a

5、thletes, the reverse of that Rule refers to left-handed athletes.10.1.4 规则除了特指适用于男子项目或女子项目外,必须同时适用于男子和女子项目。 Unless a Rule applies specifically to a mens or womens event, it must apply uniformly to both mens and womens events.10.2 安全规则SAFETY 安全至关重要SAFETY IS OF PARAMOUNT IMPORTANCE国际射联安全规则见技术总则6.2条规定。

6、ISSF Safety Rules are found in the General Technical Rules, Rule 场地和靶子的标准 RANGE AND TARGET STANDARDS靶子和场地的标准见技术总则见6.3条规定。场地和其它设备要求见技术总则6.4条规定。 Target and range standards are found in the General Technical Rules, Rule 6.3. Requirements for ranges and other facilities are found in the General

7、 Technical Rules, Rule 50米和10米步枪标准 STANDARDS FOR 50m AND 10m RIFLES 见移动靶项目枪支规格表See: RUNNING TARGET RIFLE SPECIFICATION TABLE 允许使用符合下列规定的步枪: Any rifle is permitted that meets the following standards may be used:10.4. 1 枪支和瞄准具的总重量不超过5.5公斤。 The weight of the rifle and sight together must not e

8、xceed 5.5 kg.10.4.2 允许使用可调整的托底板,托底板弧形部(正或负)的深度不得大于20毫米,弧形部对应的弦长不得大于150毫米。测量托底板深度或高度应在与枪管轴线成直角位置(见表),托底板的底端调到最低位置时距枪管轴线的距离不得超过200毫米。(见表) An adjustable butt plate is permitted. The curvature of the butt plate (positive or negative) must not exceed a depth or height of 20mm. The butt plate length must

9、not exceed 150mm. Measurement of the depth or height of the butt plate will be made at right-angles to the centerline of the bore of the rifle (see Table). The lowest point of the butt plate, in its lowest position must not be lower than 200mm below the centerline of the bore of the rifle (see Table

10、).10.4.3 瞄准具Sights望远镜中心线与枪管中心线之间的距离不得超过75毫米。The height of the center line of the telescope above the center line of the rifle bore must not be more than 75mm. 50米步枪。允许使用任何型号的瞄准具。 50m Rifles. Any types of sights are permitted. 10米步枪。允许使用任何形式的瞄准具,但使用光学瞄准具时,放大倍数(不可调节)不超过4倍(允许误差=+O.4倍),放

11、大倍率将由机械或光学仪器进行检测。10m Rifles. Any type of sights are permitted except that optical sights must be non-variable with a maximum of four power (4 x) magnification (tolerance = +0.4 x). Examination of magnification power will be done with mechanical or optical devices. 除非瞄准具由于机械或光学部件破损失效,否则不得在慢速

12、和快速期间更换瞄准具。在比赛进行期间,在不拖延射击时间的前提下,允许修正瞄准具。 Except when a sight is damaged, through mechanical or optical failure, it may not be exchanged between slow and fast runs. Sight adjustments during the event are permitted, provided they do not delay the shooting. 枪管配重。只允许使用从枪管轴线量起半径不超过60毫米的枪管配重,经过装备控

13、制检查后的配重不得再增减,并应、贴有检查标志。 Barrel Weights. Only barrel weights within a radius of 60mm from the center of the barrel are permitted and must not be added or removed after Equipment Control. They must bear the seal of the equipment control. 每个项目一支步枪。任何一个项目的比赛中(慢速和快速)必须使用同一支枪,包括瞄准具、配重和扳机系统。 One Ri

14、fle Per Event. The same rifle, including the sight, weights and trigger system, must be used for slow and fast runs in any event. 50米项目的特殊标准 Specific Standards for 50m Rifles 扳机引力不得小于500克; The trigger pull weight must be not less than 500 grams; 测量扳机引力时枪口应向上成垂直状态;The weight of the trigger pu

15、ll must be measured with the barrel held vertically; 从枪管系统的尾部至枪口,包括任何延长(无论是否枪管的)部分测量的长度不得超过1000MM; The length of the system measured from the closed bolt in the discharged position to the foremost end of the system, including any extension (whether part of the barrel or not), must not exceed 1000mm;

16、 and 只能使用5.6毫米(.22英寸)口径的步枪长弹。 Only caliber 5.6mm (.22) Long Rifle ammunition is permitted.10.4.4 10米项目的特殊标准 Specific Standards for 10m Rifles 扳机引力不限; The trigger pull weight is unlimited.; 不得使用触发扳机;A set trigger must not be used. 从枪管系统的尾部至枪口包括任何延长(无论是否枪管的)部分测量的长度不得超过1000MM; The length of the system

17、measured from the rear of the mechanism to the foremost end of the system, including any extension (whether part of the barrel or not), must not exceed 1000mm; and 允许使用口径4.5毫米(.177”),用铅或其它软质材料制成的任何形状的子弹。 Pellets of any shape, made of lead or other soft material, with a caliber of 4.5 mm (.177”) are

18、permitted.10.5 服装规则 CLOTHING REGULATIONS10.5.1 腰线标志带 Marker Tape10.5.1.1 为了裁判或仲裁委员看清枪托的位置,必须佩带国际射联正式腰线标志带。 The ISSF Official Marker Tape must be worn to allow the Range Officer or Jury Member to see the position of the rifle stock. 腰线标志带必须和国际射联规则的规定相同;The Marker Tape must be as available from the IS

19、SF; 腰线标志带须长250MM、宽30MM,黄颜色加黑色镶边,带有国际射联标识; The Marker Tape must be 250mm long, 30mm wide and of yellow color with a black border and bearing the ISSF logo; and 腰线标志带必须被永久地固定在上衣右侧。 It must be permanently affixed on the right side of the outer garment. 必须按以下要求检查腰线标志带的正确位置: The correct position

20、of the Marker Tape must be checked as follows: 上衣的任何口袋必须掏空; Any pockets of the outer garment must be empty; 扣扳机的手臂接触身体,然后前臂尽量向上弯曲,双肩不得上耸; The trigger arm, touching the body, must then be bent into the fully closed upward angled position with no upward lift of the shoulders; 必须永久、水平地把腰线标志带固定在肘尖下(见图);

21、 The Marker Tape must be affixed permanently, horizontally, below the tip of the elbow (see Drawing); and 在赛前腰线标志带必须经装备检查处检查、盖章或贴上合格标志。并在装备检查卡上登记。 The Marker Tape must be checked by the Equipment Control prior to the competition and marked with a seal or stamp. This must also be recorded on the Equi

22、pment Control Card.10.6 竞赛官员COMPETITION OFFICIALS10.6.1 裁判长的职能 Duties and Functions of the Chief Range Officer必须指定一名裁判长负责在靶场内各项目的实施,其职责是:A Chief Range Officer must be appointed for each event on a specific range. The Chief Range Officer is: 负责所有裁判员、靶场工作人员的工作、管理及比赛实施的正确性,并对在靶场内下达的所有口令负责;In charge of

23、all Range Officers and Range Personnel and is responsible for the correct conduct of the shooting event and, where centralized control is exercised, responsible for giving all range commands; 负责确保靶场内所有工作人员配合仲裁的工作; Responsible for assuring the co-operation of all Range Personnel with the Jury; 负责尽快采取

24、措施解决设备故障。应给裁判长配备有专业技术人员和应急物资,以便及时解决技术问题。专业技术人员应始终在裁判长的指令下及时处理各种故障,当设备不能正常修复时,必须使用备用设备; Responsible for the rapid correction of any equipment failures and for making available the necessary experts and material to operate the range. A repair service expert must be at the Chief Range Officers immediat

25、e disposal at all times. For cases that exceed the capabilities of the repair service, additional provisions must be made; 负责协助成统裁判长快速有效地统计所有靶的成绩; Responsible for the efficient and rapid scoring of all targets in co-operation with the Chief Classification Officer; and 如有必要,裁判长要参与比赛靶位分配的抽签。If necessa

26、ry, the Chief Range Officer participates in the drawing of lots for the assignment of firing points.10.6.2 副裁判长的职能 Duties and Functions of the Assistant Chief Range Officer如果比赛分几个靶场进行,应指定一名副裁判长,在裁判长不在场时行使裁判长的职责。 If the competition is being shot on several ranges, an Assistant Chief Range Officer sho

27、uld be appointed. He also substitutes for the Chief Range Officer during his absence.10.6.3 裁判员的职能 Duties and Functions of the Range Officer 在裁判长领导下,有秩序地做好其所分管的工作,并密切与仲裁合作,具体职责是: Range Officers are responsible to the Chief Range Officer for the orderly operation of a particular range. They work clos

28、ely with the Jury. The Range Officer: 点名和宣布每组的初步成绩; Calls the athletes and announces the preliminary result of the series; 核实参赛者姓名、参赛号码以确保与竞赛秩序单、检查卡片和现场成绩公布表上的资料相符。如果可能,这些工作应在准备时间开始前完成; Check the names and Bib Numbers of athletes to ensure that they correspond with the start list, range register and

29、 small scoreboards. If possible this must be completed before the start of the Preparation Time; 确保射手的枪支、瞄准具、配重已经过装备检查处检查合格并未被改动; Ensures that rifles and sights were examined and approved by the Equipment Control Section and that no changes have been made in rifles, sights or weights since the exami

30、nation; 达必要的比赛口令; Gives the necessary competition commands; 不断地观察射手的准备和射击姿势; Continually watches the Ready and Shooting Positions; 当使用纸靶时,负责协调检查员和其他场地工作人员的工作; Is responsible for the coordinated work of the Register Keeper (when using Paper Targets) and other range officials; 监看靶子运行的准确性; Supervise th

31、e correct operation of the targets; 接受抗议并交给场地仲裁; Receives protests and pass them on to the Jury Member; and 将所有干扰、违规处罚、故障、补试射、重射等情况记录在检查员卡片上。 Records all disturbances, disciplinary actions, malfunctions, additional sighting shots, repeats, etc. on the Register Keepers score card.10.6.4 检查员的职能使用纸靶。 Duties and Functions of the Register Keeper Paper Targets 检查场地分配表和记分卡,核实参赛者的姓名、比赛顺序、靶场号和所属国家; Examines the entries on the range assignment list and score cards to ensure that the names of the athlete, Bib Numbers, ra

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