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本文(人教版八年级下册英语第二 单元重点短语与句型汉译英专项练习.docx)为本站会员(b****6)主动上传,冰豆网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰豆网(发送邮件至service@bdocx.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

人教版八年级下册英语第二 单元重点短语与句型汉译英专项练习.docx

1、人教版八年级下册英语第二 单元重点短语与句型汉译英专项练习第二单元重点句型1、那听起来有趣。 .2、许多老人很孤独。 .3、 河畔中学的玛丽欧 格林和玛丽 布朗每周都要牺牲几个小时的时间来帮助别人。 Mario Green and Mary Brown from Riverside High School several hours each week .4、这是辛苦的工作。It work。5、我想多学点怎样照顾动物。I want how animals.6、每当我看到动物逐渐康复,它们的主人脸上露出欣喜之色,我就有一种强烈的满足感。I such a of when I see animals

2、 and the look of joy on ”7、 玛丽是一个爱书的人。 Mary is a 。8、四岁的她就能独自阅读。 She read by him 。 9、 去年,她决定试试做校外阅读活动的志愿者。 Last year, she for a volunteer reading program10、她至今仍然每周一次在那里工作,帮助孩子们学习阅读。 She still there to help kids 。11、孩子们是坐在图书馆里,但从他们的眼睛里你可以看到,每一本新书都能带他们进入新的旅程。 The kids are sitting in the library, but yo

3、u can see in their eyes that theyre a different journey each new book.12、在这儿当志愿者对我来说就是让梦想成真。 Volunteering here is .13、我真的非常感谢你寄钱给动物医院。 Id like to you money to “Animal Helpers ” 14、我很确信你知道这个组织的建立是为了帮助更多像我这样的残疾人。 I m you know that this group was to help disabled people 。 15、你的帮助使我拥有“幸运”(那只狗)成为了可能。 You

4、 helped it for me 。16、“幸运”在我的生活中产生了很大的影响。 Lucky 17、如果你是失明的或者是聋的那么生活会变成什么样? would it be to be ?18、或者想象你不能行走或不能容易的使用你的胳膊。 Or you cant or your hands 。19、 大部分人永远也不会想到这些。 people would this, 20、我不能很好地使用我的胳膊和腿,所以像一些打电话,开门和关门或者是提东西这些平常的事情对我来说都是困难的。 I cant use my well, so things ( answer)the telephone, open)

5、and (close)doors or (carry) things are difficult . 21、但在上一年的一天,我其中一个好朋友帮助了我。 Then last year, a friend of mine me . 22、她跟“动物助手”谈起关于给我一条经过特殊训练的狗的事。 She Animal Helpers about me a special dog. 23、她也觉得一只狗可能会使我高兴起来。 She also thought a dog might 。24、我爱动物并且我对这个让我拥有一条狗的主意很激动。 I love animals and I was about t

6、he idea of (have) a dog.25、在动物助手的我和狗狗经过了六个月的训练后,我能把它带回家了。After six months of (train)with a dog at Animal Helpers, I was able to him home。26、我的狗狗叫做“幸运”,这对他来说是一个很棒的名字因为我觉得拥有他很幸运。 My dogs name is Lucky-a good name him because I very lucky (have) him. 27、你看,因为你的仁慈我拥有了一个动物助手! You see, Im only able (have)

7、 a “dog-helper” your !28、当我给他指令时它能够明白我的意思。 He can me when I him . 29、 例如,我说,“幸运!拿我的书,”他就会马上做到。 , I say, “Lucky! my book,” and he does it .30、幸运是一条完美的狗狗。如果你喜欢的话我会寄给你一张他的照片,我还可以给你展示一下他是怎么帮助我的。 Lucky is a dog. Ill send you a of him if you like, and I could you how he helps me.31、再一次感谢你改变了我的人生。 Thank yo

8、u for (chang) my life.短语句子: 1. hope to work outside 希望在外面工作2. decide to try out for a volunteer after-school reading program 决定为成为课后阅读活动志愿者而参加选拔 (try out for为而参加选拔)3. could help (to) the city parks 可以帮助清洁城市公园4. help (out) something 帮助做5. help out as a volunteer 作为志愿者而帮助他人6. could visit the sick kids

9、 to them 可以看望病患儿童以让他们振作7. could in an after-school study program to teach kids 可以在教孩子的课后学习活动中当志愿者8. volunteer a teacher 志愿者教师9. volunteer our time to help others 志愿奉献我们的时间帮助他人10. could food at the food bank 可以在食物站分发食物11. several hours each week to help 每周放弃几小时以帮助他人12. old clothes to the poor 把旧衣服捐赠给

10、穷人13. give something to somebody= give somebody something 把给某人14. give somebody 给某人下命令15. a plan/ good ideas 想出计划/ 主意16. a plan 制定计划 17. the city park clean-up 城市公园的清洁18. only two weeks from now 从现在起仅仅两个周的时间19. work in an old peoples home/ a childrens home在老年之家/儿童之家工作20. the newspaper the old people

11、 给老人读报纸21. get his job 获得他未来的梦想的工作22. learn more about how animals学到更多的关于怎样照料动物的知识23. get such a feeling of 获得如此强烈的满足感24. get better/ worse /green/ yellow 变得更好/ 更糟/ 绿/ 黄25. the look of joy/ surprise/ sadness /happiness/ 高兴/ 惊讶/ 悲伤/ 幸福/ 的表情26. a book lover 书虫27. could read by herself 能够独自阅读28. the ag

12、e of four 在四岁的时候29. money for people 为无家可归的人筹钱30. put off my plan 推迟我的计划31. be busy my studies 忙于我的学习32. somebody 给打电话33. signs around the school 满校园张贴招牌34. make notices 出通知35. the book sale 售书活动36. be worried about good jobs 为找好工作而担心37. make lots of money 挣许多钱 38. in their time 在他们的空闭时间39. be stron

13、g in= be good at 擅长于40. a good way to our free time 一种度过空余时间的好方法41. stop their jobs for a few months to a year停止做他们的工作几个月到一年42. travel alone 独自旅行43. run out of money 用完钱44. my father 长得像我的爸爸45. broken bikes 修理烂自行车46. be similar to 与相似47. would like to do something愿意做48. it possible for me to have Lu

14、cky 让我拥有Lucky成为可能49. a big to my life 对我的人生起重大作用50. get me a dog 让我得到一条经过特殊训练的狗51. get things for people 为残疾人买东西52. be a guide at a museum 在博物馆当导游53. be excited the idea of a dog 因为拥有一条狗的主意而激动54. six months of training with a dog 带着狗训练的六个月55. have a “dog helper” because of your 因为你的善良而拥有一个“狗助手”56. a

15、 fantastic dog 一条了不起的狗57. send you a photo= send a photo to you 送一张照片给你58. you how he me 向你展示他是怎样帮助我的59. interests and hobbies 兴趣和爱好60. be interested in. 对感兴趣61. be set up 被成立(建立) 62. a call-in center for parents 为家长们成立一个呼叫中心63. the notices after school 放学后散发通知64. help people 帮助危难中的人65. cant buy any

16、 more old bikes 不能再买任何旧自行车了66. students who volunteer 志愿者学生67. people who are less than us 比我们更不幸的人68. children who dont have bikes 没有自行车的孩子69. signs asking for old bikes 收集旧自行车的招牌70. be proud of 对为骄傲必背句子1. They told me stories about the and how things . 他们给我们讲关于过去的故事,讲曾经的样子。2. Were all going to be

17、old one day. 有一天我们也会老。3. The kids are sitting in the library, but you can see in their eyes that theyre a different journey each new book. 孩子们坐在图书馆里,但你能从他们的眼中看到他们正在和每一本新书一起经历不同的旅程。 4. Volunteering here is a dream for me.对我来说,在这儿当志愿者是一个实现了的梦想。5. I can do I love to do and help others . 我可以做我热爱做的事,同时又帮

18、助了他人。6. Im you know that this was set up to help disabled people . 这相信你知道这个组织被建立是为了帮助那像我一样的残疾人。7. What would it be like to be or ?成为盲人或聋子会是什么样子? 8. I cant my arms or legs , so things like the telephone, opening and closing doors, or carrying things are difficult . 我的手臂和腿都不灵便,因此,像接电话,开关门及搬东西这么平常事对于我来

19、说都是困难的。9. Thank you again for my life.再次感谢你改变了我的生活。10. In what other ways do you think dogs are able to help people?你认为狗还能有另外的方法帮助人们吗?11. What other animals can we to help people? 我们还可以训练其他什么动物来帮助人们呢? 12. The idea that he came up with .他想出的那个主意很效 。13. I need to some way of money or Ill have to stop.

20、 我有必要想出某种挣钱的方式,否则我将不得不停止。短语:1、do the dishes 2、take out the rubbish 3、fold your clothes 4、sweep the floor 5、make your bed 6、clean the living room 7、go out for dinner 8、go to the movies 9、 stay out late 10、get a ride 句型:1、请你扫一下地好吗? the floor?2、是的,当然行。Yes , 。 没问题: 3、 我能用你的电脑吗? your computer? 4、我打算在它上面工

21、作 。I am going to it。5、我可以看电视吗? Could I ?6、是的,你可以。但是首先你必须打扫你的房间。Yes,you 。But you clean your room。7、你能帮忙做些事情 吗? Could you please a few things?8、至少我看完这个节目可以吗? Could I finish (watch)this show?9、不,我认为2个小时的看电视时间对你已经足够了。 No. I think two of TV is you10、你可以倒垃圾、折叠衣服刷碗碟码?Could you ?11、 妈妈随时都可能购完物回来。Mom will be

22、 shopping now。 12、可是家里已经十分干净整洁了。But the house is already pretty and 。 13、确实是干净,可是没达到妈妈要的干净Its clean,but its not “ ”. 14、她看到这一片狼藉肯定不开心。She wont be if she (see) this mess. 15、 上个月,我从学校回到家里时,我们的狗迎接了我。 Last month,our dog me when I school. 16、它想散步,但我太疲惫了 He wanted a ,but I was . 17、我扔下我的书包就去了客厅。 I my bag

23、 and to the living room.我扔下我的书包就去了客厅。18、我刚在电视机前坐下,我妈妈就过来了。The minute I in front of the TV,my mom (come) over.19、“你能带狗去散步吗?”她问道。Could you please the dog a ?she asked.20、我能先看个电视节目吗?”我问道。 watch one first?I asked. 21、“不行!”她生气地回答道。“你总是看电视,从不帮忙做点家务!“No!she (angry) .You watch TV and never around the house!

24、19、我不能工作一整天后,还要整晚做家务。” I cant work and do housework .20、“嗯,我在学校也学习了一整天!我和你一样疲惫!”我大声回答说。Well,I work all day at school,too!Im just you are!I shouted back.20、我妈妈什么也没说就走了。My mom did not and walked .21、.她一周都没做任何家务,我也没做。For one week,she did not and 。 22、最后,我找不到一个干净的餐具或是一件干净的衬衫。Finally,I could not find a c

25、lean a clean .23、第二天,我妈妈下班回家后,发现屋子既干净又整洁。 ,my mom came home to find the house clean and tidy.23、她惊讶地问道:“发生什么事了?” “What happened?she asked . 24、我终于明白我们得分担家务才能有一个干净舒适的家,”我回答说 I finally that we need to the to have a clean and home”,I (reply) 、 26、我不明白为什么一些父母让他们的孩子在家帮着做家务。 I do not why some parents thei

26、r kids housework and chores at home.。如今的孩子已经有足够大的学业压力了。 Kids these days already have from school.28、他们也没有时间既学习又做家务。 They do not and do housework,too29、家务是在浪费他们的时间。.Housework is a of their .30、我们能不能只让他们做作为学生的工作?Could we just them their job students?31、他们应该把他们的时间花在功课上,以便取得好成绩,进入一所好大学。They should their

27、 time shoolwork, get good grades and a good university.32、并且,当他们长大了,他们就不得不做家务,所以他们没必要现在做。Also,when they ,they will do housework so need them to do it now.33、在家中给他们的孩子提供一个干净、舒适的环境是家长们的事情。It is the job (provide) a clean and comfortable environment at home .34、反正我觉得干点家务也不太难。 And anyway,I think is not s

28、o .35、我不介意做这些事情。I do not (do) them.36、我认为学习怎样做家务和帮助他们的父母家务对孩子很重要。 I think it is for children (learn) how (do) chores and their parents housework. .37、仅仅在学校里取得好成绩是不够的。It is not enough at school38、如今的孩子太依赖他们的父母了。 Children these days their parents .39、他们总是在问,“你能帮我拿这个吗?”或者是“你能帮我做那个吗?”They are always ,Could you get me?or Could you help me with ?40、做家务能帮助培养孩子的独立性,并教会他们如何照顾自己。 helps childrens independence and them how themselves.41、 这还会帮助他们明白公平这个道理。 It also to understand the idea of .42、由于他们和父母住在一个屋子里,他们应该知道每个人都应该为保持屋子的干净和整洁出一份力Since they liv

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