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1、新译林小学英语六年级上册复习资料汇总新译林牛津小学英语六年级上册知识点归纳及考查试卷Unit one【词汇】1.magic 有魔力的 2. clever 聪明的3. foolish愚蠢的 4.through 穿过5. laugh笑,大笑 6.wear 穿7. tell讲,叙述 8. each 每个9. say说 10. sentence 句子11. quick 迅速的,快的 12. next 下一个;接着,然后(next to在旁边)13.little小的,年幼的 14.turn 机会15.think想,思考 16.hard 努力地,费劲地;硬的17.child孩子 18. king 国王19

2、. angry 生气的,发怒的 20. because 因为,由于21. fit 合身,合适 22. forest 森林23. have to 不得不,必须 24. point at 指着,指向25. prince 王子 26. sick 生病的注:红色单词为旧教材3A5B没有的而本课中出现的词汇。【词组或短语】1. long long ago很久很久以前 2. shout at 对喊叫3. there was/there were(过去)有 4. two men两个男人5. make new clothes for sb. 为某人做衣服 6. visit the king 拜访国王7. sh

3、ow the king his new clothes给国王看他的新衣服8. try on 试穿 9. these magic clothes 这些神奇的衣服10. clever people聪明的人 11. What beautiful clothes!多么漂亮的衣服啊!12. foolish people 愚蠢的人 13.walk through the city 走过城市14. in his new clothes穿着他的新衣服 15. a lot of people许多人16. in the street 在街上 17. look at the king看着国王18. point at

4、 指着 19. a little boy一个小男生20. point at the king指着国王 21. one day 有一天22. laugh at him笑他 23. look after 照顾24. fit well很合身 25. come to my party 来参加我的聚会26. at half past four在四点半 27. each student 每个学生28. say one/a sentence 说一句话 29. say the next sentence 说下一句30. tell (sb) a story (给某人) 讲故事 31. be sick生病32.

5、play a game玩游戏 33. on the mountain在山上34. Its ones turn. 该轮到某人了。 35. think hard 努力想36. Whats next? 下一个是什么? 37. have to do不得不做38. start the story 开始这个故事 39. in the forest在森林里40. in front of 在前面 41. an old man一位老人42. by the house 在房子旁边 43. pick a flower摘花44. be angry 生气 45. give me your child把你的孩子给我46.

6、 be nice to sb. 对某人很好 47. turn into a prince变成一个王子【语言知识点】一、语法知识:规则动词过去式的变化规律They looked at the king and shouted.他们看见国王并喊着。Looked是look的过去式,shouted是 shout的过去式。像 look,shout这样的规则动词变过去式的变化规律和发音规律如下:变化规律:(1)一般的动词原形后加-ed, 如cook cooked, open opened 等。(2)以-e结尾的动词加-ed, 如: move moved等(3)以辅音字母加-y结尾的词,变y为 i, 再加-

7、ed, 如:study studied等(4)以元音字母加- y结尾的词,直接加-ed, 如: play played,Enjoy enjoyed等 (5)末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写该辅音字母,再加-ed, 如:stop stopped, plan planned等发音规律-ed在清辅音后发音为/t/,在浊辅音后发音为/d/,在元音后发音也为/d/,在/t/、/d/后发音为/id/。be动词的过去式be 动词 am,is的过去式为was; are的过去式为were.例如:He was very sad just now. 他刚才很难过。We were very hungry a

8、moment ago. 刚才我们非常饿。建议:教师要将三年级到六年级学过的规则动词给学生小结一下。教学时,让学生在文章中找出包含有动词过去时的句子。本单元出现的动词过去式:visitvisited showshowed walkwalked looklooked shoutshoutedpointpointed laughlaughed wantwanted pickpicked turnturnedlikeliked livelived二、语言知识点1. long, long ago, there was a king.很久以前,有一个国王。ago 是副词,意思是“以前”。它指从此刻起若干时

9、间以前,通常用于一般过去时中,如: a day ago 一天前;a week ago 一星期前;five minutes ago 五分钟前;a moment ago 片刻以前等。 Long, long ago的意思是“很久以前”,通常用于开始讲故事前,用于一般过去时中。2. there be 结构的一般过去时的用法Long, long ago, there was a king.There was/were 是there be结构的过去式,表示的是“过去存在某人或某物”。There was后面接可数名词单数形式或不可数名词,there were 后面接可数名词复数形式。在there be句型中

10、, be 动词的单复数由后面紧挨着的名词的单复数决定,即“就近原则”.l例如:There was a pen and some books near the computer. 在电脑旁边有一支钢笔和一些书。There were some crayons and a knife in my bag. 我的包里有一些蜡笔和一把小刀。(1)There was/were的否定句:There was/were变成否定句,只要在was/were后面加“not”,其结构为“There was/were not”,可缩写为“there wasnt/werent”.原句中有some,要把some 改成any;

11、后面的名词前有 a/an 或any时,not any 或not a/an可以转化为no.例如:There wasnt any tea in he cup ten minutes ago. 十分钟以前杯子里没有一些茶。There was not a book on the table this morning. = There was no book on the table this morning. 今天早晨桌子上没有书。(2)There was/were的一般疑问句:There was/were的一般疑问句只需把was/were提到句首,若句子中有some, 要把some改成 any.肯定

12、回答用“Yes, there was/were”;否定回答用“No, there wasnt/werent”.例如:-was there a bike under the tree? 树下有一辆自行车吗?-Yes, there was. 是的,有-Was there any orange juice in the fridge? 冰箱里有些橘子汁吗?-No, there wasnt. 不,没有。3. was和were的用法The king was happy. 国王很高兴。Was和were 的意思都为“是”,was是am, is的过去式,were 是are的过去式。Was和were的否定形式分

13、别为was not和were not, 可缩略为wasnt和werent. 例如:Im a teacher now. But I was a student one year ago.我现在是一个老师。但是一年前我是一个学生。There werent any trees on the mountains. 过去山上是没有树的。4. try on 的用法My king, please try on these magic clothes. 我的国王,请试穿这些神奇的衣服。try on的意思是“试穿”,其后接名词时,名词可以放在on后面,也可以放在try和on的中间;其后接代词时,代词只能放在 t

14、ry与on之间。例如:Its a beautiful jacket. Can I try it on? 它是一件漂亮的夹克。我能试一下吗?5. what 引导感叹句的用法What beautiful clothes! 多么漂亮的衣服!这是一个由what 引导的感叹句。What 修饰名词或名词短语,有以下两种结构:“What + a/an(+形容词)+可数名词单数+主语+谓语!”,例如:What a fine day it is! 多么晴朗的一天!“What (+形容词) + 可数名词复数/不可数名词+主语+谓语!”,例如:What kind people they are! 多么友好的人们!W

15、hat nice music it is! 多么美妙的音乐!知识拓展 how 引导感叹句的用法:How 用来修饰形容词、副词,其结构是“how+形容词/副词+主语+谓语!”。例如:How clever the boy is! 多么聪明的男孩!How hard the workers are working! 工人们工作得多么勤劳!How quickly the boy is writing! 男孩写得多么快!6. point的用法A little boy pointed at the king and laughed一个小男孩指着国王并大笑着point的意思是“指”,作不及物动词时,可以和不同的介词构成短语,如:point at指着; point to指向;point out指出等。例如:The boy pointed at the book and said,“its mine.” 那个男孩

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