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1、托业英语口语考试知识大全doc托业英语口语考试知识大全【导语】托业考试,英文全称是Test of English for International Communication,简称TOEIC。是测量母语非英语国家的高级职业人士英语交流能力的考试。它由开发了托福考试的美国ETS考试中心研发,有“商业托福”的美誉,是全球的商务及职业英语考试。下面一起看看关于托业的考试内容吧!【托业口语考试的准备】仔细研读有关的样题目,我们便会发现新托福的口语考试侧重考查考生的三种能力:描述能力,议论能力和虚拟场景下的交流能力。在整个口语试题的6个section中,一般会有两个section要求对某一指定话题进行

2、描述,比如: Describe a movie which you adore. In your response, you should describe the most appealing part of the movie explain why you love the movie, and had you been the director, how you could make it even more inviting 而同时会有另外的两个section用来侧重考查考生就某一话题发表见解、展开议论的能力。这一部分的考查往往在试题的问法和所涉及的题材方面或多或少地有些类似于传统托

3、福的作文部分(TWE)。比如: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? “The cyberspace is harmful to human communication. Obsessive indulgence with the Internet makes people less and less sociable.” Give specific reasons and examples to support your opinion. 除此之外,还有另外的两个section,侧重于考查虚拟场景下的口语交流能力。比如考

4、生将先听到一段模拟课堂presentation的听力材料,在充分理解材料内容的条件下回答有关的问题,或考生将先阅读一篇中等长度的文章,然后对文章内容做出复述或评价。在这两个部分中,新托福的题型更为全面地体现了听说读写四种基本技能的彼此贯通和相互交融。 由于对考生来说,这样的口语考试具有相当的挑战性,所以我们必须做充分而有针对性的考前准备,才能在口语部分的考试中有所作为。建议大家在准备过程中,可注重在如下的两个方面多下工夫: 一、 读音的准确与流畅 可选择速度适中的听力材料反复跟读,纠正发音,这是准备口语考试不可间断的每日练习。同时建议大家做到如下几点: 1) 多与英美籍的外教交流,请他指出自己

5、发音存在的问题,如某些元音不到位、某些辅音含混不清,以及句子的语调等,请他反复矫正,自己针对弱点,刻苦练习,直到读准为止。 2) 可选择一本有音标的四、六级词汇书,配有磁带,反复跟读每个单词的读音,请特别注意不规则动词的各种变形后的读音和很多单词充当不同词性时的重音位置。 3) 每天还要泛听一些成段的听力材料,如VOA,CNN的新闻报道、名人演讲词(尤其推荐前总统Bill Clinton 和前副总统Al Gore的演讲),细心体会讲话的语气和语流。【托业口语复述的方法】1.间接转述(Indirect Speech) 口语复述的实质是将听到的和看到的话语用自己的话以口头方式再转达出来。“直接引述

6、”是直接引用说话人的原话,而要用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来就称为“间接转述”。托福口语考试中一般应采用“间接转述”的方法:针对特定问题,用自己的话把读到、听到的对话内容或演讲内容再重复出来。对考生来说,这当然是一个更高层次的要求。因为,首先要听得懂、读得懂别人的观点,其次才能在此基础上进行加工处理,变为自己的语言再陈述出准确意思来。这时候,“善于把别人的东西据为己有”就不再是一个“恶劣的行径”了。此时此刻,它将转化为一个极为有效的、甚至是高效的手段,以此来达到“借鸡下蛋”的目的。 请看下面几例: 例1:My mother said: “Im so tired that I dont want

7、 to cook. Shall we eat out tonight?” My mother said that she was so tired that she didnt want to cook and she suggested that we should eat out that day. 例2:Tom said: “Ive already seen the film.” Tom said that he had already seen the film. 间接转述应注意以下几点规则: 在转述的引语前一般要用连词that:(如例1、例2所示); 要根据意思改变人称(如例4所示)

8、; 当要转述的言语为连贯的话语时,应用go on(继续),continue(接着),add(补充)等,以及各种引述动词,如:note(指明),remark(谈及) 间接转述不是重复原话,因此,时态要有所变动。一般来讲,现在时变为过去时,过去时变为过去完成时。指示代词、地点及时间状语也要作必要改动。这种改动大致可参照下表进行。 在直接引语中 在间接引语中 指示代词 this (place) these (places) that (place) those (places) 时间状语 now today, tonight this week (month, etc.) yesterday las

9、t week (month, etc.) two days (a year, etc. ) ago tomorrow next week (month, etc.) then that day, that night that week (month, etc.) the day before, the previous day the week (month, etc.) before two days (a year, etc.) before (earlier) the next (following) day the next (following) week (month, etc.

10、) 表地点的词 here there 动词 come, bring go, take 2.释义、意译(Paraphrasing) Paraphrase (to express in a shorter or clearer way what someone has written or said) 就是用你所知道的,或者对你来说较容易的词汇、短语、以及语法去解释那些较为难懂的语句。 3.概述(Summarizing) Summarize (to make a short statement giving only the main information and not the details

11、 of a plan, event, report, etc.) 就是用简练话语概括描述一篇材料的中心思想。 新托福口语考试的听、读材料都不长,三言两语即可概括全文的中心意思,没必要长篇大论。当然,时间也不允许这样做。所以,高度概括的口语表达能力是顺利通过托福口语考试的法宝之一。【托业写作常见25个病句分析】1. The artists work pushes our civilization to a higher level. 改进:Artists work upgrades our civilization. 2. For example, you work in a big facto

12、ry. 改进: Suppose you work in a big factory. 3. Youll find you are fit for business and you can make it your main job. 改进:Youll find that you are cut out for business and you can make it your career. 4. We will own nothing at all if we depend on luck. 改进: We will get nowhere if we rely on luck. 5. He

13、will get a higher salary to improve his living level. 改进: He will get a higher salary, thus improving his life. 6. Their brain is still very young. 改进: They are still immature. 7. Dissatisfaction makes people produce desire for better things. 改进: Dissatisfaction impels people for the better. 8. They

14、 cant analyze clearly what is right and what is wrong. 改进: They cannot tell right from wrong. 9. It will help children to form a good habit of dealing with time. 改进: It will help children learn to make good use of time. 10. Though it is not the best job, it afford to his life. 改进: Though it is not t

15、he best job, a job is a job. He can make ends meet with it. 11. Since people are always not satisfied with their present situation, they want further development. 改进: Since people are never satisfied with their status quo, they want further development. 12. The only thing they need to do is to find

16、a job which can easily get big money. 改进: The only thing they need to do is to find a job that can bring them big money. 13. They like an active life but not a peaceful life. 改进: They like an active life rather than a peaceful one. 14. Some cigarettes may even cost a larger sum of money. 改进: Some ci

17、garettes may cost even more. 15. Firstly, dissatisfaction encourages the discovery of new products. 改进: Firstly, dissatisfaction encourages the invention of new products. 16. Insgroupsto suit the needs of enteringsintoswork, students must grasp some technical skills. 改进: Insgroupsto meet the needs o

18、f future work, students must learn some practical skills. 17. It is very necessary more qualified scientists and technicians. 改进: Qualified scientists and technicians are in great demand. 18. This knowledge will become a part of your body. 改进: This knowledge will become part of you. 19. They cannot

19、think clearly. 改进: They cannot think straight. 20. Money can improve their living standard. 改进: Money can improve their life. 21. Parents always think that children will get a good job and earn a lot of money. 改进: Parents always expect their children to get a good job and earn a lot of money. 22. If

20、 a student only cares about money, will lead to be unhappy all his life. 改进: If a student only cares about money, he will be misled and will be unhappy all his life. 23. One purpose of education is to study the way in which he studies later. 改进: One purpose of education is to learn to learn. 24. Many parents arrange their children go to learn piano. 改进: Many parents send their children to piano classes. 25. When I want to absorb somebody elses opinion, I will study with others. 改进: When I need second opinion, I will study with others.

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