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1、英语语法笔记第1章 词类1、词1.定义:能够运用的最小单位2.10类:名词、动词、代词、介词、形容词、副词、连词、冠词、感叹词、数词(1)名词1.定义:普通名词 专有名词(首字母要大写) ex:People,China,United Nations.2.单、复数Shops,libraries,wives,knives,clifs规则:大多数名词的复数直接+S,ex:pens,shops以o,s,x,ch,sh结尾的单词一般情况下+es特殊:stomach /k/ +s Epoch /k/+s 新时期,新纪元 有些以“O”结尾的外来词(如piano)或缩写词(如zoo)直接+Sy类:A.以辅音+

2、y结尾,y i,+es,ex:familyB.以元音(a,e,i,o,u)+y结尾,+s,ex:key(n) adjf或fe类:A.直接+s,ex;clif 悬崖,chiefs 首领,酋长,roofs CEOChief Executive OfficerB.变f或fev+es ex:wives,knives,thiefthievesC.+s,esScarf(+s,es),dwarf(+s,es)小矮人+s类当字母、数字、单词、符号被看作是字时ex:Your 3s look like 8s. 你写的3像8.She used too many buts&ifs.有些字母以改变元音字母来变复数man

3、-men woman-women tooth-teeth goose-geese foot-feet鸡:Cock 公鸡,hen 母鸡,chick 小鸡,chicken 鸡肉牛:Oxen/bull 公牛 cow 母牛 beef 牛肉 mutton 羊肉单复数同形ex:deer, means, species, sheep复合名词A.把结尾词变成复数Ex:grown-ups 成人,motor-hotelsB.把主体名词变成复数Ex:sisters-in-law 嫂子,小姨子 brothers-in-law 小叔,小舅子 editors-in-law 主编C.把两个组成部分都变成复数man-teac

4、hermen teacherswoman-doctorwomen doctors(2)冠词1.定义:放在名词前,帮助说明名词所处的对象2.定冠 不定冠词a hotel a university an exhibitiona useful book an honest boy an Indian poet注:不定冠词用在单数名词前,a用在辅音开头的名词前(这个字母发音而非指该字母是辅音);The 可用单数名词前,也可用复数名词前(3)代词1.人称代词:I,you,she2.物主代词:形容词:his,her,their 名 词:his,hers 相互代词:each other,one anothe

5、r 反身代词:oneself,myself,themselves 疑问代词:who,which,whose,whom,what 不定代词:some,any,all,many,much,little,few Ex: little(否) ,a little (肯)修饰不可数名词 Theres little water in the cup. 杯子里几乎没有水了。 few(否),a few(肯)(4)数词1.基数词2.序数词:first,second,third,fourth,fifth,sixth,seventh,eighth,ninth,tenth.3.倍数 high-height deep-d

6、ept long-length wide-widthX times + as + adj/adv + asEx:This tree is twice as high as that one. This stick(木棍) is six times as heavy as that one.X times + adj/adv +比较级+thanEx:This tree is one time higher than that one.X times + the (height,width,size,length,depth) + of + Ex: 这条河比那条河宽两倍。This river is

7、 three times the width of that one.This river is 2 times wider than that one.This river is 3 times as wide as that one.小王的体重是小张的两倍。Xiaowang is 2 times as heavy as xiaozhang.我的卧室是我父母卧室的五倍大。My bedroom is 4 times bigger than my parents.4.分数,小数表述分数:分数 分母 基数词 序数词 ex: 1/3:one third注:当分子1时,分母(序数词)后+ SEx: 1

8、/2 : one second/a half 3/5:three fifths小数:pointEx: 1.5 : 1 point 5 0 : zero,naught + y 淘气 0.3 : zero point three再如: WWW.CCTV.COM 此处.为dot be dotted with 布满了The sky is dotted with stars.天空中布满了星星。几个表示倍数的句子:1.花果山比茅山高3倍。Huaguoshan mountain is 4 times the height of Maoshan mountain. is 3 times higher than

9、 is 4 times as high as2.地球事故月球的50倍大。The earth is 49 times bigger than the moon. 50 times as big as 50 times the size of补充的几个重要的词句月份:January , February , March ,April ,May ,June ,August ,September ,October ,November ,December星期:Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday,SundayWhats the date to

10、day? 今天几号?What day is it today? 几天星期几?Whats your father like? 你父亲长相?Whats your father? 你父亲是做什么工作的?(5)形容词1.定义:表名词属性,在句中作定语2.比较级,最高级规则:单音节的形容词比较级、最高级一般直接在结尾 + er,estEx: great-greater-greatest tall-taller-tallest以e结尾的单音节形容词,比较级、最高级分别加上r和estEx: wide-wider-widest少数以y,er,ow,ble 结尾的双音节形容词的比较级、最高级Ex:clever-

11、cleverer-cleverest以y结尾,y前为辅音字母,y i + er,estEx: happy-happier-happiest以一个辅音字母结尾,但辅音字母前的字母是元音,并且该元音字母发短音(/i/ /i:/)双写最后的辅音+er,estEx: big-bigger-biggest双音节和多音节形容词一般是在比较级、最高级前加more,mostEx: interesting beautiul difficulta.形容词前+less,least 表“较不,最不” b.在形容词比较级前+much 表示程度上再进一步EX:1._I look at the picture,_I lik

12、e it.A.The best;the more B.The more;the lessC.The more;less D.More;the more2.When we arrived,we found the meeting room covered with_students.A.quite a few B.only a fewC.few D.a few quite(6)连词1.定义:是连接词、短语、句子或从句的词;是虚词,在句中不能单独作为句子成分。2.并列连词:and,but,or,for 因为,not onlybut also,neithernor,eitheror 从属连词:只有在

13、于主从复合句中,连接主句和从句用。 That,if,wheather,when,although,because,so that 结果(7)感叹词(略)第2章 句子成分句子1.定义:由不同的词按照语法规则组合在一起,能表达一个完整意思的语言单位。2.8种(主语、谓语、宾语、定语、状语、补语(主,宾)、表语) 电脑能帮助解决许多科学研究中的问题。 主 谓 定 宾Computer can help us solve problems of/in scientific researches.(1)主语1.定语:是句子要说明的人或事物是句子的主体,位置一般放在句首,不省略,可以担当主语的有:名词、代词

14、、数词、动名词、动词不定式、主语从句Ex: Walls have ears.(名) Three plus four equals seven.(数) Smoking is not allowed in the classroom.(动名词) To finish this task is my dream.(动词不定式) be 动,系动 表 (Wheather they come or not) depends on weather.(主语从句)(2)谓语1.定义:是表示主语的动作或状态的句子成分,谓语动词iban放在主语之后。2.组成:实义动词 系动词 A.be动词:am,is,are was

15、 were B.感官动词:smell,sound,feel,taste C.表示变的词:become,turn,fall(变)注:情态动词和助动词不能单独作谓语,要和实义动词和系动词才可以动词:实义动词、系动词(可单独作谓语),情态动词(may,can,could,might), 助动词(do.does,did,have,has,had)助动词可用来强调句子的谓语It is/was + 主动之后被强调部分 + thatI went to Canada last year. I did go to Canada last year. 我确实去过加拿大。Ex:1.The chance may ne

16、ver come again. V2.Tom was very sick at heart. V3.Mary has been working at the store since 1989. V(3)表语1.定义:是用来说明主语的身份,特征和状态。 它位于系动词之后。 可作表语的有: 名词、代词、形容词、分词(现在分词和过去分词)、数词、副词、动词不定式、动名词、介词短语、表语从句。Ex:1.I am a teacher.(名) 表2.Whos that?(代) Its me.3.This book is interesting.(现在分词)4.The leaves turn green.(

17、形容词)5.I am bored.(过去分词)6.Three times 5 is 15.(数词)7.My job is to serve people.(动词不定式)8.My first idea is that you should hide your feelings. S v v o主:S 谓:V 宾:O(4)宾语1.定义:是表示动作的对象,或是动作的承受者,一般放在及物动词(Vt可直接带宾语,Vi不可直接带宾语) 可作宾语的有:名词、代词、数词、动名词Ex: She covered face with hands.(名) S v o Do you mind opening the d

18、oor? S v o We need to know that what are they doing.S v o(5)定语1.定语:用来修饰名词或代词的词、短语或句子,单词作定语时,通常放在它所修饰的名词之前;短语和句子放在名词之后。 前置 后置 词 短语可作定语的有:名词、代词、形容词、数词、分词、不定式、介词、短语、定语 从句Ex: China is a (developing) country. advanced (分词) You havent kept your promise to write to me.(不定式) O 后置修饰宾语 Those (who want to go t

19、o Tibet) sign here.(定语从句) S s v My cat has a good nose (for perfume). 修饰 短语放在后面修饰前面的名词(6)状语(adc)1.定义:是修饰动词、形容词、副词的句子成分。 地点状语、时间状语、原因状语、条件状语、目的状语、伴随状语(7)宾补(oc)1.定义:英语有些及物动词除了要有的宾语之外,还要加上宾语补足语成分才能使句子完整,一起构成复合宾语。(8)主补(sc)名词性从句: (noun clause)1.主语从句2.宾语从句3.表语从句4.同位语从句 定义:在复合句中所起的作用相当于名词在句中的作用。名词性从句:关联词(3

20、种)1.主从联词:that,wheather,if2.连接代词:who,whom,whose,what,which(哪一个) 主格 宾格3.连接副词:when,where,how(怎样),why1、主语从句Ex: When the meeting will be/is to be held hasnt been decided. hold表示召开会议The earth moves around the sun is well known to us. 被所熟知还可说成:It is well known to us that the earth moves around the sun.2、宾语

21、从句Ex: We know that parrot cant really speak. We havent said wheather his theory can stand text so far.到目前为止我们不能说他的理论经得起考验。3、表语从句 主、系、表 Be Fed,smell,taste Turn,becomeOne idea is that fish is the brain food. 有一种观点认为鱼是最好的补脑食品。This is why we put off the conference.4、同位语从句 1.定义:主句中一些比较抽象的名词,如: belief,fac

22、t,evidence,doubt,possibility,hope,etc.可以用that连接代词,连接副词引出的从句。There is no doubt that many/a large of/a amount of/a large number of people benifit from heart surgery.毫无疑问,许多人都从外科手术中收益。Physics(n) 物理学Physical(adj) 身体的,肉体的,如PE体育,education形体训练Physicist(n) 物理学家Physician(n) 内科医生Surgery(n) 外科手术We all know tha

23、t the fact that organization helps memorization.Ex:1.我们应懂得语言学习不同于其他课程的学习。 S v oWe should know that language learning/aquisition is different from the learning of other courses.2.越来越多的人认识到这样一个事实,心脏病与人的生活方式有关。More and more people have realized the fact that heart attack is related to life style.3.众所周知

24、,大西洋仅有太平洋的一半大。It is well known to us that the Atlantic Ocean is half the size of the Pacific Ocean.(注)表倍数关系 + x times + as adj + x times + adj/比较级 + + x times + the + (size,width,length,depth,weight) + of +4.谁主持明天的会议尚未决定。Who will host the meeting of tomorrow hasnt been decided.

25、5.人们越来越关注食品安全。People are increasely concerned with the food safety.Public Security Bureau 公安局虚拟语气1.定义:说的不是事实,表示一种假设,猜测,愿望,建议。 用法:用于if 引导的非真实的条件句。假设类型 If条件句谓语形式 主句谓语动词的形式与现在事实相反的假设 Ved be(were)Would/shouldCould/might +原形与过去事实相反的假设 had + v 过去分词Would/should/could/might/have + v 过去分词与将来事实相反或不大可能发生的假设,虽可

26、能发生,但说话人的主观愿望不希望发生的假设。 Should + v 原形 Were to + v 原形 Ved(动词过去式)Would/should/could/might + v 原形例:1.If I were you,I would take an umbrella. If I know the phone number,I would tell you. If there were no air and water,there would be no creatures.2.If I had arrived there earlier,I would have met her. If h

27、e had followed/taken my advice he couldnt have made such silly mistake.3.If she should come/came/were to come tomorrow,I would talk with her.If there were a heavy snow/it snowed heavily on next Sunday,we would go skating.几个翻译:1.The smell of the newly-bought furniture will cause cancer.2.The rising o

28、f oil price has cause a series of economic problems.3.Having one or two hobbies is benificial to ones mentai and physical health.4.Almost every people know how to do when an earthguake occurs.语序自然语序(Natural Order)倒装语序(Inverted Order)全倒(full inversion)部分倒(partical inversion):指将谓语的一部分,如句中谓语没有助动词(do,do

29、es,did,have,has,had)时,则添加助动词并移至主语前。(1)全部倒装thus因此,于是,here,there,then,now.置于句首,主语必须是名词。Your letter is here. Here is your letter.表示运动方向的副词置于句首,并且动词是表示运动的词。A missile rushed out from the sea.Out rushed out a missile(导弹)from the sea.(2)部分倒装句首为否定或半否定词,如no,not,never,seldom,rarely,scarely,hardly,little,at no

30、 time,in no way,not untilI have never seen such a person.Never have I seen such a person.Mother didnt leave out the room until the child fall asleep.Not until the child fell asleep did mother leave out the room.Not until 从句不倒主句倒否定短语开头A.not onlybut also 不仅而且 用时接句子He not only refused the gift,but also he criticised the sender.Not only did he refuse the gift,but also he criticised the sender.B.scarelywhen Hardlywhen No soonerthanH

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