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1、知识管理实施指南分步详细实践APQC知识管理实施指南There is a widespread understanding of the value of KM in many organizations, and one might assume that mature KM initiatives are widespread as well. However, the gap between organizations recognizing the value of KM and those fully implementing it is large。目前,很多企业对KM都有所了解,

2、甚至一些企业已经认为实施KM的时机成熟了,但是,在“了解知识管理”和“实施知识管理这个两个层次之间的距离还是很大的。Establishing knowledge management strategies that will ultimately make your organization more effective can be a daunting task. Getting started down the right path is often difficult, and staying the course can be even more so as roadblocks s

3、pring up in your way。 Although you may see KM as a worthwhile effort, convincing others of its value and making it happen across your organization can be a tall order。建立知识管理的战略以保持企业的活力是一件非常困难的事情,第一步选对方向就更加困难了,整个实施过程到处充满了绊脚石.尽管你认为知识管理是非常值得做的一件事情。但是让其他人信服并且在组织内部广泛实施是一个非常艰巨的任务。APQCs approach to KM impl

4、ementation eases your way, even as your organization may be struggling to understand the issues, tactics, and tools necessary for a successful KM journey. Our Road Map to Knowledge Management Results: Stages of ImplementationTM framework helps you navigate toward true institutionalization by laying

5、out the characteristics, requirements, and action steps of every stage of KM implementation:APQC的这套实施方法可以帮助你更好的解决问题,即使你的企业可能正在艰难的寻求概念上的理解、战术的制定以及工具的使用去成功地实施知识管理.为此APQC提供了这份实施指南,通过阶段特征的描述,需求分析以及实施步骤等内容来帮助你成功的找到实施质是管理的正确方向,其实施过程分成了以下5个部分。Stage 1: Get Started Stage 2: Develop a Strategy Stage 3: Design

6、 and Launch a KM Initiative Stage 4: Expand and Support Stage 5: Institutionalize Knowledge Management第一阶段:启动第二阶段:策略开发第三阶段:试点第四阶段:推广和支持第五阶段:将知识管理制度化Based on APQC*s study of and collaboration with best practice organizations over a period of years, APQCs Road Map to Knowledge Management Results: Stag

7、es of ImplementationTM framework spells out the essential steps to achieve true knowledge management implementation。 A synthesis of our experience with early adopters, assessment of emerging trends, and identification of best practices, this model serves as a navigation tool for organizations that h

8、ave seen the glimmer of opportunity in KM to efficiently develop new products, beat the competition, motivate team members, and maximize profits and investments。根据APQC多年的在最佳实践基础上的研究和总结,这份实施指南说明了成功知识管理实施阶段中的关键步骤。我们将先前实施者的经历、行业发展的最新趋势以及最佳实践的经验综合在一起,作为指南帮助企业成功实施知识管理,这些企业已经看到了实施知识管理所带来的机会,促进企业开发新产品,战胜竞争

9、对手,激励团队成员,以及使利润和收益最大化。Each stage involves description of provoking events, objectives, key players and roles, governance and structure, information technology impact, the nature of business cases, measurement approaches, and budget issues。 By completing the key activities for each stage, your organi

10、zation will maintain sound footing throughout the entire KM implementation process.在APQC多年来对很多优秀的企业的研究和合作的基础上,这份实施指南详细描述了知识管理实施的几个阶段。每个阶段都包含有导火索、目标、管理和构架、信息技术、案例、衡量方法和预算以及完成每个阶段的关键活动,你的企业将在知识管理实施的过程中不断的提高。Stage 1: Get Started第一阶段:启动Learning where you are is the first important task along your path t

11、o knowledge management success. APQC shows you where to start and points you in the right direction。认清现状是成功实施知识管理的首要任务,这个指南为你指出应该从哪里入手以及正确的方向.If one or more of the following statements is true, your organization is likely ready to embark on Stage 1 of the journey。如果下面所列的情况有一个是属于事实的,那么你的组织已经做好的准备,请进入

12、知识管理第一阶段。Knowledge management has emerged as a topic of interest in your organization. At least a few employees have explored the benefits of KM for your organization. Someone has had a personal stake in developing interest in KM. You or other members of the organization have learned about KM throug

13、h participation in consortia or conferences. The organization has created a highlevel rationale or vision for pursuing KM。 知识管理已经成为你的组织中一个非常感兴趣的话题已经有一些员工从知识管理中得到了好处一些人已经认同知识管理,有很好的基础你和其他一些成员已经通过培训、企业交流等方式学习了知识管理的内容组织有实施知识管理的很高的愿景第一阶段的关键活动KEY ACTIVITIES FOR STAGE 1 So, what now? you might wonder. For

14、tunately, APQC has been here before with dozens of worldclass companies and knows what it takes to initiate this complex process. Based on the organizations wealth of experience, APQC has summarized the key activities, as well as some helpful hints, of Stage 1.As an insightful innovator and early pr

15、omoter of KM, your tasks at this exciting stage are to define KM for others in your organization, share stories of how KM has helped other successful companies, and align KM use with current initiatives.你可能会想:说了这么多,现在我该做什么?很幸运,APQC跟世界顶级的大公司已经经历了这个过程,并且知道应该怎样开始这个复杂的过程。基于这些经验,APQC总结出了第一阶段的关键活动.作为一个有洞察

16、力的改革者或者是知识管理的早期推动者,在这个阶段的任务是定义知识管理,共享知识管理的成功案例,并把知识管理跟目前的工作联系起来,保持方向上的一致。1。 Make the concepts of KM real for others in your organization. Create a clear, tangible picture of the benefits of KM as they relate to goals in your organization。 Use simple definitions and simple language to explore real pr

17、oblems, opportunities, and the potential value that KM addresses.1,企业内知识管理理念的解释和推广将知识管理跟公司的目标联系起来,让大家清楚地看到知识管理的好处,使用简单的定义和简单的语言指出实际存在的问题、机会和知识管理的潜在价值.2。 Identify others to support the development of KM. To find advocates of knowledge management, look around the organization for current activities th

18、at might already be related to KM。 Look for smaller communities or groups that are currently sharing knowledge, and make connections with these people。 Recruiting well-respected, influential people is always a good idea.Next, consider which of the following phrases really gets your attention: Cost c

19、utting? Improved efficiency? Pressure from competitors? Streamlined information access? Simplified processes? As an agent of change, find the greatest motivating value factor in your organization to influence others to support KM initiatives。2,寻求支持,推广知识管理找出目前组织内部可以联系到知识管理的活动,找出一些共享知识的小组,并且和这些人取得联系。寻

20、求有影响力的人的支持是一个好主意。然后,检查下面的几个问题又没有引起你们的注意:降低成本?提高效率?平滑的信息交流?简单的流程?作为变革的动力,在你的组织内寻找最有激励性的因素去影响别人,让他支持KM工作3。 Look for windows of opportunity to introduce the benefits of KM. Find where KM will be most valued by talking to people involved with strategic initiatives, internal consulting groups, or people

21、inside the company with whom youve developed personal relationships. Then answer the following questions。 What are their objectives? What issues are being addressed? How can KM help the organization meet those objectives and deal with those issues?3,发现知识管理应用的机会通过跟内审,或者公司内其他你已经建立个人关系的个人讨论知识管理可以发挥价值的地

22、方。然后回答下列问题:他们的目标是什么?达成这些目标存在什么样的问题?知识管理怎样解决这些问题并达到他们的目标。4. Capitalize on the Internet and enlist the IT department to provide tools and a balanced view of KM。 Make connections with your IT leaders to find out what KM possibilities are available with existing technology。 Find out what capabilities re

23、alistic upgrades might provide. Remember that the IT department can truly be a catalyst for emerging KM support technologies。4,利用Internet并获得IT部门的支持联系IT部门的领导,找出目前的技术可以做到什么样子。记住IT部门是KM的一个重要支柱.ROADBLOCKS TO SUCCESSIgnoring your corporate culture and history not addressing issues that might hinder KM At

24、tempting to sell an enterprisewide approach without building evidence first Asking for a large budget before creating a compelling value proposition成功路上的绊脚石忽略公司文化和历史没有任何论据就推销知识管理没有创造任何价值就要求很大一笔预算Stage 2: Develop Strategy第二阶段:开发战略If one or more of the following statements is true, welcome to Stage 2.

25、如果下面的情况有一个甚至更多跟实际相符,欢迎进入第二阶段.Your organization has established a KM exploratory group or steering committee for KM. An executive sponsor in your organization supports further exploration of KM. You are looking for successful, internal grassroots efforts already under way. Your IT organization is int

26、erested in actively supporting KM initiatives. You have stories of how knowledge sharing has helped your organization in the past. You have identified pilots that allow you to demonstrate how KM will benefit your organization. You have secured ownership, funding, and buyin for pilots. 你的组织已经建立了KM探讨小

27、组或者KM筹委会。公司的高层领导支持知识管理的推广你所一直关注的成功的内在驱动力已经存在。IT部门对KM的导入和建设感兴趣你现在已经掌握了一些公司以前的知识共享的案例你已经找到一个试点可以让你证明知识管理是如何使企业收益的你已经确立了试点项目的领导,预算和支持If most of your answers are ”I wish!” you don*t have to stop。 And if the tasks mentioned in any of these statements seem difficult to accomplish, APQC can guide you throu

28、gh the rough spots。 We can even help you build the business rationale you need to secure funding for pilots。 The overall objective of Stage 2 is to formulate a KM strategy that fits the business model。 From there, business opportunities are identified and initialized as pilot initiatives。 A task for

29、ce takes charge of these activities on behalf of the organization.如果大部分的回答是”我希望,你不需要停下来。如果在这里提到的任何任务看起来很难完成,APQC可以帮助你度过难关。第二阶段的主要任务是建立一个符合商业目标的知识管理战略。从这里开始,试点的目标将跟业务目标相一致。一个项目团队将基于公司的利益执行他们的行动.KEY ACTIVITIES FOR STAGE 2 At Stage 2, your organization has reached an important turning point。 Perhaps a

30、personal vision of capturing, sharing, and using information and knowledge has become an organizational exploration of business potential. With the support of an executive sponsor, you can now explore specifically how KM will work for your business。 The key activities of Stage 2, and some helpful hi

31、nts, are summarized for you here。第二阶段的关键活动在第二阶段,你的公司已经到达了一个重要的转折点。或许个人获取共享和使用信息和知识的愿景已经变成了公司对业务潜力的探索。在公司领导的支持下,你可以明确的探索KM将怎样为你的业务服务。这里列出了总结出的有用的第二阶段的关键活动。1。 Form a KM task force。 1。形成“特种部队”Base this crossfunctional team on the core group that has already formed around KM。 The team members will identify opportunities for pilots and set the standards for methods to be used across all initiatives.形成跨职能部门的专业项目团队。这个团队的成员将寻找试点的机会,形成方法的标准。2。 Select pilots or identify current initiatives that could work as pilots.

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