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1、Internationalbusinessnegotiation国际商务沟通International business negotiationTo be a qualified negotiator 姓名: 学号: 专业班级: To be a qualified negotiatorTodays globalization requires professionals to deal with their counterparts in countries with different economic, cultural, legal, and political environments

2、. You may need to resolve a dispute with a supplier, finalize a counter proposal for a state-owned enterprise, or lead a multicultural team. Thus in a globalized market, few subjects are as critical as negotiating across cultural boundaries. When negotiators are from diverse culturally sensitive neg

3、otiating skills are necessary for managing in an international setting. So, it needs we deal with carefully and keenly.As we know, if you want to be a good international negotiator you should prepare well before start the negotiation.The most important thing is to collect information. Such as: the b

4、ackground, corporate culture and management method of the target co. you will negotiate with. Because all these aspects will be closely related to their offer, their way of doing business, even the strategy they will adapt in a negotiation. In addition, know the people well who will attend in the ne

5、gotiation by all possible means. Pay more attention to their negotiation style: task-oriented or people-oriented? Their ways of handling things, directly or indirectly? High-context or low-context? The philosophy they stick to, win-win one or the win loss one? And if possible, know about their perso

6、nalities which may affect the going of the deal to a certain extent.Apart from that, you should spare some efforts on your own part, this may include: set up your objectives clearly. Always keep what you want to achieve in mind, work out a strategy (according to their possible tactics), distribute t

7、he roles appropriately, when doing this; you should be clear about different peoples characteristics. Last one; be ready to cooperate with other members in a team. Different people may have different perspectives and views to different things and in a negotiation they play different roles and have c

8、ertain emphasis. So be cooperative is rather critical for a successful negotiator.1. Target decisionPerhaps the most important part of pre-negotiation planning is determining, with some precision, the negotiation objective that need to be achieved. A buyer cannot go into a negotiation with vague obj

9、ectives such as to get the price down or “to do the best I can”. A buyer must go further than this and establish a negotiation objective for each agenda item that he intends to raise.2. Collecting information The first step you should do is that you must make sure which kind of information you need.

10、 Then, we can use the following way get some important information.(1)international organizations;(2)governments;(3)service organizations;(4)directories and newsletters;(5)on-line service;(6)local laws and regulations;(7)information on financial credit;(8)market survey. 3. Staffing negotiation teams

11、Generally speaking, a negotiation team consist of a team leader or chief negotiator, and an interpreter if it is a bilateral negotiation, and a note keeper. Other key members of the team include professionals and experts representing their special fields, such as production, sales promotion, technol

12、ogy, financial accounting, engineering, law and other areas concerned with a specific negotiation, counting, engineering, law and other areas concerned with a specific negotiation.4. Choice of negotiation venuesGenerally speaking, negotiation sites can be divided into three categories host venue, gu

13、est venue and third partys venue. You can according the situation and then choose right place. A careful consideration and arrangement for the preparatory work can save a lot of time and resources for negotiators. 5. Communicate in negotiationMuch of what people communicate to one another is transmi

14、tted with nonverbal communication. Examples include facial expressions, body language, head movements, and tone of voice, to name just a few. Some nonverbal acts, called attending behaviors, are particularly important in connecting with another person during a coordinated interaction like negotiatio

15、n; they let the other know that you are listening and prepare the other party to receive your message. We discuss three important attending behaviors: eye contact, body position, and encouraging.6.The CasestudyofCulturalDifference OfNonverbalCommunicationAnothermostimportantfactorwhichaffectsthesucc



18、nguagedifferencewhichisinfluencedbydifferentsocialbackgroundssoastoavoidbusinessnegotiationsfailure.Then i want to share with you some case about culture different: Case1:TheCultureDifferenceofBodyLanguageAtaninternationalairportinanArabcountry,aChineseengineerwantedtoexpresshisappreciationattitudew

19、hilecheckingtheluggage.AsheknewnoArabic,theonlywayforhimwastoshakehandswiththeofficer.Bothoftheengineershandswerefullhisleft handwasholdingasmalltravelersbagandhisrighthandapieceofluggage.Forthesakeofconvenience,theengineerquicklyputthebagintohisrighthandandextendedhisleftonetotheofficerhewasexpecti







26、turalDifferenceofParalanguageSomeJapanesebusinessmenwenttotheUnitedStatesforalargetradenegotiation.Atthebeginningofthenegotiations,U.S.representativesspokealot.Theywanttoreachanagreementquickly.However,theJapanese representatives kept silent.WhentheU.S.representativestrytotalkwiththeJapanese,theseAm





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